Alchemy: A Multi-Dimensional Practice

Alchemy: A Multi-Dimensional Practice
Wealth Embodied
Alchemy: A Multi-Dimensional Practice

Jul 11 2024 | 00:49:55

Episode 100 July 11, 2024 00:49:55

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

In this conversation, Alara Sage and Elizabeth Makepeace discuss the concept of alchemy and how it can be used to create reality. They explore the idea of alchemy as a healing process, both physically and emotionally, and how it can be used to shift limiting beliefs. Elizabeth shares her personal experience of using alchemy to dissolve a fibroid in her body, highlighting the power of surrender and connecting with higher self wisdom. 


  • Alchemy is the process of transforming the fixed into the volatile and vice versa, allowing us to dissolve what holds us back and align with the flow of the universe.
  • Alchemy can be used as a healing process, both physically and emotionally, to release limitations and shift beliefs.
  • Surrendering to the process and connecting with higher self wisdom are key aspects of alchemy.
  • Recognizing and releasing unconscious patterns and beliefs is essential for creating a new reality.
  • Alchemy is a multi-dimensional practice that involves tapping into past lives, generational history, and the quantum field. Alchemy is the process of transforming energy and beliefs to create the reality we desire.
  • Shifting our energy and beliefs can lead to tangible transformations in various aspects of our lives.

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Episode Transcript

<p><!--block-->Alara Sage (00:00.198)<br>actually, I did forget to ask you, are you familiar with Riverside?<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (00:06.658)<br>I've done it a couple of times now on the podcast, yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (00:09.766)<br>OK, so you know to have everything else shut down. And also, as long as we can hear each other, we're good. It's OK if the video goes in and out.<br><br>Alara Sage (00:24.902)<br>Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the Ecstatic Woman podcast, where we activate and inspire women in their power, in their authenticity, and in their bliss. I'm your host, Laura Sage. And my beloveds, you may have heard of the word alchemy. Previously, before the spiritual revolution awakening, alchemy really spoke to the changing of metal.<br><br>and components. And it has evolved into a whole different topic of energetics. So today we're going to dive into this topic, what is alchemy and how can you use it to create your reality, with our beautiful and wonderful guest today, Elizabeth Makepeace. She has had two major life -threatening health experiences.<br><br>And through though, she discovered the secrets of alchemy and she merges this knowledge with 25 years of being a healer to create these sentence codes and energetically align with her higher self wisdom. This is going to be such a good conversation. Elizabeth, welcome to the show.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (01:39.258)<br>Hey Lara, so good to be here. Can't wait for this conversation.<br><br>Alara Sage (01:43.974)<br>Okay, so let's start off with a definition, your definition of alchemy. What is it?<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (01:50.426)<br>So alchemy to me is the, you know, making the fixed volatile and the volatile fixed. So it's looking at things that are holding us back, things that we find a static in our unconscious and dissolving those so that we are in flow with the universe. And then...<br><br>Alara Sage (01:58.022)<br>Hmm.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (02:14.65)<br>using the ethers, the energetics of the universe, the quantum field as you would call it, and the codes that are in that field and manifesting that into physicality.<br><br>Alara Sage (02:32.87)<br>Beautiful. I love how you said from the, I think you said from the physical to the volatile. Was this something that you learned? I kind of presumed actually, I realized as I was reading your bio that you learned this through that experience of those life threatening health issues. Is that true?<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (02:39.066)<br>Mm.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (02:54.266)<br>It was a bit of an experiential thing. I wouldn't have labelled it that as I was going through those processes. I was more just in alignment. But yes, it was something that became a label and an observation of, that's what I've been doing later in my experience.<br><br>Alara Sage (03:03.27)<br>No, totally.<br><br>Alara Sage (03:13.094)<br>Yes.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (03:18.138)<br>Yeah, it definitely was what I was doing through that process just by connecting to myself, connecting to, you know, the consciousness of this massive thing that we're in. So, yeah, it's, you know, you go back and you reflect and you go, okay, I didn't realize I was doing that, but that's what I was doing. Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (03:42.854)<br>Yeah, absolutely. The higher self -wisdom, the wisdom that comes through us, we learn before we know sometimes. So I had a question and I forgot it. Because kind of what we're suggesting here, I want to make this kind of clear for the listeners, is that alchemy can be a healing process. It could be where you heal something in your body.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (03:50.01)<br>Yeah, absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage (04:10.726)<br>And or it could be something a little bit more, less dense, more subtle, like shifting, limiting belief. Is that what you're saying?<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (04:20.474)<br>Yes, because...<br><br>we have this premise that we're broken in some way.