Your Voice Is Medicine

Your Voice Is Medicine
Wealth Embodied
Your Voice Is Medicine

Aug 24 2023 | 00:47:21

Episode 6 August 24, 2023 00:47:21

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

“Our story is medicine because when we share it we are actively embracing who we are and also creating space for other people to be exactly who they are.” - Caroline Aylward

Does Beyonce only give 50% of herself?  If she did, would she be her full authentic self?

When we allow our full authentic expression, we allow ourselves to heal from past trauma and to stand in our power.  We also inspire other to do the same.

Join Alara Sage and Caroline Aylward as they discuss how storytelling and expressing your authentic self is powerful for all.

In this episode you will learn:

  • How your story is medicine.
  • The importance of fully expressing yourself.
  • What holds us back from expressing ourselves fully?
  • Tips to begin the process of connecting to your story, creativity and authenticity.

The activation for this episode is on:

  • Activating "I have a voice" in your bodies.

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Episode Transcript

<cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>0:00</time> <p>Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the Ecstatic Woman podcast, where we inspire and activate women in their power, in their radiance, in their bliss. And I have such a wonderful guest here today. We&#39;re going to be really diving into the conversation about story. And this is really dear to my heart. I can&#39;t wait to share my side of it well. This is such a powerful concept for women, to express our story, to express from a space of vulnerability, to express from our heart, to express from our womb. So I think you will greatly enjoy it. And without further ado, I bring my wonderful guest here, Caroline Elward. Thank you, thank you, my love, for joining us.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>0:56</time> <p>Thank you for having me. I&#39;m excited to</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>0:57</time> <p>Yeah.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>0:58</time> <p>dive in.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>0:59</time> <p>And Carolyn specializes in this. She is a film director and a podcast producer. And she&#39;s a storytelling doula. I just love that word, doula. It&#39;s bringing something into existence. It&#39;s that birthing energy. It&#39;s such a brilliant energy. And she&#39;s also created the Get a Helmet Studio. It&#39;s a full service production company. And. She helps to create brand documentaries and top rated podcasts for women in business. And she really helps women to amplify their mission and this heart-centered brand through their authentic storytelling. So when Caroline and I first connected, I had this just brilliant, I mean, honestly, Caroline. That vision was with me all day long. I felt like I was just dancing with the vision. There was this beautiful vision of Caroline&#39;s inner child. And her inner child was showing me stories and storytelling me and storytelling me, storytelling, and showing me the impact of storytelling. And it was just a really beautiful exchange. And when I saw. Caroline&#39;s inner child, I could really see how this is absolutely what Caroline embodies. She embodies her inner child. She embodies her creative spirit. And it&#39;s such a beautiful part of all of us to be able to bring that forward. So thank you, Caroline, for being</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>2:38</time> <p>Mm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>2:39</time> <p>that example of the embodiment of our inner child. So tell us a little bit about... Storytelling doula. What does it mean to be a storytelling doula?</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>2:57</time> <p>Hmm. Well, I really followed my client&#39;s lead on this one. My client was the one after one of our sessions together who said, I feel like you&#39;re a doula, a storytelling doula. You pull the stories out, you unearth them, you birth them and help me birth them. And I was like, you know what? That&#39;s really what it is. Cause whether it&#39;s, you know, I&#39;m working on a documentary or helping someone produce their podcast, it&#39;s really about taking your truth. your authentic nature, the stories that you hold in your body and bringing them to light. And I think for a lot of people, there&#39;s some fear there. There&#39;s some vulnerability there. There&#39;s some, who am I to tell my story? There&#39;s some limiting beliefs. I don&#39;t want to take up too much space. That silly, a lot can come up there. So it&#39;s really helpful to have someone guide you through that process and help cultivate safety in your nervous system and empower you to share. who you are and the medicine that you hold in your body to give to everybody here at this time on earth. We feel, I think especially as women, there&#39;s this, a block for some where it&#39;s, we don&#39;t want to be too much, we don&#39;t wanna take up too much space, that&#39;s how we&#39;ve been programmed, right? That is like the literal patriarchy. So this work is actively rewiring that and encouraging you to take up more space with exactly who you are. And I think it&#39;s really helpful to have. Some support, a doula, through that process.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>4:28</time> <p>Right? I mean, I had a doula when I actually birthed children. So why wouldn&#39;t we have a doula when we birth creative? processes into our life. That&#39;s what children are, birthing creative processes as well. When you</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>4:40</time> <p>Totally.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>4:40</time> <p>say medicine in the body, that is such a powerful statement, in my opinion. And so I want to bring that forward to the audience, that Caroline was speaking to the medicine in our body. And Caroline, I presume, and from my understanding, you&#39;re referring to our story. So how is</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>5:02</time> <p>Mm-hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>5:02</time> <p>our story? Medicine.