Getting to Know Ourselves Better through the Fullness of Human Experience

Getting to Know Ourselves Better through the Fullness of Human Experience
Wealth Embodied
Getting to Know Ourselves Better through the Fullness of Human Experience

Nov 30 2023 | 01:00:14

Episode 39 November 30, 2023 01:00:14

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

"I think most importantly, we came to live." - Eva Reida

The human experience isn’t all rainbows and butterflies and yet, it holds great value to our being.

When we can embrace the contrast of the human experience and find pleasure in what we do, we can experience great depth and expansion through our human lives.

Join Alara Sage and Eva Reida in a discussion about the experiences of duality and how we can live in aliveness.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The advantage of being in a physical body is the ability to experience contrast, pleasure, joy, sadness, and pain, which allows for expansion and growth.
  • Embodiment is the bridge between the ethereal self and the physical self, allowing for a deeper connection and integration of spiritual experiences into daily life.
  • Contrast is necessary for appreciating and fully experiencing the light and joy in life. It is through contrast that we can understand and appreciate the fullness of our experiences.
  • Embracing our unique desires and preferences, even if they don't fit into societal or spiritual norms, is empowering and allows us to fully express our authenticity.
  • Embracing our uniqueness and trusting ourselves is essential for living a life that is true to our authentic selves. Letting go of societal expectations and embracing our desires and joy can lead to a more expansive and fulfilling life experience.

The activation for this episode was:

  • Connecting to contrast - Mother and Father energies

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Episode Transcript

<p><!--block-->Alara Sage (00:00.962)<br>Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the Ecstatic Woman podcast, where we activate and inspire women in their power, in their authenticity, and in their bliss. I'm your host, Alara Sage. And ladies, you know, perhaps you have heard and felt, quite frankly, right, your divinity, right? The part of you that exists beyond your human self.<br><br>So extraordinary, so expansive. You are so much. You are so much more than your human expression. And yet, here we are in human form. So why did we choose to be human? Why do we have physical bodies? And what is some of the advantages, some of the delights, some of the most ecstatic experiences that we can have here in our human?<br><br>body. We want to take advantage of this, right? We want to live it to the best, to its fullness. And today we have a wonderful guest who is going to take us deeper into this rabbit hole of why we have these bodies and what we can really experience through our bodies. Let's welcome Eva Reide, who is an accomplished femininity and female pleasure and intimacy coach who is really<br><br>women reconnect to their bodies and their sexual energy. Eva has hosted over five international retreats and workshops and coaching sessions. So she comes to us to dive deeply into this conversation. Thank you, thank you so much, Eva, for being here today.<br><br>Eva (01:47.367)<br>Thank you so much for this invitation. I'm so excited.<br><br>Alara Sage (01:52.514)<br>So let's just dive right into it, right? What do you see as the advantage of being in a physical body?<br><br>Eva (02:02.267)<br>I think it's really to experience. For me, it's personally to experience, to feel, to have these beautiful, to live really. Like I think if we would have chosen to, you know, be always con, like, I mean, of course we are consciousness and of course we are the energetics, but I feel the advantage of a body is really to experience contrast, to experience pleasure, to experience joy, to experience sometimes.<br><br>sadness to experience the pain as well. I think like we came for this duality and we came for this expansion and I think most importantly we came to live. Like I think it's so easy I think in the spiritual world we can say so many times like I meditate, I connect with that and I feel the energy and yes of course we can do that and of course it's a beautiful experience as well. I'm not saying anything against that.<br><br>But I also truly believe some things need to be experienced. And that's why we have chosen a body. That's why we have chosen this experience to, yeah, fully live, to be, yeah, to be alive and to expand and to experience more, yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (03:17.55)<br>Hmm. Yeah, I've often spoke about before I really came into embodiment. You know, I was going through meditations and they were very blissful. I was hitting bliss energy and they were very expansive and beautiful. But there was like a disconnect between the meditations and the daily life, right? Which I feel like is where embodiment, the body, really bridges that, right? It bridges that ethereal experience, the ethereal self, with the physical self, which is so important.<br><br>And you mentioned contrast, which I just adore. So can you dive into that a little bit more? What do you mean by contrast? And yeah, just explain that a little bit more for us.<br><br>Eva (03:50.5)<br>Hehehe<br><br>Eva (04:02.203)<br>Yeah, I mean, contrast is obviously, I think we come here and like what I have many times with like a lot of clients and normal conversations is like, we want to be love and light all the time and all this bliss, which is beautiful. But to really honor bliss and the light, there needs to be darkness, right? To see the light, we also have to honor the darkness, like the way we have the sun, we also have the moon, right? So like, there is really the fullness. And I think this is really<br><br>what it is about that we kind of see there is nothing like that is good or bad. It's really like the fullness of it. Right. And I mean, sometimes some, it feels more pleasurable, a certain experience and other experiences feel less pleasurable. And because we have also experienced less pleasurable experiences or emotions or whatever we want to call them.<br><br>We also kind of see like, this is actually joyful for me. This is pleasurable for me. This is fun for me. And I'm not saying necessary that we only have to make this not so wanted experiences, but I also believe because we have the fullness of it and because we have the contrast of it, we appreciate it more. And we also, I think not only the appreciation.<br><br>I think we also get to know ourselves better, right? Through these kinds of experiences. Because sometimes I feel like in this whole love and light debate, it's like, yeah, sometimes it's also really not realistic. And I like what you said, like, it also brings this, okay, when I meditate, when I'm on my meditation pillow, when I'm in a retreat, when I'm in a coaching session, it feels beautiful and it feels amazing.