Your Superhuman Self: Integrating Your Awesomeness Into Daily Life

Your Superhuman Self: Integrating Your Awesomeness Into Daily Life
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Your Superhuman Self: Integrating Your Awesomeness Into Daily Life

Aug 21 2023 | 00:54:42

Episode 2 August 21, 2023 00:54:42

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

"Show me what's good about this that I can't see" - Sarah Asha Rose

As we awaken to our Divine Self, we can oftentimes feel uncertain as to how to continue to carry out our human existence. Sometimes we can feel very alone and isolated.  Other times we can feel very disconnected 

Learning to balance our Divine Self with our human self is vital to our ascension and it is also the next step in human evolution. 

Join Alara Sage and Sarah Asha Rose as they dive deep into this topic and weave their own personal experiences throughout the episode.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Becoming superhuman involves connecting with our Divinity and integrating it into our human life.
  • Balancing our Divine Self with the daily human experience can be complex and confusing.
  • Tools for balancing Divinity with daily human experiences.
  • Releasing expectations and embracing the cyclical nature of life and our own energy is important for grounding ourselves in the human experience.
  • Having fun and experiencing joy is an essential part of the spiritual journey.

The activation for this episode was:

  • Activating your Superhuman Self

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Episode Transcript

<p><!--block-->Alara Sage:<br>Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the Ecstatic Woman podcast. I'm your host, Alara Sage, the ecstatic life mentor. Ecstatics can be kind of interesting to be human. Is that not correct? No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you may often feel that being human can be complex. Being human can be confusing at times. And even more so as we move through our spiritual journey and connect more and more to our divinity, more and more to the wholeness of who we truly are, sometimes we can not be certain of how to balance the fullness of the self with the human experience. So today I am so ecstatic to bring you our guest, Sarah Asher Rose. Sarah is a trans medium channel, trans channel medium, I believe, who uses her own unique approach for healing that she calls light codes. And Sarah has this, had this just this feeling, you know, that humans are stepping into being superhuman and that there's<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>a lot of these humans out there that have a mission, a purpose. It's very dear to their hearts, but maybe they're struggling with fears, lack of self-worth, limiting beliefs. And Sarah is here to assist them. She creates activations and meditations with her light codes and with her healing energy and presence to help these people step into their power and step into their superhumanness. Yay. Let's all welcome with our hearts and our wombs Sarah Asher Rose. Sarah, thank you so much for being here today.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Thank you, beautiful. I'm so happy to be here. Ha ha.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Ew. Sarah, when we talk about superhuman, I just love that word so much. And can you define what superhuman means to you?<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes, absolutely. So that word came in maybe a couple of months ago. Superhuman. And when it came in, there was this feeling behind it. And it was almost this feeling of... wanting more, to connect with the piece of us that is more. And that there are beings here, including myself, including you, that want to explore that part of us that is the more. That's more than just our identity, right? That's more than just society telling us what we should be or what we should do. The part of us that wants to seek more, really connect to our divinity, right? than just human, I'm superhuman. I am an integration of the human and the divine. And really, I truly believe that that's the next step, the next level, as we sort of love our humanity and begin to integrate it in our divinity. And for people who are awakening, I love how you said it can be confusing, because absolutely. How do you navigate that, right? How do you navigate the while, you know, experiencing, having divine experiences without feeling like you're, you know, losing your mind, so to speak. You know, it can be confusing, especially for people who don't have a community or someone to guide them through that. like myself, you know, I didn't really have that. I had that, but didn't. And that's why I love to talk about it and help people maybe who are experiencing that and how to make sense and how to embrace their superhuman self and integrate it into their daily life and use spirituality as a tool in a grounded way, right? If that all makes sense.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yes, yes,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>yes. I, you know, when I had my awakening and the more I went into it, I really felt like I was kind of living two lives, right? There was this<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>space that I would go into in meditation that was very blissful and ecstatic and very expansive. And then there was my humanness, right?<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And it felt at some point very separate and I had to...<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Learn how to integrate the two of them.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>What<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>has been your experience with this? I know we spoke a little bit about this<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>when we first connected.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes, absolutely. I was remembering our conversation. We had much in common with that. Yeah, you mentioned that sadness, right? So... When I started awakening, I would call it like a remembering or a recall, maybe 10 or 11 years ago that was brought on, oftentimes as they are, right? That low in our life when we start searching for more and who we are, and then we kind of open up and have this larger awakening. And I went through that and, you know, my channeling gifts came in, my light language gifts came in. But while this exciting thing was unfolding, I did experience sadness and grief and loss. on many levels. So as you said, you know, you reach this bliss. So it's a feeling of climbing the dimensions and this heightened sense of, wow, this is love. This is like truly who I am. And then there would be almost this period of like crashing down into the third dimension and it being very like, oh, like now I have to drive home and go back to my life, you know? And it took me a while to kind of navigate through that. And I had a friend, I remember this always stands out and she said, you know, you know, someone to catch you, you know, make it soft, make the landing soft so that when you come back, you're coming back to your life in a soft way where it doesn't feel so harsh as you're coming back. But yeah, integration, absolutely. And How do I make sense of this in my life? And all of the loss, I'm sure, you must have experienced too. You know, when you awaken that part of yourself, you lose friends, you lose identity. There is loss. But obviously it's for the best, right? But it can be kind of not what you think a spiritual awakening is, right?<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yeah, I've had so many times where, you know, through the process of, as you call, remembering, recalling, unfolding, right? There's, it's like you, you know that you're no longer the person you were just a minute ago, or yesterday.