The Journey is the Destination - Solopisode

The Journey is the Destination - Solopisode
Wealth Embodied
The Journey is the Destination - Solopisode

Jun 11 2024 | 00:33:21

Episode 91 June 11, 2024 00:33:21

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

In this episode, Alara Sage discusses the concept of the journey being the destination. She shares her personal experience of having a Kundalini awakening and how it led her to understand that living ecstatically is an ongoing process. Alara explains the importance of feeling desire in the body and expanding the pleasure body before satiating the desire. 


  • The journey is the destination, and living ecstatically is an ongoing process.
  • Feeling desire in the body and expanding the pleasure body before satiating the desire leads to more pleasurable and fulfilling experiences.
  • Hold the vibration of desire while simultaneously knowing that you are already that which you desire.
  • Share this episode to inspire others to embrace their desires and live ecstatically.

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Episode Transcript

<p><!--block-->Alara (00:01.765)<br>Hello, hello, testing, testing, testing.<br><br>Alara (00:22.757)<br>Hello, hello and welcome to another episode of the Ecstatic Woman podcast where we activate and inspire women in their power, in their authenticity and in their bliss. I'm your host, Alara Sage. I am a womb shaman. I am an activator of Kundalini Shakti and I'm the ecstatic life mentor.<br><br>I help both men and women in all honesty to really create exactly what they desire no matter the obstacles and through that through really understanding what we desire and the process of creating it we live ecstatically. Now today I want to go into an understanding that the destination the journey. Let me rephrase that is the destination period.<br><br>And I know that, you know, this is not the first time you've probably heard that statement, but let's dive in a little bit deeper today.<br><br>I recently had one of my clients point out the fact that she thought that after I had my Kundalini awakening, my spontaneous Kundalini awakening, which if you're interested, that's the very first episode of this podcast called From Numb to Ecstatic, where I go deep into that story. She understood that after I had my awakening, that was it. I was lit ecstatically.<br><br>And that's not the case. And I was so grateful that she brought this perspective to me because it allows me to address it. It allows me to clarify.<br><br>Alara (02:20.229)<br>That happened to me in 2013, 2014, where I literally had a full body orgasm pretty much out of nowhere. And I had never experienced a full body orgasm sexually, let alone this actually experience was in my car driving down the road. And so it blew me open in so many ways. And it showed me that I was living numb. I was living shut down. But.<br><br>That was not just it. I was not just blown open. And then I was living ecstatically. I have spent years truly understanding what it means to live ecstatically and continuing to open myself, continuing to release tension, release shame, feel safe in my body to own my power, my sexual power, to allow the fullness.<br><br>of my genius and my divinity through. So here we are. It's 2024. It's been 10 years. So oftentimes maybe we don't always understand or give ourselves the spaciousness to evolve the spaciousness of the journey. And I hope simply through me bringing through this information for you that in a 10 year,<br><br>span of very dedicated daily work on myself devotional process deep very intentional and oftentimes really with a great deal of passion and fire 10 years later from that initial wake up I am still owning more<br><br>of my sexual power.<br><br>Alara (04:23.557)<br>In humanity, we have this illusion of a destination.<br><br>What if we start to see the journey as the destination, period? That's it. Yes, we could have goals because those goals give us something to point towards.<br><br>But the process of those goals is truly what our soul seeks. Your soul doesn't give a damn about whether you actually achieve that goal or not. What your soul desires is the process of moving towards that goal. Or may I even replace goal with desire.<br><br>One of the things that I recently became aware of is how uncomfortable I've perceived desire to be in my body, even though I talk about it a lot. The real potency and power of desire is so magnetic. And as I have felt that magnetism, I have often just, okay, there's the desire, let's fulfill it.<br><br>Let's get it. Let's have it already. Instead of feeling the desire, the aching, the longing, the yearning in my body and really just sinking into that, allowing myself the desire full stop. That's it. So when we think of the journey is the destination, we can also translate that into the desire.<br><br>Alara (06:14.501)<br>is actually where it's at, not the satiation of said desire. And, you know, I love to say that our lives are sexual. All of your life, every aspect of your life is actually sexual because it is the creative process. So I'm always speaking between the symbolism of the act of sex and life. So let me describe this. Let me go into this through the act of sex.<br><br>and help you understand what I'm referring to in your everyday life, not in the act of sex. So in the act of sex, if you really, as a woman or a man, want to have multidimensional cervical orgasms that are just out of this world, that don't stop, that just continue to wave through your body and really open up your heart and just really bring in a very powerful<br><br>healing and creative life force energy. Doesn't that all sound wonderful? In order to really do that, the feminine has to open. She has to open so deeply inside of her, particularly around the cervix, which is a very intimate and internal part of the woman. So as the act of sex is beginning, you know, we talk about foreplay and foreplay is so important because<br><br>The yoni, the pussy, isn't already just on, ready to go. And even if she is lit and aroused, that doesn't mean that the pussy, and what I mean by pussy is the entire sexual organ, isn't ready for full penetration. Okay? So bear with me as I move through this. As the woman becomes aroused,<br><br>and softens and opens and feels safe and softens and opens. She opens more and more of herself. The vulva literally, of course, you know, fills with blood and literally like opens like a flower. But it's not just the vulva that we're talking about. Deep inside of her, the entire vaginal canal fills with blood and up around the cervix, this whole area of her body.