Embodiment Is Imperative To Ascension - Solopisode

Embodiment Is Imperative To Ascension - Solopisode
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Embodiment Is Imperative To Ascension - Solopisode

Jan 02 2024 | 00:47:29

Episode January 02, 2024 00:47:29

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

"Embodiment is imperative to embody your divinity, to embody your higher self, to actually be that version of yourself and allow that version of yourself to actualize into your physical reality." - Alara Sage

Embodiment is a crucial aspect of the spiritual journey as it allows us to fully realize our divinity and manifest our higher selves into our physical reality. 

It involves bringing our spiritual awareness and consciousness into our physical bodies, enabling us to experience and express our true nature in the physical world.

Join Alara Sage in this solopisode on the topic of Embodiment.

Key learning points:

  • Embodiment is the process of fully embodying one's higher self and divine essence.
  • Embodiment is essential for the ascension process and realizing one's divinity.
  • The four keys to embodiment are presence, breath, expression, and movement.
  • Embodiment requires regulating and upgrading the nervous system to handle higher levels of energy and consciousness.
  • Embodiment allows for the activation of the higher mind and the ability to receive clear guidance and take aligned action.
  • Embodiment connects us to the wisdom of the feminine energy within us and helps us reclaim our innocence and trust in our own voice.
  • Embodiment is a practice that requires regular attention and can lead to a more magical and fulfilling life.

