#156 - The Power of Love in Business

#156 - The Power of Love in Business
Wealth Embodied
#156 - The Power of Love in Business

Feb 20 2025 | 00:29:35

Episode 156 February 20, 2025 00:29:35

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

In this episode of Wealth Embodied, host Alara Sage interviews Dr. Jacopo Iasiello, CEO of Luxury and Wealth Group. Jacopo shares his inspiring journey from a young soccer player in Italy to a successful entrepreneur and investor. He emphasizes the importance of love and support from family in overcoming challenges and achieving success. Jacopo discusses his mission to give back to humanity through his book and various initiatives, highlighting the significance of creating both internal and external abundance.


  • Creating something beautiful is a fundamental desire.
  • Love opens doors in business and relationships.
  • A home should be a place of energy and love.
  • You can cultivate your space regardless of circumstances.
  • Believing in your purpose is key to fulfillment.
  • Giving love leads to receiving love.

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Episode Transcript

Alara Sage (00:01.418) Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of Wealth Embodied, where we activate and inspire you in your wealth consciousness, your creative genius, and your visionary impact. I'm your host, Alara Sage. And today we have a really fun guest who has really breathed the breath of entrepreneurship. His whole life has an extraordinary story and actually a book to share with us as well, Dr. Jacobo. Yesielo is the CEO of Luxury and Wealth Group. What a beautiful name. Jacopo's journey began in Nepal's Italy where his love for his family and city shaped his early passion for entrepreneurship starting at 11 years of age. He delved into books by real estate investors and entrepreneurs laying the foundation for his future success. Jacopo, welcome, welcome, welcome. I'm so excited to really dive into your story today. Jacopo Iasiello (01:01.006) Thank you to invite me and the beautiful pre part about respiration. Inhaling the air is so beautiful because it's the first time somebody asked me before to do a podcast, but really important. Thank you. Alara Sage (01:16.296) Hmm. Yes, it's important to me because I teach wealth as effortless as breathing. So we always have to breathe first and then the wealth flows. So wonderful. Thank you. So let's go back to you as an 11 year old boy. Where did your life really take you? I know that you were in soccer and you were a professional soccer player. So tell us how you went from professional soccer player Jacopo Iasiello (01:26.936) Beautiful. Alara Sage (01:44.084) to entrepreneur and really where you are today. Jacopo Iasiello (01:48.878) Yeah, like, Alara, what's happening? What's starting? I'm starting in a family where I have a lot of love and I grew up with a lot of, you know, emotional love. It means like I started when I'm really young to understand I have something, you know, inside me that I want to create. I started, first of all, to read a really young age book of entrepreneurs, people they have different kinds of life. No means only in the business, but to other kind human being. am super interesting in people they touch other human life. And what's happening, started to read and I understand I wanna create. one way to create is for me at that time is a soccer. I started to play professional soccer. Means I leave my city, Napoli, and I go to... other cities to like around 14 years old I leave my house and I live for three years and a in another part of Italy. What's happening, all my dream, all my effort is in this dream, everything, and I arrive at one point where I have one big injury where I need to finish this career. know, really sadness, a lot of darkness. I remember like yesterday. I feel in some part of my body, toward this age. And what's happening, I realize I need to change. Now, at that moment, I have the love of my mother at that moment. What this means, my mother told me with one hand in my face, don't worry, you will succeed in another way, in another something. And this gave me really at that time, the power to move him forward. I understand that I have this capacity to learn and understand other human beings and I understand I want to become an entrepreneur and after investor. What this means is that I'm to understand where I can... Jacopo Iasiello (04:04.76) what I need to do in my life. And I first of all ask some money from government of Italy, open one shop, and this shop fell miserable. I closed the shop after six months, sleep in the second floor. And this is the second part where, know, I don't wanna go back to the house of my family. And I ask the last favor to my father, please give me 8,000 euro. And I know I will change the location of the shop, I'd market it as different, and I know I will be successful in this business. What's happening, he helped me in everything. Really nice guy. He is my hero. How I hope so, you or other people now they're listening to this podcast, they have their hero like father, you know? And what's happening, I, you know, from over there, I opened Modo20 shop, make my company really big success. with a big number and big revenue. And starting at 22 years old, to invest in real estate. everything smoothly goes perfect. I have my business, I have another business in real estate. I travel a lot in Africa for the same business, gold jewelry. I have at that time a beautiful fiancé, rich and everything. when everything is perfect. And I opened another business with other two partners where this company in the same business, I have the knowledge, I bring the knowledge, I bring everything and I position it in the director of this company, one ex-girlfriend of my best friend. And I am really solid, I have everything perfect. But around 20, 80 years, so like life is never something like this. I have another, you know, really big drop emotionally and not only emotionally. Business