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>5:08</time> <p>Hmm such a good question. Well, our story is medicine because when we share it when we own it when we express it we are actively healing ourselves and embracing who we are and also creating space for other people to be Exactly who they are and you know when I refer to this medicine, it&#39;s like yes It&#39;s like, you know your truth your stories, but your gifts you know the gifts that were placed on your heart for a very divine reason whether it&#39;s coaching or gardening or photography or mothering or whatever it happens to be, you know, that is your art. And so we all hold our own medicine, our superpowers, and they were placed there for a very divine reason. And I think your story is a way of communicating what that medicine is, what your medicine is.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>6:02</time> <p>Yes, and I can speak to this as far as when I express, there&#39;s something really powerful that happens. And verbal expression, absolutely. When we hear our own voice talking, our body really responds to it. And I have several</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>6:20</time> <p>Mm-hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>6:20</time> <p>soundboards in my life, people in my life that are there for me, and I&#39;m there for them in the same capacity that we just say things to each other so we can hear that voice. And connect to the stories and the expressions that we need to hear, that our body, our being needs to hear in that form of medicine.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>6:41</time> <p>Mm-hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>6:42</time> <p>And of course, storytelling can be written. It can be audio. It can even be artistic, right?</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>6:50</time> <p>Mm-hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>6:50</time> <p>And all of those ways have a way of communicating to us on many different levels of our psyche that sometimes we&#39;re not even fully aware of until we&#39;re in the process. And I really get this image again of the doula Caroline and you&#39;re there helping them in that process where all of a sudden maybe they are unearthing, right? Bringing forward parts of this process that they weren&#39;t aware of, perhaps traumas.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>7:22</time> <p>Right.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>7:22</time> <p>in their body and in their being that they all of a sudden are hyper aware of. So how do you,</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>7:30</time> <p>Hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>7:31</time> <p>I&#39;m getting a yes, yes by you. So I realized that that&#39;s all accurate. So how do you help women when they kind of come across these traumas in their nervous system, these things that they weren&#39;t aware of, these subconscious beliefs, programs that is now being exposed through this birthing process?</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>7:54</time> <p>Hmm. So how do I hold space for them when they&#39;re kind of having these realizations? Yeah, I know. It is. It can be such a vulnerable thing. I think there&#39;s something. I think that&#39;s it&#39;s my medicine, honestly. I don&#39;t really think about it much. It just happens. It&#39;s this, you know, we hear all the time, it&#39;s like when you&#39;re in your zone of genius, like it feels easeful, or when you&#39;re in the flow state, it&#39;s when time disappears and you kind of forget that you&#39;re even working or doing anything. And that is really what happens when I&#39;m working with someone on their story. You know, whether it&#39;s in a core session with me or on set and I&#39;m directing, you know, I can feel the story that&#39;s coming through. And I can energetically, I can see it in their body language, and I can kind of understand what I need to say or what energy I need to hold in order for them to really say the thing that&#39;s going to be powerful. It&#39;s kind of hard to explain. It&#39;s such an energetic exchange. And I really, you know, it&#39;s funny answering this question because I don&#39;t really have a, I couldn&#39;t explain to you really how it happens. It just does. And I think it&#39;s, I mean, years of experience working in film and that I don&#39;t necessarily think of. But the first thing would be like putting value on your lived experience, you know? Putting value on the feelings that you have when you&#39;re walking out and about in the world. If you are touched by another person&#39;s presence or some sort of synchronicity happens, you know, there&#39;s a reason for all of these things. They&#39;re worth sharing, you know? So number one is just placing value on your lived experience, past and you know, in the more... more recent, like, you know, today.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>9:49</time> <p>Yes, when we place value on it, we integrate it. For me, it&#39;s always about</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>9:54</time> <p>Right.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>9:54</time> <p>when we see something and we honor it, we&#39;re actually integrating that part of ourself, which is what equates to wholeness. And yes, I love how</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>10:04</time> <p>Mm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>10:04</time> <p>you don&#39;t have a process. Because if you asked an actual doula, she probably wouldn&#39;t say, this is my process. She&#39;s there in the moment communicating with the body, being really present to.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>10:16</time> <p>Totally.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>10:16</time> <p>all that&#39;s occurring. I think it&#39;s a tremendous amount of presence and allowing the presence</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>10:21</time> <p>Yes.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>10:22</time> <p>to hold the container.