The Ma Wound of Inadequacy

The Ma Wound of Inadequacy
Wealth Embodied
The Ma Wound of Inadequacy

Dec 05 2023 | 00:44:32

Episode 40 December 05, 2023 00:44:32

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

"There is not inadequacy in magic, in the bringing in of life" - Alara Sage

Inadequacy is something that all mothers experience.  But why do we experience it?  In this episode, Alara Sage takes you on a journey through her process on the morning of this recording to give you a deep understanding of this wound.

Key learning points:

  • Innocence holds the energy of trust and authenticity.
  • Childhood experiences can lead to the loss of innocence and a closed heart.
  • Embracing innocence in sexual energy can lead to healing and a deeper connection with oneself.
  • The mother wound is a deep wound that needs to be acknowledged and healed.
  • The creative process requires non-attachment and the freedom to create and destroy.
  • Honoring the creative process and witnessing creation is an honor.

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Episode Transcript

<p><!--block-->Alara Sage (00:08.834)<br>Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the Ecstatic Woman podcast. I'm your host, Alara Sage. I am a womb shaman, an activator and facilitator of Shakti energy, which is our creative life force energy, our energy, our ability, our potential to create in the physical reality.<br><br>And I'm also, I call myself, the ecstatic life mentor. Yes. So my beloveds, today I want to share with you a story about what happened today, this morning. Because what I gained through the wisdom of it was very impactful. And I feel to bring it here. I feel to share it with you.<br><br>So just know that no matter how much you understand about the story that I'm about to tell you, you can still extract a great deal of wisdom through this process. Also know that due to the context of what I'm going to share with you, there might be some triggering in yourself. And so if you feel triggered, I invite you to breathe into your body.<br><br>and relax your body. Try to consciously relax into the trigger and allow the trigger to be in your space. Triggers are here to show us where we are holding on to belief structures that do not serve us. That is the whole point of a trigger. And so it is really beautiful to see your triggers and when you really allow yourself love towards yourself during your trigger.<br><br>and the willingness to see, you allow yourself the opportunity to transform through your triggers and ultimately to transcend the belief structures that are holding you back.<br><br>Alara Sage (02:19.538)<br>Okay, so one of the energies that I have been working in myself for about a year, maybe a year and a half, has been innocence.<br><br>You know, when we look at young children, we can see the innocence in their eyes. And when we look at animals, we can see the innocence in their eyes as well. What about adults? How many adults do you really see the innocence in their eyes? More often than not, we lose that innocence.<br><br>Now the reasons why we lose that innocence and where does it go is really perhaps another conversation. But in the past year, year and a half, my higher self has been bringing the energy of innocence back into my space. Teaching me, showing me.<br><br>Alara Sage (03:25.794)<br>what innocence is. And it's definitely a feeling, innocence, right? But innocence holds the energy of trust. It is the trust in.<br><br>people around us, right? It's the trust in the universe. It's a trust that we are held, supported, safe, and therefore, we can really be our authentic selves. We can really be just our truest, truest selves. Now, most of us, myself included, had things happen to us when we were children that...<br><br>stole our innocence, broke our innocence, dissolved our innocence. Usually it's a circumstance and experience where you didn't feel safe and supported and loved by those around you. And you determined that you had to guard yourself. You had to protect yourself.<br><br>that really nobody was looking out for you and therefore you had to have your own back.<br><br>What this creates is a closed heart. And again, I speak to you from my own experience with this. I had a closed heart for many years. And I would often even feel like I was cold, even though...<br><br>Alara Sage (05:12.314)<br>I knew that wasn't true. I knew I wasn't a cold individual. I really cared about people and I cared about animals. And yet I came off cold, right? I came off oftentimes like I didn't care. I came off hard. And as I've said in other podcast episodes, I came off arrogant.<br><br>And most of the time, that was because I had protected myself. I had closed off my heart. I had determined that who I was at my core wasn't safe. And as long as I stayed shut down and pretended to be somebody else, it seemed like everything worked better. Of course, that's not true, right?