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And yet you're like, but who am I? Right?<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Like, I know I'm not that person anymore. And I don't yet know. Wow, who this new version of me is,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>what this means, how do I even go about living this new version of my life? And I love how you say integrating, right, in a really grounded manner. Can<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>you bring some examples of that to the audience about how you kind of integrate this new version<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>of you, these new rememberings, right, these new skills, these new tools, all this new energy into human life.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah, I mean, that's such a great, important conversation to have. And I think that people need to talk about it more like, how do we, you know, this concept that we are not just physical beings or spiritual beings having a physical experience, right? There's a great video by Rainn Wilson, the guy who played Dwight on The Office. And he talks about that, and I love it. You know, I think community is really so important to have a place where you can have teachers have people like us who have gone through that who can share, you know, the ego death that we went through and what does that mean? And you know... application I can do this in my life. I can meditate. I can say an affirmation. I can talk about my experiences. Because I have noticed, maybe you have too, that when I first started entering the spiritual world there was a lot of imbalance. Like a lot of people who sought spirituality out because of a trauma or a wound and then there was a lot of escapism in it. Like kind of like going off into this place of like the stars and just not coming back. I probably went through that too, you know? But I think as I started to develop more and have more of a, like a knowing. I started to realize that the more grounded I could be, actually the more connected I could be. Whereas I used to think, no, like the more out there is that's the more connected, right? But then as you start to spiritually develop, you realize, no, like I have to heal my lower chakras. I have to heal my survival issues. I have to be balanced in my heart. That's how I can live a more joyful life, not by escaping, right? So I hope that makes sense. if that's helpful, is kind of understanding maybe how to be more balanced in your spiritual journey or seeking your spiritual truth. To yes, have those experiences, but then to ground them out in your daily life. Am I generally happy? So I know a lot of spiritual people, they have these amazing experiences, but they don't function in a happy whole way. They're not happy people, right? So isn't the whole point to live like a joyous life, right? In the now moment. So I'd say balance and, you know, if that all makes sense.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yeah, I definitely experienced escapism. And<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>longest time I didn't even realize that that's what I was doing.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes, yes, yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>because I was learning how to even connect to those<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>dimensions of self and those spaces. And in the moment, I was really breathing it into my body. And then, however, as I mentioned, I kind of felt like I was living these two lives. Even<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>though I was highly integrated spiritually, I didn't have a 9 to 5 job. I was living<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>my spirituality 100%.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>me too.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I still felt kind of like what you said, like, OK, well, where's the joy? Right? Where<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>is the love? Where is all of these energies that I feel in my meditations? Where is<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>it<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>yes,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>in my physical?<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yes. And for me, it had a lot to do with my judgment of my human self.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Wow, yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I was like, I don't want to be human. I want to just go<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>back to where I had a lot of real deep pain that I hadn't realized<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>about. coming into this human form and not<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>really understanding why am I here. Have you experienced anything like that?<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah, absolutely. I resonate with everything you're saying about the judgment especially and guilt, feelings of guilt and shame and a lot of old ancestral clearing that needed to be done, right? All the human stuff. And Joe Dispenza said something in a podcast interview. He said, You know, it's one thing, right, like you said, to experience those highs in meditation, but can you take that with you the rest of your day? Like you said, can you take that and can you be aware? You know, can you catch yourself in awareness? And I think awareness is the key to it all because we can always do clearing, right? You don't have to be perfect. And I used to think, I think in my head, I need to solve everything and like. you know, like be this perfect being. But then I realize like I already am perfect, right? It's just having the awareness to clear things as they come up, as they come up. If I feel guilt coming on, identifying, okay, this doesn't belong to me, right? If I have a negative thought, this is the collective or this is old. This is an old pattern. I think I'm able to clear it as I go along. so I can integrate every day. And just being an avid seeker of the truth, always trying to find tools and techniques that will allow me to do that, whether it's like affirmations or, you know, something like reminders, because I think as humans we tend to be very forgetful. you know, like one minute I'm like, I'm this divine being, and the next minute I'm like, I hate my life. It's like, like you said, duality. It's that duality that, oh my God, like forgive myself for my duality because I came here to experience that, right? So it can be quite a roller coaster ride sometimes, right? Ha ha.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I think the reminder part is huge, because just as you said, we tend to forget.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I found that I was always putting reminders on my phone, little,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Class.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>you know, they were just alarms that would go off. And<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>when that alarm went off, it was like, remember, you know, remember<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Nice.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>to breathe into your body. Remember who you truly are. And<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>us.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>by setting those reminders constantly throughout the day,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>I<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>it<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>love<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>started<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>that.