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>10:25</time> <p>Absolutely, you know and we open the container with some energy work some breath work some dancing sometimes You know to get our energies on the same wavelength To settle both of our nervous systems to really set the container and then we go into an interview kind of like this like a sacred interview where I&#39;m muting my questions, but really just capturing the responses of you and through that, as I&#39;m listening to you talk, I&#39;m taking notes and writing down the things that I&#39;m getting hits on of like, Ooh, that&#39;s a powerful thing to share. Ooh, that&#39;s a piece of content. Ooh, that&#39;s a podcast episode. Ooh, that&#39;s a this. So these are things to highlight that we then at the end of the session turn into content, like we plug them into a calendar, you know? So it&#39;s, you know, it&#39;s, it&#39;s designed for business owners, but also it&#39;s so powerful. Even if you&#39;re not a business owner, to just hear the power of your voice, like you said, you feel it in your body. Like it&#39;s something that you express and you&#39;re like, whoa, like I felt that. And something shifted or something moved within me. And I think it&#39;s really important for people to feel that and remember their power and the importance of their medicine.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>11:49</time> <p>Yes, absolutely. And. I, again, I completely fail it. For me, storytelling has always been interesting, because I&#39;ve never gained a lot of insight from other people&#39;s story. It just hasn&#39;t been how I personally have functioned. People would always tell me stories, oh, so and so, or they&#39;d tell me their own personal story. And I have complete honor for everybody&#39;s story. But it wasn&#39;t like, well, that&#39;s not my story. And I have a part of me that is very much about experiencing and learning through my own personal experience. So for a long time,</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>12:30</time> <p>Mm-hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>12:31</time> <p>I thought, well, so what&#39;s the point of me sharing my story? Because from my perspective, there wasn&#39;t any value in it, right? Because if I wasn&#39;t</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>12:40</time> <p>Hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>12:40</time> <p>gaining insight from other people&#39;s story, you know, why would somebody need my story? And my higher self just kept coming in and telling me, share your story, share your story. And what I realized through the process of sharing my story is again, first and foremost, the absolute medicine that I have experienced every time I share my story. And</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>13:04</time> <p>Mm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>13:04</time> <p>surprisingly, of course, people were, oh my gosh, that&#39;s so wonderful to hear. That really helps me. I&#39;m so inspired.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>13:12</time> <p>Mm-hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>13:14</time> <p>But again, that medicine of the self is so powerful. So have you seen, I&#39;m sure you have, seen women just transform through this process? And can you speak</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>13:29</time> <p>Hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>13:29</time> <p>a little bit to that transformation?</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>13:34</time> <p>Oh my gosh. Yes. And what&#39;s really cool about this is the women that I work with shooting their brand documentaries or producing their podcasts or doing a core session, whatever it is in whatever form they&#39;re already powerful and successful. They&#39;re already, you know, in their body. So this is like watching it go dial up even more. And it&#39;s this, it&#39;s this energetic shift, this full kind of claiming of I am here to do this thing. I am here to change the world in this way. And what I am here to share matters so much. It&#39;s so important that I express this authentically. And I was just teaching a storytelling workshop the other day and I was talking about like, if we think about the people that we look to and admire the artists that we look to and we admire like Beyonce. If Beyonce was going at about 50% versus her 100% what we love her for, we would be missing out on the fullness of Beyonce. Like that would, I would seriously be, we would be missing out. I would be upset. I would be like, no, we need you to go all out. And so that&#39;s, that&#39;s her authentic expression. That&#39;s her dancing at a hundred percent. That&#39;s her flinging her hair around and making noises and writing from her heart. So this is the permission through her authentic expression as an example. Other people are like, well, okay, great. Well, then I&#39;m gonna really take up more space because I feel I want to, right? I feel there&#39;s a little bit more, a new edge that I could take things to. And that&#39;s not necessarily because we have to be constantly pushing the boundaries of new edges. It&#39;s just to make sure that we&#39;re actually giving ourselves the space to really be who we are. And so, yeah, I think it&#39;s such a beautiful thing to witness in any kind of storytelling container, feeling the... the earth shake a little bit underneath our feet and just feel like, okay, this will never be the same again. I&#39;ve watched specifically my brand documentary clients who have already been incredibly successful, multiple six figure, seven figure business owners changed after the shoot together because they realize I wanna make art or I wanna be louder or I don&#39;t wanna make my work like this. I wanna do it like this. And just doing the brave thing of showing up and sharing your story, it really makes you feel like anything is possible. It&#39;s such a powerful thing to witness.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>16:08</time> <p>Yeah, so what I&#39;m feeling and hearing by what you&#39;re saying is as they&#39;re connecting to their story and expressing it, they&#39;re connecting to more of their authenticity, more of really their true genius, more of what lights them up, right?</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>16:26</time> <p>Right.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>16:27</time> <p>Yes.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>16:28</time> <p>Yes.