<br><br>Sometimes it's our experience when we're little. And particularly for those of us who are here to reshape these patterns in humanity.<br><br>Alara Sage (06:21.286)<br>I had circumstances when it was very little happened to me that made me feel unsafe. And then I had several very, very close individuals, friends and romantic partners who betrayed me. And it happened over and over and over again. And so it was really a feeling of, I'm not safe.<br><br>So that's kind of the basis of this conversation today. So my higher self has been teaching me how to open back up to this innocence, right? You could say innocence is beyond authenticity, because it's very childlike. And the truth is we fear innocence, because we think of innocence.<br><br>weakness. Just like we think of vulnerability like weakness. And just like we are incorrect that vulnerability is a weakness, so we are incorrect that innocence is a weakness.<br><br>Alara Sage (07:37.058)<br>How do we return our childlike innocence back to ourselves and back to humanity? And perhaps a better question, what has happened since we have lost that innocence?<br><br>Alara Sage (07:58.346)<br>The loss of innocence.<br><br>Alara Sage (08:03.246)<br>creates a lot of illusion in our life. It creates the illusion of unsafety. And it really deadens our creativity. It deadens simple pleasures of wonder and magic.<br><br>take the holiday seasons, which when I'm recording this, we are currently in the holiday season. The holiday seasons are so magical and filled with wonder. And in the innocence of children, they feel available to the stories that we tell them.<br><br>The truth is that I'm not really one for talking about Santa to my children in the context of lying to them that Santa comes down the chimney and does these things. However, I've always enjoyed speaking to them about the mythical, the mystical, the magical that absolutely exists in our reality and how quick kids are to just take that on as truth.<br><br>Not only do they take that honest truth, their eyes go wide with excitement and with wonder, with possibility. And you speak to an adult about that, and oftentimes you're presented with cynicism. So perhaps innocence and the lack of innocence equates to cynicism. Skepticism. Criticism.<br><br>Alara Sage (09:49.278)<br>So my story.<br><br>So I've been working on this.<br><br>for a year and a half. And really where it's been in my energy has been in my sexual energy. Because if there is any place that humans don't feel innocent, it is in their sexual expression, their sexual exploration, their sexual desires. And yet, it is all innocent.<br><br>Alara Sage (10:27.654)<br>Even as I say that now, I feel deeply connected to mine.<br><br>I feel deeply connected to how I haven't always believed that I was innocent in my sexual energy, in my sexual desires, in my sexual acts.<br><br>And simultaneously, through the work that I've done in this past year and a half, absolutely feel the innocence of my pussy and of my body. So, the work has been quite good for me because before I couldn't feel that in my body.<br><br>Alara Sage (11:11.854)<br>So this morning I was in this energy. Now this is where I need you to kind of hang on for the story. It's going to take some twists and turns. And again, it's not about understanding everything that happened to me. It's about taking the nuggets of wisdom for you.<br><br>Alara Sage (11:35.222)<br>So this morning I was first in meditation and I was doing some advanced Shakti breathing. And so, you know, Shakti, I always bring it on here because it's so important to who you are, my love. Your Shakti is everything. She liberates you ultimately.<br><br>She is your creative life force energy. She is energy that creates everything on our planet and that you use to create your physical reality. And our Shakti ultimately travels after she's awakened. She travels through our body and out our crown to meet our beloved Shiva. And we experience divine union, which I've experienced several times. It is a journey like anything. It's not a one-off hit.<br><br>Alara Sage (12:23.446)<br>So I was breathing into my body and I was activating my Shakti and moving her through my body and hitting ecstasy, hitting ecstasy in my pussy, hitting ecstasy in my heart, hitting ecstasy in my mind.<br><br>And I did that for a little while and felt very good. And then I got up and I was doing some light movements, some yogic movements and breathing and kind of continuing with the process. And then I went and took a bath and I continued there. And I breathe into the water and I was squatting and I was moving with the water and I was being very sensual with my moment and breathing into the moment and really feeling the moment.<br><br>And all of a sudden, I found myself on my knees in the bathtub and I breathed down into my body and like.