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (04:32.218)<br>just just the thought of it you know we're a creative spirit we're in this space where we decide to come down into the human experience right and to have a physical manifestation of ourselves and along the way as soon as that umbilical cord's cut right<br><br>we identify and recognize ourselves as separate. All of a sudden we need things external to ourselves. We need food and love and shelter and you know nourishment in some way that's outside of ourselves all of a sudden. And through that process as we become you know a little bean<br><br>We start thinking that we are somehow limited, that we are inadequate, that we, you know, we start defining ourselves as not good enough and unworthy and, you know, we don't belong, we're not perfect, all of the things that we start just from day to day things, let alone, you know, the traumas that we can have, you know, as a kid and going up, growing up.<br><br>just the little things that are happening on a day to day, we start making these assumptions of who we are. And so through that process, we now see ourselves as something separate to the whole. And so that becomes our unconscious patterning. That becomes our baseline for our identity.<br><br>because our unconscious, just like it learns how to walk and brush our teeth and you know stop walking across the road so we don't get hit by a car, whatever it might be, it gets locked into our unconscious now as a pattern. And so it's now a silent instruction because we think it as a little kid so much that we don't even recognise it's there and so now it becomes fixed.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (06:41.754)<br>So what alchemy does is if when you're a true alchemist and you're a master at recognizing these things or you know, an apprentice, depending on where you're at, you recognize that these fixed things you can create and become volatile, you can you can release these things from your auric field from your DNA, because they're not just from us, they're past lives, they're<br><br>generational history, you know, epigenetics. So we've got these things locked into our DNA that we can actually release from our DNA. So now we can see ourselves as the individual, but recognise that is the illusion and that we are actually a pure spirit and that we have the ability to draw on all of the codes, all of the information.<br><br>from anywhere in the cosmos and become a master at whatever we choose, create, make choices that align with our purpose, with our passion, with our desires.<br><br>Alara Sage (07:55.142)<br>Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it's not truly fixed, is it? Because, you know, I think of it like a computer and you have your primary software on there like Windows and it seems like it's there, you know, it can seem kind of fixed, but yet you can update it or you can swipe it completely off and reinstall something completely different. And it's so beautiful and powerful to realize is that we have that capacity.<br><br>you know, of our mind, of our body, of all aspects of self to swipe it, to upgrade it, to get the latest version, to get a plugin maybe, a little plugin that you wanna plug in and add some filters.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (08:34.458)<br>Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah.<br><br>Yeah, I actually, I often talk to people about Neo from the Matrix, right? It's the same sort of thing. You know, plugging in and uploading karate if you want, right? Like, if you believe that you can do that, then that's the reality. Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (08:50.598)<br>now. Yes, yes, yes.<br><br>Yeah? Yeah, absolutely. Yes.<br><br>Yes. So let's, I want to go into two different parts here. So for the listeners to understand this better, let's take it first into a more of a physical alchemy. And let's take it as if you were looking at what happened to you. I think you said you had a fibroid, right? So if you were watching you go through this process, can you explain how that alchemy happened? Were you dissolved?<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (09:20.762)<br>Mm -hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (09:30.374)<br>that fibroid for people to understand the physical aspect of this work.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (09:34.65)<br>Yeah, sure. So as a process, it was something that something became present. So I had a 15 centimeter fibroid, which is a<br><br>apparently massive. I've listened to people on other podcasts that have had smaller ones and people go, my gosh, you know, like, and I'm like, man, mine was 15 centimetres. Like, you know, I didn't realise that that was so big, right? But I do know how big, because they actually, I birthed them. I birthed three, you know, masses out of my body. And how they said they were 15 centimetres, I don't know, because all of them were like huge. Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (10:16.614)<br>Wow. And giving the listeners like, is that like a, like a baseball softball, maybe softball size.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (10:20.602)<br>Yeah, maybe even bigger, I'd say yeah, they were they were big masses. And so with fibroids, apparently, you get bloating, irregular periods, you know, bleed, all of those things. I had no symptoms. Flat stomach, regular period, nothing, nothing that actually like no pain, all the things.<br><br>Alara Sage (10:37.382)<br>Yeah, it makes sense. Right.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (10:49.786)<br>The reason I found out is because I got pregnant and nine weeks in I started bleeding. So that part was, you know, that was how I discovered it. So basically, you know, nine weeks in, they find out. So I'm in my late thirties. So from a physical point of view, all of the medical profession freaked out.<br><br>Alara Sage (11:18.662)<br>Mmm.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (11:19.642)<br>I'm late 30s. I've got, I'm nine weeks pregnant and I've got a 15 centimeter fibroid and one specialist after the other handed me over to somebody else because they're like, we don't know what to do with this. Yeah, yeah, this is a bit too scary, right? Yeah, yeah. And so I finally found a gynae, there was a female and she was the first woman that said,<br><br>Alara Sage (11:21.574)<br>Hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (11:33.766)<br>We don't want you. We don't want this responsibility. Yeah, this is too much.