Embracing Abundance: A Journey to Financial Freedom and Self-Discovery

Embracing Abundance: A Journey to Financial Freedom and Self-Discovery
Wealth Embodied
Embracing Abundance: A Journey to Financial Freedom and Self-Discovery

Mar 07 2024 | 00:56:42

Episode 66 March 07, 2024 00:56:42

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

"the moment that you are honest with yourself and be truthful is the moment you can start energetically, cognitively, materialistically aligning" - Jennifer McCormack

In this episode,  Alara SageJennifer and McCormick delve into the transformative power of surrendering to the universe, trusting in divine timing, and maintaining faith in the manifestation of desires. They emphasize the importance of surrender and trust in the manifestation process, even in moments of uncertainty or delay. 

Key learning points:

  1. Surrendering to the Universe
  2. Trusting in Divine Timing
  3. Maintaining Faith in Manifestation
  4. Embracing Uncertainty and Delay
  5. Practicing Patience and Persistence

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Episode Transcript

<p><!--block-->Alara Sage (00:01.586)<br>Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the Ecstatic Woman podcast, where we activate and inspire women in their power, in their authenticity, and in their bliss. I'm your host, Alara Sage. And you know, a hot topic right now is money, is abundance, is perhaps even on the flip side of that scarcity or lack. And it's always such a delicious conversation to go into. It's always such a delicious conversation to<br><br>take other people's perspectives from and learn and grow. So this is what we're going to do today with our wonderful guest, Jennifer McCormick. She is a mentor for women all over the globe and helps them to scale their business by taking their mind and energy to the next level. She helps them to unapologetically sit in their power.<br><br>to raise and expand both themselves and their business. My love, thank you so much for being here with us today.<br><br>Jennifer (01:02.37)<br>Thank you, Alara, for having me and opening up this conversation. I find that money can be such a taboo conversation. And when we start opening up and expanding our energy to be okay with it, then we open up the energy to be okay with holding it. And that's so beautiful. So thank you for having me on here to...<br><br>start that conversation with your people and to bring them what they ultimately want.<br><br>Alara Sage (01:41.83)<br>And so what do you think that they ultimately want?<br><br>Jennifer (01:45.718)<br>This is a really good question. There is no wrong or right, but there is an honest answer for everybody, right? And what I find around Money Mindset with a lot of women is they're afraid to be honest with themselves. They're afraid to be honest in how much they want. And that's the reality is there's no wrong or right answer, but within you,<br><br>Alara Sage (02:03.998)<br>Hmm.<br><br>Jennifer (02:13.606)<br>you ultimately know your truth and the moment that you are honest with yourself and be truthful is the moment you can start energetically, cognitively, materialistically aligning to everything that you want. The people think they want too much, that it's too materialistic, it's too egoic.<br><br>And so they don't, they hide it. They're not truthful with themselves and they're certainly not truthful with other people. So the moment we start with hiding ourselves, we start traveling through a life that's not ours. We travel through a life to please other people and or the perception that we have or what we think their standards are.<br><br>rather than going you know what it's irrelevant what anyone else thinks or feels or knows for themselves this is me because the reality of it is Alara that the vision that you have in your head for yourself your future self has been gifted to you and you only because it is possible for you.<br><br>So if you have a vision in your mind of a big house on a nice property with permaculture, gardens and all of this, that's for you. But if you also have a vision of private helicopters, mega yachts and you know, whatever that looks like for you, designer handbags and whatever, that is okay as well. And<br><br>The moment we put judgment on ourselves or what we think other people judge us for is us judging ourselves because on some level we think we either don't deserve it or it's not right. So part of the work gets to be for women especially on I'm allowed to bring this in.<br><br>Jennifer (04:35.17)<br>I have the means to bring it in and it's safe for me to bring it in because the reality is as women we haven't actually been earning money independently for that long.<br><br>And it's interesting, I heard these statistics the other day and I went, I knew it wasn't that long, but I heard this thing where, this article, where in Australia, and I think the US is very similar, women were not allowed to have a bank account solely on their own without their spouse until the 1970s. And I'm like, that is actually not long ago, we're only in 2020.<br><br>So you can see that even so we are so much about freedom and independence and wanting to earn our balance in this world that it's so new for us energetically and certainly subconsciously. So part of it is working our way through that not only as a collective energy<br><br>an individual energy and as a as a hereditary energy. You know I even look at my grandmother and my grandmother's 93 bless her. She has never worked, she's never driven a car in her whole life. Now there's nothing wrong with that, right?<br><br>Alara Sage (06:12.723)<br>Wow.<br><br>Jennifer (06:15.982)<br>There's nothing wrong with that, but it just goes to show how it was just yesterday that we're still or even today that we're still carrying on a lot of these behaviors, habits from the yesteryear. But this is the thing that I want to say. You don't have to earn money. If you don't want to.<br><br>You don't have to bring abundance to yourself through yourself if you don't want to and that is also a truth that we get to sit in because there is a massive movement around financially independent women and as much as we get to own how much we want and what we want to bring in we also get to own that<br><br>Some of us don't want to bring it in. Some of us want to work, you know, through being a nurturer in this world. And that is okay too.<br><br>And you know there are so many different equations to the right life.