Discovering the Yummy and Magical Benefits of Breathwork

Discovering the Yummy and Magical Benefits of Breathwork
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Discovering the Yummy and Magical Benefits of Breathwork

Sep 14 2023 | 00:49:45

Episode 17 September 14, 2023 00:49:45

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

“We breathe shallow because we're just surviving, but we want to thrive in our lives. So we need to take those deep conscious breaths and anchor in” - Ali Levine

We breathe every single second of the day.  Our breath is not only here to give oxygen to our body, it is also a very powerful vessel of healing and transformation. 

Join Alara Sage and Ali Levine as they explore the simple yet profound tool of the breath.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Breathwork is a powerful tool for healing and transformation.
  • Conscious breathing allows us to access higher states of consciousness and receive divine guidance.
  • Breathwork can be practiced in both intense sessions and as a daily tool for stress relief.
  • Using affirmations while breathing can enhance the healing process.
  • Breathwork empowers individuals to connect with their own bodies and access their own wisdom.
  • Breathwork can be beneficial for children as well, promoting emotional regulation and connection.

The activation for this episode was:

  • Activating the creator being within you

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Episode Transcript

<p><!--block-->Alara Sage:<br>Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the Ecstatic Woman podcast. I am your host, Alara Sage, the ecstatic life mentor. Fellow ecstatics, you know, one other thing I notice is sometimes we love to make life complex. We love complex solutions to our problems, to our issues, to life. Oftentimes, the most profound solutions are things that are right here available in the now. in the moment are incredibly simple to access and to utilize. We're going to talk about this today and bring you one of my most favorite tools of all time, our breath. And our host here today, Ali Levine, is a certified breathwork practitioner. And an intuitive stylist, I'm like super intrigued about that. What is that? That sounds delightful. I totally want you on my team for that. And she's also a transformation expert. So she really helps her clients move from break down into break through and guides them to embody more of their soul here into this life. So let's welcome Ali with our hearts. Thank you, Ali, for being here today.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Thank you, Alara. Wow, what a beautiful intro. I literally have goosebumps.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yay! I love that so much<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>I'm so excited to be here and yes, of course, on your team for the intuitive styling. And I just love what you're doing. I love what you're building. I love what you're creating. You can feel your ecstatic energy. And I think that especially now with where we are in this paradigm shift, so many are starting to feel that fire, that ecstatic. And then it's like, you said, like, what do we do with it? And sometimes, right, we can get really caught up because we do get so excited, myself as well, and ecstatic, and we do need to ground and anchor in and find even more presence in order to find that stillness and then that embodiment. And so yes, the breath is just so yummy and magical because of it.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Mm, yes. So interesting, because I was talking about stillness today. And one of the cool things about breath is it's like movement that exists within the stillness, right?<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Yes, yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>It's so wonderful. And so I want to like pick your brain and hear about all your<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Let's<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>deliciousness.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>do it.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And so, Ali, like tell me, what was breathwork to you? Like, where were you when you found the incredible tool of breathwork?<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Yeah, where was I? I was in a very dark place to be honest. Five and a half years ago I became a mother, the one of the most beautiful blessings of my life. I'm now a mother of three but it was my first daughter and I went through a pretty traumatic birth in the medical system that led to a pretty heavy c-section and 42 hours later I pretty much felt like I was in postpartum depression right away even though I didn't really know that's what I was in. I was in a very dark... disconnected state in my body and a little backstory I had wanted a natural birth. I had started a birth center and I was not present. I was not grounded and I was definitely not using the breath and all those things including pressures from the outside and all the things that I just allowed myself to consume right because I at that time was a victim and I just took everything in. It led to that birth. And when all that happened, and then I went through pretty heavy postpartum depression for the first year almost of motherhood, I had to really surrender to presence and stillness as you spoke to and sit in my darkness as we all of course have it. And I didn't want to sit in it. I didn't want to see it. And so much came up for me from that traumatic birth, the postpartum depression. grief I hadn't dealt with, so much I hadn't healed in my own life for so many years and it all came up in that moment and it was like, whoa, there's so much to unearth, there's so much to deal with and I honestly was quite a shell of a human, it was quite dark at that time.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Mmm.