<br><br>And then I'm going back into my daily life and I'm hating it, you know? And I feel this is really not what we came here for. We didn't come here for, oh, I'm blissed out when I'm meditating, but I'm hating my day-to-day life, right? This is also not what contrast is. And this is really like, okay, how can I bring more of what I enjoy into my daily life? And at the same time also acknowledge and accept and love.<br><br>Eva (06:19.191)<br>what I may not love so much at this moment, right? And kind of reducing it, right? Like I really say it's reducing it. It's not like totally pushing it away, but really being like, okay, this I didn't enjoy too much. I let it be. And I do something else instead, right? Yeah, and I think this is really the whole, I think in the end it comes back for me personally to accepting wholeness. Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (06:49.514)<br>Yeah, it reminds me of the seasons. And there was a period of my life where I was teaching scuba diving. This was a very long time ago. And I was really chasing the sun. And I didn't really experience seasons. I was in basically summer. I was in the tropics. So it was like the dry season, sun all the time. And I had a client very early on when I first started doing this say to me,<br><br>Eva (06:52.237)<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage (07:18.018)<br>Well, I would miss the seasons and I was like, you know, I was like 20 and I was just like, whatever, you know, and, and I ended up missing the seasons because there was really nothing to change it up. There was no difference. And, you know, just to take it very literal and very physical. I had one wardrobe and I wore those clothes all the time and just get really sick of them. You know, whereas when you have the seasons, there's that change, right?<br><br>And you get to experience the same reality, your same life through a slightly different lens of experience. And, you know, you get to experience a different wardrobe, right? Like your fall or winter clothes. It's sometimes I even forget. I'm like, Oh my God, I totally forgot. I had this, you know, and it's like, Ooh, it's like having it, buying it all over again, right? And like, yeah, I get to wear new clothes, which is just like kind of fresh and exciting. And just as you said about, I love how you said about<br><br>kind of like diminishing or reducing the things that we don't like so much. You know, like, I don't think a lot of people would say, oh, I love going into the darkest time of the year, which is where we are on the Northern Hemisphere right here. But at the same time, well, how can we just kind of sink into that? Right? How can we just kind of sink into, OK, it's getting darker early. Like, what pleasure can that bring me? And or how can I bring my pleasure into it getting darker? And like,<br><br>Eva (08:30.718)<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (08:41.645)<br>bring that joy, bring that sense of self into a different lens, which I think is really a delightful challenge, you know, or like if it's back to the weather, if it's pouring down rain outside, okay, maybe you don't get to go outside and soak in the sun, but what can you do that still lights you up? Right? And it challenges you, right? It challenges you in your experience.<br><br>Eva (09:00.687)<br>What's a lane?<br><br>Eva (09:06.023)<br>Yeah, I think it also broadens you. I think it's not only challenging, I think it also broadens you because I mean, I think I love it. And I mean, I think seasons can be sometimes different. Like, I think also our seasons in life, you know, sometimes a season in our life can be four years, right? But at some point we will<br><br>Alara Sage (09:09.373)<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Eva (09:25.051)<br>crave also something else and I think this is totally normal because I think personally we didn't come here for stagnation, right? We came for contrast, we came for expansion, we came for different kind of experiences and sometimes a season can be one month or the seasons of the cycle or it can be a couple of years, right? It really depends on the personal journeys.<br><br>But I think it also spices things up, right? And it makes also this expansion. And I really loved what you say, like in the unwanted, leaning into it, not like, um, you know, like, I mean, the tendency is really wanting to get rid of it. And it's okay. And me personally, I think we don't have to suffer for things. I really want to kind of say that because<br><br>I'm, you know, also I do like theta healing, which is a method to clear on the subconscious level, the energies. And sometimes I'm also feeling, there's also this tendency of suffering and this addiction of suffering. This is not actually what I'm personally, and I'm sure also the same for you. This is not what I'm talking about when I'm saying lean into it. I'm not saying go even deeper into the suffering, go even deeper in the story. Like detach yourself from the story actually, right?<br><br>And how can you reframe that story? And how can you see like, this is actually working for me, right? Like this is actually, okay, cool. It's, it's dark. Like, how can I do with the dark times? Maybe I have a new lover and I can play with him more or her that I could do in, you know, when it was like very hot all the time, like whatever it is, or maybe it's the time for you to go into like your personal practice deeper, right?<br><br>into the embodiment practices because things are slower and there's time now you I mean the time is always there but now it may be easier for you to kind of take the time right because it's dark and like for example I live in Spain so we still have like beautiful weather during the day but it gets really cold in the evening so it's also nice to feel that right I feel it on the same day I can be in shorts during the day and then I have to have like a really warm jacket in the evening.<br><br>Eva (11:39.603)<br>And it's also nice to be like, it's actually interesting. How does it feel to wear a bikini and a winter jacket within 24 hours? Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (11:49.854)<br>Yeah, I love that so much. And you know, it's like, I love how you're talking about the night time because in your and the lover, right? Because a really beautiful thing about that, like we go back to like the seasons of it getting darker is, yeah, I mean, on all, unless you can spend a lot more time in candlelight.<br><br>And candlelight to me is deeply romantic. And just even my partner and I were often, he loves candles, we're often using candles. But in the summertime when it's staying light very late, our usage of candles really decreases. And so just the joy of being in candlelight and experiencing each other in candlelight and how that kind of alters.