The Importance of Movement in Creating Your Desires - Solopisode

The Importance of Movement in Creating Your Desires - Solopisode
Wealth Embodied
The Importance of Movement in Creating Your Desires - Solopisode

Jul 23 2024 | 00:16:01

Episode 102 July 23, 2024 00:16:01

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

In this episode, Alara Sage explores the importance of movement in embodying our desires and creating the life we want. She explains that movement helps circulate blood flow, detoxify the body, create space for energy to flow, and shift stored trauma and emotion. Movement also increases vitality and expands our energetic being, allowing us to create more powerfully.


  • Movement is one of the four keys of embodiment and is essential for creating what we desire.
  • Regular movement helps circulate blood flow, detoxify the body, and create space for energy to flow.
  • Movement increases vitality and expands our energetic being, allowing us to create more powerfully.
  • Finding movement practices that we enjoy and that make us feel alive is crucial for sustaining a regular movement routine.

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Episode Transcript

<p><!--block-->Alara Sage (00:00.692)<br>Hello, hello and welcome to another episode of the ecstatic woman podcast where we activate women in their power and their authenticity and in their bliss. I'm your host Laura Sage and I help women to create exactly what they desire no matter the obstacles. So, you know, I wanted to bring something in interestingly today in these solo episodes.<br><br>It's where it's just you and me and we get to go into a topic a little bit deeper.<br><br>Alara Sage (00:39.338)<br>And I was really feeling the topic of movement.<br><br>Because it is one of the four keys of embodiment that I call, the term I created. And embodiment is very important to creating what we desire because we have to embody what we desire. We have to embody the version of us and all of the aspects that would show up in that version of us in order to create<br><br>that version of us. It's kind of backwards than most people think where, you know, you create it first in the external and then you become it. We actually have to become it first and then create it in the external. And so the four keys of embodiment are the ways in which we embody, embody more of our true self, our authentic self. We embody<br><br>our higher self into the lower self. We embody our souls, gifts and talents and we embody the next version of ourselves or the version that we desire to create.<br><br>And so the fourth key of embodiment is movement.<br><br>Alara Sage (02:04.394)<br>So why is this important? Why is movement important to creating your desires, to creating the life that you want, to manifesting, and even to<br><br>Alara Sage (02:19.262)<br>First and foremost, it's important to understand that our bodies are meant to move. Our bodies were not designed to sit still for long periods of time. They were designed to work physically, move throughout the<br><br>Alara Sage (02:44.014)<br>And what that does is a couple of things. For one, movement helps to circulate blood flow through the body. It also helps the lymphatic system, because the lymphatic system doesn't really function unless you're moving. So this natural system of detoxification doesn't work unless you are moving.<br><br>It helps to create movement in the joints, which kind of keeps them, if there were lack of a better description, kind of lubed up for again, movement creating the hyaluronic acid in the joints. And movement allows for our meridians to stay open, our chakras to stay open and<br><br>It allows for energy to shift.<br><br>And this is probably one of the most important aspects of movement is the ability to help your body shift energy through the act of movement. If you combine it with breath, it's very, very powerful. This is something that I learned in yoga. So I started learning yoga back in about 2002. And<br><br>A friend of mine who lived down the road in Costa Rica, I lived in Costa Rica, she just decided she wanted to teach it to me. I didn't really have, I think I did ask her, but I didn't have this like grand desire or anything, but it was something I was interested in. seen her do it. And so she taught it to me, but she taught me like really good yoga. She taught me how to really utilize my breath. And I took it on and every day I<br><br>Alara Sage (04:44.362)<br>practice by myself. It became my first meditative practice. It was very, very healing. And what I found with the combination of movement, because it's not yoga, it's just movement. mean, yoga is very beautiful and wonderful, but what I'm referring to is the combination of the breath and the movement. And so what I realized was that when I was trying<br><br>work my way into a sana, a different position, any resistance in my body, could breathe into that area of my body and I would open it up. My body would open and all of a sudden I would have less resistance. Now, as you move that air of your body, it's like you're, you know, it's like if you are ringing out a towel or you're<br><br>moving something around in order to get to something else, right? That movement in the body is shifting the muscles and the soft tissue and even the bone in a way that's allowing for circulation, for breath, for energy, for prana, for Shakti to get into areas of the body that are tight, tense, maybe more restricted.<br><br>So the movement allows for parts of your being to be exposed that maybe are trying to be hidden, trying not to be seen, the shadow aspects of self. And so this is very powerful when you are working to move through limiting beliefs, fear, resistance. You can move your body, even just dancing or just moving in a primal way.<br><br>meaning just listening to your body and letting your body tell you how to move. Along with breath can be very powerful to shift stored trauma, stored emotion, stored energy in your body. But movement also, we can take it a bit further. So again, as we move, we increase circulation. We also<br><br>Alara Sage (07:08.49)<br>help through that increased circulation and the oxygen flow to the muscles and the removal of nitrogen and toxins from the muscles, from our organs, from our body in general, we create more vitality. So if you're moving regularly, your body is going to have some level of vitality, specifically if you're breathing well.