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (11:48.89)<br>It's all good. I had twins and a fibroid and the only reason I had a caesarean is because they both tried to come out at the same time. So she gave me some hope, right, that that actually this was okay. But the whole way through, as soon as I found out, there was no going into those unconscious patterns of fear, worry, there was just this calm, like I just tapped in straight away to<br><br>Okay, what's going on here? And at the time I was doing, I had been training in past life aggression. So that's a slower version of what I do now, but you know, seven years of that process of training. And so as I was, you know, tapping in, I'm like, okay, how did I create this? And what are the steps I need to do to move this through in<br><br>the most aligned way with the universe. So just energetically, I connected in to my higher self wisdom and intuition without even really realizing I was doing it. I think I just, it was just a matter of listening, right? I just listened. So,<br><br>When in that listening, I just started cleaning up my diet. You know, I just made sure that everything I was eating was quite clean. I intuitively ate fresh food, you know, like I think I wasn't eating meat. I went vegetarian. I just cleaned up my diet and I just really tapped in. I went to a naturopath, all the things. I sort of started doing some, you know, herbal stuff.<br><br>all of that sort of stuff. I lost the baby halfway through the pregnancy, which was another story and quite intense, but as soon as she came out, her name was Sarah, and as soon as she came out, as she was birthed, the very first thing that my spirit said was, this is all meant to be. It just, yeah, it was just this piece straight away.<br><br>Alara Sage (14:04.358)<br>Absolutely. Yep.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (14:08.474)<br>But then I had this fibroid I still had to work with and they were all saying, you know, at your age, the size of it, we're just gonna have to take your uterus out. And so personally, I went, no one's touching me with a knife, right? I was adamant that I wasn't gonna have anyone touch me. Now this is when I went into my limitation because I resisted the process.<br><br>and I resisted the process for like two weeks. I was at home for two weeks in pain every single day and I didn't tell anyone because it was mainly of a nighttime. So I didn't tell my partner because I knew that they was, you know, the consequences of what was gonna go on. So two weeks I was...<br><br>in this resistance now looking back, you know, I was resisting the process and in pain and just really doing the best I could to manage that pain myself.<br><br>every single day that was and then one moment in that at the end of that two weeks I had a really strong realization and I had this moment where my higher self really connected with me and I thought my gosh what if I'm supposed to have my uterus taken out and this is part of my journey and as soon as that came in I'm like okay well here I am<br><br>you know, holding on to a physical thing that I, you know, it's just part of my experience. Okay, let's get it out. I'm okay to lose my uterus if that's my journey. And so I had a moment and tuned into my uterus and had a bit of a cry of letting go of it and all the things that it had given me. And, you know, I had two children prior to this. So I've got two physical kids.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (16:10.97)<br>So, you know, had some gratitude and, you know, had a moment of grieving and letting go and saying goodbye to it. Just that experience, the next three days, no pain. So just letting go and surrendering, I had no pain. And so then the pain started again and I, you know, went into hospital, into the emergency. They gave me some morphine, came back out, they did it again.<br><br>Alara Sage (16:24.422)<br>Hmm.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (16:40.762)<br>I ended up at an emergency gynae clinic and that's when they finally did some sort of internal examination and I'd walked past, now this is where spirit connects in, right? Because I was seeing a male gynae, I walked past the corridor, he was taking me in to do an examination and I see that female gynaecologist that I'd seen when I was pregnant.<br><br>she recognized me, saw that I wasn't pregnant anymore, asked if she could come in. She decided to do a different test. And I, because I started having pain for the first time during the day. So I was having pain while I was there. And all I remember is them saying, my God, my God, we've got to get you in now. And...<br><br>I woke up the next morning and they said, you know, she came in, she said, I'm so glad you're here. I sort of laughed at her and she said, no, I don't think you realize. She said, I woke up at three o 'clock this morning thinking that you were going to go, you were so close. So if I hadn't have had that moment with spirit, I could have gone at home just from the resistance. But what<br><br>Alara Sage (17:51.974)<br>Hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (17:59.814)<br>Right. So when you look back at that moment, because my question is for you now with your level of awareness, right? When you look back on that, like for instance, that moment of surrender, what was the alchemical process that was happening there? Again, so that the listeners can kind of understand how this works with our beliefs and how that actually directly affects the physical.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (18:32.154)<br>The fact that I was open to listening to, you know, the volatile coming in and that connection with me listening and recognising that this was my higher wisdom. So that part that said, this is part of your journey, I connected with it and went, I had that moment of realisation that I was in resistance, that I was...