<br><br>Eva (12:10.043)<br>Hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (12:31.69)<br>your visual sense and just the whole experience of being together in candlelight. So that's what sparked when you said that. And I really loved it because it is just a really beautiful thing. I love candlelight and experiencing our partners and spending more time in that space with each other, or if we're not in a partnership, it can absolutely be with ourselves and with our own journey. And, you know, to me, contrast is about friction, right? Like duality creates friction.<br><br>Eva (12:57.892)<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (13:00.362)<br>And that friction is what allows us to ultimately to expand. Friction is what creates the expansion of consciousness. So just as you said, it really does allow us to evolve, to increase ourselves, to become better. Right? And so, you know, with your work and what you teach women and what you love to do, like what you just love to do for yourself and for other women, what are some of your favorite contrasts?<br><br>And what is kind of how you work through it or some of the fun in that contrast for you?<br><br>Eva (13:37.431)<br>Yeah, I think my personal contrast, and I think it was a very interesting journey also to acknowledge and own it for myself. My path started in terms of embodiment, started Tentric. But at some point I realized, how do I say it with not meaning it in a judgmental way? But at some point I realized only Tentric experiences are a little bit boring for me. And I felt a little bit bad for it. I was like...<br><br>Alara Sage (14:03.487)<br>hahahaha<br><br>Eva (14:05.975)<br>Well, I love them. Don't get me wrong. I love them. But I'm also, you know, I live in Spain. I love this wildness and everything. And I'm also I love also kinky things. And in my mind, it was so weird, like I could not bring it together in the beginning. I felt like I felt an inner judgment. Right. I was like, but I'm tantric now. It was really weird. And at some point I was like, no.<br><br>How can I integrate that? Right? Like how can this be coming, how can this come together? That it's not a contrast and that it works for me. You know, like not fully going into everything that Tantra is saying or not everything doing what the kinky scene is saying, but really like, I like this, I like that, I like that. And that makes me like, you know, this is joyful for me at the moment. And I think this is really cool because I realized<br><br>that I had not only this in sexuality, but also in other parts of me, where I kind of felt like the business side of me or the coach side in me. And I'm like, yeah, you know, like I don't have to fully follow all that. And I think that is really what comes back to wholeness and coming back to understanding and knowing ourselves again. And I think because I had these experiences and because I had this inner judgment, like I really had this inner judgment.<br><br>And I kind of had to work through this to really be like, I actually totally enjoy it and I actually like it. And it's also very interesting to see like the moment I claimed that the moment I was not trying to fit into the box anymore, because I felt also, also with retreats, I bring women to Egypt, for example. And I felt subconsciously, I felt myself like, I need to do it how the facilitator does it.<br><br>Did it when I went with her to Egypt, but it I was like, I mean it was a fun experience But you know, I do things differently but subconsciously I felt like oh, but you know Everybody else is doing it like that or the female coaches are doing it like that. I don't know like it doesn't matter I can do it my way and I can claim and own all these different aspects and This is really beautiful because I see this, you know, like Yeah, I think it was it's really beautiful to see<br><br>Eva (16:26.799)<br>how that shifted on the outside. But most importantly, how much space and freedom it brought within to kind of release these different roles to kind of fulfill overcoming this inner people pleaser, even on that spiritual level, and being like, no, this is who I am, and I have to accept that. I don't have to, I want to accept that I like tantric things, I like kinky things, I like the spiritual aspects, but I also like the...<br><br>really primal and embodied practices and everything. And I was like, this is so cool. And I think this is also really the journey that I think is so important for really everybody, because we are so unique. And I like what you said with the friction. What sparked for me was really this picture of this diamond, how a diamond is being formed under pressure. And I mean, I don't like pressure too much. Maybe the friction word is the better word.<br><br>because I think pressure is exactly what we kind of trying to decondition ourselves. But there is a certain, you know, like energy needed to form a diamond, right? And when we really think about it, a diamond or gemstone, all of them are very unique, even though we may try to do the same techniques or something, each piece is truly unique, right? And I think this is really the...<br><br>For me, it's most fulfilling, like really reclaiming, okay, this is who I am. And then, you know, obviously giving that teachings further to all the beautiful, gorgeous women, to being really like, this is who I am. And there's nothing wrong with me. There's absolutely nothing wrong with me that I don't fully fit into a specific box. Because I think as women, we are so conditioned with this people pleasing syndrome that we...<br><br>even in spiritual terms or something, we still try to fit into some boxes. And I think it's so empowering to be like, no, actually, why? Like there's absolutely no reason to fit into that box. I can be tantric and this, I can be that and that. It's not either or, it's and.<br><br>Alara Sage (18:45.31)<br>I love that so much. And when you were saying all of that, I was getting the image of like, Hey, if you want to eat ice cream in the middle of winter, right? If that's what lights you up, then fantastic. Like ice cream doesn't have to be eaten in the summertime, right? Or if you want to wear, you know, I think a lot of it for women is for me. When I was going through like, I'm in my forties now and I've got kids, you know, there was a lot of like subconscious beliefs that like<br><br>you're a mom, so there's some things that you can't wear or like, you can't have that car because you're a mom, you know, or like, and it's, but, but that's all just social conditioning. Like that doesn't really has nothing to do with what lights me up and like what I feel good in to wear and who I see myself as a mother, particularly like the mother label for women is really narrow. Like this is what it means to be a mother. Well, screw that, you know, screw that because.<br><br>Eva (19:22.408)<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Eva (19:33.374)<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (19:40.63)<br>like you said so wonderfully, we get to show up in our own genius and who we are uniquely. And not only that, but like we need to do that. The world needs each one of us, each and every single one of these beautiful women out there to be like, hey, this is me. I'm not that box and I'm not that box. I'm a little bit of this box, a little bit of that box. And I glue together and then I'm stapled over here and then I screw this on top, you know? And like all the different pieces.