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Yeah, it was, even talking about it, you know, you like, you feel it, right? Like I've released it and I'm very much in a healed space. I never say I'm fully healed, right? Cause we're all evolving and growing, but I'm healed in that space. And just feeling into that, of speaking to that, you know, remembering those dark moments, remembering that I turned to my husband and said, I feel like I'm mourning the death of myself. And he looked at me and he was like, what did you just say? And to me, I felt like I finally had some kind of release. I was suddenly like a medicine that I was saying like, oh my gosh, I just mourned the old Allie and I'm recognizing it. But in that moment, my husband was like, whoa, you really are in such a dark place. And I think for him, it was the moment where he realized where I was, even though I had really been there since the moment I really had our daughter. And it was... quite wild Laura because I was in such a beautiful space of I love my baby and I was so grateful that I was so enamored with her and I loved her so much that I showed up for her but I couldn't handle myself. I would look in the mirror and I would shame myself. I would shame my body, my C-section scar. I'd shame my birth and you know just shame me. Why couldn't I move forward? Why was I stuck in bed? You know why couldn't I get back to work? Like all of these stories I just kept telling myself and I started honestly embodying them right ourselves are always listening as I've learned on this journey and the body is always receiving and I just kept feeding the body terrible thoughts terrible feelings that it all became part of me I started you know being the postpartum depression and the anxiety I started you know being the woman that was lost and in the dark and thinking that was me instead of recognizing that that's where things I had to move through and heal and so In that journey, I found a lot of different people and healers along the way that I was so grateful for because I chose not to get on Big Pharma's medical system. I was offered all kinds of stuff and thank God my soul was like, no, no. And I think that was my first real listen to myself in a long time was like, there was a reason my body was saying no, even though my mind and my ego was like, yes. Give it to me, let me get back to normal and get going again. Let me get back, please. But my soul was like, no, no. My body was literally rejecting it as I was sitting there across from the doctor. And I was like, okay, I'm not gonna take it. And I remember he looked at me and he said, good luck. And I said, okay. And I started bawling, I know, right? I started bawling and I said, this is the only way. And he said, this is the fastest. quickest and the easiest way. There of course are other ways but you are in really bad shape which I was and this is what I recommend and within six to eight weeks you should be feeling at least half better than you are now and I still in that moment sat there and was like wow okay but my soul kept telling me no. no, and our body's always speaking right, and it's the divine messenger, the divine channel, and my body was like, no. And so began that journey of healing and finding holistic help, finding spiritual help, wellness, all of it. And that's really where the journey began for me. And I started reaching out to, thank God I had the midwife from the birth who gave me a postpartum specialist who led me to different types of holistic healers. I did NLP therapy, I did cognitive therapy. that led me to meditation. Meditation is for me I felt really brought me back to God, Source, the universe, my divine connection and then breath work and everything else then came in to deepen it. It was meditation that truly I believe saved me and brought me back to my soul and then God and Source and the universe actually showed up and showed me that I was a part of saving myself and I moved from that victim. to then started becoming the victor of my life and taking back my sovereignty and freedom. And then in 2020, after I finally had felt like I had moved through quite a bit and was doing pretty well, I was pregnant with my second daughter and we know what happened in 2020. And the trauma came all back up again. And I was feeling so powerless and I was living in California at the time, so I was in complete... I live now in Tennessee. But at that time it was in California. And I think that's important to mention because of course we all experienced it, but there were certain places that really put the fear on fire, if you will. And California was one of them. And I was really struggling being pregnant. I had everyone around me telling me, you know, my husband's not gonna be there for my birth. I'm not gonna be able to have a V-back, which is a vaginal birth after a C-section, which is what I had been praying and having the intention for. you know, I might get this, I might get that, all these things, right? And that is where breathwork really showed up profoundly in that moment of like, I'm going to start doing this modality because meditation is no longer working. I'm getting stuck in the mind and then I hear all these other people's thoughts and I can't get out. And you're right, when you speak to that stillness but this throughness, that's what breathwork is because I was being still but I was getting stuck. in those meditative states, in those cognitive states, and I needed to move out of the mind and move into the body and into the wisdom. And that is where breathwork really profoundly showed up. And I went like you said from breakdowns to breakthroughs in my own experience. I had my VBAC in 2020, which I would have never ever thought could have happened. It was such a blessing. My husband literally said to me the moment after I had her, I feel like I'm watching you experience post-U. He called it, he made it up.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Ah.