<br><br>becoming the identity and holding onto something physical rather than being in that space of just being in the now moment, listening to intuition, being guided. So if I hadn't have listened to that, it would have been a different story, right?<br><br>Alara Sage (19:22.278)<br>Yeah, it's interesting because I had an experience where I was, I became very, very sick after my awakening. I didn't realize that that's what was happening. But I ended up being diagnosed with chronic Lyme's, which had been in my body for quite some time. It just got kind of activated and Hashimoto's and I just had a plethora of symptoms and all. I went to specialist after specialist after specialist and I...<br><br>When I got diagnosed with chronic Lyme, I looked it up and was reading on it. And all of a sudden, every full moon, my symptoms would start to exaggerate because I was reading about how the full moon, your symptoms, the, I forgot what they call it, the spiral keats activate in the full moon. And so every full moon, I was feeling worse. And then higher self just came in and said, stop. You're identifying with this. And I was just like,<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (20:12.25)<br>Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (20:17.062)<br>And it was like, start from this point forward. You're no longer sick. That's your, that's your story from this point forward. And that's what I did. And I cured myself of chronic limes, which according to the doctors is not possible.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (20:21.626)<br>Yep.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (20:31.386)<br>Absolutely. And that's exactly what happened with me because the next morning when I woke up from from this, being in the hospital, I had this thing in between my legs, right? Like this, this and they said, no, no, no, that can't be the fibroid. It must be a polyp because you can't get rid of fibroids that way. Well, that happened three times.<br><br>Alara Sage (20:45.286)<br>Right.<br><br>Alara Sage (20:56.358)<br>Hmm gosh doctors just they have their so they have such limited this can't happen. This can't happen. This is not like I mean, geez they are boxed so hard<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (21:01.722)<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Absolutely, yeah. And so yeah, so three times that happened. And the third time they finally went in and they said, well, we have no idea how you're doing this, but you're releasing it. I had every single specialist coming in because, you know, like they, I was completely, my uterus was infected so they weren't doing anything yet until my infection, you know, cleared up.<br><br>So I was just in hospital, I had antibiotics to clear up the infection, but I was releasing this fibroid. And so all of the young specialists, like the students, everyone was coming and they're like, we have no idea how you're doing this. But yeah, so by the time I came out, there was still a little bit left and I just imagined myself dissolving that.<br><br>Alara Sage (21:45.958)<br>Right, right.<br><br>Alara Sage (21:50.182)<br>Yeah.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (22:02.426)<br>So went about a month later to a GP and he did another ultrasound and yeah, he said, it's gone. And that's when I cried. That's when I went, my gosh, it's happened. I've done it.<br><br>Alara Sage (22:18.214)<br>Yeah, yeah, it's so powerful. And so my curiosity is, did you ever receive any information, not that we have to have this information, just again, curiosity about what those fibroids were representing in your physical body?<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (22:34.277)<br>Yeah, so I did, you know, I was doing past life aggression at the time and I went in and it was all about the pain of creation that there was, that there was a part of me that believed just like, you know, you have to have pain to labor a birth, that it was an identity that there is some sort of pain that you've got to suffer to create.<br><br>Alara Sage (22:59.814)<br>you<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (23:02.586)<br>Yeah, so interesting, similar to what you experienced, right? Like, it's the full moon and you know, like, that's a world belief that it that it makes a difference. So to get that information from higher self, like you're identifying with this, like you from now on, you're just not sick, right? It's like, okay. I just that shift in reality, when you step into<br><br>your pure spirit instead of the identity of the individual.<br><br>Alara Sage (23:34.598)<br>Yeah, it's again, it's just incredibly powerful. I had an experience where I was working in my cervix because that's where my higher self was taking me. And this was over a period about two weeks. I was, you know, all day long, kind of, you know, not in meditation all day long, but all day with my awareness. They're working on this really intense energy in my cervix. And it was taking me into parallel reality where, my mother and I were not, she wasn't my mother in that life. We were just two women. We were in a harem.<br><br>by this royalty, we were sex slaves. And there was so much energy there around, you know, having to give sex for my livelihood to survive. And there was a lot, there was so many layers there. So I was in there working on my cervix for this period of time, releasing these energies. And I get this phone call from my father and he goes, I have something to tell you. And at the time, you know, I keep in contact with my parents, but like every six months, I don't talk to him regularly. And he goes, your mom's been diagnosed with cervical cancer.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (24:18.042)<br>Mmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (24:33.254)<br>Like as I'm working in my cervix. And I didn't even know she was sick because it's a really hot, like very advanced cancer. And I was like, yeah, honestly, I'm like literally not surprised. And I told them and I told her like, this is what I'm seeing and this is what I'm doing. And then I went to visit her and we're working on those energies together. Now she's in remission. But it's just so powerful to see how this can also just not just affect us.