<br><br>We need that, right? We need our unique individuality and a unique expression so that we can all bring that special fractal of consciousness, that special fractal of light that is unique to each one of us into this reality. So I just love how you wrapped it into our authenticity and just being our unique genius.<br><br>Eva (20:34.139)<br>Yeah. And I think also our aliveness, because I was actually reflecting about many things, like, we, I mean, obviously we're going towards the end of the year and, and I was like, sometimes we are tired just because we do too much of things that we actually don't enjoy. We are not tired or the inner flame is not like low because we do too much in reality is we do too little.<br><br>And not with doing because I'm saying put your, put more stuff on your to-do list. I mean, do things that really light you up because I, I have this also like in this whole feminine topic and with a lot of women that I work with, they come normally from like a very performance orientated environment and<br><br>They misunderstand being. And I think I really want to say that being does not mean you lie on the sofa and you're deaf, because this is the picture we have, right? We have, I either work a lot, I do and push myself, or I kind of numb myself with TV, social media, food, whatever, right? This is not relaxation, right? Relaxation can be actually you go surfing, you go scuba diving, right? And it's a very active form, of course.<br><br>but you enjoy it, right? So I think this is something really to understand. And it's really, I mean, you said it so beautifully, like what lights me up from the inside. And obviously in that beingness, there is an action orientating doing, but the doing is not anymore, I need to do that. And I need to write that newsletter or something because it's written on my piece of paper of to-do list.<br><br>Like if you want to do that, when you feel that inner light and that really brings you joy and you feel like, no, when I'm, I don't know, when I do that video or like this podcast, this really brings me joy because I'm sharing my message. This is a very different energy and this is really important to understand. And I believe as humans and especially as women, we have lost, I don't want to say we have lost it, but we have lost the connection to it.<br><br>Eva (22:46.151)<br>And we misunderstand what being really means. And in this whole feminine conversation, we sometimes get lost in this. Feminine means being passive and you don't do anything anymore. And I'm like, no, this is not what feminine energy means. Like you will be still taking action steps. However you feel how it lights you up. Like if you know, like, does it bring you joy? Because when you are in joy, you.<br><br>you do a lot of things. You do actually much more things than when you force yourself. Like I know it from myself and I'm sure you can confirm that. When I'm really on fire, I'm so surprised how much stuff I can get done. When I force myself, I endlessly can procrastinate on stuff. And I think this is really what we have to understand. We really have to do more things.<br><br>Alara Sage (23:16.597)<br>Yes.<br><br>Eva (23:39.855)<br>that really light us up, that are really joyful for us, that make us feel alive. Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (23:47.886)<br>Yes, yes, yes. I love this so much. And I totally resonate with everything you're saying. And I, too, teach this to my clients as well. And I knew this was why we were going to have such a delicious conversation, because it's so important. And we have this fear around if we don't do pertaining to what the logical mind or social norms say that we should be doing. And the truth of it is just what you said so wonderfully,<br><br>how much power we actually connect to. Because the feminine is power. That's not the masculine. The masculine is strength. He can apply the power, but the power comes from the feminine. It is our femme power. That is a primordial energy of creation in and of itself. And so that being, that ability to like sink into ourselves and really honor like, does this light me up? And just as you said so wonderfully, when we say yes to what lights us up,<br><br>Eva (24:21.659)<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (24:47.014)<br>I will, I am like practically exploding out of my skin. I am like, I have so much energy I'm creating and then I'm creating and then I'm creating and then I'm creating and then I'll ebb a little bit, but that passion, that aliveness is so incredible at the level of energy and creation that it really brings through to our physical reality. And just as you said so wonderfully,<br><br>Eva (25:06.754)<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (25:12.97)<br>When we're saying yes to our nos, when we're saying yes to the things that our body says, uh-uh, you know, that doesn't feel good. That doesn't light me up. Then we're just creating force is what we're doing. We're pushing against. And that is exhausting. That is tiring. That is draining. Right? All of these words that I find so many women are like, I'm so drained. I don't have enough time.<br><br>Eva (25:27.031)<br>Mm-hmm. Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage (25:39.266)<br>But it's not because of this that they're drained. It's not because of their external reality. It's not because of their children. It's not because of their partner, although that can add to it. But it's because of this. It's like, is your Shakti? Are you saying yes to that creative power within yourself, that aliveness? Because when a woman is alive, she radiates and she transforms everything and everyone around her.<br><br>Eva (25:49.318)<br>Hahaha!<br><br>Eva (26:09.243)<br>Totally. And I love that you said it. And I think this is something that we all have to understand. Power versus force. And sometimes we, I mean, okay, I'm not a native English speaker, right? But my English is very good. And it doesn't really matter in all, on all languages, really. We have to understand that it comes with a certain energy and power has a different energy than force. And sometimes we use them at the same.<br><br>Alara Sage (26:17.633)<br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage (26:23.479)<br>Very good.