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Episode Transcript

<p><!--block-->Alara Sage (00:03.202)<br>Hello, hello and welcome to another episode of the Ecstatic Woman podcast. I'm your host, Alara Sage. And you know, this is usually where I plug in my little tagline of who I am and what I do. And really I want to talk to you about that a little bit today in the context of my evolution over the last couple of years. And really the topic I want to talk about today is about embodiment. And<br><br>So what I do and who I am is ever evolving, but these last few years for me have been very expansive and really expanded through embodiment. So before these last couple of years, I was teaching what I call creator consciousness, which I believe I've spoken on here before about, which is really understanding how to create your reality.<br><br>through the three primary chakras of the sacral chakra, the heart and the pineal. Then all of a sudden, my higher self started taking me into the womb and the pussy and embodiment and teaching me how to embody. And I went two full years of deep embodiment work and also bringing this forward to my clients. So I was speaking a lot about the womb and about embodiment.<br><br>and sexual magic even. And now I am coming back around to creator consciousness and the bigger picture of what I've always taught, which is unity consciousness. And that is the understanding that we are all one, we are all divine and rooted in the teachings of the divine Trinity that I spoke of a couple of times on here. So the reason I tell you this is because of the embodiment piece.<br><br>It's interesting to me because, you know, for many years, I was meditating for hours a day. I was, you know, reaching bliss states. It was very transcendent experience. And, you know, in all honesty, I really thought I've got it. Right. I figured it out. I cracked the code, whatever you want to call it. And, you know, that's when usually you get the good smack in the face.<br><br>Alara Sage (02:26.338)<br>And I got a good smack in the face in more than one way. So I got it through my partner, meeting him, and everything that began to be reflected to me from that relationship. And then in 2021, I had a prophecy land into my space. I am a prophetic. The prophecy was talking about the experience of loss and letting go of attachment.<br><br>And I'm going to be really honest with you. I didn't think it pertained to me. I thought the prophecy was something I was supposed to pass on. So I channeled it in every place that I could. And in my arrogance, just thought, no, I'm good. I don't have any attachment. Of course I did have attachment. And, you know, very shortly after all of my money was stolen from me, and I began the process of the inner workings of my unworthiness.<br><br>Alara Sage (03:25.186)<br>and the practice of embodiment.<br><br>Embodiment is imperative to our process. It is imperative to the ascension process. It is imperative to realizing our divinity and allowing ourselves to not just realize that we are divine beings, because that can sometimes be conceptual, meaning you understand it conceptually. Embodiment is imperative to embody your divinity, to embody your higher self.<br><br>to actually be that version of yourself and allow that version of yourself to actualize into your physical reality. So then therefore you are actualizing aka creating aka manifesting a life that is reflective of your higher self, your divinity. All right, quite beautiful. And without embodiment, we're not going to experience that nearly as much.<br><br>And this is why embodiment is so important. So my process through embodiment was so that I could teach it and understand it as well as I could embody more of my own divinity, more of my higher self, my higher mind.<br><br>Alara Sage (04:50.342)<br>One thing I would like to talk about in this conversation today is the understanding of the heart. And, you know, in spiritual conversations, it's always like center in your heart, center in your heart, heart. And there's usually a lot of conversation also about the pineal gland, right? Uh, because it has psychic capacity, right? It's where your psychic capacity is. It's also a lot that has to do with your ability to translate the information that you receive from your higher mind, your higher self.<br><br>But who talks about the sacral chakra? Who talks about the Shakti? I feel like this is very much part of what I'm here to do. I'm here to help activate and to teach people about their Shakti, as well as to understand that in order to ascend into sixth density consciousness, unity consciousness, we must be fully embodied in our human bodies.<br><br>All right. So yes, the heart is the center. It is honestly the center of everything of oneness itself. It's a very, very powerful place. However, if you are solely focused on the heart and that's all that you're focused on you will take a much longer period of time to embody your human self. Okay.<br><br>The reason this is because in our sacral chakra is where we hold that unworthiness and we hold a lot of shame known and unknown, conscious and subconscious around our sexual energy. So even if you personally haven't really had any issues with your sexual interactions, you've never been sexually abused.<br><br>there's still going to be some level of shame there because humans are shameful around sex. It's very obvious, right? We don't talk about it to our children. It's very awkward between individuals. It's not something that's on the table, open and authentic, right? And that's because we're shameful. And there's very many reasons why that aren't important. It's more important to understand that there is shame.<br><br>Alara Sage (07:08.962)<br>held within the sexual energy. So this shame and this unworthiness, they are very, very low vibratory energies, especially shame. And I've talked about this before. Shame is right there next to death. And unworthiness is also very low. And it has this very...