<br><br>grabbed the Shakti, kind of symbolically, not truthfully, and allowed her up my body. And as I moved her up my body, my total body moved backwards. I arched my back, I pulled my shoulders back, I dropped my head back, and she went all the way up through my crown.<br><br>Now, if you've ever done yoga, you will recognize that kind of maneuver as a heart opener. That is a yogic asana that opens the heart.<br><br>Alara Sage (13:52.942)<br>I went into this very interesting Akashic quantum field where I was almost unconscious, but there was like this reverberation going on in my mind and my body was going into spasm. My body was like totally in this crazy chaotic spasm that you could almost say looked like epileptic, although my head wasn't epileptic, it was just my arms and my legs.<br><br>And it was there for like a couple of seconds as this energy was opening spaces in my body. And then I came out of that and my higher self said, place your hands over your heart. And so I did that and I was sitting there with a couple of breaths, my hands over my heart. And then all of a sudden I felt this deep urge to start to stroke my left breast. So I started stroking my left breast and...<br><br>Oh my gosh, my love, this is where it really started to take place. All of a sudden I started grieving and I started crying and I started wailing. And I felt my boys breastfeeding and my left breast was the only breast that I got mastitis in.<br><br>and I got it very strongly there. And all of a sudden I felt their loss of innocence and I felt how I knew, specifically with my older son, who's a very, very bright, bright individual. Light, not bright as in intelligence, although he's very intelligent as well, but like bright light.<br><br>Alara Sage (15:34.906)<br>I remembered all of a sudden, me sitting there with this newborn baby, thinking to myself, what have I done?<br><br>Alara Sage (15:48.682)<br>I just brought this ever so bright being into humanity, into this disgusting, gross, oppressed planet.<br><br>where he will lose his innocence.<br><br>Alara Sage (16:14.034)<br>And then all of a sudden I could feel my mother experiencing that. And I could feel one of my clients experiencing that. And all of a sudden I could feel like all of the mothers, maybe not consciously experiencing it like I had, but this ma experience, this mother wound.<br><br>of bringing a soul.<br><br>into humanity.<br><br>Alara Sage (16:47.106)<br>what that really means.<br><br>Alara Sage (16:51.246)<br>So if you're a mother.<br><br>you might be triggered by this and you might be triggered without having ever, like I said, consciously thought that because it's not the thought that matters. It's that this is a wounding of the woman.<br><br>Alara Sage (17:14.346)<br>and let me take it deeper.<br><br>So I was just crying and feeling all of this pain of mothers and how we bring souls into human form. And that's so beautiful, incredible, and effing magical.<br><br>Alara Sage (17:47.58)<br>Bye!<br><br>Alara Sage (17:51.71)<br>It's humanity, right? There's a lot going on here on our planet. Now, the truth of it is, and something that I know and I was in that energy with this perception, is that those souls agree. We don't reach into the ethers and grab a soul against its will and pull it into form. That's not what happens. There is an agreement and these souls desire to come onto this planet.<br><br>Alara Sage (18:24.246)<br>but that doesn't necessarily take away the wound of the maw.<br><br>Alara Sage (18:33.846)<br>And the wound of the maw is creation itself and destruction. So let me go deeper. So I finished grieving, grieving.<br><br>the loss of innocence of myself, of other children, of us as humanity, grieving for the other mothers, grieving for Gaia, the mother of our human form, grieving for the great mother. And I came out of it and...<br><br>got dressed and carried on with my day, but the energy continued and the mother took me further into the understanding of what had happened. And, you know, I will always say that having a womb is such an honor.<br><br>Alara Sage (19:32.386)<br>And again, I invite in this moment, you to breathe into your body, whether you're a mother or not. Because we don't always feel that way, do we? Do we always feel like having a womb is an honor? Is that what we're taught since being a child?<br><br>Is that what we're taught when our cycle begins? No, we're taught that it's a menace. It's something we have to deal with. It's disgusting, it's gross. All of these things that are so disconnected from honor. So if you get triggered by me saying that having a womb is an honor, I get it.<br><br>I have not always felt.<br><br>let alone believed that having a womb was an honor.<br><br>Alara Sage (20:35.502)<br>And simultaneously, I invite you.