<br><br>and it is important for every single one of us to honour what that is for you now in knowing that it can change and that's okay. But what do we want right here right now?<br><br>Alara Sage (08:02.154)<br>It's such an important question because I think a lot of times, I mean, what you were saying about your grandmother and the older generations, they weren't working. They didn't have their own bank account. Then we went into this feminism, right, and the rise of the feminine movement. And then it was like, OK, now all women are working. Not all, obviously. But that was like the big push, right? OK, now you have to work. And<br><br>And now I feel like we're in this really beautiful place where we're, the pendulum has swung both ways and we're coming to this center and you, you get to choose, right? And so what does that look like for you? And I always say this to people as well, because, you know, somebody's genius could be working the soil and they really want to be off grid. They want to be out of civilization. They want to be in nature. And that is their gift to humanity. Cause it's the gift to Gaia.<br><br>And that is their abundance. Their abundance is the privilege, the juiciness of being with their hands in the dirt every day and just giving love to the ground and the soil and the plants and nature. Whereas the other side of that could be, like you said, the yachts or the jets and the luxury and the glamour. And I think we tend to.<br><br>Jennifer (08:57.452)<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage (09:20.662)<br>give weight to one or the other. The other side of that would be the stay at home mom who wants to, like you said, nurture and take care of her kids, maybe homeschool versus the very professional woman, whether it's owning her own business or, you know, being corporate. It really wants to expand that direction. And so we tend to think one is correct or one is right, or one has more value or one.<br><br>Whatever. And then the other when it's, it's not right. They are all different and unique. And I just love how you bring this through because I deeply agree that the more truthful that we truly are with ourselves of what feels good when I think about it. When those visions come through, not everybody has visions, but if you can really think about what lights you up, you know, does it light you up to be on yachts and jets and glamour, or does it light you up to have your hands in the soil or somewhere in between, right?<br><br>where is that light for you and that passion? And then of course, giving yourself the permission, right? To go after that life. And so what has been your experience with the permission side for women? What comes up for women when they start to say, okay, they start to be serious with themselves and say, this is what I want. Then of course, the permission to actually follow suit comes through.<br><br>Jennifer (10:20.779)<br>and rhyme.<br><br>Jennifer (10:43.498)<br>Right, so with permission there's two sides of it. There is the one which is the judgment, right? And when we spoke before most of the time, yes, the judgment is from self, but there is an element of judgment from the external when you start aligning yourself with your truth. Yeah, and you know especially when we are the kind of person that has been brought up<br><br>people pleasing because let's face it so many of us women have right we uh we have thought from such a young age we were there to serve we were there to make sure our parents were come we made sure that we are the good girl that we do the right thing<br><br>So when we are focused on other people and other people's thoughts, feelings, emotions, judgments, we come into line with that with the way that we express ourselves or the way that we don't express ourselves. So what is important is that as soon as you start to break away from your mould, your internal mould, that fortunately or unfortunately, whatever way you want to have a look at it,<br><br>there will be a break away from society's mold as well because the reality is that your friends and your family are used to seeing you in a certain way. So the moment that you start to honor your truth you are different to them, you're different not different to them but you're different to them from their perspective of the you now to the you that you used to be.<br><br>and we are creatures of habit. We love familiarity. So for them to adjust to the new you some people can and it will be brilliant and they're the people that will come along with you on your journey and help you and maybe even support you but then there's going to be people that won't. There's going to be people that judge you and question you and all the things in between.<br><br>Jennifer (12:52.746)<br>And it's being able to navigate that, which is the biggest thing for a lot of women. Because reality is we don't like to ruffle feathers. We just don't. We like peace. We like harmony. We like balance. But I ask you this. At what cost to self are you keeping that?<br><br>that's where you get to go. Okay, it's time to either align to me and Anytime we align to anything we are also saying no to aligning to something else Anytime we say yes, we are saying no to this anytime we are saying no we are saying yes to this So that is a really big shift that you get to make because the reality is this You are a byproduct<br><br>the way you've been brought up right and when we look at money we look at how mum looked at money stressed about money loved money hated money people with money right we look at dad and the same thing and if we want a different reality to them unfortunately or fortunately we have to change<br><br>because we are a byproduct of them and will go down their path if we don't create the change. But even to that as well, I had this conversation with this beautiful woman last year and she was in her early 20s and we were talking about money and she was saying to me,<br><br>Jennifer (14:42.782)<br>And I asked her, when you were growing up, like what was the dynamic around money in your house? She's like, we actually had a lot. Dad worked, he earned the money. Mum looked after the children. Dad drip fed her the money to pay for the food, organise the house, anything the kids want. We had everything we needed. And I asked her this, what did you make that mean to you?<br><br>and she thought about it for a moment and she said, I made that mean that women were not good with money because dad drip fed mom money and mom never had to organize it, she never really had control over it, it was there, she asked and it was given.