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>to integrate more and more. But<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>just<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>I do<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>as you<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>post<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>said, I<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>it.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>had, yes. I had a lot of shame around who I was as a human. And so having to heal that shame so that I could really love the human and see myself as perfection, even in my failures and even in my<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>mistakes and even in my blunders. Yes,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>yes,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>yes, yes.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>yes. Yeah, the judgments, all the judgments we put on ourselves, right, that blocks abundance, that blocks divine experience, right, because like I said, we came here to have a human experience, so why the heck are we judging ourselves for it? It's like, you know, nobody else is judging us but us. It's, you know. So, reminders, yes, Post-its, I put everywhere. And my mirror, you know. But, yeah, it... It is sometimes a constant roller coaster ride. And I also think too, what's coming to mind now is as an empath, like we didn't really discuss that yet, you know, you can pick up on so much, right? And think it's yours and take it on as yours. And then one day be like, well, wait a minute, maybe all of this isn't mine, you know? Right? Maybe these are old ancestral things. Maybe I'm picking up on the collective, you know, from the moment we wake up in the morning and go to bed, we are satellite dishes. So how do we counteract that? Like what are we putting into place that protects us from that? Or gives us the awareness that, ooh, this is a collective thought. Or, ooh, this is not me and my power. Or, ooh, you know what I'm saying? I think that's really important. That's something that I've come to realize for myself, you know?<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yeah, it's so interesting that we judge our process as humans because we're here to literally create an experience and part of that experiencing is making mistakes, right? That is<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>how we learn.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>But man,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>if we don't just judge ourselves and criticize and expect this perfection, but You don't<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>learn when you just go through everything perfectly. You don't have that opportunity<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>to understand where you made a mistake or how to do better or what is more in alignment, what is more truthful. So<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>it's so interesting to me. So you talked about community as being one of the ways in which we can ground ourselves into the human experience. What are some other tools, very specifically, that you have used for yourself? to balance your divinity with your humanity.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Hmm. Yeah, I think forgiveness, right? You know, the ho'oponopono, right? That's a great one. Forgive myself, you know? And also, there's this philosophy called access consciousness. I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but one of the things that I learned from that practice was be willing to receive everything, right? Like everything, all of it. You know, because like you said, with failure, there's, there's success. There's always a dual. There's always an opposite. Right. So always be willing. And my guides have always shared that with me too. You know, you know, be willing to receive everything and accept, you know, nothing, you know, just be, be willing, be open. And I think also asking the universe questions has really helped me because when you ask questions. great tool. When you ask questions, you create expansion. Because when you judge, you're saying, I know everything, and you close the window on the opportunity. Right? How can I show up in the world today as the greatness that I am? Like something like that, right? Like I'll journal in the morning, you know? How can I be true to the light of oneness within me? Or whatever comes up. How can I be willing to perceive and receive and know everything I need to know today? Like another great one is, what is good about this that I can't see? I love that one. Like... when you're judging yourself for being, oh, I'm a failure and this is terrible. Like, show me universe. Show me what's good about this. I can't see. Another great one is how does it get better than this? Show me. I love that one too. And those questions I've written on Post-its to remind myself. But I'm an avid learner and student of life, and I'm always reading and digesting information. So I'm always trying to take little tidbits from everything that I read and just use it in my daily practice. So having some kind of a practice, I think, is so important, right? Don't you think? At least in the morning. And I think a lot of people don't. getting by on fumes. It's like, you know, so I think it's important to have time to have sacred connection to spirit. 10 minutes of quiet, 10 minutes of asking questions, something, these are all things that have really helped me in grounding out my humanity. Just, you know, creating those moments for myself. I know we gave a lot.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I love the questions because I'm a big question asker as well. It's one of my favorite things to do. When I ask questions, I just throw the question out there. And<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Gas.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I wait for the communication with the universe, right?<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>The different ways in which the universe brings us the information<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes, absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>and the different forms. And it's always so delightful to me how the answer, the question is<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>how<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>answered,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>it comes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>right? Like, oh, I didn't expect it from that form. Oh, there it<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>is. And then, you know, really receiving the answer is really delightful to me because I try to do it from the most just aligned state of curiosity as possible without any expectation<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>of what the answer is gonna be. And so receiving that answer, sometimes you're like, okay, yes, and then other times you're like, whoa, okay. Mind blown.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yeah.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>yes, I love that you made such a great point. That's so true. It comes in unexpected ways if you're if you're willing to receive it that way. I love that. I love I love how it comes to when you ask for a sign, especially. And sometimes I'll be very specific with the sign and be like, there's no way they're going to give it to me like this, you know, and it'll come. But you have to write the whole point is to be open to how it comes. because there's a story, I forget exactly how it goes, but somebody's on top of a roof and they're like, God save me, and they're expecting like one particular way for it to come, and God's bringing them like boats and this and that, and they're just, they're focused on one and they're missing all of it, right? I'm probably messing up the story, but you know what I'm trying to say. It's like, if you're just focusing on that, then you're missing out on all, the universe is always helping you, right? It's like that expression, God is always bringing you angels or whatever, you know?