Overcoming Denial and Embracing Transformation - Solopisode

Overcoming Denial and Embracing Transformation - Solopisode
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Overcoming Denial and Embracing Transformation - Solopisode

Jan 16 2024 | 00:36:48

Episode 51 January 16, 2024 00:36:48

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

"One of the best ways to come at denial is curiosity" - Alara Sage

When we are in denial, we cannot see what we are in denial of.  It is literally blindness.  And usually, we deny what we fear.  This fear, this resistance, will hold a level of power over us until we are willing to face it.

Join Alara Sage as she discusses denial through her favorite teachers, the horses.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Denial does not make pain or tension go away; it only attempts to bypass it.
  • Tension in the body can create stagnation and block the flow of energy, leading to injury or illness.
  • Denial and resistance can manifest in various aspects of life, not just in the physical body.
  • Curiosity is a powerful tool to overcome denial and resistance.
  • Taking an alternative perspective can expand the mind and open up new possibilities.

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Episode Transcript

<p><!--block-->Alara Sage (00:00.81)<br>Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the Ecstatic Woman podcast, where we activate and inspire women in their power, in their authenticity, and in their bliss. I'm your host, Alara Sage. I am a spiritual teacher. I am a mentor. I am an intuitive healer, and I'm an activator of Kundalini Shakti. So this is a solo episode where I<br><br>Often bring in some of my own personal story and, you know, connect it to kind of a bigger theme for your pleasure, for your enjoyment, and hopefully for your inspiration and learning. I've spoken several times about the power of horses in my life, how they have truly been some of my greatest teachers. And so my story today comes from horses.<br><br>Alara Sage (01:00.862)<br>I used to do physical therapy on horses. So that was called animal physical therapy was what I actually learned from a school in England. And so physical therapy is where you're doing, work on the body and you're increasing mobility and overall health of the body. But it's really about performance of the body, a lot of sport kind of performance. And physical therapy is definitely what can be<br><br>utilized after an injury, right? The rehab rehabilitation, but physical therapy can actually be also used before rehabilitation for preventative measures. And so that's what I was primarily doing was the preventative side of things, of helping horses bodies to open up, to relax, to release tension, to increase range of motion so that they could perform better and actually reduce the risk of injury illness.<br><br>Not so much illness, I guess injury.<br><br>And when I first started working on horses, I wasn't really connected to my healing capacity. That was actually taught to me through the horses. I also had angels show up during my sessions and some other beings that taught me about energy healing. And I remember very specifically how, after I'd started doing physical therapy on horses for a little while,<br><br>I started noticing that my hands would start to hurt, and my arms would start to hurt, and this pain would start radiating up my arms. Or a particular part of my body would hurt while I was working on a horse. And then I started to notice that would all go away the minute I stopped working on that horse, and particularly when I stopped work for the day. And I learned that I was an empath, that I could feel.<br><br>Alara Sage (03:00.246)<br>the pain of the horse. And as I became aware of that, I really opened up that channel and really started to gain a lot of insight to whatever animal I was working on, because I could feel exactly where in their body they were hurting in my own body. And even through my hands, if I didn't feel it in my own body, most of the time it was both. It was both. I would feel it like if they were having pain in their pelvis, my pelvis would hurt.<br><br>But simultaneously, when I would touch them with my hands and hold my hands on them, that pain would actually radiate up my arm. And sometimes, it was a lot of pain.<br><br>And it kind of blew my mind because I would be feeling all this pain that the animal was having and then I would communicate with the owner and they didn't know about it or they knew about it, but they didn't know that it was as bad as it was. And, and I just want to say like the clients that I had were amazing people because if you're hiring somebody to really, you know, take care of your animal's body and make them feel good physically, you're really a person that cares about your animal. Right. So.<br><br>They were really open to hearing what I had to say, and they really deeply cared. But sometimes I would come across these circumstances where I would have the animal showing me all this pain. And I would tell the owner, and the owner would be like, oh my gosh, I had no idea. This is horrible. I can't believe that they've been living with this pain. And they would feel really bad.