#155 - Claim Your Desires to Claim Your Wealth

#155 - Claim Your Desires to Claim Your Wealth
Wealth Embodied
#155 - Claim Your Desires to Claim Your Wealth

Feb 18 2025 | 00:18:06

Episode 155 February 18, 2025 00:18:06

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

In this episode of Wealth Embodied, Alara Sage shares her journey of personal transformation following her divorce, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and owning one's desires. She discusses the challenges of navigating relationships and the impact of people pleasing on personal and professional life. 


  • Recognizing and owning your desires is crucial for fulfillment.
  • People pleasing can hinder personal and professional growth.
  • Distinguishing between wants and desires leads to deeper self-awareness.
  • Writing down desires can solidify intentions and manifest outcomes.
  • Effortlessness is the natural state of wealth flow.

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Episode Transcript

Alara Sage (00:06.35) Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of Wealth Embodied, where we activate you in wealth consciousness, in your creative genius, and in your visionary impact. I'm your host, Alara Sage, and I really help you to connect to and embody wealth as effortless as breathing and bring that into your life, into your business, really moving through any barriers of your own emotional state, barriers in your life and your business to create more wealth expansion. Today, I want to bring a personal story. about desires and about wealth because I'm always learning from my own reality. Alara Sage (01:02.833) I divorced my husband back in 2017. And I'm not going to go into that so much. we had a really great relationship. There was really nothing in our relationship that was bad or wrong or anything like that. It was just what I needed to go through personally in a personal transformation. And upon our divorce, we had a rental property. that we decided to keep and put into like a trust for the boys basically for our children, our two boys. And the agreement was that the house would belong to the boys and Jack, Mac's husband, would manage it because it was a rental property and cultivate that space, that investment for the children. It was a duplex, a low income duplex. it created it required a lot of management on his side. And he got to a point where he was pretty much over it. And I had been traveling around with my partner, Danny, and we wanted to come back to Colorado. And Jack was like, Well, you know, I would really like to buy a single family home, you know, sell the Alara Sage (02:26.978) the house of boys in their trust with the duplex and use that money to buy a single family home for the boys in their trust so that it's less management. And you guys could live there if you want and pay the mortgage because we wanted to come back to Colorado, but we don't want to buy a house here. We wanted to buy a house elsewhere. Long story short, through all of those logistics, it was a really great opportunity for all of us. And we definitely said yes. So we came back to Colorado. We moved into an apartment, which I said I would never ever do. But it was just temporary while we sold the duplex and started to find a single family home. And it's been eight months. It took us a little while to get all of that accomplished. And we just sold the house in end of January. And we started the process of looking for a property that you know, to some degree, all three of us could agree on because my ex-husband Jack will still be managing it. Like if Danny and I don't live there, because we're not going to live there forever, he will manage, you know, the tenants. You know, of course I have to like it and my partner has to like it and we have different needs and different desires. And I found myself in this place of what really felt like I was in the middle of my ex-husband and my partner, not in a negative way. This is all very cordial. This is all done in a very beautiful way. have, we all have beautiful relationships. So no way, shape or form is this in the middle of like a disagreement or an argument or anything like that. But yet I found myself feeling like I was in the middle. And really what I felt is that I was trying to appease what my ex-husband wanted, and I was trying to appease what my partner wanted, which were different things. Different things, different locations, different areas around Denver, and really not acknowledging what I wanted. And the interesting thing was my higher self had been coming in and telling me, sit down and write down what you desire with a house. Alara Sage (04:45.504) I had done it in my head many times. I had visualized it. I hadn't sat down and written it out. And it's funny how these things happen because even though Hire-Self was telling me to do that exact thing, I was like, well, I visualized it. I've told myself what I want. Kind of like, that's enough, right? Even though Hire-Self kept telling me to sit down and write it out. Looked at many houses and it just wasn't hitting the mark. And I found myself almost in a con in a contract with a house that I didn't, you know, fully want to live in. I really loved aspects of it, but it wasn't like a hell yes house. And I found myself almost saying yes to it for various reasons. And then really basically telling the universe, no, I don't want that. Make it happen. Make it not happen. Telling the universe to put a stop to it, which happened. And at that point, again, just kind of feeling this push-pull, this I'm in the middle. And at that point, I really stopped and recognized that I was doing this to myself. and really paused, took some breaths in my body. And as always, Higher Self said, sit down and write out what you want, what you desire. And so I did. And in 24 hours, we were under contract with a house that met all of those requirements and appeased everybody. And the way that it all happened was very synchronistic. was very quick. Everything just landed into place. It was effortless, which is truly how wealth desires to flow in our life. It desires because its natural state is effortless flow. So why don't we experience that? Well, here I was, very conscious, very self-aware, very knowing of all of this stuff. Alara Sage (06:53.654) and still placing myself in a circumstance where I wasn't fully owning what I desired. To some degree, I was trying to appease to people please to make sure that, you know, my ex husband and my partner were getting what they wanted and needed. I was still expressing my desires. It wasn't like I was. totally in this people pleasing mode at all in any way shape or form because I wasn't I was speaking expressing my desires. However, there still wasn't a full declaration of that. And for whatever reason, I had to sit down and write it out. That's when it became a declaration. That doesn't mean that that's how it is every single time. But for me, that's what needed to happen for me to say, not only do I want this, not only do I desire this is this is this is what I'm to create. And then it happened effortlessly. Alara Sage (07:58.958) Most of the time we don't even recognize when we're in these spaces of people pleasing. And not every circumstance is going to look like what I said, where there's two other people. Oftentimes we're people pleasing people that aren't even around us