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>16:29</time> <p>And I have, again, absolutely experienced that for myself. I get this image</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>16:37</time> <p>Hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>16:37</time> <p>of just an opening. And our throat is connected to our sacral chakra. It&#39;s connected to our feminine power. It&#39;s connected to our vulnerability. It&#39;s connected to</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>16:50</time> <p>Yes.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>16:50</time> <p>our passion. And so when we open up our throat, which isn&#39;t just verbal, it&#39;s writing. And it&#39;s any kind of expression. We are opening</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>16:59</time> <p>Right.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>17:00</time> <p>up our pelvis and making way. I love how you used Beyonce. making way</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>17:04</time> <p>Yeah.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>17:05</time> <p>for all of Beyonce, right? Like</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>17:08</time> <p>Yeah.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>17:08</time> <p>show up, sweetheart, show up in all of you. Swing your hair around, you know, sing at the top of your lungs. Like we want all of you in your deliciousness</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>17:21</time> <p>Yes.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>17:21</time> <p>and your power. Yes, I love that so much. And I love how, you know, you&#39;re working with, as you said, successful. These are not people who are hiding. They&#39;re</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>17:35</time> <p>Right.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>17:36</time> <p>in some level out there creating and being action takers. And, you know, they are putting themselves out there to some degree. So what do you find is the resistance or the belief structures that are the biggies that stop people from being that 100% Beyonce?</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>18:03</time> <p>Oh my gosh, I mean, it&#39;s just being so deeply human, right? We experience the top three limiting beliefs, which would be, you know, it&#39;s not ready yet. I&#39;m not ready yet. It&#39;s not perfect yet. So I can&#39;t put it out there. It&#39;s never going to be perfect. Perfection does not exist. And if anyone out there putting their art into the world, their story into the world, ever let that stop them, we would have no art. So that&#39;s number one. So the next thing is then feeling like they&#39;re gonna be judged for what they&#39;re actually expressing. You know, feeling like someone&#39;s gonna make fun of them or is gonna ostracize them or maybe your family and friends follow you on your Instagram account and you don&#39;t want them to see what you&#39;re doing. You know, it&#39;s so many people come, you know, it&#39;s we&#39;re kind of tossing back and forth between like specifically the online business and coaching industry and then also just like art in general here. But I think we can all follow. So it&#39;s, yeah, it&#39;s that limiting belief of like, not wanting to be judged. Yeah, I would say not feeling like it&#39;s ready and perfectionism, not wanting to be judged. And then feeling like, yeah, just the classic, like it&#39;s, I&#39;m not good enough. Like we&#39;ve kind of already touched on this, this like, nobody&#39;s gonna get it, especially for these like deeply creative, spiritual women that are. birthing something into existence that maybe nobody else has done already. Right? Like you&#39;re a pioneer in your industry. You&#39;re a pioneer in your art and that&#39;s scary. You know, like how am I supposed to know if anybody&#39;s going to get this? Like I remember when I first started my brand documentaries, right? Like I&#39;m marketing high quality video production for a brand video because it&#39;s different. I&#39;m doing it differently. And I&#39;m like, nobody&#39;s going to get this. Like I still come up against this. But then my people get it. They get it immediately. They understand the value. They feel the value in their bodies. And so I think that it&#39;s coming up against all those questions like nobody&#39;s gonna get it. I feel misunderstood. I think when we&#39;re often ecstatic women, we come up against the, oh man, is this gonna be too much? So there&#39;s a lot there that&#39;s in the way. And it feels so much quote unquote safer to just stay in what&#39;s been validated already for you in your life versus stepping out into new territory that&#39;s your true authentic expression. That&#39;s going to come out. It&#39;s going to come out one way or the other. So it&#39;s about you allowing it. And I think that&#39;s why it&#39;s so important to have a spaceholder through that process and to really calibrate your system. to the value and power of what it is that you have to say. It&#39;s like, oh, this is powerful. This is important. This does make a difference. Because speaking of entrepreneurship, I mean, it&#39;s a lot of speaking to empty rooms at the beginning. It&#39;s a lot of showing up to one person like it&#39;s 1,000. And that is just training you for the deepest self-expression. Because then it&#39;s like, I don&#39;t care. I&#39;m doing this for art&#39;s sake. I&#39;m doing this for my soul. So it&#39;s such a transformation, it really is.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>21:30</time> <p>I love that you bring up perfection because connecting to our inner feminine when we bring in when we bring through creation, creation can be messy. And</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>21:44</time> <p>Yeah.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>21:45</time> <p>humans often think of the end goal. And this of course is perfect image. Everything is perfect. And how we learn is through the process of. quote unquote, reaching that goal, right? We learn by the messiness. We learn by the mistakes. We learn by the imperfections. And so if we never allow ourselves that process, we&#39;re not learning all of the wisdom and the golden nuggets that we get to like. nom chew up and you know consume through the process of being messy. And this is absolutely</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>22:28</time> <p>Right.