<br><br>Alara (08:39.109)<br>relaxes and opens. Of course, that's if she feels safe, right? And if they're playing in the energy of desire. Because if at the moment's whim of being turned on, the two engage in penetration, oftentimes what I found is that it's not completely ready, the entire system, even though that desire,<br><br>to be penetrated is there. So it's through relaxing and continuing as a woman to breathe into your pelvis. Nice deep breaths as you breathe into your pelvis and you continue to work with the energy of desire in your body. And so what begins to happen is your pleasure body expanded, expands and fills up.<br><br>And this is what transitions you out of just a localized genital orgasm into a cervical and full body orgasm. So if you just have an orgasm in your clitoris and right there in your genitals, you haven't actually filled up your pleasure body. You haven't actually breathed and allowed the energy of desire to expand your space. So you get this very superficial orgasm.<br><br>And you know, if you've never had a full body orgasm, you might not understand what I'm referring to. Like, what do you mean superficial? It feels good. It absolutely feels good, right? However, once you've had a full body cervical orgasm, you'll realize that those clitoris, clitoral orgasms and genital orgasms really just, just don't cut the cake anymore. And so you learn how to breathe into your body and relax.<br><br>into the desire. Let yourself play and you know with your partner play in the energy of desire. Let that build up and every time you build up the desire and you build up the pleasure you keep breathing into it to expand it into your pleasure body. Then by the time there is penetration the cervix is relaxed and open and that penetration is so profound.<br><br>Alara (11:02.981)<br>in the way that it truly stimulates the cervix, which also stimulates and opens the heart. And now the woman is really open in her sacral and her sexual power, as well as in her heart. And she just explodes into a multi -dimensional space. Sounds delicious, doesn't it? So the same goes for life, right? If we are just, as soon as we want something,<br><br>We satiate ourselves. What happens is that we haven't actually allowed our pleasure bodies to fill up with the experience of the desire of the longing of the pleasure. And so the satiation of that goal of that thing that we desired is very quick, hot, and done, just like a genital orgasm. It comes in, it explodes, and then it's over. And that's it.<br><br>And you're left feeling unfulfilled. You're left feeling sometimes drained and tired. You're just left feeling like, okay, that was nice, right? Now what? Like on to the next thing. Whereas when we are allowing ourselves to really feel the desire and expand that desire into our pleasure bodies and expand our pleasure bodies, what happens is that we not only orgasm once full body, we have wave.<br><br>after wave after wave of orgasm. And even after the act of sex, that doesn't stop. It doesn't go away. We are just exploded in the energy of love. So it's the same thing in our physical reality. When we are instead of attempting to simply satiate what we desire, if we can really sink into our bodies and feel the desire,<br><br>really feel it in your body, whatever it is you desire. If you desire a baby, if you desire to know your genius in your life's work, if you desire to live freely as your own authentic and divine self, if you really hold that vibration of that desire in your body, I mean, for one, it's very, very magnetic, but also what you do is you keep filling up your pleasure body. And then what happens is you start to<br><br>Alara (13:27.173)<br>Orgasm, you start to hit ecstatic bliss before it's satiated, as it's satiated and after it's satiated. So then the actual, whatever that specific goal is, stops being this peak, right? Like just as we talk about, like it's the apex, it's you've peaked in your orgasm and then you drop down. It stops being that.<br><br>It instead starts to move simply with the waves of your own ecstatic self. So I hope I have described that in a way that you understand. So I'm trying to relate it to the sexual energy so that you can understand it and relate it to your physical reality, right? Cause we've all had sex and I would say, you know,<br><br>The majority of women have had sex where they were turned on and they just slammed right into it. And you know, it felt good, but it wasn't anything amazing. And then they've had sex where it was slower and whether they, whether you full body orgasm or not, just the slowing down and the spreading it out is going to give you a more pleasurable experience than that fast and hard.<br><br>Now, it's not to say we can't have quickies, right? Because we want to enjoy all of the expressions of our sexual identity and the way that we want to be sexual. So this isn't to say we can't have quickies, but I'm just trying to use the symbolism to understand and express why it's so important to instead of I need to get there. My desire is to create this and therefore I have to create it now. I have to get there now.<br><br>Can you simply sit in the desire of it, sit in the sensation, the longing of it? That's one aspect. And as I mentioned, I found that I didn't really like it. And that was just my perception of it. As soon as I realized, wow, I don't like that feeling, I had the opportunity to shift it. And I said, what if I start to really like it?