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (24:56.986)<br>awesome.<br><br>Alara Sage (25:01.318)<br>because there was a quantum entanglement there between the two of us in this parallel life that that particular life has had a massive influence on me in this life. And yeah, just the ways that all of this magic unfolds is so incredible. So I'd love to.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (25:01.754)<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (25:19.77)<br>It's, well it's so interesting isn't it because when we're as the individual we're just so caught up in this life right?<br><br>But there's so many particles like you said, like so much entanglement because we're multi -dimensional, right? We're in this field and there's life upon life. I mean, how many lives do you reckon has been ever on this planet? Like trillions and trillions, right? So how much our DNA is from the origin of that. So there's so many layers.<br><br>Alara Sage (25:51.078)<br>Yeah.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (26:00.604)<br>with the new level of consciousness coming through as with alchemy we can shift it straight away you know it's just that thought right.<br><br>Alara Sage (26:00.838)<br>So many legs.<br><br>Alara Sage (26:08.902)<br>Mm -hmm. Yes. Yeah, so now let's take the listeners into something that's a little bit more obtuse, right? So that's like physical. So give us an example, perhaps from yourself or from a client, where there's been more of just a belief structure, maybe something a little bit less tangible of how they alchemize or something that they alchemize. Not how they did it, but what they alchemized and how that showed up, how that transformed their life.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (26:37.754)<br>So, clients, so from a client point of view, you know, that's the sort of work that I do. So I do a process called recoding, which is part of the ascendance code. And basically what we do is we neutralize the thoughts from...<br><br>that are holding us back in the unconscious but we work in the field from where they originated from. So you know I call it the super conscious so you've got the conscious unconscious and super conscious and the super conscious has got all the codes so we can neutralize those codes and become more connected to our pure spirit you know really quick permanent all of the things and so<br><br>I've had clients meet the love of their life. I've had clients become six figure business owners after being stuck in five figures for years and years. I've had clients move house and get to their dream location. There's so many different things that become tangible because you can shift the beliefs. But to give you one that might seem<br><br>little bit out there is a story from myself when I first when I first started doing all this I didn't actually believe in it because I I personally am very scientific in my head grounded I'm not that woo -woo you know considering I do all this sort of stuff but when I first started doing the past life aggression<br><br>I had an experience where I'd helped a kid that was on the other side of the suburb. We were living in a beach suburb and I'd gone and worked on him and I was just starting out so it was a little bit, you know, it was still a bit new to me.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (28:40.762)<br>and I'd done everything I was supposed to but there was this moment where he brought in an energy that shouldn't have been there and so when we come out he had this entity that was actually part of his past life.<br><br>And so, you know, I go home looking after my kids, got them in the bath, making dinner, all the things. And his mom rings up and says, could we have stuffed up? That's not my kid. He's not looking at me. His voice is different, blah, blah, blah. And she said, I don't know what you're going to do because he won't let you go near him now because he thinks you're a witch. So I'm like, I don't know what to do either. So hang up.<br><br>Put, you know, make sure the kids are not drowning. Turn off the food, go into my room, connected. my God, what do I do? Got, you know, the instructions of what to do. Went in my light body, took the entity out, blah, blah. Fixed it all up and...<br><br>rang her back about an hour later and she told me exactly when I did that process and it freaked me out. I put the phone down and went my gosh I am a witch that freaked me out. Well the next day I went up to I was living up in Far North Queensland which is in the rainforest and I was going camping with some friends and I went to the<br><br>Alara Sage (29:52.326)<br>I love that.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (30:08.89)<br>I went to the rainforest and I called out to Spirit like, what is this? What's going on? I need a sign because I don't want to go any further. Am I working for the right side? Or you know, which side am I working on? And I got three shooting stars. So right in that moment when I asked for a sign. And so those sort of things.<br><br>really make a difference, you know, like when that's not normal, right? Like when you have those moments, yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (30:41.094)<br>Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I love how you say you didn't necessarily believe it. I had the same thing when I was first learning energy work. I was working on horses. I used to do body work on horses. And I'd work on them. And then angels started showing up and teaching me. And I was kind of like, I don't know about all this. I don't know if this is real. Even though, I mean, I'm super open -minded. But still, it's just sometimes hard to believe. And there was a point where<br><br>You know, I mean, you know, the angels don't come necessarily in physical form. They represent themselves, but Archangel Raphael, the horse was just in trance, like practically head on the floor, drooling, just totally relaxed. And Archangel Raphael represented himself in a form and came to the front of the horse, I guess, facing its head and brought, and I wasn't touching the horse. I'd stepped completely away and he brought his wings. And as soon as his wings touched the horse's withers,<br><br>The horse shot up with his eyes really wide and then like licked and chewed, which is their way of relaxing and then just like sighed. And I was like, okay, I believe it.