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>22:29</time> <p>something in my creative process, you know, giving myself permission over and over because it is it&#39;s a constant permission to be messy to make mistakes. I love how you bring in the entrepreneurship of yeah. Whoa, there&#39;s one person that showed up to this. Okay, here I am in my fullness in my Beyonce.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>22:49</time> <p>Yes.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>22:51</time> <p>Regardless, because this is part of it. And when we&#39;re doing something that we love, and when we&#39;re doing that, creating that medicine for ourselves, there is a part that this is for me, just as much as it is for anybody else. And it is so important that we own that whether we&#39;re showing up for that one person or the hundredth person, it is making an impact.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>23:21</time> <p>totally.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>23:21</time> <p>And I just want to speak to one other part about the trailblazer, you know, the visionary,</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>23:26</time> <p>Mm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>23:27</time> <p>those of us as I feel that I&#39;m one of those. And yes, it is lonely. And sometimes it&#39;s like, nobody</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>23:34</time> <p>Mm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>23:35</time> <p>that I&#39;m speaking to is getting what I&#39;m saying, you know?</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>23:39</time> <p>Okay.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>23:39</time> <p>And yet it&#39;s like, and I continue to put the story out there. I continue to put the information out there. And sometimes you&#39;re looking around symbolically. And</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>23:49</time> <p>Mm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>23:49</time> <p>there&#39;s nobody around you.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>23:52</time> <p>Totally.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>23:54</time> <p>And</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>23:54</time> <p>Yeah.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>23:54</time> <p>I just want to say to all of the listeners, you know, that&#39;s okay. Right. And to continue to give ourselves permission in that space. Obviously Caroline, you are a trailblazer. Obviously you are a visionary. So what has been your experience? I know you mentioned a little bit with the brand video and like, is anybody going to get this? But again, what has been your experience of being out of the box and bringing this very special gift to the world?</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>24:30</time> <p>I mean, again, I feel like I, I wish that I could show up here and say, you know, it&#39;s been so hard for me to get there and to say, to take the leaps and to be brave, but I&#39;ve just, I think it&#39;s maybe just being naive or something. I&#39;ve always been this way where, you know, I was working in advertising as a producer and I just loved it. I&#39;m so grateful for my, for the jobs that I&#39;ve had, but I was just pretty quickly in my career. Like, I don&#39;t want to tell stories about these things. I want to tell stories that change the world and empower people. And so I just quit my job. I had no plan and I just quit my job. I studied to be a yoga teacher. Other people would never. People think I&#39;m nuts. You know, it&#39;s like I&#39;m going off and doing these things and then I start freelancing and you know, I&#39;m. it&#39;s entrepreneur, like being an entrepreneur is in my blood. Both of my parents are entrepreneurs. And I think like, it&#39;s honestly just now landing for me, like fully that like, okay, this is a part of my identity that I can&#39;t fight, you know? So there&#39;s so much of that. And then of course it&#39;s like getting started. I, when I first got started doing this, I&#39;ve always been a filmmaker, but then I saw the rise of this online business space and the coaching industry like four or five years ago. And so I jumped in and I started my first podcast and I started coaching on anxiety and somatic healing and the nervous system and energy work and it&#39;s very near and dear to me. That&#39;s a huge part of my story. I used to have chronic panic attacks, multiple panic attacks a day. I was, I thought that I was never going to be the same for years. I was like this and it was a huge part of my story, right? So my first podcast, the get a helmet podcast where all of this started. was me telling stories about this and helping people with this. And nobody listened at first. I was just making this podcast because I really wanted to. It was an expression of me, and it was part of my healing. And then more and more people started listening and thanking me for the podcast, right? But not at first. It was like a year in. And my download numbers still weren&#39;t like 5,000 downloads an episode, but I&#39;m getting messages from people that are saying, This episode saved my day. Like, this, thank you so much for this. That&#39;s everything. That&#39;s everything, you know? So it&#39;s just knowing that when you&#39;re putting your art out into the world, that... people are listening and people are watching. You might not know it yet, but they are. And they&#39;re gaining value from your stories and from what you&#39;re sharing. But most importantly, are you gaining value from it? Are you feeling in alignment with it? So it&#39;s been such a journey of just making these little adjustments to make sure that I&#39;m on the right path. And I&#39;m still doing this. I&#39;m a filmmaker to my core. And so I&#39;ve got to check myself often and be like, OK. Okay, are we still out here making films? I wanna make bigger documentaries. Am I still doing that? I&#39;ve just gone through this big initiation with that recently. And I think that&#39;s just like what we have to constantly check in on. It&#39;s like, am I in integrity with my soul&#39;s fullest expression? And how can you check in with that and listen and just make these little adjustments and keep going from there? And yeah, for years, I mean, I&#39;m... showing up, teaching yoga classes people didn&#39;t come to, you know, it&#39;s recording podcast episodes that nobody listened to. And then slowly, but surely it started and I learned the ins and outs of that, you know, and now I teach people how to produce their own podcasts. So it just, there&#39;s always a reason for the thing that&#39;s happening. Right? Like there&#39;s always a reason you just might not know what it is right now, but you will.