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>And he said, I'm looking at you and you are glowing, you're beaming, and we're in such a crazy time. And meanwhile, not even kidding you, Lara, I mean, there were protests going on while I was birthing her. There was buildings burning down across the street. Like I'm just trying to paint a picture here. I mean, it was chaos. And everything outside was saying... you know, this is not going to be what you think it's going to be. Even though you've done the work all through the pregnancy and you think breath was going to show up, it's not going to work. And it was so intense that when at the end I did start getting tense and freezing up because there was so much out going on in the external between, you know, masks and all the things trying to be put on me and things blowing up literally in front of the building. And there was a lot happening. And I say that because I want people to understand the chaos that I was in outside, but the inside of me. was peaceful and I really knew I had that. And I looked at my husband and I anchored in and I said, I need to put my earbuds in my ears, can you please give them to me? And I turned on one of my fear releasing playlists and meditation and breath work. And I started breathing deeply and anchoring in and reciting affirmations. And my doctor said, okay, she's still a little stuck, but I'm gonna let you do what you're doing, thank God. And he said, I'll let you get into your space and then we're gonna try again. And I just remember trying to pray deeply. just starting to really embody myself birthing her and all of it and I don't even explain it and you know it's beautiful your background reminds me of what I saw not even kidding and just saying this because I'm on with you this pink iridescent like beautiful I just started seeing above me in front of me through me I could still to this day cannot explain it to you it was an out of body experience and next thing I knew I was back on the chair table and I was crying and she was on my chest and I couldn't even believe that she had come through. And even the doctor and the nurses were like, you did it! Like it was like everybody was in shock. And there she was. And it was like, holy shit, I did it! And when I say like the colors, I mean because that's what came through when I was doing the breathing and when I was in that meditative state and I was just anchoring in and praying and breathing and trusting that somehow, someway, even in this chaos, even in this true stuckness, the physical stuckness in my body. She was gonna come through, I was gonna release her, this was going to happen, and it did. And so that moment then was the solidifying moment of you are no longer just doing the wardrobe styling, even doing your whole 15 plus career fashion. You are now figuring out how to get certified in this work, learning the work, embodying it, and then taking it to as many people who will truly receive it to help them go through a true soul transformation.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Wow.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Ha ha ha!<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I'm obviously speechless. And if that story didn't, you know, inspire people to really pursue breath work and understand its power, I honestly don't know what would I want to commend you for your bravery and for your listening to your soul, you know, listening to your wisdom of your body. Thank you for doing that. Thank you. Thank you for listening because when we all listen, we all bring that power into the collective. Don't we? It's so powerful<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>You're good.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>when we choose to say, Okay. a whole doctor.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Right?<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I'm going to choose my body and choose what my body says, even though they have all the expertise, they have all the science, they do, you know.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Yeah, they can see her, she's stuck, this is where it is, this is what's happening, right? And I also have to say, I honor that doctor because he allowed me to honor my process in that moment because I advocated<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Mmm.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>for myself and I said, I need a minute and I need to do this, right? And then fast forward to 2022, I had my son and my first home birth and breathwork showed up even more and he got stuck at the end and I had shoulder dystocia with him. and the breath work brought him through. And that is why my son<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Mmm.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>is named Abel because it means breath or spiritual healer. Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yeah, when I was speaking about the doctor, I meant the one who told you, like, if you don't take this,<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Oh,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>this is<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>oh,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>your<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>the first,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>only.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>yes,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yeah,<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>yeah, yeah. Yeah, because in that moment of listening to your body, no, I'm not going to take that. That's the easy way. That's the quick way. That's<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>The quick fix.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>the scientifically proven way. All the things, and then you don't know. Are these other ways going to work? We don't know. They're not proven. All these things that we have to like. battle with between our own wisdom and what is accepted in our physical reality. So I really honor you for doing that. And what a tremendous experience with regards to, yeah, I mean, I had two natural births as well, but mine were fairly smooth sailing.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Oh, good for you.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>To bring breath work into challenging births really stands. it emphasizes its power and really brings forth its power. Because even with my second born, I was in the water and everything. It's still like when your body is in so much pain and discomfort, I wasn't aware of breath work per se, but I was aware of my breath. This was several years ago. And I was breathing, and I was using my breath, and I was moving, and I was working with myself. And it's just challenging.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Oh yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>when you're in that much pain, you want to tense up and kind of pull out, right?