<br><br>Alara (15:53.509)<br>the feeling of desire. Well, then of course you radically turn on your magnetic power. It's like that electromagnetic energy. You're turning on the electricity of your magnet. Like I just got bliss hit there. That was like, wow, yes, I want that.<br><br>So now you're just not just a magnet. You've got this electrical energy moving through your magnet. Now you're a very, very powerful magnet.<br><br>Alara (16:31.717)<br>So one aspect is to be able to sit in that desire. Now the trick is simultaneously to be able to sit in the awareness that you are already that. And this is interesting. It's a paradox and you know where paradoxes are. God is revealed. So anytime you come across a paradox, I invite you to play in it because it's always where true divinity lives.<br><br>The paradox of I truly desire something, I long for it, and I'm going to sit in that longing, sit in that desire while simultaneously knowing that I am already it.<br><br>So you're already it because if you are connected to a desire that comes from your heart, right? We're not talking ego desires. We're not talking desires of the mind. We're not talking desires that other people have, you know, projected onto you and taught you about yourself. I'm talking about a heart's desire. And the thing about a heart's desire is you can feel it. Okay. You can feel it in your heart.<br><br>You can feel how much it lights you up and perhaps simultaneously scares the fuck out of you because it's going to be what your heart, what your soul truly wants. And so there should be a little bit of fear or apprehension or like, wow, that's big. How am I ever going to become that? Right.<br><br>So it's a simultaneous experience of the aliveness of the feeling lit, a feeling that it's expansive expression of you. And then, wow, how could I ever do that might be something that drops in right after that expansion. Understanding that heart's desire is something that not only for one is absolutely possible for you. And that's why it's a desire of this life.<br><br>Alara (18:44.101)<br>But two, it already exists in a timeline. That's why you can feel it in your body. And just like all exists, pretty much anything you can think of exists. And so this version of you already exists, this version of you that is that, whatever that is. So the beauty of simultaneously holding the desire to create it while simultaneously realizing that you are all ready.<br><br>it and by realizing that you are already it, it releases the attachment to the physical reality and what's happening right now because you're already it. So what does it matter? What does it matter? What's showing up externally? Not that we don't want to acknowledge what is showing up externally because it is a house of mirrors and therefore we want to receive that reflection.<br><br>But we only want to receive what's serving us and let go of anything that is no longer serving us, which in this case, if you're saying I'm already that and you're having the reflection of the version of you that you're moving out of, well, that's long gone. You can just let it go. It's already shifting. I'm already that I'm already that. So it releases that anything needs to actually happen. Anything needs to transpire.<br><br>Because you don't need the external validation. You know, I am, you know, I am. And it does take a level of conviction to know that. And there are absolutely tools and ways that you can work with your energy to feel that in your body. And through that sensation, have that conviction, right? Of like, wow, I am clearly that. Look at how I feel that in my body, right?<br><br>So it's holding that and holding the desire. So it's the I want and I am. I long for and I am. I desire and it's already here.<br><br>Alara (20:59.525)<br>That's the perfect combination of creator consciousness because where duality meets God is revealed.<br><br>So this is the magnetic energy of I desire with the electric energy of I am.<br><br>Where those two come together and where they're held simultaneously, now you have rapid transformation. And I'll tell you, I just really understood this a couple of weeks ago. So hopefully I'm relaying it to you clearly and that which you can understand.<br><br>Alara (21:49.317)<br>So how to apply this first and foremost you have to know what you desire and that's honestly a whole nother conversation which maybe we'll get into in the next session and that desire should be very clearly of the heart I Have made the mistake of trying to take on Desires that were projected on to me by other people we all do that and<br><br>First and foremost, they don't feel good to try to create. And it always felt like a push -pull.<br><br>I'm trying to create it, but I don't really want it, but I'm supposed to do this, but I don't really desire it. But this is how it's supposed to be for whatever various reasons.<br><br>So having that heart's desire, feeling it in your heart, feeling how it naturally like lights up your heart, lights up your body, lights up your pussy, expands your field. And then you hold the vibration of that. When you hold the vibration of that, what will happen is your womb lights up in the longing. This is one of the most beautiful things to really understand.<br><br>And if you've ever been a woman who's longed for children, you will understand this feeling because that is a very direct representation of that longing, that yearning in the womb. But we can have that longing, that yearning for literally anything. And that's the sensation that is the expression of the electromagnetic energy. Okay.<br><br>Alara (23:39.173)<br>So again, it's the, the sensation is the expression. So this is the sensation isn't necessarily the electromagnetic energy. The sensation is the expression of the electromagnetic energy. So when our womb says, yes, heart, I hear you. I feel you. I long to create that. That's when she really begins to draw in opportunities.