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (31:46.97)<br>Yeah, yeah. They're beautiful moments, aren't they? You know, like when you've got that spiritual experience and that validation. So it's magical, right?<br><br>Alara Sage (32:01.99)<br>Yes, absolutely. And so what would you say to somebody who really want to kind of bring this down into people's lives? You know, let's start with this. What would you say to somebody that's going, OK, this alchemy thing, like we can we can shift energy, right? We can shift things. How exactly can they apply that? You've kind of alluded to it. You kind of mentioned a lot, but let's let's make it really clear. How can they apply?<br><br>alchemy to their life.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (32:35.77)<br>The easiest and simplest way for someone that just wants to right now make a difference is start choosing their life, choosing what they want to create, making, you know, our unconscious doesn't know the difference between a visual and a reality vision.<br><br>So when you can wake up in the morning and first thing that you do is start choosing the way you want your life to be. So that day, but also connecting in with your future and the woman or the person that you're becoming. Really be intentional with what it is you're choosing your life to be. And a really beautiful tool that can help you with that is scripting.<br><br>So waking up in the morning, a lot of people just journal, right? They write their day and they talk about the reality of what happened and the emotions that they had and all of those things. But if you can flip that switch and go into imagining and writing as if a day in the future has already happened.<br><br>and the way you wanted it to happen and the emotions you felt and as much detail as possible that very active writing so not typing but using your hand because we use more muscles then<br><br>Alara Sage (34:06.95)<br>Mm -hmm.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (34:10.778)<br>that is rewiring your neural pathways. It's creating a visionary experience for your unconscious. So the unconscious is now seeing it as a known thing instead of unknown and the unconscious doesn't like the unknown. So it creates a bit of safety in the body and that<br><br>energy then really starts becoming your reality and it's raising your vibration and all the particles of the universe sort of start implementing and orchestrating for that to come become your reality. So that's a you know a simple now instant you can do that at home.<br><br>Alara Sage (34:51.75)<br>Yeah, I love that. And I love how you differentiated there between just journaling and writing script, writing future self. Sometimes I think it can be really beneficial for people to journal what happened in the way of processing emotion. But that can also kind of be similar to talk therapy, where you're just talking it and you're just kind of sitting in the vibration. You're not shifting it. You're not changing it.<br><br>It depends on the person and how self -aware they are. But this kind of work is so powerful because it really starts to shift you. I mean, like you're already shifting, right? You're already shifting from where you are to that next level or next version of yourself. So I really like that differentiation because it's really beautiful. Like, yes, if you need to process your emotions that way, like by all means, if that works for you. And also be aware if.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (35:24.474)<br>Mmm.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (35:33.53)<br>Mmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (35:48.646)<br>you just tend to journal and kind of like sit in the same frequency, right? Because all of us, I would say, you know, the vast majority of people are trying to create something different for themselves. At least everybody in my life. I'm sure there's a lot there just like happy with the mundane. But yes, so that's that's a really beautiful, beautiful process for people to to practice. And there's something so powerful about handwriting it. I always find my you know, now my hand gets quite<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (36:01.114)<br>Yeah, yeah.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (36:06.714)<br>It's so true.<br><br>Alara Sage (36:18.374)<br>because I don't write that much anymore. It's just so funny because when we were kids, you know, we were writing all the time and now I'm used to typing. But it's a different experience when we write than when we type.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (36:22.714)<br>Same here.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (36:33.114)<br>Absolutely. We're not using as many muscles when we're typing. So when we're writing, we're connecting different neural pathways within our body and so that creates a different electrical current in our physical system which raises our vibration. So yeah, it's all part of the process.<br><br>Alara Sage (36:57.126)<br>Yeah, yeah, that's beautiful. And it's beautiful because when you start to do that, everything that isn't that version of you starts to wonderfully come to the surface so you can see it and choose to believe it or not. And also, I personally find action to be very alchemical in its process when we're taking action as that version of us, taking action towards that version of us.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (37:20.442)<br>Hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (37:25.222)<br>We're literally actualizing that vibration into our physical realities. Is that your experience as well?