<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And that's what was coming in when you were talking about those dark spaces, because we all definitely go through those dark spaces, and when we're triggered and we're just kind of like, oh my God, there's so much tension in our bodies, tension<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Oh.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>in our emotions, in our mind, we wanna pull up and out, and breath work pulls us back in, doesn't it? Which can be really uncomfortable initially,<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>but this is where our power is in our body. Yeah,<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Right? Yeah, and get<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>yes.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>set of the mind, right? And let's us get in and regulate so we can also recognize like, oh, I have to feel it, I sure do.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yes.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>But then I get to shift it and heal it. I don't have to stay stuck here, right? I don't have to actually become the, you know, this is what I have. It's no, this is what I'm experiencing, but then I can release it. And I feel like this is where we get stuck even in the medical system is like, they tell you, you have this diagnosis, you have this, you have that, and then you embody that and you become that.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yes.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>I know that was me, right? And then when you actually realize, like you said, actually going through it and getting in and allowing ourselves to feel it, but then not becoming it and releasing it, sure, it might be uncomfortable to be in it, but the only way in, the only way out is through, right? So we have to get in.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Mm, yes, I speak to also with the embodiment of what we're diagnosed with. I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme's and I was researching it and doing all this again, this was many years ago. And all of a sudden, my symptoms were exaggerating and they were lining up with the moon because that's what you read. And all of a sudden, my higher self was like, stop. Stop, you're feeding the story. And I was like,<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Great.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>oh,<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>You're feeding<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>and it<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>the<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>was<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>story.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>like no more. You're not talking about this and you can say you've had it. You can say you're healing it, but you're not like, oh, the moon is this and so my spiral keats are activated. And it was just like no more. And I got a hard slap. And from that day forth, it was like, OK, I'm not going to feed this story anymore because I was just spiraling myself further into it. You know?<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Yes, you just said it, you feed it and that's what we latch on to right and we're such great storytellers myself as well and we get stuck in it until we realize oh they're just stories. They're not actually us, they're not actually us which is why I say come home to yourself through the breath. When you regulate you start to recognize oh this is who I am as an authentic soul. All the rest of that is just noise and stories.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Mm-hmm. Yes, yes, yes. So tell us a little bit about kind of the mechanisms of breath. Why is breath so powerful for ourselves?<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Yeah, absolutely. So I mean just you know how we were speaking about the flowing and the stillness. I mean first off when you look at a baby, since we're speaking to births so much and mothers, a baby comes in breathing from the stomach to the chest in a parasympathetic nervous system. What is a parasympathetic nervous system? It means you're in true homeostasis. You're flowing and breathing the way you are designed to. Most of us take shallow breaths all the time. We're not getting that divine oxygen flow. We're not flowing. We're not fluid. So things get stagnant. Emotions get stuck. Trauma gets stuck. All of it becomes stuck in the body. And if we understand that we are energetic beings, which I know your community does, then we understand that emotions are energy in motion and they must move. They cannot become stagnant because they will manifest. They will create. We've seen this over and over again. And so this is why it's so powerful to regulate. and use different exercises to allow that flow and more oxygen into the body. And then of course, when we really deepen in and continue to breathe, this is where the magic happens and we get to start to accelerate into the higher states of consciousness. We get the divine downloads. We start to really hear our higher selves, see our higher selves and realize, oh wait, they really are in me and within me. I just have to actually allow myself to step into that. It's already right here, right? My future, my reality is there. I just have to actually walk into it and we can do that with breath work. But even just on such a basic level, it releases anxiety, it releases depression, it helps us sleep, it builds our immune system, it helps our gut health. I mean, there's so much goodness in the breath and it's literally within us. Like we were designed this way. Like this is not, you know, just some random thing you're going out and buying. No, this is within you. You are designed divinely with the breath.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>That's one thing I love about the breath. It's not like go buy it. It's not something you have to purchase or pay for or subscribe to. It's literally there. And you know, it's here for until it's not, and we are no longer, right? Like it's, it's doesn't go anywhere that entire time,<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Right,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>which<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>exactly.