<br><br>Alara Sage (15:30.43)<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Jennifer (15:32.386)<br>but she never saw her mum manage money. And in her perception, she made that mean that if mum can't manage money or wasn't allowed to, women couldn't and women is herself. So I can't manage money. Hence the reason she has no money. So even so she came from a very, not a very wealthy family, but they had everything.<br><br>Alara Sage (15:53.278)<br>Hehehe<br><br>Jennifer (15:59.878)<br>It is the way that we see it. So that's what I urge everyone to do. It's not necessarily the reality that you have, but how you perceive the reality and what you make that mean to you.<br><br>Alara Sage (16:15.938)<br>Yeah. And I think, you know, going back to what we're talking about of, of owning what you really want, because I find what a lot of people do is, is they own what's comfortable and comfortable usually isn't what they want, right? So their current state could be comfortable because like you said, that's what they, you know, were basically programmed with throughout their childhood around money. And so, well, this is what we do with money. And.<br><br>Jennifer (16:27.478)<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage (16:44.178)<br>Well, I'm not going to think about having more because that's an, that's an uncomfortable thought, right? That's an uncomfortable vision. That's an uncomfortable perception of myself. And so sometimes they'll kind of misalign their desires, thinking their desires are no, I'm good, I'm good at where I'm at. And I find that if you really ask them, okay, but if, if you just, like, if money wasn't a thing, what would you be doing with your life? Right. All of a sudden.<br><br>Jennifer (17:10.914)<br>Hmm<br><br>Alara Sage (17:13.422)<br>It really changes. The other one I really like to do is, well, what if you only had like six months to live? Then all of a sudden, oh, they're doing all of this stuff and like, well, okay, well, why aren't you doing that now? And so changing the way we see it can oftentimes show us where we're choosing comfort and telling ourselves that this is what we want versus like the truth of no, like what do we really want? And as you said, understanding that<br><br>Jennifer (17:33.003)<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage (17:42.662)<br>What I'm feeling and what's comfortable, what I'm creating is, you know, basically via what I was taught is right or comfortable or how we should be with money.<br><br>Jennifer (17:51.182)<br>Yeah and the question that I get a lot of people to journal, I get them to journal four questions but the last one is what is your ultimate desire? There's no rules, there's no boundaries, there's forget the money, what is your ultimate desire? Now what this does it not only brings you to your truth but it raises your vibration on a different level right because you see their faces<br><br>you know, sitting on the beach of the Bahamas with a nice cocktail or whatever it might be for them. And it's like, really? And all of a sudden, you know, a minute ago, you're really happy with a minimalist lifestyle. Right? Yeah. So the difference gets to be the how. They don't feel like they know how to reach that vision.<br><br>Alara Sage (18:21.338)<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (18:24.682)<br>Yes. Yeah, totally.<br><br>Alara Sage (18:32.646)<br>Right, exactly. Yes.<br><br>Jennifer (18:44.49)<br>and how to get it and how to draw it in, how to attract it, what do I need to do to get it? But the moment you start owning your truth, you're connecting back with self. And when, as you know, when you connect back with self, you get the intuitive nudges, you get that inspiration, that inspired action, step by step, little bit by little bit, where you're nudging towards that life. But we have this preconceived idea that we've got to know A to Z step.<br><br>You know, I have this dream in my world that I'm going to have a an empire, a billion dollar empire. I have no idea. I don't. But you know, if you did, and if you can't see the exact steps on to get there, a lot of people will just go, I'm not even going to take step one because I can't see it. Right. So the how trips up so many people.<br><br>Alara Sage (19:25.992)<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (19:32.518)<br>How, yeah, totally, yeah.<br><br>Jennifer (19:40.138)<br>So instead of working on the how, work on the energetic alignment to it, work on the habits of behavior that you're currently doing now, that's pushing things away, and then it will slowly, one by one, come to you. I like to think about this as doing the waltz with the universe, right? And as a woman, when you hold the man, he leads you.<br><br>Alara Sage (20:07.258)<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Jennifer (20:07.338)<br>you don't know the steps he's gonna take but when he takes a step forward you take a step forward and when he takes a step to the side and it's like this is beautiful dance where you don't know where you're going but you're so led and that's exactly the same of how it works with the universe they give you one step you take it they give you another you take it another and sometimes you might get to and sometimes you might spin around<br><br>Alara Sage (20:10.264)<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (20:20.315)<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Jennifer (20:32.218)<br>and that is the dance of inspiration with the universe and all of a sudden you are at the end of the song and you feel absolutely amazing and that's the journey to your destination do you?<br><br>Alara Sage (20:43.758)<br>I use the same exact analogy. Yeah. Because it's really beautiful. I do. Because it's beautiful because it's, in my opinion, what I say about it is that it's both surrendered in the context of you're not thinking about the next step. You're surrendered. You're present in the moment. You're being willing because surrendered is a lot about being open and willing and available to being led. But you're also engaged. So you're not just like.<br><br>Jennifer (21:11.073)<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (21:12.33)<br>Okay, universe, bring it to me, right? Like not doing anything, because that's not gonna get you anywhere. You have to take action, right? So it's you're engaged in the dance. Like dancing takes engagement. It takes muscles. You have to work your body, right? So it's this beautiful movement of surrender and yet engagement at the same time. That's really beautiful. Super fun. Yeah.