<br><br>Eva (26:37.951)<br>equivalent, but it's not, it's totally not. And force it's, and I love that you said that because that forcing energy, yes, it is strength and it, you know, there is a certain energy required, but it is this pushing energy. And this is exactly, and I also hear that so much, and I'm sure you also hear it so often. And I really want to say that here also in this whole conversation, the woman come to me and say like,<br><br>I've been living in my masculine so much. I've been burned out by my masculine. And I'm like, no, darling, you are not burned out by your masculine. You're bound, burned out by your founding and your, what you are like burned out of, you know, doing all these things that you are forcing yourself to do of a sense of unworthiness of getting attention or whatever. And this can be a founding on feminine or masculine level. It doesn't really matter. Um,<br><br>but this is burning you out. It's not the masculine. And I think it's so important to say that because I'm hearing it every time again. I'm like, the masculine is not the problem. Also the feminine is not the problem. The problem is the wounding and your attachment to the suffering and the attachment to the story. And then with, I think sometimes with this whole polarity debate, we kind of feed that too much because it goes into the hat again. And I'm like, the problem is not in your hat.<br><br>The problem is that you are living too much in your head and too little in your body. And you, and I think this debate or like this understanding that force is something very different than power. I think understanding that with the head is very important and feeling that in the body, because I love that you said it. And I was actually thinking about it the other day because I come from corporate, right? I, before I became an embodiment coach.<br><br>I actually studied business. I was working 10 years in corporate environment before I quit and started this. And before I even started this, I went traveling. And I remember that very well, that moment when I quit my corporate career, I wanted to go traveling. And it was very interesting because I first resigned and then the idea to come traveling. And I wanted to travel within Asia for over a year.<br><br>Eva (28:53.571)<br>And it was so interesting. I was thinking about that time because I was reading in a blog somewhere back then that you need kind of, I don't know, I think it was 10 K 15 K to travel. And I was never really good with saving money. And I was like, okay, how do I make this happen? And I had a couple of months on Lee. And I remember I was very creative. I didn't know any of this, right? I didn't don't, I didn't knew any of this. I kind of only knew the secret. That was the only thing I understood back then. Um.<br><br>Alara Sage (29:17.174)<br>Yeah.<br><br>Eva (29:22.671)<br>However, it was so interesting for me to think about that time because I really, my desire for traveling was super big. And it was a non-negotiable. I didn't have even a single moment that I was thinking, maybe I'm not doing it. Maybe I'm not worthy enough of that. Nothing. I was like, I worked so much. I left corporate before I do something else. I want to see the world. I want to travel. I really wanted to satisfy this craving and this desire of traveling.<br><br>And I got creative as fuck to make that money happening. And it was so interesting. And I was working, I was going to the gym. I actually made Airbnb. I had like super fun guests. I was even sitting there and drinking wine with my guests. And when I think about that time, I was actually doing a lot, but I was absolutely zero stressed at that time. I was totally in my joy. It was absolutely non-negotiable that this<br><br>that this journey will not happen. I, that money, you know, and then obviously law of attraction worked and I got the bonus and there was like, you know, now I understand it from this perspective, even more what was happening. But within a couple of months I had the budget together to go traveling and it was super fun. And I like to think about that time because it was really something where I felt.<br><br>that my desire was so strong, my inner fire to make that happen and to have that experience. It would have been so easy for me to go into that. I don't have the money. I don't know how to do it. And I mean, back then, from the perspective of being an employee, creating within a couple of months 10K seemed so far. Like now I don't think 10K is such a big jump anymore. But back then.<br><br>Alara Sage (31:08.573)<br>Hahaha!<br><br>Eva (31:09.907)<br>Back then it felt like such a big thing, right? It feels like maybe now half a million or something for me, you know? So, but it was so un-nego-like. And I think this is really important that we know that feeling, that we know that inner desire, the inner power, and it really moved mountains. Uh, it really, like, if I think about that, like how the ideas came, how the people came, how the bonus came.<br><br>my guests and everything. It was so much fun. It was really such a fun experience. And I remember people were saying back then to me like, how do you do all of that? And I was like, I didn't even understand what they were saying. I was like, wow, it's super fun. I had the, I had so much fun. And I think we have to come back to that. We have to stop the overthinking and we have to come to that idea like.<br><br>I want to experience that whatever it is. Now it was my travel journey. It could be something, you know, for somebody else, it could be motherhood for somebody else, could be the desire of a business or like a really yummy relationship or maybe all of it, you know? But I believe we have to come back to this and being like, I want to experience that. And I know I have the power to make it happen in a really fun way. Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (32:30.83)<br>Yes. Oh my gosh, I resonate so much because when I was 19 years old, I did just that. I didn't go. I was headed for corporate and I actually took the other route and I just left. I saved up a bunch of money by working and I left and traveled the world and became a scuba diving instructor. But I had the same thing. Like I was at this point where I was headed to university and I was headed into corporate and I got this really strong hit not to do that and to go travel the world.<br><br>And I didn't even think about it. And, and there was so much desire that came into my space. And just as you said, I had, there was no what ifs this doesn't happen or, or I don't even, I wasn't even worried about doing this all by myself. I'd never even left the country by myself. I got on a plane by myself for the first time ever and left and went across the world to Fiji, you know? And, but none of that was in my head. There was only this, absolutely. This is what I'm doing. And I'm so lit by it.<br><br>that I can't even, I can't even stop myself. Like it's like a wave of energy that is creating all of it. And just as you said, for me, it was very fun. I was working 16 hour days and just, but none of it, I wasn't tired, none of it. It was just all fueled by desire, right? And I think back to the conversation of contrast in our bodies, we can really feel in our body, like.<br><br>Eva (33:47.663)<br>tonight.