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>is so powerful.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>It's so powerful. It's like understanding that we were made this way for a reason. Like we all just breathe shallow because we're just surviving, right? But we want to thrive in our lives. So when you can take those deep conscious breaths and anchor in, which is breath work, it's deep conscious breathing. Well, everything changes. I mean, breath work has changed my life. It's obvious why I'm talking about it today. I mean, I tell everyone I'm like, there have been so many things that have happened in my life that I can speak to. But this is one that I'll never... ever get done talking about because every single day it shows me again how much more it's shifting me, how much more I observe my life, how much more gratitude I have, how much more presence, abundance I teach to my children. Like it never ends. It always shows up for me over and over again.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I feel like it's such a gift that you bring the world, Ali. And<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Thank you.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>when we think of breath work, let's be real. The word work is attached to it. And I know a lot of people have resistance to<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>They<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>that.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>do.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And you can see these really powerful sessions and whatnot. People are really having these real powerful experiences in their body, which, yes, there is that. And I know that you and I kind of talked about breath work. is just conscious breathing as well. So can you talk a little bit about the difference between more of the potent and powerful sessions of breath work and more of the day-to-day utilization of breath?<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Yes. So first off, the day to day, of course, is just like moving through, right? Like something happens in a situation and you just need to release the anxiety. You just need to release the stress. So just allowing yourself to do the basic breath work is going to let you move it out and not get stuck. But then the deeper sessions, right? The deeper work, when we speak to the trauma and the emotions, all of that. When we deeply breathe and anchor in and we are guided and held in a safe space, which is what I do with clients all day long, of course. is you open up this space for them to, like I said, come home to themselves through the breath. You use different exercises to guide them, to move them through what they're experiencing. And whether you are conscious of it or not, the body is holding. So what I always say, the nervous system doesn't lie. So whatever is coming up is meant to be seen and released. And you do that by allowing yourself to just breathe. It's like I tell my clients, when they start to feel that tightness, that anxiety, I'm like... Just breathe through it. I'm here, you're safe. Let's keep breathing. As long as you are not experiencing, I don't wanna ever re-traumatize someone because I am trauma-informed. So I do pay attention to those things. But as long as they're safe and they're breathing and they're okay, we're gonna continue because like you said, it may not be comfortable, but as soon as it comes up, it's released. And there's actual studies that show like people that have gone to therapy for 10 years talking about a trauma, release it more in one to two breathwork sessions than they do in 10 years. And why is that? Because you and I were talking about the stories. You keep talking about the same thing. This is what I have. This is what it is. And we keep reaffirming it and reaffirming it and reaffirming it. No, we're not gonna talk about what you have. You don't have that. It's just something that's going on with you right now. Release it and when you deepen in the breath, you move it out. The trauma leaves the body. Think about your nervous system is almost like this computer that stores everything. All the junk, all the files, everything good, bad, and different. And your computer gets junked up, right? It's like when we started this podcast, you're like, make sure you close your tabs so we have memory. But it's true. You need to release from the body in order to continue to up level, to allow yourselves to receive even deeper, more codes, more wisdom to anchor in. So we must release and move through. And breath work does this for us. And you're right, the name breath work, there is such a, people get, oh, I don't wanna do that. And I also think it's because Many times people feel it has to be such an extreme experience. They feel it has to be so intense and this is where I really want to break personally the stigma. You do not have to have it be extreme for it to be profound. Actually it could be really soft and beautiful and be even more fulfilling and more soul changing than you rushing yourself through an experience and feeling like you must release all this trauma all at once because guess what? just because you released it doesn't mean like you're just all of a sudden healed. No, and now at least it's out of the body. But now you still have to do it and the mind's gonna catch up. The mind's gonna recognize you released it. So now we have to actually go through the steps to help you further heal it and allow it. And I feel like what I see so much of what happens is clients that come to me sadly have been traumatized and re-traumatized by breath work. And that's why they're so resistant and scared because they went in and they had this amazing massive experience of. crying and screaming and breakthroughs and don't get me wrong, that's amazing. But so many people don't realize like you were holding years and years or maybe eons and eons of trauma from ancestors from everything going on. And now you're like, why am I bawling my eyes out? Why can't I get out of bed for five days, 10 days, whatever it is? Well, yeah, because you just released it all and you didn't even allow yourself to recognize you released it and didn't even work on the healing with it. And so this is why I say You know, it really is a true beautiful sacred process. We're not meant to rush this. Just like the breath is such a beautiful flow through us. You're meant to breathe deeply and consciously. You're not meant to rush this experience. Yeah, sure, can we use it from breathwork exercises to energize ourselves, to move more out as we need to? And I do in the right moments. But do I make every single experience so overwhelming and almost overstimulating to the nervous system? No, because we're all in fight or flight for the most part in freeze in our lives. So I'm not doing you any favors if I'm moving you back into that in a different way. I want you to be regulated. I want you to have flow so that you can receive as you need to in divine timing and actually move through and actually heal.