<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Absolutely. I love the question you said. I'm going to paraphrase completely here, but something along the lines of, show me what I'm not seeing about the situation. Because just as you're saying, yeah, like help me, support me. I need help. And then we're<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>expecting it to come in one channel. And it's being offered to us in so<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>many different ways. And oftentimes, it's coming through the exact thing that we are rejecting or resisting or<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes!<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>saying, this sucks. I don't want this in my life right now. Meanwhile, that's actually where the gift is.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>That's so true!<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah!<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>we're not willing to just like, OK, let me really<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>allow this into my life and understand it. So I loved that question that you brought through. And<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes, yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I also love the journaling. That was something<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I've done most of my life. I don't do it anymore. But I feel<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>like that's a really great tool for the audience.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Because yes, I really enjoy just throwing the question out there. But not everybody. can do that or feels comfortable doing that.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And so oftentimes, journaling is a great way to access information<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>and<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>even our higher selves to channel.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I really started channeling by writing. That was my first technique. Has that been your experience with journaling<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>as well?<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah, one of my favorite things to do is channel and write. You know, it's such a beautiful experience. I think maybe some people have a hard time with letting go of the mind when it comes to that. You know, for me, it's always been very easy to connect when I have the pen in my hand because it's an extension of my heart. You know, I feel like it's just very easy. Also, I think because I'm an artist, it's just very easy and a writer, it's very easy for me to connect that way. But I love that you said sometimes it's hard for people to just throw it out and they need, yeah, journaling can be even just to write a question and then just let go of, of wanting to get an answer. I always tell people if I'm teaching spiritual development or something like that it can come through and something you don't expect. So just start writing you know without the intention of what it should be and just allow it to come through you. That's essentially what channeling is right? It's just removing yourself out of the picture and allowing that to come through which can be challenging for some people you know. But I love that practice of writing. I do it every morning actually. Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yeah, and I feel another thing that you mentioned was having a daily practice. I want to emphasize that because I've had a daily practice for years.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>When I first started this process, I mean, when I look back, I started the process much, much longer ago than I thought I did. I'm sure you've had<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>the same thing. I<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>was doing a lot of things a long time ago that were leading me up. But at the point<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>that I was actually consciously doing a practice. You know, since then I've always had a practice. And<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>you know, for me, it's usually getting up in the morning and I used to get kicked out of bed at three in the morning. My higher self would<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Oh<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>just<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>wow.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>wake me up and get out, get out of bed,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>go sit and meditate because<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>That's<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>it was<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>fun,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>such a<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>right?<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>powerful time of the day.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And I would do it, it was so transformational. I'm so grateful that I did it because it was much easier at that time of the day.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mmm,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Now<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>great.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I don't need to do that, but. those moments of giving myself that time. I had young children. My boys at that time were like two and one<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mmm,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>or something like that.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>that's tough, yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>So it was so imperative. Yeah, I was tired. And I wanted to sleep more.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And I knew how important it was. I would force myself to get up.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And it was kind of good that the exhaustion would kind of help because it would calm the mind. And I would<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>go into meditation<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>very easily. And just insisting that. that this is important to me. And<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>regardless of whether it's five minutes, I've meditated<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>for hours on end, but for each individual, we have to determine what that is for us. And even if it's<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>five minutes a day, 10 minutes a day, that practice in the morning,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I'm a firm believer of that.