<br><br>Jennifer (21:17.12)<br>Yes.<br><br>Correct.<br><br>Jennifer (21:34.733)<br>100% love it. Yes, so go for it.<br><br>Alara Sage (21:40.558)<br>Yeah, well, so I got an intuitive hit. So you said four questions. So I wanna hear the other three and then I got an intuitive hit for us to answer the questions, both you answer the questions and I'll answer the questions for some reason that wants to be fun and playful.<br><br>Jennifer (21:54.726)<br>Let's do it. So these are four questions that I downloaded for myself there. My magic manifestation questions. I call it the create your dream questions. The first one is very simple and we all do, which is what am I grateful for? And sometimes this gets to be the not fun stuff.<br><br>Alara Sage (22:04.702)<br>Beautiful.<br><br>Jennifer (22:18.39)<br>which is, you know, I'm grateful for the trauma that I've been through because it's created the woman I am today. Now I look back at my childhood and, you know, there's a part of me that I never had any boundaries at home, never had any rules. So there was an element of me that felt unsafe.<br><br>But you know what? I'm so good at creating my own rules for myself now. And so that's what that has taught me and is that gratitude of acknowledgement and the gratitude of I get to step up for me now. And that's what I love about that.<br><br>Alara Sage (23:06.698)<br>Hmm. I love that one because I often call suffering as grace, because this was a lesson that I was taken through very profoundly. And when it first came through, I was like, OK, suffering is grace. I understand. But it was conceptual. And then I really experienced it. And now I truly, in my heart, believe it. I already had seen reality as all is perfect and all of these things are lessons and all of that. But suffering as grace took me to like a whole other depth.<br><br>Jennifer (23:07.662)<br>What about you?<br><br>Jennifer (23:12.867)<br>Hmm.<br><br>Jennifer (23:36.011)<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (23:36.122)<br>of understanding deep pain, right? And when we're kind of at our ropes end, so to speak. And so I love how you use gratitude in that way that gratitude can be either, you know, because sometimes we think it only has to be positive things. I'm grateful for the house. I'm grateful for my partner, right? But absolutely, like seeing the flip side of that. And so to answer that question, I'll just say, one of the things that I've been really aware of great of my gratitude.<br><br>Jennifer (23:48.639)<br>Yes.<br><br>Jennifer (23:56.714)<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage (24:02.866)<br>recently is of my mind. I have a really strong mind, which has been really beautiful my whole life. And it's also caused a lot of arrogance and ignorance.<br><br>Jennifer (24:08.192)<br>Mmm.<br><br>Jennifer (24:16.626)<br>I love that, yes.<br><br>Alara Sage (24:19.455)<br>I've had to slap myself really hard sometimes because my strong mind is like, no, this is how it is. And I'm like, are you sure about that? Why don't we just pause for a second? So it's a beautiful thing. It's like a double edged sword. And I've had to learn when it's my super gift, my superpower, and when it's one of my weaknesses.<br><br>Jennifer (24:28.684)<br>Yes.<br><br>Jennifer (24:40.078)<br>Yes and that's a really interesting perspective that you have because on one hand if we're too rigid that gift can drive us down. And that brings us to the second question which is what do I love about myself?<br><br>Jennifer (25:00.438)<br>because so many of us, especially women, have never taken the time to honour ourselves. And this is always the question that is the hardest because I always say you write five things every single day and it's like you get to dig in deep and be...<br><br>honest with yourself, like forget the oh forget the you know the little girl that just oh I don't want to be too egotistical like it's not being egotistical it's owning up to your gifts right and I for me one of my strongest gifts that I've been given and I know it comes from trauma is the gift of self-awareness.<br><br>Alara Sage (25:38.27)<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage (25:47.914)<br>Mmm.<br><br>Jennifer (25:49.362)<br>and I didn't realize this and still I started to go into therapy and started to really talk to people on a deeper level. I was like, wow, I have a profound level of self-awareness that I just assumed everybody had.<br><br>Alara Sage (25:57.223)<br>Mmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (26:04.785)<br>Hmm<br><br>Jennifer (26:06.338)<br>but it's not as common as what we think, unless we jump into this sort of circle that we're in and we've all gone through something which has made us hyper vigilant to start with around what we're doing because we're there to please other people, right? So healing that side of you, you still get to keep.<br><br>that self-awareness but just like you said before it's like I all right I have to have a look on where that self-awareness is not doing me any justice where I'm over thinking things where I'm over critical about myself and it's like well let's just let's just be a little ignorant for a while sometimes because that's what the situation needs right now so yeah what do you love about<br><br>Alara Sage (26:53.273)<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (27:01.394)<br>Yeah, when I asked that question, I've always had this ability to really follow what lights me up from my very first job through all of my jobs through my whole life. I've never understood why you would ever do anything. I mean, I've had little moments, like I've been a waitress, right? But I didn't, those were short-term jobs. Like I was coming in, making some money, getting out, right? Like,<br><br>It just never made any sense to me. And this is no judgment on anybody who's had a longterm job or relationship or anything that they hated or didn't like. It just was naturally part of who I was. I didn't even know that I did it for a long time until I started having the reflection of people like saying, I remember when I was 19 years old and I was, I had left the country to go travel the world, I became a scuba diving instructor and this guy was from Canada and he was like, he's telling me how much he hated his job. He hated his life.