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yes. Yeah, I've had a breathwork session where I was laying down and breathing very strongly and did the whole screaming thing. And it was so powerful. But I've really found the more day to day and the actual deep soft breathing, just deep conscious breathing regularly when I really need it in that moment is so much more transformational than. going and having<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Nice.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>this intense session. Because it becomes more accessible to us, doesn't it? The more<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Done.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>we do it in all of those moments, the more of that tool really gets anchored into like, oh yeah, I have this tool. It's called my breath. Oh<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>And speaking<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>yeah.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>to you saying like with those sessions, those intense sessions, I feel like too, we then we make up so many expectations like, oh, why didn't I start historic? Like I know for me when I first started before I got certified, it was like the next high, the next chase. Why am I not bawling my eyes out this time? Oh, why am I not feeling like all this anxiety release? And then you set yourself up for expectations and then you've already failed in what you're doing because you created something that wasn't even there. Instead of just allowing the body to show up and be the wisdom that it is for you. and to allow you to move it through. And like you said so beautifully, the basics of just the conscious breathing and being able to see that like, oh, just a few conscious breaths lets me come back to presence. It lets me be a thriving mother because I'm no longer reacting and triggered. I can actually see you and receive you as a soul, even if it makes me crazy. And I can actually understand what you're going through and we can move through it and we can understand it, right? And so... That's why it's so powerful to have the basics. And then you build on that too, right? You start to say, oh, this feels good at 10 minutes. Let me try to do it for 20 minutes a day. Now see how I feel. And keep moving through those different breakdowns and breakthroughs and find what flows for you and what works, which is why, as you know, I created my app because I wanted it to be accessible and easy for everyone to understand how we use these simple practices and they don't have to be so dramatic and so mind blowing every time. And I'm sure you've seen, obviously, in all of your work over the years, the more we do practice and create this in our lives, the more profound it actually is. And we actually receive so much more than just the one, one-hit wonder, right?<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yes, absolutely. And then again, that self-empowerment, right? The more we do it for ourselves, that app idea is wonderful. Because yes, and you're empowering the individual. Use this whenever you can, and they start to engage in it more frequently, more regularly. Now it becomes their own, right? Their own practice, and it becomes this communication with their body versus I'm going to go to this person and have this session. And they were somehow the channel of my power, right? Like. No, it's all here with our own<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Oh,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>body<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>and creating<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>that relationship. Absolutely. So if do you have like one tip or one specific thing that you really help people if they're like, okay, I'm new to breath work or I, you know, I feel like a lot of people experience a lot of anxiety and stress. So what is that one kind of tip or tool that you can give to people?<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, and I think especially now we're seeing a lot of people experiencing a lot of stress and a lot of anxiety. And I think, like you said, you know, like understanding that you are, you know, the divine tool within your breath and you get to work with it and how it feels good to you. So I always tell everyone first off, you have full body autonomy. So even if you do use my app, you go with what feels good to you and you move through and I'm there to guide you and facilitate and hold safe space, okay? I think that's really important to mention that. We all know our bodies best and we listen to that beautiful wisdom. And as far as like a tool that I would say, I always love to add in affirmations when I'm breathing. So even if it's just, you know, I'm breathing in love through my nose and I'm breathing out limiting beliefs. I'm breathing in my I am presence and I'm breathing out anything that no longer serves. I'm breathing in wisdom. I'm breathing out anything that's blocking me. Right? And you start saying these things to yourself. I mean, even with my kiddos and I have them breathe, they love to say they breathe in peace and happiness into their belly when they breathe. And they breathe out what's stuck in them. And it's like. Just simple things like that and you go with what resonates for you and what feels good because that's what your body is really going to receive right. And our cells are always listening, but just something as simple as that and allowing yourself to do that like three or four times, just in the nose and out the mouth like, no, you'd be surprised how quickly you're going to shift.