started to lose revenue. My business print for the shop. My partner take my company where I bring everything, knowledge, experience and everything, because I travel a lot. I don't... Jacopo Iasiello (06:28.344) don't pay attention. And my person I put over there, like the ex of this guy, this my ex friend, technically she helped them to took the company from me. And really at that time I started to crumbling and I need to find something else. Not because I at that time already create wealth, but I need something. because I have this desire. And what's happening, I started to research, seeing Florida, the opportunity in real estate, because over there around 2011, when I arrived, is the good moment to buy property. Search, one flight, go for the other part of world. Tell to my father, please keep going with the shop. Some shop we sell, other shop we keep it. And I go to the other part of the world and... From over there, after a lot of sadness, after a lot of time where I slept on the floor because the other person, I remember like yesterday, I tell everybody this story where I tried to call FPL for connect the light and the other person don't understand me because at that time I don't speak any word in English and it's really complicated. The first part, really, really complicated. But from over there, I do more than 350 flip-flops. I create my portfolio of properties where I have the possibility. Now, for example, I am in Italy, in Naples at this moment, to spend time with my family. And this gives me the possibility to become free and try now to send the message out. Because I believe in two things. You have one phase of your life where you grow, and second phase is to... contribute, do contribution to other human beings. And I am now in this phase, you know. Alara Sage (08:29.96) Hmm. So beautiful, your story and also, you know, the challenges that you absolutely went through and yet continue to succeed, continue to flip the coin around. What do you feel like is the special sauce that you have? What do you feel makes you successful when all of those challenges showed up for you? Jacopo Iasiello (08:57.26) Yeah, what I understand is something so important. Everything starting from the every business, everything, whatever you want to know, starting from the first phase, research. After you need to becoming a master, the word you research. And the third part, you need to do action every day, one step of the time, one time. And this is working for me in all my, I possible tell you, because all my different life, everybody we have different life, but somebody in business and when you try to create something every time more big, not for money only, but to create something because the creation is inside you. and you want to create, because when you arrive to create that you have abundance, you possibly should be able share with more people as possible. But I think this binomial is the correct way to create wealthy life and is working the same to create abundance internally. For example, before we do briefing together, first of all, before starting the podcast, And this is one part really important in my day to give me energy, to give me the power, because I believe now after really big deep down emotionally to how it's important to create one method to bring you energy and after you have this energy you possibly go after whatever you want. Alara Sage (10:49.16) And through this process, you mentioned something that was really beautiful. You mentioned your family, and you mentioned the love. You're the only entrepreneur I've ever interviewed who has mentioned their family, the family they were born into, not their wife or their husband, and has expressed feeling really loved by both your mother and your father being your hero. That to me is just delicious. Do you have you come across a lot of people that you've helped that haven't had that initially and what do you do to help them when they haven't had that initial love? Jacopo Iasiello (11:36.93) Yeah, the problem is this, you know, I think so when you grow up with love, you have something so important, but at same time, you need to pay really attention at this word I share with you. You are so sensible. I tell to everybody I am pragmatic investor, but sensible. Okay. because I do business, I do real estate. But what this means, to create love is a process too. And when people sometimes, a lot of entrepreneurs, have really different kind of life, where what this means, I don't grow up in a rich family, but I grow up in a normal family, but with love. What this means... At that time, this love gave me support and now I try in the best way, sometimes I do perfect, sometimes less, to give back to them in a different way. But the love, think, is the big word open every door in your life. And I wanna... go more deeply in this, if you give me the possibility. Why love is so important in business? Why love is so important in relationship? Because I don't know if you know what's happening in business or in the world. When people, don't have love starting problem, you know? And love is given to the other business or the other partner or whatever it is. Alara Sage (13:04.583) Absolutely. Jacopo Iasiello (13:29.346) When you have this love, when you share love, when you try to understand other person, the person tries to bring down their defense. And in this moment, you open to heart. And when to open his heart, it's possible to create something beautiful, something really unique. And to help somebody don't grow up with love, the only way... a son, an entrepreneur, somebody to receive love, the only way is to share with them these powerful emotions. How you share is different way. For example, I do for all my network where somebody gives me love or energy in my life, in some part of my life, I share every day one good message through WhatsApp. You know, I have people for many years, they receive this good message from me because I want to give them something because we are knowing the same