<br><br>And the owner would get the vet out, and the vet would do what's called a palpation. And a palpation is where the vet will press on certain points of the horse, of the body. They'll flex the joints and then see how the horse moves after flexion. And sometimes these examinations would come back with no conclusion. The vet would say, your horse does not have pain.<br><br>Alara Sage (05:08.746)<br>And it was always really interesting to me because that just isn't what I was seeing and feeling. And the conclusion I came to after experiencing this quite a lot, you know, not to say it, the vets always said that there was no pain. Oftentimes, yes, it was found and, you know, remedied more with veterinary medicine, but often it wasn't. And<br><br>I came to this conclusion along with some other ways that I had to work with the horses of just the pure stoic ability of horses.<br><br>You know, horses are prey animals, right? So in the wild, they have predators who are hunting them. And for prey animals, showing any level of weakness or vulnerability will likely get you focused on and hunted. Because particularly for large animals like horses, any kind of predator is not going to go after the healthy one, because they're most likely going to get more injured than the horse.<br><br>Whereas if they go after the babies or the weak or the elderly, they have a better chance of, you know, really taking that horse down. So horses learn how to block out their pain.<br><br>Alara Sage (06:33.326)<br>particularly with what's called an alpha mare and so alpha mares are the leaders of the pack actually in a herd of horses in the wild the mare is the one who is Guiding them where to go and the stallion is actually coming up from behind and following the mares so the alpha mare is the one who's really the leader and She's the most stoic of all<br><br>Alara Sage (07:01.59)<br>And what I learned with the horses was, you know, for one, you have to gain trust in a horse for them to show you their pain. And some horses, that trust would be very easily gained. And others were not so easy. And<br><br>I really learned to honor that I was being shown the pain because I realized just how valuable that in and of itself was and how much they were being vulnerable and open to show that to me.<br><br>You know, I had a lot of repetitive clients, but I also took on a lot of new clients. So sometimes horses had never met me, you know, and.<br><br>Through the process of learning how to help them feel safer with me, one of those ways it wants to come through right now is that I would focus on areas that are usually not very painful for horses. And I would start there and then work my way to the areas that are usually painful. That way if they did harbor pain there, I had already helped them to feel good. And so they were already beginning to associate me with feeling good.<br><br>And then I would go poke their pain.<br><br>Alara Sage (08:31.818)<br>So I started to really be grateful that I was shown this pain. And then, of course, I wanted to help them. Wanted to help them heal it. And what I found, again, was just, in certain horses, a real denial of it. They did not want to feel it. They did not want to feel the pain.<br><br>And it's an incredible, you know, superpower to be able to block out pain. And it's also can be very detrimental to yourself and your being.<br><br>Alara Sage (09:15.848)<br>Now, after doing this for a long time and doing a lot of self-work on myself, I have seen many times in myself my own denial.<br><br>Alara Sage (09:29.07)<br>Denial is one of the strongest energies, because when you're in denial, you literally can't see. When you're in denial, you cannot see what you're denying, because you're denying it. You're denying its existence. And the mind is what creates our reality. So the mind will say, fine, it's just not there. But that doesn't mean that our body isn't experiencing it. So back with the horses.<br><br>They would be showing me that they had pain. Their range of motion would be showing me that they had pain. Their performance would be showing that they had pain. And they maybe even had other issues, like digestive issues, right? Emotional issues. Horses are very emotional beings. And they may have been having reoccurring injury to their body because this pain is there. And when there's pain, there's tension.<br><br>Alara Sage (10:25.878)<br>So tension doesn't allow for the flow of prana through our body. It does not allow for the flow of shakti, our creative life force energy, through our body. Tension does not allow for flow. So not only does tension not allow for energy to move freely through your body, which creates stagnation and ultimately injury or illness and disease,<br><br>but...