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>28:30</time> <p>I think the question that all the women that are listening can ask themselves as, am I my 100% Beyonce? That is</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>28:39</time> <p>Yeah.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>28:40</time> <p>such a fun question to ask. Because I think it really, it&#39;s playful. And it does. It asks us, am I really showing up? Am I aligned? Am I on this journey that I really know? Even if we</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>28:53</time> <p>Mm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>28:53</time> <p>don&#39;t know what that is, we can sense it. And we can definitely say whether we&#39;re doing it or not. You know that we</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>28:59</time> <p>Yeah,</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>28:59</time> <p>can say. So yes,</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>29:02</time> <p>definitely.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>29:02</time> <p>absolutely. And. Speaking to podcasting, you know, I have created so much content myself and</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>29:11</time> <p>Mm-hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>29:11</time> <p>I&#39;ve been a guest on many podcasts and podcasting is just this really. It&#39;s really unique to</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>29:20</time> <p>Mm-hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>29:21</time> <p>the other content creations that I&#39;ve done. And as I&#39;ve entered this industry, I&#39;ve actually been really blown away by the beauty of it, the fun of coming together with other people and collaborating and kind of playing in the realm of expression. You know, they&#39;re expressing and I&#39;m expressing and it&#39;s like this co-collaboration and short storytelling and expressing, which I find really, really delightful. And I feel like it&#39;s such a beautiful way to share your story, right? Such a beautiful way to bring</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>30:00</time> <p>Yes.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>30:01</time> <p>forth your story and, and your medicine. So if there&#39;s any listeners</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>30:07</time> <p>Yes.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>30:08</time> <p>that are, you know, considering a podcast or considering a creative expression, writing a book, right? Anything where they&#39;re like sensing or feeling this story needs to be told. Obviously, I highly recommend</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>30:27</time> <p>Hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>30:27</time> <p>that they reach out to you. And are there any tips</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>30:31</time> <p>Mm-hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>30:32</time> <p>that you can give them to begin the process, things to be aware of, et cetera?</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>30:40</time> <p>Mmm. So the podcasting process? like beginning the podcasting process or just like creative projects in general.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>30:54</time> <p>any process of expressing one&#39;s story.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>30:59</time> <p>Mmm. Okay. Well, I do think that it starts with... regulating your nervous system. I know that&#39;s not what people expect, but it really is important. I think that you have to be in your body to really access your power. And I know this through my experience with anxiety. It&#39;s like, if I&#39;m in my head or there&#39;s a lot of air in my energetic field, it&#39;s like, okay, I need some earth. So how can we... get you to this homeostasis that feels really grounded and calm and powerful and authentic. And sometimes it just takes a little breath, some somatic movement. So, you know, making that a part of your life, if it isn&#39;t already, making this, touching on that authentic expression every single day. You know, whether it&#39;s through dancing or drawing or singing or walking and hiking or journaling, you know, it could be a combination for me. It oscillates every day. I just have to listen to what it needs to be today. Pulling cards, you know, get yourself connected to your intuition, to your truth. And, um, and start there, right? Because I think when our channel is clear and I&#39;m sure you&#39;ve experienced this, I mean, then the idea is just come in. Right? So it&#39;s like clear your channel. to receive the downloads, to receive the creative ideas. And then keep something, whether it&#39;s an iPhone note that you have dedicated to these ideas, or a Google Doc, or a journal, and trust what&#39;s coming through. Trust the downloads that you&#39;re getting. Because oftentimes it&#39;s like, we&#39;ll get these quote unquote pings or whatever, and then it&#39;s just like, oh, that&#39;s kind of interesting, and then they&#39;re gone. Collect them, respect them, honor them. Write them down. They could be nothing or they could be the seed of something really big. They could be an add-on to something you already do. So it&#39;s like, just let them, respect them, and honor them, write them down. Those are two big steps in starting something and getting yourself prepared to share and to really trust your ideas.