<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (37:32.858)<br>absolutely. In fact, when you think about the different, you know, there's there's steps to alchemy and the fifth step is being in aligned action, right? You need to physically, we are physical beings, so we need to look into that space and recognise ourselves as physical and take that action, you know.<br><br>Alara Sage (37:53.83)<br>Yeah, so what are the steps? Name off the steps for the audience.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (37:56.986)<br>So there's five steps. There's desire and result, being it now. So what is it you wanna create? Being it now, becoming the person, looking at what's your current reality and getting the resistance out of the way, moving that resistance and then taking action.<br><br>Alara Sage (38:18.854)<br>Beautiful. Yes. Yes. And the desire aspect is really important. If we, you know, if you think about again, the all chemical process of turning other metals and things into gold, right? If you don't have that awareness that you want to turn it into gold and have that specificity,<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (38:26.874)<br>Absolutely.<br><br>Alara Sage (38:44.39)<br>You know, you can, you can, it kind of reminds me of, like some of the cartoons where there's like magicians, right? And they're like, okay, you know, they're like practicing their magic. They're like Abracadabra. And then it changes into like, they're trying to change it into a cat and instead it changes into a flower or a frog, right? Cause they haven't gotten that, that clarity and that conviction of like, I'm changing this exactly into this, right? And that really goes for our human reality as well as is that.<br><br>precision and that clarity. Otherwise you might change it into a frog when you really meet a cat.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (39:22.202)<br>Can I just interrupt? I've just realized I haven't got my charger here and I'm just about to go off like it's about to, can I just go and get my charger? So sorry. One second.<br><br>Alara Sage (39:37.542)<br>Okay. Yep.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (40:05.658)<br>have it in here and last night I moved it.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (40:20.698)<br>I'm so sorry, I always have it in here and last night I put it in my bedroom. So sorry. I was like, my gosh, we're just gonna finish right at the end and it's gonna turn off.<br><br>Alara Sage (40:21.798)<br>You're good.<br><br>Alara Sage (40:27.75)<br>Okay, so let's just pause for just a, yeah, it's okay.<br><br>Alara Sage (40:35.622)<br>Okay, so we'll just pick up from what I said about the animals and you can just respond.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (40:42.394)<br>It's absolutely true. If we have not identified what it is that we want to create in our reality, then our unconscious is actually creating for us instead. So instead of, you know, the beautiful bunch of roses, you know, like the that you see in, you know, the cartoon characters, they end up with, you know, a pig or something like that. And it's true, right? Because<br><br>Alara Sage (41:08.07)<br>hahahaha<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (41:12.058)<br>if our unconscious is creating, which it is, we're 95, 96, you know, there's a huge percentage of the unconscious that is always present. And so through that process, like we are creating, whether we're conscious of it or not.<br><br>And so through the process of creating, we want to be creating from a conscious level, not from a non -conscious level. So holding onto that image of what we want to create instead of, you know, creating a reality where we're all getting stuck in this lower vibration, you know, we're getting stuck in the reality that, you know, there's wars and there's famines and all of these things that everyone keeps getting stuck in.<br><br>And just like you're writing in the journal, this is what my day was. We're rewiring that into our reality all the time. And so one of the things that I often hear is, because I don't want to focus on what's going on in the world.<br><br>I want to focus on a world that I want to create. So you often hear people say, that's, you know, burying your head in the sand. You get all of these world beliefs that, you know, that there's that you're not being an active member in society. If you're not also looking at the politics and all the things. Well, actually, I'm being the most proactive because I'm creating a different world.<br><br>And so by not taking any notice of the unconscious from a collective that's, you know, you look at the world right now and it's a collective experience from a higher perspective where we're all creating this reality, letting go and just not giving that any energy and creating a beautiful world, then you start creating, because you know, my world's great.<br><br>Alara Sage (43:21.638)<br>Mm -hmm.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (43:22.138)<br>my you know like I'm sure yours is too Alana right there's this you create your reality so the more you script the more you choose what you want to create then all of us doing that I don't know if you've ever heard of David Hawkins and power versus force so you know as one person elevates into the energy of enlightenment I can't remember that the actual<br><br>accurate numbers but it's thousands, thousands of people that you're influencing by your vibration. So the more people that starts creating the reality of what they do choose to create, this peace, love, connection, all the things that we truly want in our heart, then that's going to spread and create ripples in the world, right? And we'll have more roses than the pigs.<br><br>Alara Sage (43:56.678)<br>Yeah. Yeah.