<br><br>hopeless, helpless energy to it. You know, unworthiness says that you're not worthy of love, of abundance, of divinity, right? And it's, it's false because we are divine and all that is in creation is already worthy. All that exists is already accepted by consciousness, God source love. Otherwise it wouldn't exist. And sometimes that's a hard pill.<br><br>to swallow because we want to think that the bad people out there, the negatives, you know, the dark forces, quote unquote, the entities, all of these things are not love and they're not accepted and they're not worthy perhaps. And the truth is, is that's not true. They serve a purpose just like everything else does. Now well.<br><br>I won't go into that because that'll take us off topic here today. It's so easy to go off topic in these conversations. So back to embodiment. So in order to really for one, embody your higher mind meaning be thinking and expressing and acting and creating in human form as if a sixth density consciousness being because you can be of<br><br>sixth density consciousness in human form. Okay, even though we are currently at third density here right now transitioning to fourth density consciousness in humanity, you can have sixth density consciousness and that is your higher mind. So when you embody your higher mind, you are of your sixth density self and that is the ecstatic self.<br><br>Alara Sage (09:18.542)<br>Okay. That's why I named this podcast what I did. And I oftentimes call myself the ecstatic life mentor because I am here to teach six density consciousness, unity consciousness, which is the ecstatic self and unity consciousness. You are in massive states of ecstasy, not necessarily constantly, but in the background. Absolutely. Ecstasy is existing all the time. Quite beautiful. Is it not?<br><br>So we have to be able to embody in order to really bring that version of ourself into our human life. And really what would it be if you weren't bringing it into your human life? Like that's the whole point. We are here to be human and we are here to embody our highest version possible and bring that actualize that into our life so that we can experience what it's like to be human.<br><br>at these higher levels of consciousness. And how does that change humanity at large when many of us start to embody these higher levels, these higher concentrations of love light? Because that's what densities are. The higher up you go in number, the more dense it is of awareness, love, light, the three primary factors of consciousness itself, of God. Okay?<br><br>Um, the second thing about embodiment is that when we embody our bodies, we are really allowing for really powerful activation of our Shakti. Okay. Remember our Shakti is our creative life force energy. It is the energy of our liberation. Okay. As Shakti starts at the base of your body, starts at your perineum and Shakti begins to move through your body all the way up to your crown.<br><br>She also moves outside of your body to your Merkabah. She opens up, she opens up your chakra. She opens up your meridians. She opens up your energy channels. She releases trauma. She releases stored energy. She heals you. She is your internal healing energy. So just like in Western medicine, the imagery of the cross with the two snakes, that imagery is actually from tantric teachings or.<br><br>Alara Sage (11:45.186)<br>Maybe so it's part of Tantra, but it's truthfully from Kundalini Shakti. Okay. Because Kundalini Shakti is our internal healing, but she also liberates us because as she travels through our body and then she hits our crown, we are liberated back to divine union. We are liberated of the belief of separation back into the remembrance of oneness, the remembrance of.<br><br>Unity.<br><br>Right? That's a lot just in of itself. Do we need any other reasons for embodiment? I'm gonna give you more. But like that's a lot right then and there. But also as we embody, we release that shame from our sexual energy. And remember,<br><br>Our sexual energy is Shakti. Not all Shakti is sexual energy, but sexual energy is Shakti, right? Sexual energy is creative life force energy. I think we can pretty much agree on that.<br><br>So as we release the shame and open up what's called the gates of our sexual energy, then we really allow that creative life force energy to move up into our heart, to move all the way up through our crown for union. And, but then it really does center in the heart. All right. So now your creative life force energy is working in coherence with your hearts.<br><br>Alara Sage (13:21.194)<br>desires. It is working in coherence with your soul and why you are here, your mission here to be human.<br><br>Alara Sage (13:33.438)<br>Another reason why embodiment is so important is because it increases our availability to be human in our higher states of consciousness. What I mean by that more specifically is when we embody, we have the capacity to experience more sensation. So when you embody, you can indeed feel more pain and you can also experience more bliss.<br><br>And as you embody, you hold a larger container, your entire auric field, an energetic field, expand, and you have a capacity to hold more energy, more power, more creative life force energy. And within that increased capacity, you have an increased capacity for wealth, an increased capacity for love, and an increased capacity for energies like pain, meaning<br><br>You can hold pain easier. The pain that you experience will feel less than when your field is narrow, small, collapsed. Then pain, whether we're talking physical pain, emotional pain, or mental pain, doesn't matter the form of pain. When your auric field is collapsed, whatever pain you feel is actually more painful.<br><br>because your capacity is less. So it's kind of like if you think of a big lake, right, and you drop a little pebble of something acidic into the water, right? It's not really going to affect the water, because it's this big lake. Whereas if you drop something acidic into a small puddle, it's going to make the whole puddle very acidic, all right? So that's the same thing.