<br><br>It also doesn't allow for flow in life. So if you're holding tension in your body, you're going to be holding and creating tension in different aspects of your reality. That's a really important thing to understand, because we think of tension in the body, well, great. I can.<br><br>get past that or you know maybe I don't need to focus on that right now but that exact tension is going to create tension and rigidity and lack of flow in some area of your life. So conversely you can think if there's an area of your life where there lacks flow<br><br>or there's rigidity or tension, you can think that there's a part of your body that is simultaneously holding that in the mirror aspect of the holographic reality. OK, our reality is holographic. I've often said it's like walking around in a house of mirrors. It's mirroring to you what's going on in yourself.<br><br>Alara Sage (12:14.85)<br>So I would be working on these horses, and I would find this tension. And they were like, no, excuse me. I don't want to take awareness to that.<br><br>And I would have to really coax some of them through the process and coax them into trusting me because it would usually increase the pain initially. And then as we moved through it, they would have massive release and relief. And as I had worked with them over time, the horses would just know me. And if it was a repetitive client,<br><br>They would just know and they would like immediately go into trance and they would just be so available to me working with their pain and their intention. But it didn't start that way with a new horse and particularly the ones that were really stoic. They took more effort on my side of things and you know, really a celebration of like the smallest of wins basically.<br><br>Alara Sage (13:24.212)<br>their pain. You know it wasn't about getting it all out in that first session. It was like let's just get a little bit and get you some relief and build up that rapport.<br><br>Alara Sage (13:37.198)<br>And so I bring this forward now because of my own denial and how that was a beautiful reflection for me.<br><br>Alara Sage (13:46.602)<br>of how when we deny something, it doesn't go away. Denial does not make things go away. It's an attempt to bypass something. And bypassing doesn't work, particularly with regards to tension.<br><br>You cannot bypass tension, whether that's physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual tension. The tension will not let go until you directly address it with your awareness and preferably with your love and your acceptance.<br><br>Alara Sage (14:25.27)<br>You'll notice denial in people when you offer some sort of insight or a reflection or something and they just say, no, that's not it. Or, no, I don't have that. Or, no, that's not true. And they just immediately block it.<br><br>Alara Sage (14:44.578)<br>That's denial. Because regardless of whether you have something or not, if somebody says something to you, and this is what I've learned through my own personal experience, like, hey, maybe you're having issues with this.<br><br>Like if you're not in denial, you would be like, oh, maybe, or yeah, I've explored that already. You know, and this is what I found. You wouldn't just be like, no, I don't have that, or no, I don't feel like just that block, right? It's more of a feeling than it is. It's more about the feeling than it is the words they're saying. And I'm sure you've experienced this with somebody where they just block. They're just like, nope, that's not, no, nope. Right, and maybe as I'm saying this, perhaps you're noticing this in yourself, okay?<br><br>Because this is what I found to be true for myself. And what I found to be true was that just like those alpha mares, I had a really strong mind. I still do have a very, very strong mind. And there's been a lot of really beautiful circumstances that has created for me. My strong mind has got me through all kinds of challenges in life that people are like, wow, how did you do that? Or how did you get through that? Or whatever it was, right?<br><br>And simultaneously that strong mind can, like I said, it can attempt to bypass. It can attempt to ignore, deny the pain. And then the pain doesn't go away. The tension doesn't go away. And now you're just kind of trying to push your way through something that you can't push through.<br><br>Another really great way of noticing denial in yourself is when something keeps happening or continues to happen. And<br><br>Alara Sage (16:33.418)<br>if it's a pattern, right? There's something going on that you're not seeing. I also love to point out how humans love the blame game.<br><br>And the blame game is never a place of empowerment. I don't care what somebody did to you or what they're doing to you or what circumstance it is. It is always more empowering to see what part of it you're playing and what you're bringing to the table and why are you choosing to engage with that person or whatever that is, what's your part of it, than it is to say this person, this person, this person, this person, okay? You're just giving away your power completely or this government or this thing that was seemingly out of my control. Nothing's out of your control.