<br><br>synchronicities for you to create this ideas and epiphany and kind of more of that oracle capacity of the feminine to see the bigger picture and know where to take your action.<br><br>The feminine is all that intuition and the epiphany energy of understanding where to go, what action to take. Okay. And then the masculine is applying that creative life force energy into action. And that's where the logical mind comes in. Cause we apply that energy through our bodies and through logical application into our physical reality.<br><br>Alara (24:59.653)<br>So once you have that feeling of longing in the body, then first and foremost, you just sit with it and you let yourself not have it, right? Like let yourself long for it. And I hope this is landing. So whatever it is, if you want a baby, if you want, you know, to know how to full body orgasm, if you want a partner, right? If you want to really bring your life's work to stage.<br><br>giving yourself the opportunity to really feel the desire of that. And what often happens is we feel, we can sometimes feel shameful for our desires. We can sometimes and very often feel inadequate or unworthy of those desires. Okay. Because inadequacy is the primary distortion of the sacral chakra and of the womb. So inadequacy or unworthiness.<br><br>is a very common immediate sensation, right? Like I desire this, well, I don't get to have that, or I'm not worthy of that, or I'll never create that, right? So immediately you can see how you shut it down.<br><br>You shut it down from the space of, I'm not worthy. I can't do that. Whatever it is, that's a shutdown of the desire.<br><br>And that's really painful.<br><br>Alara (26:33.989)<br>And it causes a lot of disease in our bodies when we shut off our desire.<br><br>So if you are feeling the desire and that starts to come in, then it's about loving yourself, sending that love to your feminine, sending that love to your womb, sending that love to your pussy, because there's a part of you that feels inadequate, that believes that you are unworthy. And if you stay in that, you'll continue to shut down.<br><br>the desire and shut down, suppress the actual creation of that desire. You just shut it down right away in your pelvis. The energy doesn't even go anywhere.<br><br>So if you can move past those feelings and really begin to have the authority of I can feel it in my heart. I know this is a desire of my heart and thus my soul and therefore I already am it.<br><br>Hold that conviction and hold that authority of self Now you can really allow the sensation of desire because you're already it. It doesn't actually matter if it ever transcribes Actualizes into physical reality. You're already it so you can just sit back and enjoy the sensation of the longing and the desire because the conviction of I am exists this is<br><br>Alara (28:12.293)<br>extremely powerful and potent. And the realization that I had in myself was ex like I actually blew my own mind because this is both the feminine and the masculine working very clearly within ourselves. And I didn't understand this for a long time.<br><br>Alara (28:33.957)<br>So I would really love, quite honestly, to hear how this lands for you. Please send me an email, info at lrsage .com. Did it land for you? Do you understand? Do you have questions? I'm really here for you. And I would love to hear your feedback.<br><br>Alara (28:55.109)<br>Do you believe that you are already those desires? Are you connected to those desires?<br><br>Alara (29:09.989)<br>first step is always getting really clear on what those desires are. Always the first step. That's not easy for a lot of people because fundamentally we have been taught not to follow those desires, to take on what our parents say we need to be, what society says we need to be. And we squash them, we suppress them, we ignore them.<br><br>And then we go looking for them. We can't find them because we've buried them so deeply. Because the pain of not allowing yourself to experience the longing for your desires is so immense that you will just shut it out.<br><br>you will shut it out of your space.<br><br>Alara (30:12.709)<br>You will shut it out so that you don't have to feel. You will shut it out so that you don't have to think about it, have awareness of it.<br><br>Alara (30:23.397)<br>And then we live these lackluster lives. We live without aliveness. We live without ecstasy. We live without our pleasure bodies being expanded and ignited. And we go from one goal to the next with superficial satiation that like a climax just peaks hard and fast and then drops back down.<br><br>Alara (30:54.629)<br>liberate my love your desires liberate yourself in your desires so that you can live a life that is ecstatic with waves of ecstasy and that is not far -fetched.<br><br>Alara (31:14.725)<br>that is not out of your reach.<br><br>Alara (31:20.421)<br>It is within your reach and it is simply through the act of pursuing your desires that you will begin to experience it. And initially, sometimes those waves come and then they go away and they come and then they go away. But the more you pursue your desires, the more you get turned on with the aliveness of your soul, of your divinity. And that ecstasy starts to radiate and emanate.<br><br>from your being. And then what do you create my love? Doesn't matter from that point what the external reflects back to you. You are in the orgasm of your life.<br><br>Alara (32:09.573)<br>I love you all so very much. As always remember every Tuesday or solo episodes and Thursdays are wonderful guest episodes. Please share this episode my loves share it. Please share it on your social media. You never know who needs to hear this. Don't presume you know who's willing to listen to this. Just simply share it. I love you all so very much.<br><br><br></p>

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