time, the same life because we are in different countries, different worlds, different status. But I want to remember them something. And the beautiful about this is sometime after people didn't respond to me for a long time, I received one message. Hey, you know, that message you send me that day. change completely my power and I change my day. I think so. To respond to your question, the only way is to try to share more love as possible. People will be changed. It's not easy. I am not perfect. I try every time to do. Alara Sage (15:14.016) Again, just I applaud you because being a man, being a business owner, it's not a common topic. It's not something that I see a lot. And I felt it the minute you came into the podcast. I felt your presence. I felt the intention within you of love. It radiates from you and it's absolutely beautiful. So you mentioned you had the first part of your life and now you're in the second part of your life where you're really your intention is really to have an impact, really give back to humanity. What does that look like for you? How are you doing that? Jacopo Iasiello (15:46.434) Yeah, for example, you know, in the last year, you know, I have one dream in my mind and the dream is this one, you know, we need to be honestly pragmatic in our life. What this means, I believe in create the internal abundance and after create external abundance, but I create, okay, money, richness is so important because without abundance, first of all internal and second of all external, you don't possible touch other people, other human beings. Now my goal is really, first of all to share with more people the book Healthy Rich and Happy, it came out in 2024. and it goes really well because inside I have this method called MPB and the real estate, it connects together. What this means, explain how it's important first of all to create something internal and after to go through the real estate, the vehicle, to create your abundance. And plus, I have another really important thing. Now, you know, I help one association in Miami. called Hermano de la Calle, where this association give the people that are in the street another time dignity. And now what I do with for them? First of all, all the money from this book will give to them. But I already give them some property, some of my property, where they have these people to give to the people they are in the street and to give back their dignity. Another really important part will create for me in the next five years, some real estate related to what we tried to explain before. Related to meditation, morning, pray, bio-hacking and exercise. What this means, I believe house is not only a place where you need to go and sleep, but the house is your... Jacopo Iasiello (18:09.908) It's your everything. When you come back, you need to feel something. And I believe if I have the possibility, the divine gives me the energy and the power to create some kind of real estate when the people that come back, they receive this kind of emotion. And through the house, I speak about meditation, pray, biohacking and exercise. will be another life. And this is my next goal, try to serve two human beings, completely different. One will be people they have no house and they need one place, but I don't want to give them only one place. I want to give one place where they will receive the power I received from this meditation, pray and all the things. I believe 100 % give energy to humanity. when you do the briefing exercise. And the second, other human being people, are super wealthy because they wanna find another level. And with this powerful technique we have available, they possible bring their life on next level and they possible help other human being more. Alara Sage (19:28.426) Wow, so extraordinary, truly. And so if people are really resonating with what you're saying, where can they find your book? Jacopo Iasiello (19:38.242) Yeah, my book is in Amazon. I really ask to help them in this because I believe this book possible give something to them. If I don't believe, I don't try to sell. I don't try to impose nothing. And I believe this book have really powerful information, not because it's coming from me, because it's coming with the detail from university, from study. I really spent three years of my life to go deeply in each step to explain how it's possible becoming wealth through the real estate, but first of all, with this method MPB. And they're possible to find the book in Amazon and through my website, www.healthyrichandhappy.com or through Instagram, they're I share sometimes some kind of content related to this real estate and this method. Alara Sage (20:35.454) Okay, I'll make sure we have everything there. I just love what you're doing for humanity and absolutely invite the audience to get the book. As you said, all the proceeds are going to helping people have a home that really hits me because for me, my home has always been super important to me. I've been always very picky about where I live because I want that feeling of serenity. I want that feeling that when I come home, like it's my space. feels good to me. And I've often thought about how that isn't truth for everybody. Not everybody has had the luxury to be picky. Not everybody has even had a home. So I really honor and celebrate what you're doing. And we'll definitely get the word out about your book as much as possible. For one, the benefit that the book through the proceeds and also just what you're teaching and you're gifting people, you know, not just like get rich quick. Right? Like you said, creating that internal abundance so that they can create that external abundance. And that's really where we merge the external and the internal. That's where we really feel fulfilled. We find that joy, that happiness, that love when the internal and the external are really harmonized and in that resonance. So such beautiful, beautiful work you're doing. Jacopo Iasiello (21:55.974) And Alara, know what I want to share with