<br><br>Alara Sage (20:43.63)<br>take on this perception that I'm bringing for you, this perspective, to be open-minded, to just how much of an honor it truly is.<br><br>Alara Sage (20:57.686)<br>We hold literally the portal.<br><br>Alara Sage (21:05.698)<br>from the non-living.<br><br>into living, from the ethereal into form.<br><br>Even if you've had your womb removed, you still have the portal.<br><br>Alara Sage (21:24.866)<br>So if you have ever had a womb in your body, then my love, you hold this portal. You are a vessel.<br><br>Alara Sage (21:38.606)<br>for creation.<br><br>Alara Sage (21:45.748)<br>and<br><br>The truth is that there's some really big wounding there in humanity.<br><br>the ma wound.<br><br>And I don't think this will be my first episode about it.<br><br>Alara Sage (22:08.106)<br>And what the mother continued to speak to me about and to show me.<br><br>Alara Sage (22:15.946)<br>was that the femme both is creation and she is destruction.<br><br>This is a really important thing for you to understand as a woman.<br><br>And again, there will probably be multiple episodes on that because I cannot cover it all here.<br><br>The portal that we are born through is also the same portal that we exit through. Even though we don't actually go back into the womb when we die, we go through that portal again. It is the tunnel of light.<br><br>Alara Sage (23:04.85)<br>It is a black hole that on one side pulls energy in, destruction, consumption, and the other end spits it out into creation. This is the femme. This is the primordial femme. This is the great mother. And as a womb bearer, you hold that energy in your womb.<br><br>Alara Sage (23:36.014)<br>It's one of the reasons why women have cycles. Yes, okay, there's the biological aspect of it, but there's so much more to it than that because there are cycles. The shedding of the lining is the destructive process and destruction is deeply cleansing and it also gets ready for creation. It enables energy, the purification.<br><br>in order for creation to occur.<br><br>Alara Sage (24:11.414)<br>So the mother was showing me that one of the wounds of the mother is as humans.<br><br>We create these human beings and we create all kinds of things, right? Like I create things for my business. I created this podcast. I create programs. I do writings. I do art. Like we're constantly creating. Okay.<br><br>And there's this energy of inadequacy.<br><br>Alara Sage (24:47.654)<br>that what we create is never enough. It's inadequate. But actually the belief is that we are inadequate within its creation.<br><br>that we somehow didn't show up enough. We didn't create it well enough, right? So the perfect example, going back to my story, is that feeling of, oh my gosh, I just birthed a child into this world, which is both a blessing and a curse, you could say. I've actually heard people say that. But what if it's just a blessing? What if there's no curse involved? What if we've taken on that belief?<br><br>that somehow our creations are a blessing and a curse? What? Why would we believe that?<br><br>Alara Sage (25:44.962)<br>the wounding of the maw.<br><br>Alara Sage (25:51.074)<br>Because as I said, we're not reaching into the ethers and grabbing souls and pulling them in against their will and shoving them into physical form and casting them out into humanity.<br><br>Alara Sage (26:07.026)<br>And yet how many mothers do you know, perhaps yourself, perhaps others, whether you're a mother or not, you know mothers, perhaps your own mother, how many do you know that feel totally, not even adequate, but of excellence in their motherhood?<br><br>Alara Sage (26:33.998)<br>Perhaps none, very, very few, if any at all.<br><br>Alara Sage (26:43.38)<br>and<br><br>what the mother was telling me this morning, because this inadequacy I have dealt with, and it is one of my core wounds in this life, which makes sense because I'm here to bring forth the wisdom of the ma. I'm here to bring forth the wisdom of the woman. So it makes sense that I would be facing that very core wound that we hold in our wombs of inadequacy.<br><br>Alara Sage (27:15.31)<br>and<br><br>Alara Sage (27:19.242)<br>what the mother was telling me.<br><br>Alara Sage (27:24.222)<br>Is it the beauty of creation when we really allow?<br><br>the creative process. The beauty of creation is actually found in, you could call it non-attachment. Different systems, quote unquote, call it different things. Some systems call it detachment, other systems call it non-attachment, other systems call it healthy attachment, okay? So, don't focus so much on the word. More to what I'm about to say.<br><br>Meaning that we don't hold any expectation of what we're creating.<br><br>Alara Sage (28:08.438)<br>that we give ourselves permission to create freely.<br><br>freely to create without expectation. And Mother was showing me Gaia and nature and how profoundly she does this, right? Because Mother Gaia will create these immaculate forests.