#157 - Is Financial Freedom BS

#157 - Is Financial Freedom BS
Wealth Embodied
#157 - Is Financial Freedom BS

Feb 25 2025 | 00:09:20

Episode 157 February 25, 2025 00:09:20

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

In this episode of Wealth Embodied, Alara Sage explores the concept of financial freedom, challenging traditional definitions and perspectives. She emphasizes that true wealth encompasses emotional well-being, safety, and resourcefulness, rather than just monetary abundance. 


  • Financial freedom is often misunderstood and oversimplified.
  • Wealth is not just about money; it's about being well-resourced.
  • True freedom comes from feeling safe and loved.
  • You can create a sense of financial freedom now, regardless of your financial situation.
  • Trust in the process is essential for feeling financially free.
  • Wealth should include community and relationships, not just finances.

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Episode Transcript

Alara Sage (00:01.432) Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of Wealth Embodied, where we activate and inspire you in your wealth consciousness, your visionary impact, and your creative genius. I'm your host, Alara Sage, and today it's just you and me. And I want to stir the pot. I'm gonna stir the pot a little bit. What I mean by that is I like to bring in different perspectives. We tend to... just kind of fall in these ruts of opinion and perspective. And if we're open-minded to a different perspective, it will expand our mind. We don't have to believe in that perspective. We don't have to agree with that perspective. But we can allow it to open our mind. So today, my stirring of the pot is financial freedom BS. Let's start with what is financial freedom? Financial freedom is said to be when you have enough money that you don't have to worry about money. And yet is that what happens? The reason I came up with this perspective, the reason I'm asking these questions is because I have a client who is a multimillionaire. Alara Sage (01:21.378) Does he worry about money? Not necessarily in the way that somebody who has absolutely no money worries about money. But yes, he still worries about money. Alara Sage (01:35.66) So it's a different kind of worry. He has anxiety. He told me that he fears stopping. He's been creating his wealth since he was in high school. He's done a very good job of it to the point that plenty of franchises, plenty of wealth coming in, really he wouldn't have to work another day. and yet he finds himself unable to stop. Alara Sage (02:10.338) So that causes him anxiety. He knows that he's in a new chapter of his life and it really is time to stop. But the idea of stopping, the idea of slowing down, the idea of not doing what he's been doing, the majority of his life is very scary. So the question is, is he really free? Alara Sage (02:37.322) Again, we can argue that from one perspective, yes, because he doesn't have to worry about how his meals are going to be paid and if there's going to be a roof over his head. And that is true for some people who have no money. They worry about those things. And then there's people who have very little money and are very, very happy and fulfilled and don't have anxiety. Are they more free than the person who is quote unquote financially free? If you are feeling anxiety in your life on a regular basis, are you free? Alara Sage (03:18.83) Of course, my perspective is no. Alara Sage (03:24.876) because it's not what I believe wealth to be. I believe that wealth is resource to be wealthy is to be well resourced. And that's in all resources. And a sense of safety is one of those resources. A sense of presence in your life, the ability to be fully present in every moment and feel safe, feel happy, feel loved. Well, you could argue that that's the most valuable resource humans can have. Alara Sage (04:03.158) It's always important to me to define wealth as well-resourced because of this exact reason. Because we can often believe that wealth is all about money. But money won't fill the hole. Money won't fill the void. Money won't bring in love, worthiness, safety, security in the context of the body and emotions. It'll bring in the physical security, not the emotional security. Alara Sage (04:43.918) That all comes from within. So to me, for me to define financial freedom, I focus on the word freedom more than the word financial. I focus on the feeling of being free, the state of being of freedom. Alara Sage (05:07.874) When we feel free, we only get there by first and foremost feeling safe, feeling loved, feeling a purpose. Alara Sage (05:22.06) And in that sense of freedom, there's also a great deal of trust. Trust that you will always be taken care of. Trust that the money will come in as it's needed. Trust that challenges will work out for the best, for the highest good of all. Trust that even the failures and the mistakes and the difficulties are all there for us. then you add money to that, right? You add family to that. You add friends to that. You add community to that. You add business that serves other people and brings value to other people. Well, now, from my perspective, you're actually financially free. Alara Sage (06:16.59) So what is your definition of financial freedom? What is your level of wealth? Is there a story there that says if you have this much more, then you'll be financially free? Just be curious. There's no right or wrong answer to these questions. Alara Sage (06:40.552) Is there a line drawn in the sand where if you feel that you have, if you have that much money, you are a wealthy person? Alara Sage (06:53.794) What does wealth mean to you? Alara Sage (06:59.63) If you could envision yourself being completely wealthy, what would the emotional states be? What would you feel in your financial freedom and your perspective of financial freedom? spend some time with this specifically around the emotions because the beautiful thing about states of being emotional states of being is we can shift that now. You can shift your wealth now. You can shift yourself into a wealthy state now from that wealthy state. You will create wealth. It's inevitable who we are with create. Alara Sage (07:50.348) So by connecting to your definition of it, what it looks like for you, what would the emotions be there be experienced? You can start to live that now. You can start to live financial freedom now and create financial freedom, even if that is not representative of money. Even if you're currently have plenty of money, you can still create true financial freedom for you now. And you will live that. That's beautiful, is it not? Alara Sage (08:29.944) Thank you so much for stirring the pot with me for challenging all of our own perspectives, challenging what we're taught, what we're offering ourselves contemplation and inquiry. What does it mean to me? How do I define it? Now, obviously, when we're communicating to other people, that doesn't work. We can't all have our own definitions of words, but it does help you. recognize your desires and how you want to create your wealthy life. Thank you so much for joining me. Just a quickie today, quick and dirty. I appreciate you so much. Much love.

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