#159 - Playful Paradox: Scarcity & Abundance

#159 - Playful Paradox: Scarcity & Abundance
Wealth Embodied
#159 - Playful Paradox: Scarcity & Abundance

Mar 04 2025 | 00:28:19

Episode 159 March 04, 2025 00:28:19

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

In this episode of Wealth Embodied, Alara Sage explores the concept of wealth as an internal experience rather than an external pursuit. She discusses the paradox of scarcity and abundance, emphasizing that true wealth comes from within and is influenced by our beliefs and perceptions.



  • Wealth is created from inner authority and intuition.
  • Society's teachings on wealth often stem from scarcity.
  • The truth exists in the paradox of finite and infinite.
  • Scarcity is a programmed belief that can be challenged.
  • Quality of exchange determines the quality of wealth.
  • We are both creators and receivers of our wealth.
  • Challenging perspectives can lead to greater understanding.

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Episode Transcript

Alara Sage (00:01.678) Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of Wealth Embodied, where we activate and inspire you in your wealth consciousness, your visionary genius and sorry, your visionary impact and your creative genius. I'm your host, Laura Sage, and I help visionary entrepreneurs, visionary leaders to establish a different kind of wealth within themselves. Wealth, I believe, comes from within. And I believe that we're in a new era of wealth, an era of wealth that we learn to create from our inner authority, our intuition, our dreams and our desires, and create our wealth from the connection to ourself rather than chasing, forcing, grinding, and hustling. Alara Sage (01:03.22) to back for just a moment. This is a solo episode. It's just you and me during this episode. But I feel called to say I created this podcast to bring in all perspectives of wealth. And it's very important to me that we're always learning from various perspectives. Alara Sage (01:29.846) I bring in people onto this podcast that I do not believe embody wealth. However, they too have wisdom. Alara Sage (01:44.046) So what I'm about to say, perhaps, and really to myself more than anything, might feel a little contradictory to how I have carried out this podcast. Alara Sage (02:02.476) Because the truth is pretty much everything in our society that is speaking of wealth, teaches of wealth, represents wealth, advises wealth. is actually rooted in scarcity and lack. Alara Sage (02:26.774) including the entire financial system. Alara Sage (02:33.676) What do I mean by this? Alara Sage (02:39.17) We can either see our life through the lens of lack and scarcity, which is the lens of the finite experience. Alara Sage (02:53.442) This goes hand in hand with you only live once. Money doesn't grow on trees. If you don't use it, you lose it. are just some of the examples of our belief structures that we are limited. and that we are finite. Alara Sage (03:20.096) Now, the truth always exists in the paradox. God has revealed where duality meets, where two seemingly opposing perspectives come together, like the image of the Vesica Pisces, where two circles overlap. Where they overlap is where truth is, true truth, is found. Is there truth to the perspective that we are finite? Absolutely. At the end of our life, our body does in fact die. It will decay into the ground. it will return back to its organic nature. Alara Sage (04:14.562) Do we have limitations? Absolutely. Currently, we are not in an experience where humans can fly without some sort of assistance. There are a lot of things in this current reality that we have agreed to not do. And so there are limitations. And yes, there is a finite aspect to the reality of being human. Alara Sage (04:48.546) But part of the process that we're in now and what I believe very strongly to be the new era of wealth. goes along with the expansion of consciousness within humanity. Quote unquote, the awakening. And in this awakening, we remember and become aware more and more of the absolute truth. that we are infinite beings, that we are inexhaustible, that although parts of us may die in a sense, we carry forward, we carry onward. Alara Sage (05:44.664) So the truth for humanity lives in the paradox where on the left, perhaps we have this belief of pure finite experience. You just have the one life. You die. There's limitation. There's only so much money. There's only so much food. And everything seems to be scarce and black. And then on the right, maybe you have this extreme perspective of infinite abundance. There's more than enough. You are everything. And again, both of those are correct. And where they overlap is where humanity is experiencing truth. Alara Sage (06:38.658) When we look at the universe, when we look at space, the galaxies, supernovas, black holes, it's very agreed upon that there is no lack of energy whatsoever. When we look at Mother Gaia, our planet and nature itself, there can be some discrepancies at that level of focus. I think in a lot of ways people believe and understand that ultimately Mother Gaia has plenty of resource, but we seem to be running out of certain ones. And then if we drill down even further to the human experience, I think the majority of people would say that there's absolutely scarcity and lack. scarcity of food, scarcity of money, scarcity of resource all around. Alara Sage (07:41.73) So to just sit here and say that there is no scarcity and there is no lack would probably go over the heads of most people. If you're one of these people who really sees a lack and scarcity everywhere. And I want to be really clear. It's not wrong. And there's no judgment here whatsoever. Alara Sage (08:04.226) Simultaneously, if we want to throw the opposing view, right? Because in paradox, if we continue to shift back and forth between the two oppositions, we find where they merge. Alara Sage (08:21.6) With regards to money, we