<br><br>that are just stunning and dense and full of animal life and just alive. And then with one lightning bolt she will destroy it.<br><br>Alara Sage (28:51.038)<br>And us humans are going, no, stop, don't, please. We're doing everything in our power to stop the burn.<br><br>Alara Sage (29:02.882)<br>And I'm not saying that's right or wrong, okay? Again, just listen. It's not about putting out forest fires or not putting out forest fires, okay? This isn't a debate about that. This is about the truth of the underlying energy of the freedom to create and thus the freedom to destroy. And create again and destroy and create again and destroy.<br><br>Mother Gaia does that to create new. Most people don't really recognize that with forest fires. And not all forest fires are natural, right? Humans create a lot of forest fires and that's a whole nother topic. The point being is about this beautiful thing that most of us, if we created something so magnificent as a forest, we would never wanna touch it. We'd wanna just to stay just like that forever.<br><br>I know I would.<br><br>Alara Sage (30:05.902)<br>And she just burns it down, just wipes it out, just clears it out, just on to the next. We're on to the next, we're moving on everybody, moving on. And what the ma, the great mother was telling me was how magnificent that is. And as women, we have to grant ourselves the permission.<br><br>to create and destroy. We have to grant ourselves the permission to bring earth onto this planet when it's not perfect. We have to grant ourselves permission to be a human mother and not show up, quote unquote, perfectly.<br><br>Because, you know, Gaia creates things that aren't perfect, right? I was in Thailand for many years and you would see people with dual thumbs. And you know, there's cleft palates and there's babies born together. And there's all kinds of things that happen, right? That are not quote unquote perfect. And yet, of course, in the big scheme of things, they are absolutely perfect and beautiful. But if we were to define it as perfection, it's not.<br><br>in the Webster's Dictionary of Perfection.<br><br>Alara Sage (31:29.726)<br>And yet she doesn't pause and think, huh, I don't really know if I should continue doing this. Maybe I'm not so good at this whole like creating planets. Maybe I should just not do this, right? Maybe I'm not cut out for this work. Like Mother Gaia does not ask herself that. She just keeps going.<br><br>Alara Sage (31:54.946)<br>just keeps going. And there is so much freedom in that. And so when the Great Mother was telling me this, my womb, and even now as I speak about it, my womb is aching, my love. Is your womb aching? My womb is aching.<br><br>Alara Sage (32:13.106)<br>and it's saying, ah, just let me create.<br><br>Alara Sage (32:20.558)<br>There's no inadequacy here. There's no inadequacy in magic, in bringing life.<br><br>There's no inadequacy. Even if you're a woman who has a womb and you've never given birth or don't want to, there's no inadequacy there, my love. If you're a woman who can't seem to get pregnant, there's no inadequacy there, my love.<br><br>Alara Sage (33:06.446)<br>to let ourselves create.<br><br>like Gaia does, let ourselves be joyous, ecstatic in our creations, and let them be what they are. Right? Of course we're going to teach our children and raise our children, but they're also their unique individual selves. Did you know that? That your child, quote unquote,<br><br>is its own soul that actually could have been your mother, your father, could have been your lover, could have been all kinds of different things. It's not just your child. It's much more of a being than that. And maybe that's also triggering. And we still have to raise them, we still have to teach them, we still have to love them, we still have to be there for them, we still have to be their ma.<br><br>Alara Sage (34:02.69)<br>But we have to see where we hold the energy of inadequacy in our wombs.<br><br>and take on these responsibilities, right? Of like the loss of innocence. That's not the mother's quote unquote fault. That is our society.<br><br>Alara Sage (34:32.93)<br>So why should the mother bear the brunt of that energy? Why should she carry that in her heart?<br><br>And I ask you, I ask you to ask yourself whether you have created children, or you've created an empire, or you've created a garden, or you've created a book, or you've created a sanctuary for animals, or whatever you have created, my love. I ask you right here, right now, to be really honest with yourself.<br><br>Did you ever place judgment on yourself for something that you've created?<br><br>Alara Sage (35:25.826)<br>And was that judgment really?<br><br>Alara Sage (35:31.307)<br>truthful.<br><br>Or was it you projecting your inadequacy?