you? You tell something so beautiful through your words. You tell, yeah, when I go back to your house, you feel it, you find the house you want. And I agree, not everybody has the same possibility. But they have the possibility to make their home wherever they are, in some way, where the home... speak to them and when they go out, they step out from their house, they see something different. By inside is the important part. What this means is... I feel now because I think about... I am now in real estate from when I have 22 years, so I have 40 now. And it's a lot of years. And I feel it when I go in one house. I feel if it's love or not, if it's energy or not. At some time, believe me, I feel a lot of pressure over here, a lot of pressure over here. And house is the place where you start to create something, you know? And after you go out to the world. Alara Sage (23:12.67) No, it's beautiful because sometimes you go into a house and the house is beautiful aesthetically, but it feels cold. It doesn't have that warmth. But I'm not talking temperature, right? But the warmth of the love and the warmth of the presence of the people, it absolutely makes a difference to also just how we're able to show up in ourselves every single day when we have that space. And I love how you speak to cultivating that space, because even if you don't have the perfect home that you want, Jacopo Iasiello (23:19.822) Mm-hmm. Alara Sage (23:41.812) You can cultivate the space that you do have both, you know, creating that as well as that internal space, you know, using the breath work, using the prayer, using the meditation to create that space internally for yourself, which of course is going to help you to create it externally of yourself as well. Jacopo Iasiello (24:02.196) And Alara, you know what? The thing really important, the breath part, the respiration, a lot of people, they forgot, but it's really so important because it's the first step when we born, we started to breathe. And how we breathe is so essential, so important. And to... Alara Sage (24:11.455) Yes. Jacopo Iasiello (24:28.376) Try to work on this technique and you possibly teach people based on your experience. It's so important because I think so your rules in the world is so important because people they forgot from briefing we decide if we change our day in good or bad. Alara Sage (24:52.544) Yes, yes. And to me, the breath is the fundamental resource. You wealth is resource and the breath is that fundamental resource. We're not living if we're not breathing. So the better we breathe, the more conscious we are and connected to our breath, then the more conscious we are connected to that innate abundance that you speak to the abundance that exists both internally and externally of ourselves. So yes, yes, yes. So delicious. We're on the same. Frequency, we're speaking the same lingo for sure. Jacopo Iasiello (25:23.374) Yeah. And, know, and I think so, really, you know, I'm so happy because people like you, other people, they do this kind of podcast, they elevate other human beings, really. I believe in what I tell you with all my heart. And plus, with your professionality, what you teach, you're really possible to change a lot of human beings. And... We are in this life for this reason, because after we have our everything created for us, if we don't share with other human beings, you know, becoming a little bit selfish, you know, for this reason, I need to tell you, you you do a perfect job, first of all, with this podcast and your work you do for other human beings, you know, because other people, not everybody, they do what you do, you know. Alara Sage (26:18.164) Yes, thank you. Thank you. I received that. There's a wonderful artist called MC Yogi and he has a song that I always my boys and I have a nine year old and 11 year old. We put it on in the car. We're always singing to it. It's give love away and it speaks so much to what we're speaking here today. Making that impact on others giving that love giving that love even if the people can't receive it giving the love even if they don't understand it just keep giving giving the love. Yakuba. Thank you so much. This has been such a Delicious conversation and just honestly a delight from my end as a host to connect to you, learn your story. And I'm excited to get this out there and help you to market your book and get people reading the book, buying the book and supporting you through your process and your vision. And we already mentioned a lot of the links. I'll have all of those links in the show note. Is there anything else you want to say for people and how they can connect to you? Jacopo Iasiello (27:15.694) I want to tell something for them, know, believe in what you do, try to find something to, you know, detach to the world and bring you energy and after do action for your goal. Because our obligation like human being, really, I believe we told my heart, is to try our to find our purpose and after to achieve this and give back to the society. And this is what I wanna share with your audience. Really, this is the last word. Believe in what you want, find something, bring your energy and do action every day. You will realize whatever you want. Alara Sage (28:04.576) Beautiful way to end the conversation and to the audience. Absolutely reach out, get the book and support him in this beautiful process and in his vision. It always comes around when we give love. That's the that's the message of that song. We give love, you know, we receive love and the more we give, the more we receive. And there's no there's no end. There's no limit to the amount that we can show up and give love. So absolutely. Thank you so much to the audience. As always, I appreciate you. I appreciate everything you do and that you're here with us listening and joining in on the conversation just by listening, just by being a part of the audience, you too are making an impact. I love you so much.

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