<br><br>Nothing's in control either, but you're creating all of it.<br><br>Alara Sage (17:21.778)<br>So when we're willing to say, wow, this keeps happening in my life, or I can't seem to shift this thing, then there's something we're not really looking at.<br><br>Alara Sage (17:35.85)<br>So just like the horses, I've had a lot of denial in my life. And it's just taken me longer to work through it, right? Because I was so stubborn, so strong-minded at the beginning that I wasn't even willing to exercise the idea of it.<br><br>Alara Sage (17:59.682)<br>When I would work with the horses and particularly, you know, the ones who were very stoic, and we would get through a lot of the pain, they would go through such a transformation. And for horses, it's very direct because they don't have all of the mental analysis that humans do. They have emotional trauma for sure.<br><br>Not all of them, but horses are very emotional and they can be very traumatized. Um, but they don't have the mental analysis of their life like humans do, and they don't hold on to things, um, so much as humans do either, just like any animal, they hold it in their body. But once you release it out of their body, they release it out of their emotional mental bodies so much faster. So that's another thing.<br><br>is particularly with animals who, like I had this horse one time, she was having some issues with her owner. And it was very like she would just get cranky and kind of pissy about things and kind of have an attitude. And her owner loved her so much that she was just really trying to like, okay, what do you need? You know, and one day I came over and I was working on her and oh my god, we went down this whole rabbit hole of how she was basically raped.<br><br>Right? You don't think of this a lot and it's a pretty intense subject. But since we're on this, this story wanted to come through. A lot of times, mayors when they're being bred, they're just they're just tied down. They don't have a choice in the matter. And they're, you know.<br><br>there she was what's called a live cover where the stallion actually covers her and gets on top of her and mates with her and she didn't want it and she couldn't she didn't have a voice and as I was working in this part of her body oh my god she just released all of the anger and the frustration she was kicking out at nothing and going through this process in herself and then we got through it and she was very good with working with me<br><br>Alara Sage (20:10.314)<br>And she totally changed after that. Her diet, her digestive changed, her attitude changed. She'd been holding this in her body, this rape for years, and it was affecting her. So that's a great example, isn't it? Because as far as her owner went, it wasn't anything, of course, sexually, because she wasn't breeding her.<br><br>But it was it was in it was impacting all areas of the mayor's life including her digestive system And that's what's important about stored energy in the body, right? and it continues to vibrate and Just watching her transformation and all of the animals Horses particularly that I was able to really move through deep traumatic pain That was stored as tension in the body<br><br>was just huge for me. And so when I started seeing my own denial and my own arrogance.<br><br>Alara Sage (21:21.226)<br>I was reminded of those horses. I haven't done that work for a long time. And my hire self reminded me and.<br><br>Alara Sage (21:31.082)<br>I was gifted the opportunity to be that for myself.<br><br>For some reason, that really made my heart just explode. I was gifted the opportunity to be who I was for those horses, to myself, to say, OK, I feel you. I feel your pain. I also feel how you really don't want to look at it. And that's OK. Let's just step back a little bit. Let's just move away just a little bit until you feel safe. How does that feel?<br><br>Okay, now you feel safe. Let's just be with this for a little bit, right? And that process of walking together into the pain.<br><br>Alara Sage (22:22.814)<br>And I've worked with a lot of people, of course, with these same things. I can energetically feel blocks and protection and resistance. What I've learned about all of those energetic protections, because it really will feel like a wall of energy that doesn't want to be penetrated.<br><br>What I've learned from the horses and from working with a lot of people is that you just can't like, you know, bring your bulldozer or your jackhammer and try to just take down the wall. Because the wall in and of itself has a vibration, let alone what it's protecting. And the protection, the wall, which is aka the denial, aka the rejection, aka the resistance.<br><br>is fear.<br><br>We fear that trauma. We fear what maybe that trauma means or the shame of it, or if we were to really look at it, would it be created again? That's a lot of the fear. Like if I just push it down and hide it, it'll never be created again, right? Like skeletons in the closet, dirt under the rug. But as we all know, that's not what happens.