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I love that so much because I am a big opponent. I just lost my word. I'm<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Hehehehe<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>a big believer in using our voice. Our voice is so powerful to us. So when you're speaking out loud like that, you are really activating yourself in those energies. So that is a beautiful, beautiful tip.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Thank you.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Yeah, and I think what you just said too, right? Our voice, our voice, I learned your voice can be harmful or it can be<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Mm-hmm<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>very helpful, right? And so like when I was going through my journey, like you said same with you and it was like, I have this, I have that. It's like, no, you speak life. You speak sovereignty. You speak the beauty of you, the authenticity of you, all that you are, even if you can't fully see it in that moment, you speak it as it is because that is how you. in more and the body receives it and it knows what to do even if your mind doesn't.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Mm-hmm. Yes, yes, yes. Beautiful. And so, Ali, how can people find you and connect with you? Obviously, your app. Tell us about your app and other social media that they can connect with you.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Yes, well thank you. This conversation clearly lit me up. I love what you're all about. And I'm just so honored to be here with your listeners. So my app is called Breathe in B, B-R-E-A-T-H-E, just like it sounds. And you can either search it A and D and just the letter B capital or the ampersand sign and then the letter B. Cause it's all about being in your being. It's free to download on the app store and Google play. Cause I wanted everyone to be able to just get on there and just start breathing, even if they have no idea what they're doing. So there's a few. free breathwork exercises right when you download it and sign up. And then I highly recommend if this calls you to subscribe for all access. I have all my intentions on there, affirmations, all different types of breathwork exercises to serve you from two minutes all the way to an hour, depending on whatever you need. I drip in new content every month, sometimes even more than that, because I get excited and go in there and drop in a lot more to serve my community. And I have stuff for moms and kiddos as well. And I've been building out an entire... mother and kid parent program to help you breathe with your children because that's changed my kids lives and our relationship. And yeah, you can find me at social at Allie Levine Design is my social media. Breathe and Be Allie Levine is also the apps. Instagram and is my website.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Hmm. I love how you're bringing in the breathing for the children as well. Yeah, it's such, not only is it so important for our children to learn, but it's really fun to do it with them<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>It's so<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>and engage<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>fun to do.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>with them. Yeah,<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Yay!<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>and be like in that connected state. And then kind of watch them use it when you're not like, you know, asking them to do it or kind of egging them on to do it. And they just kind of use it on their own. And you're like, yay! Ha!<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>I'm going to tell you, I love that you said that because I've seen that so many times. And can I just be really like human for a moment? Like I was<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>having a human moment a few weeks ago and I was like throwing a total tantrum, was not using my breath, was not anchored in. I was very triggered. And my five year old looks at me and she goes, mama, breathe. And I couldn't, I was in such a space and she just started doing the breath work. And because she started, mama followed. And I was like. I was crying and I was like so amazed that she embodied it and then she, I usually regulate them, she regulated me and I was able to co-regulate and it was such a beautiful, powerful moment to see like wow, my five year old just did that for me. Like what a gift.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yes, that is embodiment and truly what a gift. Yay, I'm celebrating. What is her name?<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>A million.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Amelia. I'm celebrating her. Yay for her and her beautiful, beautiful spirit and helping mommy co-regulate and bringing in her breath and using her power. Yay. Yes.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Right? I love it.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Fantastic. OK, so now we're going to move into our activation. I'm just going to clear my voice here. All right, my voice seems triggered. My throat seems triggered. I'm sure there'll be some goodness here for us today. Who knows what's going to come through. And I just always say, if you're listening to this and you're driving, you might come back to this at a different stage. And you know, there's never anything that we have to experience in these kinds of moments. It's just about really being present and just being with you, being with what shows up for you here today. There's no right or wrong. Okay, so let's all just close our eyes and hey, let's start with the breath, right? Let's breathe in through our nose and out through the mouth. Just a comfortable breath. for you and just noticing as you do this, that flow of air, the flow of air in through your nose and the flow of air out of