<br><br>And he'd been in this job for like 20 years and I was 19 and I was like, well, why are you doing that? You know, like it just didn't make any sense to me. Like, I was like, so quit your job, you know? And I said it with a lot of compassion. Yeah. We had a really great conversation, but it was like a really big eye opener to me, you know, and I've really been blessed with that. I've really, really been blessed with.<br><br>Jennifer (28:08.366)<br>Yes, right. Like it's obvious.<br><br>Alara Sage (28:26.29)<br>this ability to just create my life in this wonderful way. Not that I don't have challenges because I have hard ass challenges, you know, but I've been able somehow to say, this is what lights me up and I'm just gonna do that.<br><br>Jennifer (28:41.186)<br>Yeah and isn't it interesting how we all receive our challenges in a different way right? Well for him staying in a job that he hates for 20 years there's a lesson in that challenge for him but doing something you hate this there's it the you don't have the lesson in that but your lessons come other ways.<br><br>Alara Sage (29:04.826)<br>Yes, well put sweetheart, beautiful. Yes, well put.<br><br>Jennifer (29:07.346)<br>I love that. So question number three is what my current desires? What do you currently want? What are you currently going towards?<br><br>and that could be on a health level, a personal level, relationship level. You know my current goals and desires is to deepen relationships and through communication and it's interesting because I'm reading the best book at the moment and I didn't I have had this book on my bedside table for a year.<br><br>Alara Sage (29:37.162)<br>Hmm<br><br>Jennifer (29:47.118)<br>and I'm like yeah I'll get to it I'll get to it I like I had I bought it very intuitively. The title is very non-sexy but I started reading it while I was on holiday. Oh it's so unsexy and I'll tell you what it's called it's called um hang on it's just here split uh never split the difference right negotiate negotiating as if your life depends on it and so it's a very non-sexy title but it's such a brilliant book about the psychology of communication.<br><br>Alara Sage (30:10.43)<br>Mmm.<br><br>Jennifer (30:17.778)<br>And I'm reading this and I'm like every single person on this planet needs to read this because this is the one thing that I find with everybody man and woman alike is the part of our human existence that we're just not good at. And a lot of this. And so.<br><br>Alara Sage (30:24.426)<br>Hmm<br><br>Alara Sage (30:40.51)<br>Hmm seriously I know<br><br>Jennifer (30:47.262)<br>It goes into lots of depth about empathy as well and the difference between empathy and sympathy.<br><br>Alara Sage (30:54.25)<br>Yes, I talk about that a lot. Yes.<br><br>Jennifer (30:56.298)<br>Right? So this is this is my current desire around deepening communication because when I work with women in business that shows up as marketing. When I work with general women this comes up in relationships in communication with their children with their parents right? It comes up with asking your boss<br><br>to pay you what you're worth to the company. Right? So communication is so good. And this is actually written by an FBI agent that is the bestest field at hostage negotiation.<br><br>Alara Sage (31:27.835)<br>Yes!<br><br>Alara Sage (31:41.358)<br>Oh, well, there you go. Okay, okay. Knows how to talk.<br><br>Jennifer (31:42.75)<br>So it's so this guy knows how to talk and it's so interesting him leading you through all these different scenarios. And I tell you from a very broad perspective, it's interesting because it's all real life stuff. And so it's really interesting to one, to understand what actually goes on in this world behind the scenes that we don't know.<br><br>Alara Sage (32:08.092)<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Jennifer (32:08.822)<br>to how it's handled and how different people from different organizations have learned to approach it from the FBI to people from Harvard to you know the um the LAPD and they've all like there are some that just approach it very masculine and hard edge and just do what I say sort of thing and then there's one which is like cut out<br><br>the emotion from the person and we would deal with the person whether the what they're finding works the best is the empathy without the sympathy is the best way to get the person to come on board with you. So yeah that's my world at the moment.<br><br>Alara Sage (32:57.373)<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (33:00.562)<br>That's so beautiful because I've been talking to my boys. I have two boys, eight and 10. And I talk to them a lot about communication because when they start fighting, I sit them down. And I'm like, I'm not going to solve this for you. I want you guys to talk through it. And then they start going, well, he did this. And I'm like, no, we're not blaming. I want you to tell me what happened in your side of the responsibility. And then you tell me what happened and what you did, own your side of the responsibility.<br><br>And you know what it always comes down to is either a lack of communication or miscommunication every single time. I was like, keep telling them this. Okay. Do you see lack of, oh, that was lack of, okay, that was miscommunication, you know? And, and then of course, you know, learning this for myself and applying it to my life, but it's just so interesting to see it start happening at such a young age. And it's, it's just about communication. And I love how you bring it. Yeah. Communicating with, you know, your potential boss or communicating with your clients. If you're a business owner.<br><br>Jennifer (33:32.363)<br>Yes.<br><br>Jennifer (33:41.85)<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (33:55.07)<br>Just even communicating with yourself, like how we said, what do I desire? That's communication, right? That's you communicating with yourself about what you really want, rather than just kind of tiptoeing around yourself and your desires and not bringing through that communication. So there's so many angles of communication I really love that you brought that up. And my desire, OK, go ahead.<br><br>Jennifer (33:59.615)<br>Yes.<br><br>Jennifer (34:14.226)<br>And imagine, imagine if you communicated with yourself with a little bit more empathy. Right? Oh, imagine. And that's for me, that's juicy. Yeah. Yes. Oh my gosh. You less, less sympathy, which means stop creating that's that continued stuckness for yourself by justifying it. Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage (34:26.918)<br>Mm, yes, and less sympathy.<br><br>Alara Sage (34:37.062)<br>Yes. The victim, the victimhood. Yes, yes, yes. Yeah, so what I'm working on that I desire right now twofold is every single morning in my meditation, I ask my higher self, how can I be of service to the higher good? So in today, because that's my overall goal, but it's like today, what do I need to do to be in service to the higher good? Because that is deeply of my heart.<br><br>And yes, I have a business. And yes, I want my business to be very big. I have a vision. The other thing I desire is I have this big vision, which I think was the last question, of being on stage with all these people. So my vision is really, really big. That doesn't mean that I can't be heart centered and really, really clear that I want my actions to be of integrity and my actions to be of service to the higher good of all. And I also am calling in again simultaneous, which I love this because it seems contradictory, but it's not.<br><br>calling in 50k months, right? So I'm holding that's what I want, 50k months, and I want it to be in service to the higher good. And this is what I want up per month, and I want my actions to be of integral quality and in service to the higher good. So that's what I do every day.<br><br>Jennifer (35:34.079)<br>Yes.<br><br>Jennifer (35:46.922)<br>Yeah, I love that because when I work with women around reaching, you know, whether it's those 50k months or those the million dollar year and things like that, one of the biggest things that I see is that how do I do it? Not only with integrity, but their vision that they've seen of other people at that level are.<br><br>people that don't do it with integrity or when you start jumping into certain scenes where it's all about drugs and alcohol and all this sort of stuff is like I don't want to be that but I've never seen anything different right so part of it gets to be how do I create this world for myself because at the end of the day the only thing that is different is the numbers in your bank the reach that you have<br><br>Alara Sage (36:13.)<br>rate.<br><br>Jennifer (36:37.674)<br>You don't have to change yourself for anything or the you don't have to change the values, the boundaries, how you show up, who you connect with. They don't have to change. Right you don't have to step into different worlds just because you have more money in the bank.<br><br>you can even create your own world.<br><br>Alara Sage (37:09.662)<br>Hmm, yes.<br><br>Jennifer (37:11.958)<br>I love that, I love that. So yes and the fourth question is your ultimate desire, your wildest dream and it's like this might not even feel real but it's like sit back and like let your mind expand, let it wander, where does it go?<br><br>Jennifer (37:36.822)<br>What does it feel like? What's the weather? Where are you? Who are you connecting with? What are you doing?<br><br>Jennifer (37:50.471)<br>For me, I see myself on a beach, in a hammock, in the sun, but also I love the synchronicities of the two worlds, the peaceful, quiet, island sort of lifestyle and then coming back into the city and inspiring people.<br><br>One of my biggest goals that I've had ever since stepping into this area of life is I want to take the corporate back home.<br><br>Alara Sage (38:10.676)<br>Hmm<br><br>Alara Sage (38:24.211)<br>Hmm<br><br>Jennifer (38:25.122)<br>back home to self and that's my goal is to take the everyday programmed person and allow them and give them their own permission to come home and I know for me that means I can't have a fully isolated life.<br><br>because I can't inspire and I can't connect and I can't relate from that and it's kind of not what I want. I love the opposites and it's like for me when you know Esther Hicks she looks at the cork as you pull it underneath the water and when you pull it down further and you let go it bounces back twice as high.<br><br>Alara Sage (39:02.182)<br>Yeah. Yes.<br><br>Jennifer (39:19.942)<br>And we can use that analogy with trauma, like the deeper your trauma goes and the lessons you learn from that, the more you rise. And I like to see it also in the opposites of the existence of world and having, yes, a minimalist lifestyle, but also having a maximalist lifestyle. So I can connect with the people that I need to connect with and lead them back home.<br><br>Alara Sage (39:24.478)<br>Hmm<br><br>Alara Sage (39:47.022)<br>Yeah, it's so beautiful. I'm very similar because I just adore more so than the beach. I am a tree and like woods and forest and mountain person. I grew up in the trees. And so to me going out into Gaia or like Sedona or something like that, I am so into Gaia and spending just me and her time together. And this has been my whole life since I<br><br>Jennifer (39:55.948)<br>Mmm.<br><br>Jennifer (40:13.312)<br>Mmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (40:16.902)<br>And so I always make time for it every single day or most days. And then I make quality pockets of time for it throughout my year. Like I'm going for a month and I'm just going to be. And so there's that part of me that's just like, you know, I'm just the dissolving into, I just let myself dissolve into her and just be. And then very similar, I get images, you know, I love to interact with people and I love to smile and laugh.<br><br>like be in these joyous spaces where we are, you know, facing ourselves and we're crying. And then we're laughing and we don't know where we are. And we're hugging. We're just like, wow, this is so profound. Having these really powerful moments together as humanity, you know? And so I see that. And then of course I see like a stage or lots of people and I see lots of travel and just lots of interaction with life, you know, aliveness.<br><br>Jennifer (40:58.279)<br>with me.<br><br>Jennifer (41:11.846)<br>Yes, yes, you know, it's, I love how you say that, because like, for me, it's like, we're put on this planet to experience, right? Experience and create. And it's like, what does that look like? I love that. That's the reason we're here right now, right? So it's like,<br><br>Alara Sage (41:28.862)<br>That's exactly what I say! Oh my god! You and I have like the same shit! I say the exact same thing!<br><br>Alara Sage (41:39.624)<br>Exactly.