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>33:24</time> <p>Yes, trust, trust. That&#39;s so important. And what you&#39;re speaking to of, you know, our channel has to be clear, right? And when we are in a mental energy, which Caroline is saying is airy, and it can feel very kind of scattered, you know, you can, those are the kinds of spaces where we do, we&#39;re like walking into a room going, wait, what was I doing here? Or where did I place my phone? Or because we&#39;re. We&#39;re not in the present moment, and we&#39;ve got all this air swirling around our head. So it feels very scattered. It feels like there&#39;s a million thoughts running through your head all of the time. And when our mind is moving so quickly, we can&#39;t hear those intuitive hits and feel those intuitive hits and receive those intuitive hits. I completely agree with you, Caroline. It&#39;s about, of course, regulation of the nervous system, because we can&#39;t really be in our bodies without that.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>34:23</time> <p>Right.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>34:24</time> <p>feeling that presence, feeling that groundedness, having the tools in your toolbox to connect, to be grounded. And then trust, trust. Wow, if that isn&#39;t a lesson that I personally have been through, there were several times I&#39;ve had the gift of connected to my higher self from a very early young age. And.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>34:52</time> <p>Mm-hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>34:52</time> <p>Most of the time I have listened and sometimes in very pivotal points, I did not. And really</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>35:01</time> <p>Mm-hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>35:01</time> <p>big things happened to me. Like for</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>35:04</time> <p>Hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>35:04</time> <p>instance, all my money was stolen, even though my higher self</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>35:06</time> <p>and</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>35:06</time> <p>was telling me very clearly that it was going to happen. This is what I needed to do. I wasn&#39;t trusting that energy because I was in a state of tension and fear.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>35:17</time> <p>totally.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>35:17</time> <p>And so. It is a practice to learn to trust, right? But</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>35:23</time> <p>Totally.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>35:24</time> <p>it is so powerful. And I always say, what do we want more than that own inner guidance? The one who tells us that is, honestly, has our highest good at heart, tells us what to do and the things</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>35:41</time> <p>Mm-hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>35:41</time> <p>that are going to feel good and actions to take. I think we all deeply, deeply desire that. So. Thank you for reminding</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>35:50</time> <p>Mm-hmm.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>35:50</time> <p>us all to trust, trust what you receive.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>35:58</time> <p>Yeah, trust what feels good. You know, I think that</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>36:01</time> <p>Yes.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>36:01</time> <p>that&#39;s a way of understanding what the idea is or what do I want, right? Like I hear that a lot. So it&#39;s listen to your body and you might not even be able to feel that yet. And the way to be able to feel it is to just be with her every day, doing those practices. If pick, if it&#39;s a hike, if it&#39;s a meditation, if it&#39;s breath work, if it&#39;s pulling cards, if it&#39;s dancing. over time, your body will be able to speak to you and you&#39;ll be able to hear it immediately. You know, it took me a long time to get there because I was so there was so much going on up here. So over the years of practice, like anything else, now it&#39;s like if I&#39;m making a decision, my intuition, my body is like, yes, no, and it feels so clear to me. Um, and so yeah, it&#39;s just a practice of What lights you up? What feels good? What makes your belly feel like it&#39;s on fire or your heart just feels so full? That&#39;s information. That&#39;s really important information. So that&#39;ll point you to your most, your biggest, juiciest successes.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>37:16</time> <p>Yes, I&#39;m always saying the same thing. Oh, that feels so good in my body. Yes,</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>37:21</time> <p>Okay.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>37:21</time> <p>yes, yes. Or that&#39;s so orgasmic. I just got a bliss hit. Ah, that&#39;s a yes or no. My body&#39;s saying no. That&#39;s a clear solid no. Yes, and it does take practice. But again, it&#39;s such a wonderful tool because our body is always here. The tool always exists as long as we are in this human life. So yeah, it&#39;s really great insight. And So how can people find you? And again, I really invite the audience if you are curious to start a podcast, or even if you just really sense this story that wants to be told, or if you&#39;re an entrepreneur and you want to really clarify your voice, my love, right? Like, this is who I am. This is my story. This is my medicine. I really invite you to reach out to Caroline. So Caroline, where can they find you? And what are you offering, right, generally?</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>38:26</time> <p>Yeah, totally. So first place is my podcast, the Creative Visionary Podcast, where I&#39;m having conversations about storytelling and video and podcasting and art making the creative process. And then I&#39;m on Instagram. Iamcarolineailward is my handle. And I&#39;m going to be teaching a storytelling workshop in the next couple of weeks. I think it&#39;s like the 18th of July. I&#39;m not sure when this is coming out, but that&#39;s happening. And then I always have my core sessions, which are my two-hour storytelling intensives. They&#39;re one-to-one time with me for two hours to do this process, to do this kind of storytelling, doula work, and to leave you feeling really crystal clear on who you are, what you do, and how you do it so that you can really share who you are with the world and communicate directly with your people and be specific and clear about this. so that they can hear you. And this then, this pours into the podcasting world because