<br><br>Alara Sage (44:14.95)<br>Yes. Yes. Yes. That's why it's so important to have goals and desires, you know, because some people say, well, I'm just getting by. I don't have time for that. Well, it's like, yeah, but that's, you're just perpetuating, right? Like you've got to have these goals. You got to really connect to those desires. We've been taught that we're not allowed desires, you know, but that's such an important breadcrumb trail to our divinity, to our most ecstatic self. And just as you said, as we claim that we own that.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (44:33.402)<br>Mmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (44:44.87)<br>It's so powerful the the ripple effect and yeah, it's quite interesting because I Was just feeling into which one like two different stories came through I wanted to share one of them Something I saw the other day when I was working with a client she went in back into the lives of you know, the witch energy witch trials and and As we were working her through this<br><br>We were also seeing the Jesus era and Jesus as he was crucified. And what Higher Self was saying is the most powerful thing we can do. I mean, like I got a download during the session and an activation by seeing this, because it was the most powerful thing we can do is stand in that truth. This is who I am. Specifically when the rest of the world is saying,<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (45:27.586)<br>Hehehe<br><br>Alara Sage (45:37.51)<br>You're not allowed to be that. That's not okay. That's blasphemy. All of these things that we're going to crucify you and you do not waiver. Like Jesus didn't waiver. You know, he didn't say, I let me, okay, let me try to fit into your mold. It was like, no, I'm going to stand in my truth. That is so powerful to how it ripples out to humanity, but also a sense, your soul. It actually like radically a sense your soul because of that, that absolute clarity.<br><br>and conviction of divinity of self. And I mean, it was such a beautiful imagery and everything that came with it. And, you know, this is the work that you're teaching people. This is the work that your clients are doing right as they are saying, this is what I want to create and I'm going to do the five steps to make it happen. They're doing that process over and every time we say, this is what I want to create and we go through that process, we're saying.<br><br>that this is my divinity, this is my truth, and I'm going to own it and claim it and create it.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (46:37.306)<br>Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And I'd love to just put one more piece into that thing about Jesus because I've, I actually read the Bible twice from cover to cover, just because I realized that I was, I was making a judgment of the book. And so it's a really interesting<br><br>to come from a not like just an observation. And one of the things that I, you know, I've got a really strong connection to Jesus. And, you know, there's, when he was on that, when he was on the cross, there was this one tiny moment because he said, you know, why have you forsaken me father? Right? And there was this one moment.<br><br>Alara Sage (47:34.886)<br>Hmm. Hmm.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (47:37.658)<br>he didn't go to them that was doing it. He went to his source and but it was so it was like this instant and then he realized who he was who like the connection the whole thing and within a moment he shifted that and he went Lord forsake them because they know not what they do right so he he went back into his divinity he went you know into his language for source energy and<br><br>Alara Sage (47:40.07)<br>Mm -hmm, right, right, yes, yes, yes.<br><br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage (47:53.222)<br>Hmm.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (48:07.258)<br>you know, I'm getting chills, right? It's because we're all human. We all have that identity, you know, like it's being aware, bringing awareness and as you said, making the choice each time.<br><br>Alara Sage (48:09.126)<br>Me too. Yes. Yes.<br><br>Yes.<br><br>Alara Sage (48:23.878)<br>Yes. And we all often hit that moment right before we're really transforming, especially those really core belief structures. We hit that moment of self -doubt, right? And it's right as you're pressing against it. And it's just about ready to pop. That's just a symbolic representation. So I really love that you brought that in. I really felt that. I am grateful you said that. Thank you for sharing that.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (48:29.466)<br>Mmm.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (48:48.314)<br>Mmm. Mmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (48:51.366)<br>So my love, how can people find you and connect to you?<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (48:55.802)<br>So on social media, I'm Elizabeth Eleanor. So Eleanor is spelled a little bit differently. It's E -L -E -N -O -R. That's my website as well. So elizabetheleanor .com .au or .com, either one. But yeah, Facebook is where I sort of live most of the time. You know, I do Instagram and those things. My business page on<br><br>Facebook is Peacemaker Ascension Portal. So yeah, all of the socials and my website, you can get in contact with me.<br><br>Alara Sage (49:37.094)<br>Wonderful. Well, thank you, my love, for being on here and bringing your genius here today for us.<br><br>Elizabeth Makepeace (49:45.914)<br>Thank you, Alana. It's been a pleasure talking to you. I love the synergy and the connection and just flowing with conversation. It's been beautiful. Thank you.<br><br>Alara Sage (49:52.166)<br>Mm -hmm.<br><br>Alara Sage (49:56.518)<br>Yes, yes, so wonderful. And to the speakers, to the listeners, sorry. You know, always remember to share this episode and also try what Elizabeth recommended as far as the writing. Think of what you're desiring. Write that down. Practice this tool for yourself and see what happens. You know, see, you see what transpires. Share this episode. As always, I am so deeply.<br><br>deeply, deeply grateful for all of you. And until next time, I love you so much.<br><br>Alara Sage (50:35.59)<br>Okay.<br><br><br></p>

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