<br><br>Jennifer (41:41.718)<br>do that for you. What is creating? What is experiencing? And and I love to experience every facet of life. You know we have just been holidaying in Bali and I was watching my son, there's one aspect, I'm watching my son in the pool and I'm like he we are we are born two weeks apart. Yes he's 10 at the moment but we're both Pisces and watching him in the pool and I'm like<br><br>water is your element to a tea he like comes alive and this energy and this just that little inner being just radiates and I've always known this from him from a child because if he was having a bad day if he was having a tantrum or if he was just having bad sleep I just put him in the bath and this different person would emerge and it was so beautiful<br><br>And then seeing that other side of Bali as well with talking to the locals and because we've been going back there probably that's probably our sixth time now. And it's not the suffering but it's the it's the hardness of their life. The reality where the health care system is different to ours. We're different to yours and theirs is different again.<br><br>and the lack of knowledge that they have around health and you know our driver we've had the same driver for years and he's beautiful and he was talking about well I'm not don't have my next client for like three weeks and I'm like<br><br>I said to my husband one day and I'm like there's so many web, like not websites, but like Facebook pages for the Balinese to advertise and I'm like why isn't he doing that? Why isn't he going to all the villas? And like we just have a such a different mindset around growth and around connecting and for them it's such a spiritual journey of life where they just trust that they will be given what they need at the right time and it was interesting because when we left<br><br>Alara Sage (43:45.747)<br>Hmm<br><br>Jennifer (43:52.04)<br>weeks and in when we landed our friends go oh I'm going to Bali tomorrow can you give me your driver's details and I'm like isn't that interesting right and even to the thing of car insurance he's like I don't have car insurance I have God right I just I trust and I pray every morning that everything will go my way and<br><br>Alara Sage (44:21.006)<br>I wish I could not have car insurance. You know, we're required.<br><br>Jennifer (44:23.681)<br>Save your light, right? Oh, are you?<br><br>Alara Sage (44:29.162)<br>Oh yeah, in the US you're required to have at least car insurance to cover the other person's car and, you know, health problems, health issues. So yeah, liability, you're required. Yeah. Are you not in Australia?<br><br>Jennifer (44:34.262)<br>the person.<br><br>Jennifer (44:40.062)<br>Yes. Oh, that's interesting. No, I don't think it's a rule. I think it's everyone does it, but I'm pretty sure I don't think it's mandatory. Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (44:55.638)<br>Yeah, to have when you register your car and you do all of that, it's required to have insurance. Yeah, which I just think is a big scam. So I'm all for the Balinese, you know, the way of living. I mean, to me, that is these getting the dance, right? Because it's like the surrender to the bigger forces and the divine will and simultaneously, like the engagement and kind of what I was saying about like, okay, I want to serve for the higher good of all. And I<br><br>Jennifer (44:59.556)<br>Okay.<br><br>Yeah.<br><br>Jennifer (45:07.232)<br>Right?<br><br>Jennifer (45:11.444)<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage (45:24.09)<br>I'm calling in this amount and like how we can play both of those sides. I think is really the fun.<br><br>Jennifer (45:25.908)<br>Yes.<br><br>Jennifer (45:30.674)<br>And that's what it gets to be. And this is the biggest thing that I find that holds a lot of women up, whether you're in business or not in business. It's the pressure that you put on self to perform, the pressure you put on yourself to manifest in what you want. And it's that exact pressure that actually pushes it away. So the moment you can surrender, it's not can, it's the moment you are willing to surrender.<br><br>is the exact moment the manifestations can occur. And I've seen this time and time and time again, Alara, where I've worked with women on their money mindset or on the manifestations that you know is in the forefront of their mind and when they release and surrender and even just forget about it, oh my god the goodness that comes in is amazing. I'll tell you this one story I had<br><br>one woman, she's a corporate and she didn't come to me for money mindset but we on our journey through working through things she asked me I could really do with fifteen thousand dollars I'm like okay let's do it like you know for me the object here is the part the version of you that brings in that fifteen thousand dollars is on this vibration and you are here so<br><br>what we need to do is to bring you into the vibration of the woman that has it. And she has a corporate job. For her, she has no idea how this could occur. So part of it gets to be, okay, I want you to list five ways that it could possibly happen. How could it happen? And what this does, it opens up your mind<br><br>to different possibilities. Yes, you could win it. You could be gifted it. You might find something to sell. You might get a pay rise. You might all of a sudden decide to change jobs and you get, you know, your salary increases by $15,000 or anything else that I'm not aware of yet. And that's important. So what you're then doing is you're not specifying, I need the money to come through this channel.<br><br>Jennifer (47:54.75)<br>right? And this is how you know you're open or not. And this is for a lot of women, not all women, but a lot of women. If you can earn money through a corporate job, if you can bring money into your world through your husband, that means your portal is open. But it might also mean your portal is closed off to other opportunities that is around you.<br><br>So if you're, say for example in business and you're earning money through a job but you're not earning money through your business yet and your husband is bringing money into your world but you're not earning money through your business yet, it's not a money mindset thing, it's a money channel thing. So open up the channel, right? Open up to possibilities.<br><br>Alara Sage (48:43.412)<br>Hmm.