<br><br>It stays there and it honestly kind of like accumulates. And so coming at yourself, if you find yourself in any kind of denial, rejection, resistance.<br><br>Alara Sage (24:06.742)<br>Maybe somebody said something to you and you're just like, no, that's just not, that's not what it is. And then later on in the day, you become aware that you said that.<br><br>And you can feel how you just want it like there's almost like a push away. Or blinders of a horse. Right. You just didn't want to look at it.<br><br>Alara Sage (24:30.166)<br>And if you acknowledge that, you'll realize that there's a fear there.<br><br>Alara Sage (24:37.75)<br>One of the best ways to come at denial is curiosity.<br><br>If your first reaction is to say, no, that's not it, or I don't feel that, or no, I have a good relationship. I find this a lot with women when I work with women and I can feel that they're not embodied in their womb and in their pussy. And I'll say that and they'll be like, no, I have a good relationship. You know, I can orgasm easily. Okay. Well, that's not what I'm referring to. But okay, that's your denial. I don't say that.<br><br>But that's their denial. Nope, I'm good. I can orgasm easily. So I'm obviously embodied in my pussy. That's not actually what we're talking about. Doesn't matter whether you can orgasm easily or not. So that just immediate reaction is denial. So if instead you become curious, like, oh, that's what you feel, huh. OK. Well, that's intriguing because I do orgasm easily. But.<br><br>I wonder what, you know, like, what do you mean? Right? That's curiosity. Right? What do you mean? It's an open energy. It opens up the space.<br><br>Alara Sage (25:51.718)<br>And you know, you don't have to take everybody's advice. Like by all means, do not take everybody's advice.<br><br>Alara Sage (26:01.794)<br>I am a very strong minded person and I also learn through my own experience. And so I often don't take people's advice because I have to go through it myself. But I've learned where I'm in denial of something.<br><br>And when I can take their information and be curious about it and invite myself, is there anywhere that this that I can play with this versus just saying no? So I used to just shut it down immediately, right? So maybe you can feel the energetic difference between those two. Because you can receive the information and become curious in your being and ask questions of yourself and most importantly of your higher self.<br><br>We really want to be asking our higher self because your lower self can answer and can answer from your trauma. And that's who's answering when we're in denial, when we're in rejection, when we're in protection. Our lower self is answering. Nope, that's not safe. Nope. No, I've got that buried. So you can just stop talking about that right now. Right? I have that buried. So no, that's the lower self. Whereas the higher self will be like, let's.<br><br>Shed some light on that because you're safe, and you're protected, and you're supported, and so you can face this in yourself. So being curious and asking and investigating, contemplating, those are spaces of curiosity. And you might still get to the answer of, no, that still doesn't resonate, or no, I don't feel anything like that, so I'm going to just move forward without it. And that's OK. But at least you've stayed open-minded.<br><br>Alara Sage (27:48.094)<br>Most powerful ways to do this is to take an alternative perspective. If you have a strong mind, I can guarantee you have tension in your body, most likely in your digestive system, maybe in your adrenals, maybe you have adrenal fatigue. And you might have tension also in your pelvis, in your emotional body, in your lower back.<br><br>Alara Sage (28:17.646)<br>And you can be rigid or like I said resistant, right?<br><br>Alara Sage (29:01.166)<br>So one of the most powerful things you can do is take an alternative perspective. Again, this isn't about taking on that belief. But it's about playing with the ability to open your mind, to open your rigidity. So what this looks like is it's a polarity exercise. Let's say you believe something. You believe A.<br><br>And there's a belief B that's very contradictory to A. Okay. It's like they can't coexist, which isn't true by the way, but let's hold that truth. A is against B. Okay. So then what you can do is you can take, you can bring B in and you can contemplate it and be like, huh. Okay. So this is the perspective of B.<br><br>Right? This is what B believes. B believes this and what does that feel like? Okay. And what is and B believes this and B says this like flat earth. Okay. That's a great one. I think for me, like I don't believe that the earth is flat. However, I played with this before like, okay, my belief is that the earth is spherical round and then there's this other belief that the earth is flat. Okay.