just print more of it. So we say there's not enough and then we print more. Right? We say there's not enough and then we simply create more of it. Is there true scarcity there? Alara Sage (08:39.744) With resources, we find, I find that we tend to be narrow-minded, like we have horse blinders on. We look at the desert and we say there's a lack of water here. And then in other parts of the world there's consistent flooding and too much precipitation. We look at one particular crop and say that this crop is lacking or there's not enough of it. And meanwhile, there's surplus, so much surplus of food that a lot of the Western societies are just throwing it out. wasting it. Alara Sage (09:29.678) And then while other parts of the world go hungry and don't have water to drink. Alara Sage (09:42.894) So why is this? Why are we throwing away food all the time, regularly? Food that just never got bought, food that isn't perfect, food, food that is perfectly good to eat. Nothing wrong with it. It wouldn't make anybody go sick. Alara Sage (10:04.898) And then we're saying there's a problem with world hunger. Alara Sage (10:12.354) I invite you just take a breath into your body. topics are triggering. And I'm not here to... Alara Sage (10:30.188) make you comfortable. I'm not here to necessarily trigger you either. I'm here to have these conversations. Alara Sage (10:42.958) Because I believe very deeply in the work that I do. I believe very deeply in the truth that we are inexhaustible wealth. And yet, why don't we experience that? And I'm on a mission to help people embody and create that reality for themselves as effortless as breathing. Alara Sage (11:09.848) So I'm all about these conversations. Alara Sage (11:16.013) and they're triggering. Alara Sage (11:25.344) main reason that we don't experience that which we are fully is to experience what we're not. Alara Sage (11:40.854) Ultimately, we are an exhaustible wealth. Ultimately, we are an exhaustible resource and exhaustible everything. Alara Sage (11:51.862) And much like recognizing what you like to eat, clarifying a list of foods that you really love through trying foods that you don't love, oftentimes the process and consciousness of recognizing itself is to explore how is it not itself. So the experience of scarcity lack is here for us. I want to make that clear. It's here for us. And another paradox, it's also been programmed into us. It is part of a system that does not desire for us to expand. It's part of a system that does not serve us. Alara Sage (12:46.894) Can you see how both of those can exist simultaneously? How something can be for you and simultaneously be manipulating you and programming you and conditioning you to its favor. If you can't see that, that's okay. But that's really all challenges in life. All challenges in life have two sides of the coin. Alara Sage (13:21.358) So there is a lot of control in humanity and that control is not in the favor of the whole. The control over the food, the control over the resource for those who have the control has always been about the control of power. Alara Sage (13:43.512) Pretty sure at this day and age, most people would agree that there are people in power in humanity that are not in service to the whole. And simultaneously, like I said, it is all for us. Alara Sage (14:03.97) So the control of the resource is the control of the flow, right? To restrict the flow, to restrict the availability. Alara Sage (14:21.44) Naturally in humanity, excuse me, naturally in the universe, in consciousness, there is ebb and flow states. There are states where energy is expanding and amplifying, and then there are states where the energy is actually contracting and even collapsing in on itself. And these different states, these different cycles are seen throughout the fractal of consciousness, meaning at the smallest scale, and at the utmost highest scale and everything in between. Alara Sage (15:00.76) So there are natural states in the realm of resource where there is flow and there is ebb, meaning there are natural states within the realm of resource where sometimes there is seemingly more resource and seemingly less resource. That's not exactly true. It's not exactly how it shows up because just as I was saying with regards to looking at the desert and not finding water, there were times most likely in the history of the planet where that land was completely covered or smothered or underwater. And it evolved into. land that is of little water or hardly any water at all. And vice versa, going to the most swampiest of spaces, oftentimes they are to have had other expressions in the history of Earth. So the resources didn't necessarily go away. They simply shifted. Alara Sage (16:20.13) But because humanity loves to control both itself from a hierarchical stature and ourselves. We don't recognize the natural flow of resource on our planet and therefore we experience a lot of lack. Alara Sage (16:45.086) One of these examples is in seasonal eating and crops and food. Instead of allowing ourselves the very innate and natural process of eating in cycles, we demand more choice, we demand to have access to everything and we put pressure on supply. Right? If you think about if strawberries only had to feed all of the strawberries, all of the people in that area, there would have to be a lot less strawberries produced than if the strawberries are being shipped around the world. Then a lot more strawberries need to be produced. And we changed the entire ecosystem in that area to only produce strawberries. Alara Sage (17:47.768) So when we try to control and go against the natural cycles, we actually dam up the water. And that's another example of how we do this is literally damming up water, which isn't wrong or right. None of this is wrong or right. And a lot of it has benefits. Alara Sage (18:14.552) But when we can't attune to the conversation that Mother Gaia is having with us, the conversation that these resources