<br><br>When you embody and you increase your capacity, you can hold these vibrations much more. You can hold different energies that are usually uncomfortable for humans very easily in your body and in your nervous system. Because don't forget, embodiment is very much to do with the nervous system, with a regulated nervous system and a nervous system that also has the capacity to hold higher vibrations.<br><br>Alara Sage (15:53.506)<br>Right? So that's a lot of benefit right there. And you get to experience pleasure. Okay. When I talk about ecstatic energy and I talk about full body orgasms outside of sex, this is what happens more and more as you are embodied. You are grounded in the moment and you are available to the pleasure that exists in every single.<br><br>moment every single<br><br>Alara Sage (16:31.838)<br>Another benefit of embodiment is that you gain a lot more clarity.<br><br>And a lot more patience. This is something I personally can attest to in the context of I am not a patient person. And throughout my life, there have been moments where I have been very patient. I used to be a scuba diving instructor. And in that environment, a lot of people are very, very scared. You're taking them underwater. They're breathing underwater.<br><br>then you take them out into the ocean, and then you're taking them on night dives. Like, it's a lot for people. And I had a lot of patience for people when I was teaching scuba diving. But what I don't have patience, and what I have had to teach myself, the art of patience, is when I want something, I have a tendency to go after it. And, you know, that has been a beautiful attribute of my personality, and it has been, simultaneously, a double-edged.<br><br>sort because sometimes things just need time and the feminine in our bodies and in our being, she works in mysterious ways. She does not work in linear ways, right? So the masculine says, I want that. I'm going to go from here and straight there to get it. But that's not how the feminine works. She works all over. And sometimes like a labyrinth, it can seem like you're moving further away from center.<br><br>when you're actually the last little moment right before you turn and go straight into the center. That's the feminine, the labyrinth. If you've ever experienced a labyrinth, they're very enjoyable. They're a very great expression of the feminine way of not moving in a straight line and sometimes seeming like you're moving further away when you're actually moving closer. So that's been something I've had to learn as I have cultivated.<br><br>Alara Sage (18:29.707)<br>and awakened the feminine energy within me.<br><br>And embodiment has given me the opportunity to learn how to be in my body and be in the present moment, even when it appears that I'm moving further away from my goal, right? Or I am not walking towards it, right? I'm moving in the feminine way, a nonlinear way. And I've learned to be able to be and relax and surrender into the pleasure of<br><br>the journey of the labyrinth rather than why am I not going that direction? That's the direction I want to go right up in the head over analyzing, criticizing, judging, and not enjoying your life. Right? So embodiment really helps that because embodiment is feminine energy. The body is feminine. The mind is masculine.<br><br>So embodiment really allows us to awaken this, this energy, this feminine energy, as I've said many times has not been on our planet for over 5,000 years. So when we embody, particularly as women, you embody your womb, you embody your pussy, you really reconnect to very ancient wisdom that has been lost. And this wisdom is.<br><br>hyper connected to our planet and to the cycles and to our solar system. And she is very, very wise. The feminine energy within you is deeply wise and she knows exactly when, you know, it is the best moment, the best time to do something, to launch something, to create something, to go onto a trip, you know,<br><br>Alara Sage (20:29.934)<br>to have a baby, whatever it is that you're creating in your life, your feminine energy knows precisely when the best time to do that is. Not your masculine, not your mind. So embodiment gives us the opportunity to be deeply connected with that within us, deeply connected to that wisdom and the ability to...<br><br>Breathe right and surrender and allow the feminine her way and her journey, which is very, very magic.<br><br>Alara Sage (21:13.774)<br>And so my process with this and my lessons through not being embodied to moving into embodiment and then to moving back into what I was teaching before has been very profound for me.<br><br>Alara Sage (21:34.674)<br>And in all honesty, sometimes I've thought, gee, I kind of seem like I'm all over the place, right? From perhaps an external perspective, perhaps from the people who have been in my life for many years. I've had students and people who've been in my life for many years and, okay, I'm on this and then I'm on this and then I'm on this. And that's part of our journey of embodying our genius, our gifts. So I'll definitely say.<br><br>If you yourself are ever going through that kind of process, definitely have a great deal of compassion for yourself and as much as possible, allow yourself through that process. I'm really grateful that I allowed myself through the last couple of years. I'm really grateful that I taught what I did because I've taken women through the eight gates of the sexual magic. I've helped women to embody down into their wombs and their pussies. And it's.