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah, I love how you said like you just kind of like force yourself to do it because when you show up for spirit, spirit shows up for you. You know, like you set an appointment. This is true. I used to have a mediumship teacher and she would say like, set your boundaries for spirit, set your guidelines because like you said, three or four a.m. can be that time when you're bombarded by spirit. And sometimes maybe you want to say, okay, between the hours of this and this, you know, but I think if you make an appointment. Whether it's five minutes or 10 minutes, you're queuing to the universe, bring me. I'm ready. Right? The same thing with the gym. You make an appointment, go to the gym. You're committing to yourself, I'm doing this for myself, even if, because every day is different. Maybe I only work out for five minutes one day. Maybe I work out for an hour. And the end act is the same thing with meditation. There are times where I don't need to meditate. I just sit down and I'm like boom. There are other times where I need to sit there for an hour and just to like, my mind is so distracted. Right? So I think just as long as you are committing to yourself, I think that's what it is, right? Making a commitment to yourself and saying, hey, universe, my phone line is, you know, I'm plugged in, I'm waiting, right? You know?<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I love so much how you mentioned that about, yeah, some days you go and it's five minutes, other days you go and it's an hour. Same exact with me. And<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>it's not about having a checklist. It's not about, you know,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Great.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I did it. It's about showing up in devotion. Here I am,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>what's<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>devotion.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>available to me. Okay, today it wasn't. Today, wow, that was incredible.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And knowing that it's gonna change, knowing that you're gonna have insane days just like working out, just like anything. And other days you're gonna be like, okay, I'm. hardly even mentally available. But guess what? I showed up, right?<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Here I am.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>yeah, that's so true. And releasing the expectation of having to always be, yeah, sometimes I'm like, wait, how come yesterday was so clear and today, I, where are you? Hello? You know, just releasing that expectation. Because there's so much that's going on maybe that we don't even realize energetically in the cosmos and in the... you know, collective frequency. There are some times where I'm like, whoa, like what is going on? I'm so clear today and I'll call a friend and my friend will be like, me too. It does that ever happen to you? Where you're like, oh my God. You know, there are other times I'm so tired and I can't even, you know, it's a lot going on that we can't even conceptually understand, you know. And spirit can mean us where we're at sometimes too. You can ask your guides. Can you come down to wear that today? You know. Just ask. Ask. Always ask. Right?<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>That was a toughie for me was I think that's another thing we forget is just to ask, right? To ask, ask<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>for help, ask for guidance, ask just as you said, okay, meet me here<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>today. This is as far as I can show up.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Meet me here.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah, and sometimes, you know, I don't know, for those of you who are a clear audience, like you can hear a spirit, sometimes I'll actually hear and I'll be like, Oh my god, like, am I did I really hear that and it blows me away. And other times I can't hear anything, you know, it's like crickets, you know, so it's definitely is. Like you mentioned the word devotion, and I love that word. Like being devoted to something. We all need that, right? We all need to be devoted to something. It makes us feel alive. It gives us purpose to be, and maybe meditation is not something you're devoted to, but maybe it's something that you just give your attention to just to show up for a walk. Doesn't even have to be sitting in Ome, right? going into the forest or doing something that feels good, I think is the whole point. Like Abraham always says that, right? Because that's what changes your energetic signature, doing something that feels good. That can just be going for a walk. It doesn't have to be a crazy long meditation, right?<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>So important. I mean, some people I'm getting images, you know, maybe doodling is a way<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Oh yeah, I love<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>for you<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>that.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>to connect in, right?<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Maybe listening to sound, maybe, as you said, going for a walk,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>maybe dancing and movement.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>There's so<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>oh<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>many<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>my<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>different<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>God,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>ways.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>huge. Yeah, dancing. I love to go, it's summer for us here, and I go in the pool and I put on 90s music and I just dance and it's like, it's just, I don't have a purpose. It's just fun, that's it. And I think sometimes I forget to have fun. You know, I think we all do, especially, you know, with my work and helping people and I get in this place of wait, just have fun today. You don't need to do anything other than that. It's okay to just have fun sometimes. right? You know, it's important in fact, I think that we maybe sometimes at least I know I do take myself too seriously. My guides will tell me that, you know, they could be really funny. You know, it surprises me how funny they can be. You know.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Spirit is hilarious.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes, right?<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yeah, and I really agree with, you know, releasing expectation and understanding. I mean, for one, we are cyclical beings. Sometimes we're very, very high energy,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>very in our Shakti or creative life force energy. Other times we're ebb. Just as you said,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Thank you<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>there's<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>guys.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>a lot that happens planetarily. Sometimes there's a lot<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>of mental energy. Sometimes the veil is very thin.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>The one guarantee is always shifting and changing, always shifting and changing.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes, that's true. Yes, absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And it's so important when we're learning to further cultivate our relationship with the universe, with spirit, with ourself, with our superhuman self,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>is that we're always letting go of that expectation. I<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>know for me, it was like, I would have these really powerful experiences and then you just wanna grab onto it. Your ego does, your ego wants to grab<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>onto it. Okay, where<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>yes,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>is it? Show up, right?