your mouth, feeling connecting to that energy, that sensation, that experience of flow. There it is, it's right there. just with our breath and really focusing on breathing now a little bit deeper down into your bodies. As you inhale allowing your belly just to come out ever so softly and subtly exhaling out of your mouth. inhaling, drawing your breath down into your womb, down into your pelvis. Exhaling, dropping that mouth open, letting go, sighing, letting go and sighing and just releasing that tension from your body. connecting all the way down into your. down into your. Ah, all the way down into your that exists in your world. With each inhalation, you are connecting more down into your womb. Each inhalation, you're drawing yourself. Ah, deeper into that connection, deeper into that connection of your womb, that connection of the ma within you, whether you have children or not. Breathing down to that ma energy that exists in your womb, breathing down into that. Beautiful. Now just consciously exhaling and relaxing exhaling and letting go. So just still breathing down to the womb and as you're exhaling consciously letting go. Connecting down to that womb. Releasing letting go. You don't have to know what you're letting go of. You can just breathe it out of your mouth. You can just breathe it out of your body. Ah, releasing it, letting it go. Yes, yes, and affirming to your womb. Yes, yes, I'm here with you, my love. Yes, yes, affirming to your womb, affirming to your power, affirming to the ma energy within you, the mother, the great mother, the no thing, the point of creation that exists within you. Yes, yes, I am here with you. I am connecting with you here now. You can place your hands over your womb if that feels good. Again, this isn't about being a mother. This is about the ma that exists within us all, the point of creation, the creative life force energy. that we all carry, we all are this ma energy, we all are creator beings, and you can connect into this power. And yes, affirm that this is you, affirm this connection, affirm yourself breathing down into this space, breathing down into your womb. Yes, yes, to your. Yes, yes, yes to the Creator being within you. Yes, yes, yes to your body, to your wisdom, to the intuition that you hold within you always, always. So innately wise you are my love. Breathing. I'm just going to bring in some sound. Just keep focusing. on your womb and keep breathing down to that womb and exhaling releasing whatever feels like coming out of your mouth as I bring in this sound. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Yeah Thank you. and you're expanding within each inhalation, you are expanding your space, expanding the vibrational energy and sphere of your womb. With each inhalation, you are gently expanding your power, expanding the sphere of your bodies. Each inhalation, expanding out, exhaling, releasing, letting go. expanding your power. Yes, yes, the electromagnetic field of your womb, the point of your creative life force, the point of creation itself expanding in your being as you are dropping down into more connection with this part of yourself dropping down. Ah, and a more connection of this part of yourself. This is you, my love. This my energy is you, my love. This is you, this is your power. This is your femme power. This is your creator being. This is you, my love. Mmm. Yes. And just placing your left hand over your womb, your right hand over your heart as we just end this with gratitude, gratitude for our wombs, gratitude for the femme within us for this reproductive system. Even if you've had it removed energetically, there is such a signature there owning you as a woman. owning that you came in as a woman with this reproductive, this ability to create from nothing, to create from energy, gratitude into the space, gratitude for all. of this beautiful energy that we carry in our bodies. Gratitude for this wisdom, gratitude for this intelligence. Yes, yes, yes. Beautiful. And so it is. And so it is. And so it is by the power of three, the perfection of the divine Trinity is complete. A whole year. to this place. Rub your bodies, shake it out. Yes. Ali, my love, such<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>That<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>a<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>was<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>delight,<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>beautiful.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>such a delight to have you here.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Beautiful<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Such a delight to connect with you.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>You too.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>hear your story. I am just honestly just inspired by that beautiful, beautiful story. Thank you so much for bringing your light here today.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Thank you for letting me bring it and share it. Thank you, I know there's more to come and I'm honored to be a part of your community.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yes, yes, yes. And audience reach out to Ali and absolutely sign up for that app. You know, it's so powerful to have that at our fingertips. Right? We're in this age of humanity where all that is at our fingertips. And so utilize that, right? Utilize having Ali in your pocket. I would want her in my pocket. I'm going to talk to her about this intuitive stylist stuff. That's just delicious. And check her out on social media. She's very active on social media and very much here for you. So reach out and connect to her. And as always, share this story, share this episode. Oh my gosh, what woman doesn't need to hear the power of her body, right? The power. wisdom of our body. So please share this episode. Make sure you rate and review. And we will see you next time on the Ecstatic Woman podcast. Thank you.<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Thank you.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yay!<br><br>Ali Levine:<br>Thank you so much. That was beautiful.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>That was so.</p>

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