<br><br>Alara Sage (33:58.794)<br>Like let's be really honest with ourselves. We can really feel in our bodies when something is like, yes, that is so exciting. I can feel the excitement. I can feel the potential and like, eh, oh, okay. I'll do this because I feel like I have to, or I do this because my mind is telling me this is the logical path. This is illogical. This is what the hell do you think you're doing?<br><br>Eva (34:14.834)<br>Yeah, totally.<br><br>Eva (34:20.655)<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (34:29.218)<br>But again, back to our bodies and back to the ability to feel that contrast in our bodies and what that's really telling us.<br><br>Eva (34:39.019)<br>Yeah. And I think it's so important for women to come back to that sense and to trust that, to trust that, to trust the body, to trust the intuition, to trust that inner, I mean, we call it gut feeling, but in reality, it's really our intuition talking to us. It's really our soul talking to us and saying, do that. I came, you, you incarnated into a physical body to experience that. Right.<br><br>Alara Sage (34:44.663)<br>Yes.<br><br>Eva (35:05.139)<br>And it's so interesting because I think it's so easy also to get distracted and sidetracked into experts saying this, society saying that, or some, it's so easy, right? It's so, it really comes back into trusting yourself, ultimately trusting yourself and a deep, deep connection with the body. And really, and I think this is really, at least it was a big thing for me.<br><br>strong hate relationship with my body most of my life and all these healings, all the embodiment practice and particularly all these sexual practices, they were really the key for me to come back. I think it started similar like what you said, like first this meditation part and first it was theta healing. It was like really beautiful and I felt so blissed out constantly.<br><br>and I felt a connection with the divine, but the divine was always out there, right? The divine was always somewhere. And I think when Tantra came into my life, not that I think I know that, when Tantra came into my life, it was really the bridge. It was really the bridge and understanding the divine is within me. And of course there's the, you know, like all around me as well, but really the body and the...<br><br>the understanding and knowing and working with the body is really the bridge and it's really the bridge to making this life as juicy as fuck.<br><br>Alara Sage (36:35.294)<br>Absolutely. And you know, I love how you say that the experts, right? Because for me, with business and all of that, absolutely have gone down the road of like listening to the experts instead of listening to my body, which as we've been talking about that contrast of going against what you're feeling in your body is actually really powerful to learn and to do, not over and over and over again, but when we do the things against our innate sense and inner knowing and that wisdom,<br><br>Eva (36:42.148)<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (37:04.974)<br>particularly women have, you know, deep, deep wisdom. And we do something anyways, or we do something against it. It's so powerful to take that journey, you know? And sometimes I think we think that that's failure, or, you know, we, you know, yeah, failure. Like I shouldn't have done that. I fail, you know, I should have listened to my intuition. But those journeys are so powerful because it is that contrast. It's a real rub.<br><br>Eva (37:28.955)<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (37:29.802)<br>you know, where like you go against your wisdom and it's not what we were speaking about where we're just lit by this energy and you know, it's so beautiful. It's like this constant feeling of force and it's like, oh, why does this feel so forceful? Right. And it's like, oh, because you're really in this friction and that can be so expansive and so telling of understanding what that friction, what that force feels like in our bodies.<br><br>and then what the ease and the fluidity feels in our bodies. And the more that we swing back and forth, you know, the more familiar we become in our bodies to that.<br><br>Eva (38:09.951)<br>Yeah, totally. And I think I personally don't believe in mistakes. I believe, you know, it's just an experience and it's a further invitation to expand further. And I hear also very much in the spiritual scene like, yeah, the universe was testing you. I personally don't believe in that. I don't believe the universe is sitting there and sending you tests like a math test, you know, like I don't believe that. It's like I believe.<br><br>Alara Sage (38:15.338)<br>Yeah, exactly.<br><br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Eva (38:36.443)<br>Totally like whatever is meant for us. We cannot mess it up. It's just our choice how long we kind of play with it and exactly like sometimes the Not sometimes the contrast is needed right the construct the contrast is needed or that certain Experience is needed like also when I think about my previous jobs or even now being a coach. I mean<br><br>I think also with retreats, like at the first retreats that I did, I was not sitting there and taking courses on how to do a retreat. I was like, I met somebody and we're like, okay, let's do the first retreat. And we made so many mistakes. Like when I think about that, I did tons of mistakes, whatever, right? But I learned so much in that one experience. And I was like, okay, this I like, this I didn't like. Okay, continue, you know? And then...<br><br>I think learning by doing is really the most fun way, because I think it's really, we can understand all of that logically, but really in the end, at some point we have to do things, right? And we have to experience them and only from experience we can learn. And then also the same thing, like, I mean, what is joyful for me can absolutely not be joyful for you, right? Like I mean, talking for example about the retreat now, like maybe what I classified, I didn't like that.<br><br>As a facilitator, somebody else would have said, Oh, I absolutely love that. Right. Like, and that's the beauty also of co-creation and then, you know, also understanding skillsets, like for me, for example, I absolutely love facilitating, but I, I'm not the best organizer. That's why I'm now always collaborating with organizers because I know they are so much better with it. And other people, like even in the coaching scene, people say, Oh, I don't enjoy coaching and I'm like, why are you a coach then, you know?<br><br>So some people are really good and loving marketing and the business side of it, but they don't enjoy coaching. So I think this is also really important. And I think we know that then, right? But I believe we can only know that when we have experienced that. The same thing, if you have never eaten coconut ice cream, how will you know that you don't like it? Just if you say like, oh, I love coconut ice cream, like I don't still know how it tastes, right? Like you can describe it to me. You can...