<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And then, what do you mean it's not here? What did I not do it right? And you immediately<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>go back into that judgment, right? So doing the best to just show up with that. curiosity of who knows what's going to happen today, who knows<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>what's going to show up. And again, I love how we're speaking to devotion and I love your comment about not having a purpose, right? Like going and dancing because it feels good, going<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>and writing because it feels good, going and playing and just using that as the avenue to open your energy centers and your channels and yourself,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>right?<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>absolutely. Yes, joy. Yeah, the angels and fairies always talk about joy. Have fun. The inner child, right? The experience of creativity, just doing something because it feels good. I love how you talked about cycles too. I was just looking up the moon cycles today, just out of curiosity, you know, where are we in the moon cycles? And I was reading about the first quarter moon, how, you know, when we're in the period of waxing and we're experiencing the moon, it's a good time for manifestation. Just learning about the cycles of the moon, it really helps us understand ourselves. you know, oh, like this is why I feel like this, right? Because I think that humanity has become very separated from the cycles of nature. And sometimes it really, it's a detriment because we feel so disconnected. But when you can connect yourself to a cycle like the moon or like the ocean or like the, you know, the seasons, it's like, oh, it gives me a better understanding of why maybe I feel so creative or maybe I feel so like cocooning right now. Or like, you know, to be performing. I don't always have to be on social media sharing, right? Like I can be not on my phone for a couple days, like out in the woods somewhere and disconnect and not feel like I have to help people, right? I can be in these different cycles and I think, you know, as an artist too, it's hard to always be a creative genius, right? We're not always supposed to be. It's a really good conversation. I forget sometimes how important the cycles are and all of that, you know, to follow that, follow the moon cycles and all of that.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I think it also builds trust because just as you said, we're not meant to be, I always teach we're just not meant to be in flow all the time.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Great.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>We are meant to flow and to ebb and to flow and to ebb. And the more that we learn that and connect with it, the more we realize, oh, this is just a state of being, right, it's justice and the next state of being will come. And then what<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>we get to do is we get to honor what we are really in.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>If that is cocooning, if that is feeling just tired and exhausted, like, Oh, just going to give into myself completely and just really honor what I need right now, because<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I know that, you know, the flow is coming or the ecstasy is coming, whatever that is.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>It builds that trust with our cycles. And then in my experience, we really get to get the full value of<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes!<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>our cyclical selves.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes, like a restorative period. Like giving yourself, I was reading a book where they talked about how like important that was, especially for entrepreneurs and people who are always like, you know, that you need at least two restorative days just to be like, just to, and even maybe having restorative months, right? Like maybe for three months, I was very active and I was, right, maybe now I'm gonna take two months and be more restorative and maybe looking at your life like that need to like you said have that restoration so you can build up right you can refuel you can build up because we can't if that's how we end up sick right or depleted or drained which I believe me you know I've done that to myself like give get you know so especially for healers I think that's true people are watching more healers can resonate that with that probably right It's a great conversation to have, I think.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yeah, and nature is cyclical and we are of nature. So<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>it's interesting that we would presume that we can kind of come out, not be cyclical. And<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I think in our superhumanness, we actually become more cyclical, become<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>more connected<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>more connected.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>to.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>her rhythms,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Gaia's rhythms,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>nature's rhythms, the<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>rhythms of the stars and of the planets. And even though we are superhuman in that sense of like really connecting to our power and our genius and our love and our creativity,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I find the more you know superhuman I become, the more cyclical I am.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely, I totally agree with that. Because you're becoming, your senses are becoming more heightened and aware. You're becoming more connected to the universal life source of energy that's in everything. And you can feel that it connects everything. There's a meditation, I don't know if you know Wayne Dyer, he's one of my favorites, I listen to at night and he says, you know, I am part of the meadow, the grass, the every, you know, and he's just, and I, the same intelligence that creates. created that created me. And I am part of all of those things and I listen to it every night before I go to bed to like reprogram my subconscious like I am not separate from anything. I'm connected to everything and everything like this too shall pass energy is always moving right like it this is so fleeting whatever your experience it's just temporary the only thing like you said I think you said the only thing that's a constant is change right is movement and when you I think that's really comforting to me especially when I'm in those darker places right Oh, this is just temporary.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Absolutely. And at the same time that. It can be, you know, scary or... disconcerting because we don't know what's next, what's next, what's next.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>you<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>But when we are really in that ownership of, like looking back at our life, you know, when has my life ever been the same all the time? Like your<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Great.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>whole life has always been change and movement.