like you&#39;ve shared with this podcast for you, it&#39;s such an incredible platform to really connect with others and there&#39;s ways to really sharpen what we&#39;re talking about and how we&#39;re expressing our voice. And so I have a podcast course called Spoken where I teach you exactly how to launch and grow your podcast. which our next round is in the fall. So you can jump on the wait list for that now if you, if you want, if you&#39;re feeling called, it&#39;s such an amazing program. We just wrapped up this round last week and I&#39;m so excited for everybody to launch their podcast, talk about more women taking up space. That is what they are doing. Um, and then we have through get a helmet studio, the production company, pretty much any video project we can do. So if that&#39;s a brand video, if it&#39;s course videos, if it&#39;s online content, we are film festival quality production company. And also we produce podcasts directly for you. So if you are a business owner at that stage where you&#39;re like, okay, I can&#39;t take anything more on, I don&#39;t wanna DIY anything else, take my recordings, do it for me, we do everything for you. From SEO optimized show notes, to posting on your website, to creating social content for you. So. It&#39;s, you can kind of plug in anywhere. The podcast is a beautiful place to start. If you&#39;re like, ooh, this feels juicy. I&#39;m not really sure where to go next. Podcast is a great place to start.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>40:51</time> <p>Wonderful. OK. Thank you, Caroline. And right now, we&#39;re going to move into our activation. So listeners always say, this is for all of us. We&#39;re all in this space. And as we all sink into this activation and allow these energies into our space, we are all lifting each other. We are all inspiring each other. We&#39;re all shifting. Becomes a medicine for all of us. So we&#39;re all part of this. And. We want you to be a part of this unless you&#39;re driving.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>41:24</time> <p>Thank you.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>41:25</time> <p>Then maybe come back to the episode afterwards. So let&#39;s all just close our eyes. And let&#39;s just start by taking three nice, deep breaths. We&#39;re going to breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth. Go ahead at your own pace. Really feeling your breath. feeling that sigh, feeling that expression. Ah, yes, and I want you just to feel your body. If you feel like creating a little movement in your body, go ahead and do so and feeling the body right now. And we&#39;re just bringing in some energies, bringing in some light right here, right now, into the bodies with each inhalation. You are drawing more golden light into your body. With each exhalation, you are releasing energy out of your body, releasing stress, releasing tension out of the nervous system, inhaling, drawing that golden light into the body, giving to yourself, giving to your body, creating expansion. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. And now we&#39;re going to use our voices. We&#39;re going to give permission right here, right now, to use our voices repeating after me. I have a voice.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>43:03</time> <p>I have a voice.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>43:06</time> <p>Feeling that, feeling</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>43:07</time> <p>I have</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>43:07</time> <p>the truth</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>43:08</time> <p>a voice.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>43:08</time> <p>of that. Feeling the truth of that in your body. Okay, again, repeating after me. You&#39;re gonna take a nice deep breath in, drawing that light into the body, creating more expansion, creating more availability in our space. As we say out loud, my voice matters.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>43:36</time> <p>My</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>43:37</time> <p>My</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>43:37</time> <p>voice matters.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>43:38</time> <p>voice matters. Yes, yes, yes. Feeling, feeling your body responding. Responding to that one more time, all right? Just really feeling your body, really awareness at your body right now. I want you to, again, we&#39;re going to take a nice deep breath, drawing this golden frequency, this energy, this expansion into the body. And now you&#39;re going to say out loud, my voice is medicine.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>44:12</time> <p>My voice is medicine.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>44:16</time> <p>This is Mattis.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>44:20</time> <p>My voice is medicine.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>44:24</time> <p>Placing your hands over your heart, feeling that truth, my love. Feeling that truth, my love. You are medicine. Your story is medicine. Your expression, your creativity, all that you are is medicine for this world, medicine for other people, for humans, for the planet, for Gaia, for the universe. Medicine. Okay, one more nice deep breath breathing in exhaling. We&#39;re releasing out of the body. Excellent. Ah-ho and so it is and so it is and so it is by the divine Trinity the power of three. It is complete. Yes, wonderful. Yay. Caroline,</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>45:27</time> <p>Yay.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>45:28</time> <p>thank you so much for joining us here today. I honor you, and I greatly appreciate your gifts, your presence, and your voice.</p> <cite>[Caroline]:</cite> <time>45:42</time> <p>Thank you so much for having me. It was such a fun conversation and I&#39;m, I can&#39;t wait to listen to others that you have on your podcast.</p> <cite>[Alara Sage]:</cite> <time>45:51</time> <p>And thank you to all the beautifully ecstatic women who joined us here today. I look forward to seeing and bringing you guys more insights, activations, and inspirations on the next episode of The Ecstatic Woman. Have a blessed day. Yay!</p>

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