are having with us, because if you believe that resources don't talk to us, you're missing out on a lot of wonderful conversations. Water can speak to us. Food can speak to us. The animals can speak to us. Alara Sage (18:42.114) but we can't hear them. And so we remain in this state of control, which, like a dam, holds a great amount of tension and lacks flow. Alara Sage (18:57.322) And again, the people at the very tippy top that are in quote unquote, the ultimate control, so to speak, as perceived, because it's not reality. It's reality from the human perspective. It's not reality as our divine selves. Alara Sage (19:17.506) These people want to bring damn up the water. They want to control the resources. And so my whole point to all of that, which was perhaps a little elusive and shifted in various different perspectives, because I wanted to take you on a journey through all of that. And I want to anchor this into the human reality of understanding scarcity and lack. Alara Sage (19:49.954) Because when you are in a state where you are believing that money is outside of you, that you have to provide a service. so that you can earn money. And again, there is truth to that. But that that is the only way that you create wealth. You will be subject to the control mechanisms that are placed on humanity. You will be subject to the markets. You will be subject to the manipulation that goes around as far as reminding humanity of the scarcity. There is a lot of manipulation that happens through the media, through the financial systems. Alara Sage (20:49.41) that are there to control humanity. And you will be subject to all of that. And your up and down contraction expansion will be per a manipulated system, meaning your expansion contraction up and down is not actually tuned to the natural rhythms of those expansions, contractions, ebbs and flows, ups and downs, whatever you want call them. because as I mentioned, they do exist naturally. And when you're connected to the natural states, well, you're connected to all of the information that also helps you maneuver through them. Alara Sage (21:42.188) When we're in a contracted state, when we're in a ebb state, when we're in a reduced flow state, there is an enormous advantage to that state, enormous advantage. But if you're not listening and tuned into that part of the cycle, you won't even receive the benefits. So instead of being attuned to the natural cycles, most humans are tuned to the manipulated system. And they feel scarcity and lack when the markets slow down. When we're in a bear market, they feel scarcity and lack when on the media says that we're running out of something or we don't have enough or there's a bird flu or this and that and now there's not this meat or now there's not any eggs or now there's this. Alara Sage (22:37.56) And there's no sense of safety in that. In fact, it's there to make you feel unsafe. It's there to elicit fear. Whereas when you understand that, yes, the art of wealth is the art of exchange. You are exchanging with yourself. You're exchanging with the universe. You're exchanging with other humans. And the quality of that exchange is the quality of your wealth to the T. Alara Sage (23:15.99) And simultaneously, you are the creator of all of that. Because even though something is seemingly an exchange between you and somebody else, like for instance, I have programs, I have offers, somebody comes to me and they give me money and I give them the program or the offer, right? It appears that I am creating something and then I am receiving money for my creation. But the truth is much deeper than that and much, much more profound and more joyous and more playful and a lot more fun. And that is that we're creating all of it. We're creating the person through which we are exchanging with. We're creating the exchange itself. We're creating the entire experience. And this isn't just high spiritual teaching. This is actually back to the quality of the exchange because when the quality of the exchange with ourself is of a high quality, is of high standard, is of high value, is of high integrity, we create those same level of exchanges with others. So everything starts first and foremost with ourself. And then we get to experience that. through the relationship to others. Alara Sage (24:51.256) When you understand that you're creating your wealth because you are both the source of the wealth and the receiver of the wealth, you are both the creator of the wealth and the destroyer of the wealth. You align to the universal rhythms and you let go of the matrix of the system. And within the universal rhythms, there is support through both cycles or through all of the cycles, depending on how much you want to break them apart, because there's more like four, but there's two primary cycles, ebb and flow, and the other two are transitionary. Alara Sage (25:42.688) And all of the cycles, all aspects of the cycles have great value and are there with full wealth, with full availability to resource, to your wealth, to your abundance. It just is different experiences found within them. So. My intention behind the conversation today was to really challenge your perspective, to invite your mind to flex, to go outside how you're seeing things, to challenge you. So if some of this didn't make sense, I invite you to listen to it again and again and again, and just come with it with an open mind. Be curious. You don't need to understand. just want to allow your mind to be challenged in the perspective and in the conversation of scarcity, lack, and exhaustible wealth. Alara Sage (26:49.806) As always, I appreciate you so much. And if inexhaustible wealth is something that sounds good to you and maybe sounds like a hoax, sounds like how could it be true? Reach out because I'm happy to help you not only understand how it's true, but actually embody it, create it, become it. Much love to you all.

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