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Always,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And look,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>you managed, you know, you did it. You are still here, you are<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>working through all of it. And sometimes we have to take that moment to look back and remind ourselves, yeah. Hello, how long have I been doing this? You know,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>like it's going to continue and I've already been doing it. I already know how to move through change. We're such flexible beings, you know,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>like we are incredibly<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>adaptability.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>adaptable.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes, absolutely. Yeah, I love that. I love what you just said, like reminding yourself. There's this practice that I read, like your three big wins of the day, like before you go to bed, you know, like even reflecting on my three big wins in the past three years, like remind it like again, I had big wins today. What are my big wins going to be tomorrow? And, and because that's focusing, that's more of a gratitude energy, right? That's, that's your instead of the human tendency to focus on what we don't have, right? It's always like, what's missing? What's missing? What am I not doing? What am I not doing? Let me refocus on... What is whole already? Right? Like how can I bring wholeness to my day already? Because that's a different vibration. I'm not operating from lack. Right? Because if I believe in the law of attraction, I'm going to bring more lack when I'm focused on that. Right? So what is already good? That's why that question, what is good about this? I can't see because you're operating from that place of like gratitude, like wholeness, like there's something right about this. I might not see it yet. Right? But I know that it's there. And I haven't always been able to be in those places, right? That's a discipline, that's an awareness, and that takes practice, right? You know, to be there.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>It's such a great question. What is good about this that I<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>I know, I love<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>cannot<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>that.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>yet see? Because<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>like I said, our greatest challenges bring our greatest gifts. But oftentimes<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>in the moment, we're just<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah, no. Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>with the challenge. We can't see the wisdom. We can't<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>see beauty. There's been so many times where my higher self has given me this very intricate explanation of how<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>the orchestration occurred. And<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>it's. It is so incredibly beautiful. Like when I'm shown it, I'm like, wow, that<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>is so beautiful. How, yes, that challenge and that challenge and this challenge and look what it all brought you all these beautiful gifts and this awareness and this wisdom and<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>it makes you connect deeper into that. But we don't always have spirit showing us that.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>So sometimes it does have to come from within.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And it's not even about having the answer, is it? Like, what is it that I can't see? OK, maybe you don't have the answer, just to even know.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>No, yes, just asking that question feels good,<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yes.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>right? It's not the answer. It's just the ability to ask that question without being wanting an answer, I think, absolutely. And you're right, like when you can see it from that place, it's beautiful. In the moment, it's hard. Like it also reminds me too, when I used to channel a lot in groups, people would say like, I'm confused. And the beings would be like, good. They would laugh and say, I'm good, that's good. And people will be like, what do you mean that's good? And they'd be like, when you're confused, you're in a state of rebirth. If you know it all, there's no room for more. Be confused. They're like, oh God, you know, people are like, I don't like hearing that, you know, our egos don't like hearing that. We want to know. I have that, you know, I want to know sometimes, but I think having the spiritual awareness gives our humanity good foundation. Because even though we're like, I want to know, we still understand that not knowing sometimes surrendering is more powerful and beautiful because there's so much more possibility, right? When we don't know, it's like a blank canvas, right? It's also scary though, like you said, it can be. don't have that spiritual backbone. I always say I thank goodness for my spiritual awareness because if I didn't have it I think life would be a scarier place honestly. I really do. I think it serves us well to have that. I look at people who sometimes don't have that faith and I'm like, oh I must be harder. Right?<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yeah, I mean, I'm constantly given insights and information and guidance, guidance by my spiritual connection. And I've always had it to some level, but obviously I've cultivated it more. And same<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>thing, I think, jeez, I'm super grateful to have this.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And I hope that the listeners can hear us in the context of. You know, I believe that everybody has it. And we all have some level of intuition and inner guidance. And even if you're like, well, I kind of have it or I don't have a lot of it, it is a cultivation practice. And just as we've been talking about today, it is that devotion. It is setting that time up for yourself to cultivate that.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>It's a relationship. You have to cultivate and strengthen<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>the relationship because it's so worth it. It's<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>so worth it to have. that guidance that's always whispering in your ear and helping<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>you. And even like you said, the humor of spirit is just<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>hands down the best.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>It always blows me away. And people too, like when I would channel, they'd be like, they're funny. I'd be like, yes, because sometimes they would come in the beginning and they would go, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha. And they would make people laugh because what does laughter do? It raises our vibration, you know? It's so important. And like I said before, we kind of forget that sometimes we take ourselves way too seriously. Laughter is the medicine, right, of the soul.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yes, it truly is. Sarah, how can people find you? And yeah, where can they find you?