anymore. We're still people pleasing our parents. We're still people pleasing the teacher in third grade who made us feel like we weren't enough and we had to do something particular to prove ourselves to her and find that validity through that particular action. And ever since then, we've been pleasing her subconsciously. They're often, it's often not as obvious as my circumstance was. And yet we do it time and time again. Alara Sage (08:53.088) So it's first and foremost always about really recognizing what we desire. Because where our desires are, where we claim our desires, we experience wealth. Now, just for clarification here, the desire and I delineate, I delineate using these two terminologies. And it's just a delineation for understanding. There's wants, which I delineate as more of egoic wants, okay, what your ego wants and desires which really come from your heart. They come from your higher self. and there is a differentiation in those. Because, yeah, we can really get down a whole nother rabbit hole, can't we? If we're just saying I get everything that I want, right? Like that's not always serving the higher good of all. Whereas your your desires, that's what coming from your higher self from your heart does actually serve the higher good of all just like when I sat down. and wrote those desires out that were coming from my heart. None of them were outlandish. None of them were selfish. None of them were like, this is what I want and screw everybody else. No, they were really dear to me. The house that checked off all those boxes also served my ex-husband and my partner, right? It served the higher good of all. Alara Sage (10:24.536) So we have to be able to recognize and differentiate between our desires and our wants. And we do that by really asking, why do we desire this? Or why do we want this? You keep asking why. Like, OK, I desire this house. Why? Because I desire this. Why? And you ask why five times. You'll really get down to if there is a root there or not. What the deeper truth is there. And if it's really coming from the heart, you'll see that deeper truth, and you'll understand where it's actually coming from. Whereas if it's more of an egoic thing, yeah, you'll see that as well through the wise. It'll be shown to you. So asking why five times to take yourself deeper into why do you desire that is a really clear way to question from a place of curiosity, is this really a desire that comes from my truth, or is this an ego want? and then really owning those desires and making claim to them, writing them down, stating them, saying yes to them. Alara Sage (11:33.006) And simultaneously recognizing where you are displacing those desires, where you are dismissing those desires, where you are people pleasing. And I see this a lot in people's businesses. A lot, a lot in business because, you know, there are ideas of how to run a business and not to say those ideas are wrong. But are they right for you right now in your business? And so I watch my clients who are entrepreneurs get into these, well, I know that I have to do this to get clients, or I know I have to do this to launch my program, or I have to do this to do whatever that is in business. And none of that may or may not be coming from actually their desires. Usually they're coming from shoulds. I should do this. I need to do this. I should do that. I need to do that. And so being really clear on yourself, for one, a way to diagnose, this something I desire or am I shitting myself, is really ultimately if it lights you up. I was speaking to a client today and we were talking about her business that she's shifting out of into her new business. And OK, well, what are you good about? Where's your gift in that business that you've been doing that was successful? And she named off all these gifts. of that she has what she's good at and none of it was actually what she wanted, what she desired. Let me rephrase that. None of it was what she actually desired. All of her talents that created her success in her previous business were all just filling other people's checkboxes. That's pretty huge. Alara Sage (13:26.88) And now as she goes to create a business of desire and create a business of freedom, she's rubbing up against the part of herself that's basically telling her you can't do that. You don't get to have your desires. Who do you think you are? Go back to checking off other people's boxes. So this is deeply psychological. I want to just share that and It takes awareness to be able to see where you are saying yes when it's really a no. and what those situations look like for you. And where is that? Yes. Where is that light up? Where do you find that joy? And how do you start saying yes to that? Can you sit down right now and write out what that is? Can you say yes to those things? And can you have the courage to say no to continuously checking other people's boxes, pleasing others again, even people that are so back in your past? They're not even present in your life anymore, but we do this because it's psychological. It's deeply ingrained in our survival and our nervous system, which is why breath is so powerful because as you breathe through these things and you learn how to use your breath, this all becomes revealed to you. It all is shown to you where you are in survival instead of thriving, where you're choosing Alara Sage (14:59.476) keep yourself safe because you don't believe you don't feel you don't embody the energy of safety in your nervous system. So I hope this story has brought you some insight and just become curious in your own life as to are you doing this anywhere? Where are you bored? Where does it feel like whatever you're creating is just like pushing a rock up a hill? Where is there not effortlessness? And be curious there. Are you creating that part of your life truly from your authentic desires or is there some level of people pleasing programming that you're still carrying out of who you should be to please other people? Alara Sage (15:53.57) Deep questions, very, very revealing and very, very life changing. Honestly, absolutely life changing. This client that I'm working with, she's going to go through a massive transformation because of this, because of recognizing and she's going to find her own true voice and find what really lights her up. And that's where wealth is for her. It's where wealth is for everybody. It doesn't need to be a grind. It doesn't need to be a force, a push. This whole hustle. And society that we've created, it's done, it's failing, it's falling apart. we get to create a new reality that is in effortlessness. That's as fluid as the breath. And fluid is the breath when you're in rest and digest in your nervous system. You're in parasympathetic. You're relaxed. You feel safe. Not fluid is in the breath as when it's constricted and shallow and tight because you're in survival. That's a whole other conversation. As always, I love you so much. Thank you for joining me today. And I look forward to our next guest episode. We've had a couple of hiccups. Some people have rescheduled, kind of leaving some blanks. And so it is. So just not forcing anything, just letting everything to fall where it is at the wayside. So thank you if you've been patient about the release of the next episode. And it will be happening. Much love to you all.

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