<br><br>Eva (40:54.267)<br>tell me the texture and I'm like, oh yeah, okay, sounds like, okay, sounds nice. I'm curious to try it or not, but I will still not know how it tastes before I taste it myself, right?<br><br>Alara Sage (40:58.558)<br>Hahaha!<br><br>Alara Sage (41:06.99)<br>I love that example so much because that's really the difference between a conceptual understanding of something and an experiential understanding of something from your unique fractal, right? Like, because you're going to experience coconut ice cream different than somebody else is going to experience coconut ice cream.<br><br>But you're going to actually experience it through your being and through your body than just an understanding of, OK, coconut ice cream would kind of taste like coconut, but it may be kind of like ice cream. And it's all in it. Yeah, so wonderful. So, so wonderful. I know.<br><br>Eva (41:38.862)<br>HA!<br><br>Eva (41:44.323)<br>And now I'm like, I desire to coconut ice cream actually.<br><br>Alara Sage (41:49.358)<br>So we like lit that up in the space. Yeah, so wonderful. So Eva, how can people reach out to you? You have such a beautiful light about you and I just like your energy and your voice is very joyful. How can people reach out to you and connect with you more?<br><br>Eva (41:50.207)<br>I'm like, how will I get coconut ice cream now?<br><br>Eva (42:11.871)<br>Yeah, so the best is I actually Instagram or my website. So an Instagram, it's the pleasure queen Eva. And my website is actually my name, And yeah, so I offer retreats. I also like, I combine always like online and offline elements. I have a program called the pleasure queen to really teach the connection with the body and discover the body more.<br><br>And I always work on all levels. I kind of combine the energy healing aspect of theta healing and the clearings and the activations on energy levels and the embodiment. Because I felt I worked in the beginning with a lot of theta healers. And of course we can activate all these energies within us, clear the shame, clear the old stories, but at some point, if you want to run a marathon, you have to put on your running shoes and run. Right? I mean, it's.<br><br>One part is the energetic activation and this is also what I'm teaching in Pleasure Queen like, okay, discovering the body more and understanding like how breath work works on the body, how different touch components work on our bodies because I personally believe and I hear in the beginning I heard it so much, yeah but my lover, but my lover and I'm like, why are you outsourcing?<br><br>the responsibility of pleasure to somebody else, right? Pleasure is your priority. It should be your priority. And you have to understand yourself first because then when you know what turns you on and if you know what doesn't turn you on and what is fun for you and what's not fun for you, then obviously whoever you play with.<br><br>It's a very different game. It's a very different play and you can guide them in a really nice way and say like, Oh, I actually like that more. Or, you know, like you can, you can also educate them more on your body without being, you know, angry because they don't know, because how can somebody else know what you like if you don't know that? Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (44:15.582)<br>And you also do retreats to Egypt, correct?<br><br>Eva (44:19.003)<br>I think you set on your mic, sorry.<br><br>Eva (44:24.247)<br>No. Yes. Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (44:24.887)<br>Hello, hello. Can you hear me now? And you also do retreats to Egypt, correct?<br><br>Eva (44:31.095)<br>Yes, yes. I normally go once a year to Egypt. I also offer different destinations, but Egypt is really a soul calling. I feel this very deep connection to Egypt and to this ancient feminine wisdom. I believe a lot of women, especially in our kind of work environment, they have this deep incarnation or past lives or codes from that lifetime.<br><br>In Egypt, obviously in ancient Egypt, the feminine was worshipped. It was a very different society. Sacred sexuality was something extremely different that we are experiencing now. The knowledge around sexuality and embodiment was very different. And a lot of women, like since a couple of years, feel that very deep calling to go back there, to go to these temples, to go to the pyramids and kind of get their cones, get their healings. And I love doing that. I feel like for me, it's like.<br><br>bringing the priestesses back to their home and helping them in a really interesting way to remember who they are. And I believe these transmissions and these experiences, I mean, even if I would do it online, it's not the same. And being in that place, and I think it's also very interesting because every time we go as a group, we can be in the same temple and...<br><br>everybody shares a very different experience. It's so interesting because it's very unique whatever your soul and your body wants to kind of collect from these sacred places. So yeah, Egypt is a very soul calling task to bring women there. I do it normally once a year, so it's a very, very fun journey.<br><br>Alara Sage (46:21.698)<br>I've been there once and definitely plan to go back and I would imagine just like anything like that each time you go back you get to experience it differently, you know, as we spiral through consciousness ourselves, right? We get to come back and see things and experience things from different aspects of our own being. So, quite delicious.<br><br>Eva (46:39.255)<br>Yeah, I think you're again on the mic, sorry.<br><br>Mm-hmm. It's very quiet. Sorry. Now I can hear you again. Sorry.<br><br>Alara Sage (46:46.731)<br>Hear me now?<br><br>Alara Sage (46:51.042)<br>I'll just edit that out because I don't know what's going on. There's nothing different. OK. OK, yeah, I've definitely been to Egypt, and I really loved going. And I would imagine each time you go back, you get to experience it differently, right? Because as we spiral through our own evolution, our own expansion, you get to revisit things from a new lens of perspective.<br><br>Eva (46:52.525)<br>Okay.<br><br>Now I can hear you again. Sorry.<br><br>Eva (47:16.507)<br>Totally. And I mean, I go every year. So, you know, obviously as a facilitator it's a little bit different than a participate, but you know, like, I mean, each year I get new downloads. I can go to the same temple. And I mean, and it's very unique every single time. I mean, I've been, and it's also like, for example, I always have private access in the pyramid and in the Isis temple. I think it's a very unique experience to have the temple just exclusively for the group. And<br><br>Every single time I've been there myself, I got very different downloads, very different experiences. And I mean, it's the same building, right? It's, or the same sacred space, but it's really because of course, I go with a different group, the information I have involved in my journey. So the kind of codes and information that I'm receiving this time is obviously different what I have received three years ago, right? So it's, yeah, it's very unique.