<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Yeah, so I'm pretty active on social media. I have an Instagram, Sarah Asher Rose. I'm on YouTube, Asher Rose Healing. I do offer a lot of great content on YouTube. I post three times a week there. And on Instagram I have pretty much daily light code activations. And they can also... they can subscribe to my email list. They'll get like code activations and they'll be put on my email list and they can get notified every time I put new content out there. But if you sign up for my email list, you will get some free like code activations and free threes that you can listen to change your vibration and help you have your own recall and remembering. It's kind of my gift to anyone who's watching.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I highly recommend you guys check out Sarah's offerings and her light code activations. I mean, that's definitely something that you could use as a daily practice. She's<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Oh<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>on<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>there a lot and you bring such a beautiful energy,<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Oh<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Sarah.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>thank you. Thank<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And your<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>you.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>light codes are so beautiful, such high frequency. And so listeners, you know, this is something that you could do for your daily thing. It's a no brainer, you know, just connect with Sarah, receive, just breathe into your body, open up and receive and trust that what's and that what you're receiving is going to help you and activate you and open you and take you those steps closer to your superhuman self.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>OK, so speaking of activation, it's time for our activation.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Mm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Yum, yum, yum. That'll be probably even more powerful because we have Sarah here with us today. And this is her thing as well. So. I always say that if you are driving your car, you might want to come back to this when you can give your full presence, but<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>you can always listen and you can always receive it and know that no matter what you feel, it's perfect. There's no expectation here. There's nothing that you need to feel or to experience for it to be happening, for it to be working. Just breathe into your bodies and receive and know, know that it is indeed. helping you and raising your vibration, OK? So let's close our eyes. And first, just notice your breath. Breathe in through your nose and open your mouth. Let your breath out. Noticing and connecting to this beautiful system of breath, how your breath naturally moves in and out of your body. how your breath is always available. Your breath is always available. Your breath is always there. Yes, yes, yes. And as you're breathing in now, ah, just go ahead and notice what you're sitting on, bringing your awareness to your pelvis and bringing your awareness to what you're sitting on and just breathing with your awareness there as we are calling. yourself into your body with each inhalation. You're drawing your awareness, drawing your presence into this moment. Exhaling, you're letting go my love. Exhaling, you're letting go of any tension. Letting go of any tension. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Breathing in and I want you to ask I want you to ask yourself I want you to ask yourself for a color that signifies to you your superhuman self right here in this moment Trust the first color that comes in you may see it you may hear it you may feel it you may just simply know it Trust that color and we're gonna start setting the intention that now you are breathing this color into your body With each inhalation, that color that's unique to you, that color that represents your unique superhuman is now drawing into your body and drawing into every single cell of your being. Exhaling, you are releasing. Exhaling, you are letting go of any resistance. Exhaling, you are letting go of any beliefs, any thoughts, any structures that no longer serve you. Inhale, you receive, my love. Receive your breath. into your body. Yes, yes, yes. Beautiful. I want you to keep focusing on inhaling and receiving, exhaling, letting go. I'm going to bring in some sound. Just breathe and listen. Yeah. nice deep breath into your body, activating you, my love, activating you in your superhuman remembrance, activating you in your superhuman intelligence, activating you, activating in your superhuman wisdom, in your superhuman connection, in your superhuman intuitive channels of information and guidance, activating you, activating in your superhuman love and. resins. Yes, yes, yes. Three nice deep cleansing breaths in through the nose out through the mouth. Yes, yes, yes. And so it is, and so it is, and so it is. By the perfection of three, the divine trinity, it is complete. Ah. Mm. I invite you to notice that color that you saw. Notice how that comes into your life. Notice, notice where you see that color and just kind of breathe into that moment and pay attention and receive it because spirit is always bringing those colors back around to us.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>after that.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Sarah, my love, thank you so much for<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Thank<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>being<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>you.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>here<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>It<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>with me today.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>was very beautiful. I loved it.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>I honor so much your presence and your beautiful energy. When I first connected with Sarah, I could just immediately feel her vibration and her energy and her light. So I honor you, my love, in all that<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Thank<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>you<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>you.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>have done to reach this superhuman version of you and all that's to come<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>I<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>in<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>honor you<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>your<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>too.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>expansion.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Thank you. I'm so glad we connected.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>Absolutely. And as always, I invite you guys to reach out to Sarah to connect to her. Get on her Instagram. Receive those like codes. Share them with everybody. And as always, share this episode. Subscribe, rate, and review. Make sure that we're sharing this content with people that you think could really receive this information. And sometimes just share it anyways, because sometimes people are listening, and you don't even realize<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>you<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>that they're listening and they need this content.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage:<br>And thank you so much for joining me again for another episode of The Ecstatic Woman. And I will see you next week. Much love.<br><br>Sarah Ahsa Rose:<br>Bye everyone.</p>

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