<br><br>That's really intriguing. Like it really like immediately sparks curiosity in me. What do you mean the earth is flat? Right. So then I listen to like, okay, what does that mean? Like what is your beliefs behind that? And like tell me right. And I've listened to some flat earth beliefs perspectives. And what that does when we do that is we open up the top of the Trinity, right? So there's always a Trinity. The law of three.<br><br>Right is the key to the universe as Tesla says three, six, and nine is the key to the universe. That's the law of Trinity, which is a part of the law of one. Okay, so in the Trinity we have the positive the negative and the neutral. So one of them is the theory that you have and one of them is the other theory. So like the world is round is either positive or negative and that the world is flat is the other one of those and when we hold the space for both of them.<br><br>Alara Sage (31:10.122)<br>The neutral is revealed. God is revealed. Divinity is revealed. And what is revealed is where they both hold truth. And that's really amazing because that will blow your mind and it will expand your mind and it will expand your capacity to take in different ideas.<br><br>And thus new visions and new creative endeavors. Because when we expand our mind like that, our visionary abilities radically grows, radically grows. Our visionary capacity radically grows. Okay. Because you become more creative. Creative is be able to the ability to think outside the box. But if you're rigid and you're always holding to your perspective and you're rejecting and you're denying and you're resisting.<br><br>You don't have a flexible mind. You aren't flexible. You aren't open-minded. And if you would have said that to me several years ago when I was addressing this with myself, I would have been like, I'm totally open-minded.<br><br>Alara Sage (32:15.586)<br>Maybe you can see the humor in that. I'm not close-minded, I'm totally open-minded.<br><br>Alara Sage (32:28.506)<br>Exactly. So that's a really fun way. And again, you can still end with the same belief. You don't have to take on the other belief, right? We're so scared. We're so scared that if we open up to the other belief, what will happen? Will you begin to believe that belief? And then what? What does that mean?<br><br>Alara Sage (32:56.214)<br>Maybe it means it was actually for you. Maybe it means that that's actually what you want to believe. Maybe not. Maybe you won't take on that belief at all. And maybe you'll just expand your mind and realize that there's truth in both of them where they overlap because that's how it is. Because they're not separate. Nothing is separate. They all exist within the one.<br><br>Alara Sage (33:24.762)<br>So to kind of summarize here, first and foremost, it's about identifying if you have a strong mind. Congratulations. Like honestly, that's a superpower. And also noticing where that strong mind can be inflexible and rigid.<br><br>And noticing the things that you reject, that you deny, you resist. And a little key there is that those are the things that are going to create the most massive transformation for you, by the way. Okay. Whatever we resist is what we truly need to see and to meet ourselves in to really radically transform ourselves.<br><br>Alara Sage (34:14.134)<br>And understanding that tension in your life will be tension in your body, and tension in your body will be tension in your life. And most likely, that tension has some protection around it, some fear of a wound or something, a trauma, something that you're protecting. So having a lot of compassion for yourself and working with that fear for yourself.<br><br>Alara Sage (34:47.694)<br>and playing with the energy of curiosity. Perhaps next time you find yourself just spitting out no or, no, that's not it, or eh, pause and stop. And what if you became curious in that moment instead? What happened?<br><br>How would your life change? How would you change? How would your perception change? How would your mind change? It's always going to expand through the energy of curiosity. Always, always, always. Curiosity is part of our innocence, which is in the divine trinity, that top part of the triangle. It is our divinity. Your divinity is your inner child. It is you as the child, you as the bridge between heaven and earth. You as the bridge between the father and the mother.<br><br>And that child is our innocence, it is our curiosity, it is our playfulness, it is our unconditional love. So curiosity is a great way to play and realize your genius, evolve into your genius through opening your mind, releasing denial and resistance. I hope you enjoyed this episode.<br><br>And as always, solo episodes are every Tuesday and guest episodes are every Thursday. And, you know, feel free to email me info at AlaraSage.com if there's a topic that you think you would love to hear me talk about. I would love to have insight about what you guys would like to hear more of. Thank you so much for being a part of this.<br><br><br></p>

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