<br><br>Alara Sage (48:14.702)<br>Yes, yes. Yeah, I had private time in the in the temples as well. And that is just so precious. Like if I when I go back to Egypt, I will absolutely ensure that, you know, I get that private time because that's just totally a different experience entirely. So so beautiful, so beautiful. OK, so now is the time for our activation. And so I always say if you're driving, you can always.<br><br>Eva (48:21.9)<br>Mm-hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (48:41.226)<br>Listen to this and then you can come back to it and listen to it when you can be really more present with your body and with this moment or if you're doing other tasks, be sure even regardless of you can't sit completely closed eyes and in complete presence, you can still receive, listen and receive it into your body and then you can always just revisit it. And as always, there's nothing that you have to experience during any of these. Whatever you are experiencing is absolutely perfect.<br><br>So for those who can, let's go ahead and close our eyes and let's start by taking three nice deep breaths in through our nose and out through our mouth.<br><br>Alara Sage (49:23.01)<br>Breathing down into your body. Breathing down into your diaphragm. Really filling your body up with breath. Allowing yourself to feel that expansion of the inhale and that release of the exhale. Now breathing all the way down into your pelvis.<br><br>As you breathe in your pelvis now ever so subtly expands, and you exhale, and you let go. And you let go.<br><br>Ah, breathing all.<br><br>Expanding, exhaling, letting go. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. And for a moment, taking your awareness to your root chakra as we're connecting to the mother, Gaia, the earth vibration here at the root chakra and breathing here with your awareness at the root. We're going to play a little bit of energy of contrast here. OK?<br><br>So feeling that root chakra, it's a more dense energy and allowing yourself to just breathe into it, breathe into, relax into the denseness, the denseness. Okay, it's not heavy, it's dense. There's a difference. Just relaxing your body with each breath, with each exhalation, you're letting go.<br><br>Alara Sage (51:04.342)<br>letting go and allowing the body to relax into the denseness. Softening and relaxing more into your body. Without judgment, without resistance, just relaxing and allowing yourself to feel that denseness. The denseness has an experience. The denseness has a sensation. A sensation that is valuable.<br><br>for you, a sensation that does help you to learn more about yourself and more about your body. So gift yourself this moment right here, right now, breathing, holding your awareness on your root chakra. And I'm going to bring in some sounds, bringing in some sounds as we open, open the root chakra and as we expand and deepen down into<br><br>the denseness of the physical breathing there breathing and listening breathing and being mmm<br><br>Alara Sage (52:24.216)<br>Yeah<br><br>Alara Sage (52:33.759)<br>you<br><br>Alara Sage (52:50.21)<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (53:15.89)<br>using your breath to breathe into your body. Exhale. You're letting go. Exhale. You're releasing, releasing and letting go.<br><br>Alara Sage (53:36.803)<br>root chakras.<br><br>Alara Sage (53:41.44)<br>to the mother.<br><br>Alara Sage (53:49.518)<br>beautiful. Take one more nice deep breath all the way down all the way down into your body. Exhale letting go and then for contrast now we're going to take our awareness to the crown to the father.<br><br>to the ethereal energy. So holding your awareness now with the crown and breathing there for a moment as we invite the crown chakras to open, inviting the soul star, inviting the ethereal energy now to be felt in your space, inviting that very, very light energy.<br><br>to be felt in your space and breathing here now breathing with your awareness on your crown. Same thing holding your energy there. Same thing even though this feels lighter. You still want to breathe into it. You still want to relax into it open up into the lightness open up into the ethereal aspect of self breathing there. I'm going to bring in some sound here.<br><br>Breathing and holding your awareness at your crown.<br><br>Alara Sage (55:39.698)<br>crown chakra keep breathing expanding allowing<br><br>Alara Sage (56:13.226)<br>Nice deep breath, opening, opening. And lastly, we're gonna drop down into the heart, bringing awareness down to the heart. This is where the duality meets. This is where duality meets and God is revealed. This is where the mother and the father meet and the child is revealed. This is where your soul is revealed and holding your awareness there at your heart. We're just gonna take some breaths there at the heart, breathing directly in your heart.<br><br>Breathing and receiving as your heart chakras are open front and back. Exhaling, letting go. Breathing and receiving directly through your heart chakras. Exhaling, letting go. Surrendering, softening, relaxing into the child. Relaxing into where heaven and earth meet. Relaxing into where the father and the mother<br><br>merge relaxing into oneness relaxing into oneness and breathing directly through the heart here directly through the heart here<br><br>Alara Sage (57:44.005)<br>Yeah<br><br>Alara Sage (58:25.582)<br>Deep breath. Just letting go, letting go.<br><br>Alara Sage (58:35.33)<br>beautiful, beautiful one last deep breath through your body and beyond. And when you feel ready, you can open your eyes. Come back to this moment.<br><br>Alara Sage (58:53.388)<br>Mmm, yum, yum. Eva, yay. Thank you so much for being here with us today.<br><br>Eva (58:54.932)<br>Mmm, beautiful.<br><br>Eva (59:01.775)<br>Thank you for inviting me, it's been such a pleasure.<br><br>Alara Sage (59:05.842)<br>I knew we would have a delicious conversation and we did. Thank you. Yes, thank you so much for your time and your presence and your wisdom and your joy.<br><br>Eva (59:08.831)<br>Yes, yes, yes. So grateful for it.<br><br>Eva (59:18.843)<br>Thank you, thank you.<br><br>Alara Sage (59:22.218)<br>And thank you to the audience as always for being here with us today, for experiencing this, for showing up, for having the courage. Take so much courage to be in our bodies and show up as the fullness of who we are. And here you are, you're listening and you're inviting yourself into more fullness of self. So be sure to share this episode with others you think need to hear these messages and that you feel could be drawn to this.<br><br>Also be sure to subscribe and remember that we do have a Facebook community, the Ecstatic Woman podcast community on Facebook that you can join and be a part of the community. And otherwise until next time I love you all so very much.<br><br><br></p>

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