<br><br>that a person who's sitting a lot will not have that same<br><br>And when our muscles have vitality, when we're releasing the toxins out of our body, when we are filling them with oxygen -rich blood, when we're creating space for energy to flow, we actually allow ourselves opportunity to create more powerfully. Because our whole entire energetic being<br><br>is more expanded, more open, more vibrant, more radiant, more vital. And everything about the creative process has to do with that vital life force energy, that creative life force energy and creative life force energy, vital life force energy, prana, chi, it's all the same. It can be subtly compartmentalized slightly, but it's all the same energies fundamentally.<br><br>And so when you are feeling good, when you're feeling healthy, your energy is naturally going to be flowing better in your body. Your chakra is going to be more open versus if you're not feeling good, if you're feeling stiff, if you're feeling, you know, low energy and in the context of not wanting to move a lot, your actual creative life force energy is also going to be lower. And so, you know, this<br><br>Alara Sage (09:10.218)<br>kind of the idea of like how much power you're putting behind your actions, behind your thoughts, behind your intentions. So if you have a higher vital life force energy and you're constantly breathing into your body and moving and keeping that energy flowing and increasing the energetic capacity that you have, you're going to have more punch, so to speak.<br><br>behind each of your actions. Your actions are going to carry more of a punch, a vibrational punch to them, especially if you're really using your mind, your vibrational state of being. You're going to have more of a powerful punch in creation. So this is why it's really beneficial if you are really wanting to up level yourself is specifically with regards to<br><br>Right? Because wealth is really about abundance. It's about resource, the energy of resource, which is the feminine creative life force energy. And if you're wanting to create more of that in your life, even if it's the resource of love, the resource of connection, right? Resource is everything. Literally, it's everything resource of support, resource of joy and fun. Then you want to be increasing your<br><br>by the life force energy, your capacity, you want to be moving your body, you want to be exercising.<br><br>You want to be exercising regularly. And this is also going to help in conjunction with the movement and everything I've just spoken about. It also helps the body mind connection as well. So movement is so much, so very important. And, you know, there's never like this one way that this stuff has to happen. So what I mean by that is, you know, there's lots of different ways to breathe and there's a correct way of breathing. Absolutely. A three part<br><br>Alara Sage (11:12.97)<br>But we can also do breath work and breathe in all different kinds of ways. And they can all be beneficial. It's the same with movement. You could do yoga. You could just dance. You could walk. You could run. You could weight lift. You could do gymnastics. You could do swimming. There's so many different ways to move our bodies. And so how you move your body is not as important as, you<br><br>really finding something that you enjoy that lights you up so that you feel alive. You feel happy. You feel joyous while you're doing it. It doesn't feel this like this thing I have to do. I have to make myself do it. And sometimes we have that initially, right? Like sometimes right off the bat, we can kind of have this feeling of like, I don't want to move and we have to<br><br>kind of dig deep and kick ourselves in the butt and just be like, Hey, just move, you know, just get up and move. And then once we're moving, we feel better. And it's the same with, you know, starting an exercise regime. Sometimes you have to kick yourself in the butt, but overall finding something that overall you like that you enjoy. And that's what's going to be most beneficial for you. But really considering<br><br>If you are working to step into new level of yourself create something for yourself Are you moving? Are you moving? Regularly, you know every day you have some level of movement that is substantial and Do you really honor your body in that movement?<br><br>Alara Sage (12:59.882)<br>So bringing that into consideration, I like to combine different movements. I like to dance just when I'm feeling. put on the music and I dance in the mornings. I run, I do yoga, I lift weights. There's a lot of variety there. And changing it up and doing different things. I go on walks out in Madagaya. And I can, you know, it's<br><br>I've always been the type of person who's wanted to exercise and work out, but you know, not everybody's like that and that's okay. And I really hope that you hear me when I say how beneficial this is and just how good you feel when you're moving. And if you've kind of been doing the same thing for a while, you know, you might change it up. So if you're thinking, well, I move every day or most days and this is what I do, I do this and that's what you've been doing. Maybe change it up, maybe do something different.<br><br>Add a new routine in, change it up so that you access different areas of your body, so that you challenge yourself. That movement, accessing different muscles with the movement, accessing different areas of your body with the movement are gonna produce the most results because of the energy can kind of hide or get stuck, get lodged in all the areas of our body. So yes, movement helps you to create.<br><br>helps you to hold a higher vibratory energy and create what you desire. So I hope this solo episode has been fun for you and has brought you some insight and some wisdom. As always, I love you so much and please, please, please share this episode with others that you think could benefit from this message. Until next time.<br><br><br></p>

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