<br><br>Because again, I say this from my heart to you. I say this from my heart to you. I say this from my womb, my love to you because I have done this and I have felt this and I have experienced this.<br><br>Alara Sage (36:02.53)<br>And can you invite yourself to create from no expectation? To create the joy of creating, whether that is creating something artistically, or creating a grand nonprofit, or creating a tiny little<br><br>garden or creating a dinner right no matter the size big or small because it's not about that no matter what it is you create because it's not about that either it's about inviting yourself to let yourself create it<br><br>Let it fall to the ground and crash. Let it burn like the forests. Let it rise to the sky to be seen by the world. Let it expand into something grand. Let it explode. Let it collapse.<br><br>Alara Sage (37:21.731)<br>and feel the honor.<br><br>Alara Sage (37:33.814)<br>being a creator.<br><br>Alara Sage (37:41.166)<br>feeling the honor.<br><br>Alara Sage (37:46.91)<br>of the creative process.<br><br>Alara Sage (37:55.527)<br>I feel so honored.<br><br>Alara Sage (38:01.375)<br>and that honor.<br><br>makes the inadequacy like disappear. Because honor and inadequacy just like don't jive in the same room.<br><br>Alara Sage (38:18.294)<br>And when I think about feeling that honor in my womb, the honor, I'm so honored to have brought my boys into this life. I'm so honored to create this platform, this podcast. I'm so honored that you're listening. I'm so honored to have people that come to me and ask me questions. I'm so honored to be the partner.<br><br>to my beloved, I'm so honored to be a woman. I'm so honored to be a woman. I'm so honored to help other women.<br><br>Alara Sage (39:02.206)<br>It feels so good.<br><br>Alara Sage (39:07.246)<br>So I invite you to play with that for yourself. And also see the energies of the wounding of inadequacy held in the womb for all womb bearers.<br><br>Alara Sage (39:25.459)<br>as well as...<br><br>the loss of innocence, which is a whole other conversation. It just kind of started off that way because it wanted to shift and change and evolve.<br><br>Alara Sage (39:43.798)<br>And can we feel honored for that?<br><br>It's a toughie, right? To feel honor, I feel honored.<br><br>Alara Sage (39:57.998)<br>to be the witness. That's what it was that the great mother taught me. She said that the ma has to witness all of it. You know, the ma has to witness the law, the loss of innocence. The ma has to witness her children's suffering. The ma has to witness the challenges, the tribulations. Sometimes the ma has to witness the very death of her children. The ma has to witness.<br><br>creation in action and through its process. The ma has to witness.<br><br>Alara Sage (40:34.198)<br>So maybe to say that we honor the witnessing of the loss of innocence is, wow, that's a biggie, huh? That's a toughie, right? I feel like I can say that, but I don't expect anybody to be able to align with that and understand it. And if you do align with it and you do understand it, that's really beautiful. And if you don't, that's...<br><br>really beautiful too. But to say that we honor the witnessing.<br><br>Alara Sage (41:14.114)<br>that that's a gift that the ma gets to have.<br><br>that that's what happens when we create, is we witness what we create, and we witness the impact of our creations, and we witness what happens to our creations.<br><br>Alara Sage (41:39.82)<br>And that<br><br>That is an honor.<br><br>Alara Sage (41:50.99)<br>So thank you so much for joining me.<br><br>through this. And...<br><br>Alara Sage (42:01.778)<br>As always, I hope it brought you wisdom. I hope it brought you insight, inspiration. I hope it touched you. I was so deeply touched and moved this morning. And I hope you can feel that through this audio. I hope it touched you.<br><br>Alara Sage (42:26.706)<br>As always, I am here every Tuesdays with the solo episodes, and on Thursdays I have the guests' appearances. And check out the website, join the newsletters, you can stay in touch, as well as you have the Facebook community, the Ecstatic Woman podcast community.<br><br>And I've been doing some extra work with the guests to share a little bit deeper experience with you guys, with the guests. So I'm doing a little short recordings with them, and I bring that only into the community. So there'll always be some extras in the community that only the community gets. So be sure to join that so you can watch those and experience those. And the more people I get in there, the more I will bring more bonuses and things,<br><br>into that space. So as always, I am deeply honored that you joined me here today, and I thank you so much for being a part of the Ecstatic Woman podcast. I love you so much, and until next time.<br><br><br></p>

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