<br><br>Jennifer (48:49.054)<br>So two weeks later after we did the energetic alignment with this woman, she came in and she goes, Jennifer it happened and you'd never guess how I'm like, please tell me. She said, I'll say, I'll say one. Yes. I always get amazed with these things. It's like, it always happens, but I get so curious. Um, so she said,<br><br>Alara Sage (49:02.718)<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (49:11.82)<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (49:15.438)<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Jennifer (49:18.27)<br>She forgot that she lent money to her sister like 10 years ago and her sister has an investment property where she got new tenants in and that tenant paid her for like six months up front which was fifteen thousand dollars and she just transferred it to her.<br><br>Alara Sage (49:24.174)<br>Mm.<br><br>Jennifer (49:40.89)<br>And so it's like that opening up, it's like just landed it in her lap and she was like, I can't believe it worked.<br><br>So there's so many, I've got so many stories like that, Elira, but the key here is the surrender. The key here is to trust even when you feel like it's not going to happen. If you're going for $50,000 a month and you're at 40 on the 25th of the month, still trust that it is possible.<br><br>Alara Sage (49:53.822)<br>Hmm.<br><br>Jennifer (50:19.454)<br>And even when it comes to the 30th, still trust that it's on its way. And that level of trust that you get to have in yourself and the universe, that is the co-creation. Because hey, sometimes we're late. Right? Sometimes we're late. Right. Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage (50:38.174)<br>Well, and simultaneously right on time, right? Like late, but right on time. Ha!<br><br>Jennifer (50:44.579)<br>100% and notice that in that lightness but right on time is the lesson of patience and trust.<br><br>Jennifer (50:58.571)<br>and that's what you get to have.<br><br>Alara Sage (51:00.006)<br>Yeah, those are always the tough ones. And yet, when we really understand them, it's been my experience as well, particularly with patience and particularly with trust, literally those two. The trust of self, the trust in divine will, taking action, holding the intention, holding the focus, and then letting go of the how it's going to show up and when it's going to show up.<br><br>the how it's going to show up and when it's going to show up and just keep taking that action, like you said, with that trust, with that conviction, like it's going to happen. It's going to happen. And they're huge, and particularly the patients, because I don't know about you, I am not a patient person. I've had to learn to let go of time and my ego's mind, my ego's perception of when it needs to happen right now. And like we said, it can happen late, quote unquote, right on time. So.<br><br>Jennifer (51:29.72)<br>Yeah.<br><br>Jennifer (51:42.948)<br>Right.<br><br>Alara Sage (51:52.219)<br>Absolutely. Yeah.<br><br>Jennifer (51:52.846)<br>Because what's the reality is there is no such thing as time and but all time is merged into one. So yes.<br><br>Alara Sage (51:59.43)<br>Exactly. And there's a lot of forces and things that we can't always see. So we want it to happen right now, but maybe that's not really how it's best aligned to happen right now. So there's always that beautiful understanding of when we're holding ourselves back and when it really is that time just to let go and surrender. So Jennifer, how can people find you and reach out to you?<br><br>Jennifer (52:02.796)<br>Yeah.<br><br>Jennifer (52:09.259)<br>Right.<br><br>Jennifer (52:20.046)<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Jennifer (52:24.97)<br>So you can find me, I'm mainly over on Instagram. So my handle is jenn or on my website, which is jenn because I'm here in Australia.<br><br>Alara Sage (52:38.398)<br>beautiful and all that will be in the show notes. And there is there anything in particular that you do have a group or a particular program that you really just briefly, we only have a few minutes, but something you want to shout out.<br><br>Jennifer (52:51.558)<br>I work with a lot of women one-on-one. That's my main focus is to help you individually get to where you wanna go. What we do as well, which I'm ramping up this year for 2024 is doing more private retreats. I love them because we get to really deep dive over two days into everything you wanna work on because let's face it, money's not just about money sometimes. Our body holds a lot of that stagnant energy.<br><br>Actually a lot of the times I work with a lot of women on period pain and PMS regulation Which is our creative center which helps us birth everything Right. So it's all about doing all that energetic and cognitive work to help us get what we want. So this year And I always plan at least one trip to the Witsundays. The energy of the Witsundays is just Magnificent it is the most potent energy here in Australia that I find to do healing work<br><br>and I'm possibly going to do one in Bali but if you follow me on my Instagram you'll know all about that when they come up.<br><br>Alara Sage (53:59.934)<br>Hmm. Yeah, perfect. You know, those retreats, those in-person events are so powerful and impactful, right? So definitely I recommend people reach out. I never went to the WIT Sundays, but I did live and work in Bundaberg for quite some time. And isn't that out of WIT Sundays? Yeah, they were doing live aborts and stuff out to the WIT Sundays. I didn't get to go out there. But I heard very, very wonderful things about them. I definitely felt drawn.<br><br>Jennifer (54:06.242)<br>Mmm.<br><br>Jennifer (54:22.466)<br>Beautiful.<br><br>Jennifer (54:28.84)<br>Mmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (54:29.518)<br>So yes, that's very beautiful. So absolutely. Thank you so much, my love, for joining us here today.<br><br>Jennifer (54:36.61)<br>Thank you, Lara. I've really enjoyed these.<br><br>Alara Sage (54:40.614)<br>Yay. And fellow ecstatics, definitely reach out to Jennifer, get ahold of her on Instagram or follow her. So you can find out when those in-person events are. And if you feel called to, you know, work with her one-on-one, those are always those deep dive mentorships, right? Where you get that real laser focus. Anytime we're working with a mentor one-on-one, there's a real laser focus on what our unique desires are. Our, our, our unique desires are.<br><br>that'll help you to expand really quickly, really rapidly. Like that's always the thing about working with a mentor is you can really see the results very rapidly, though, you know, you gotta have patience. You gotta be surrendered. Ha ha<br><br>Jennifer (55:24.399)<br>Ah, that's the key! Oh bless.<br><br><br></p>

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