<br><br>taught me so much teaching, right? Teaching and learning is the exact same vibration. So when we teach, we learn, and when we learn, we teach. And I learned so much from it. And now as I come back around to unity consciousness, now I have this embodied perspective. And quite frankly, what I feel like was a missing component, because I started to channel<br><br>Unity Consciousness and Creator Consciousness, the three creator centers back in the fall of 2021. And it felt like an incomplete program. I started teaching it anyways because I know that as we teach, we learn. And the missing piece was the embodiment piece. So I was taken through that. And as we embody...<br><br>We are more available to the other aspects of the Trinity. OK. So let's just briefly kind of connect to this, right? So the Trinity of unity consciousness is a body, mind, spirit. OK, spirit being at the top of the triangle. Body is at the right side of the triangle if you're looking at the triangle, but it actually represents the left side. And.<br><br>Alara Sage (23:59.818)<br>mind being on the left side of the triangle, if you're looking at the triangle, but it actually represents the right mind, because it is the masculine and the feminine. So the Trinity, body, mind, spirit, the Trinity, mother, father, child, the Trinity, feminine, masculine, the child, right? The Trinity, sacral, pineal is the masculine. So sacral is the feminine, pineal is the masculine, and heart.<br><br>is the child or the spirit. Ah, now that one's interesting, right? Because if you think about our sacral chakra, where that is, where our pineal gland is, and then our heart being in the center, it's non-linear, right? It's not like from one to the two to three. And that's the beautiful truth of consciousness is it's non-linear.<br><br>So filling in these pieces of now understanding the Trinity, right, is embodiment, self-awareness being the pineal, self-awareness being the masculine. And spirit is always spirit, you know, there's with regards to spirit and the child, there is<br><br>Alara Sage (25:24.091)<br>innocence because divinity is of innocence and of course love.<br><br>But the process is embodiment, self-awareness, and the reawakening to your divinity. Being, actualizing your divine self into human form. And those three parts of the triangle are what are also the three components to magic.<br><br>So as you have all three of these components, then you naturally start to engage with your life much more magically. You know, I used to always think that, well, many years ago, let me say that, I used to think that magic was this very intense process, right? Like Wicca. So Wicca magic is where they have the circle on the floor and they have north, south, east, and west, and they enter very specifically and they have a very specific...<br><br>procedure for carrying out magical processes. So I always thought that magic was very complex. And I really prefer simplicity. I don't really enjoy complexity. And one day, my higher self was like, no, no. Magic is not complex. Magic is actually very simple. Its intention with devotion, setting an intention, and acting upon that intention very<br><br>precisely and intentionally and devoting yourself to that. However many times the ritual aspect of magic is the repetition is the devotion and devoting yourself to that repetition of applying action to your intention. That's magic.<br><br>Alara Sage (27:20.462)<br>Ah, isn't that beautiful? So you can have magic be very complex, absolutely. And there is time and place for that. And you can also have magic be very simple in your life and very, very powerful with either processes. So understanding that embodiment is part of that, right? Because as you embody your higher mind, you have much more clarity as to<br><br>what intentions are going to be of highest good for you and for humanity. You have much more clarity around what actions are aligned very precisely. I can't emphasize that enough. The actions being aligned precisely to the intention. When you are embodied of your higher mind, that's very clear. You have clear guidance about what<br><br>When? The trick there is always listening.<br><br>You can hear, but can you listen? That's been another one of my challenges is listening. Regardless, you know, I've been very deeply connected to my higher mind for many years and I haven't always listened. And that in of itself is perfect. And you have your own lessons through not listening. But I think I'm gonna go for listening from now on. It's much more suffering. There's much more suffering involved with not listening.<br><br>So when you're embodied, you're able to hear that guidance. The question for you, I would ask right now, is are you connected to your higher mind? Do you have that guidance regularly that informs you of what action to take? It feels truthful. You feel like you can trust it. It's not just about having the connection. It's also about trusting.<br><br>Alara Sage (29:22.934)<br>the connection, that's the embodiment piece.<br><br>Alara Sage (29:28.438)<br>And you feel like you have that strong, strong connection to self and that you are actualizing, right? Meaning through action, you are bringing your higher mind into existence. And if not, then we need to talk because this is really important. The higher mind is a very, very important piece.<br><br>to this process because remember, higher mind six sits or is of sixth density consciousness right at the tippy top of sixth density consciousness as one would start to convert into seventh density consciousness. So sixth density consciousness is your higher mind. That's the ecstatic self. Are you seeing all the coherence with all of this? It's quite beautiful.<br><br>So the embodiment of your higher mind allows you that clarity.<br><br>And then with the other piece being the self-awareness, right? The self-awareness is the reflection is being aware of the reflection that you receive in, in your life, in your reality and being able to see yourself in that reflection, see yourself in your life, see what patterns, what limiting beliefs are creating what you are currently experiencing.<br><br>and having mindfulness around choosing different actions, different patterns in order to create a different reflection. OK, so self-awareness, self-realization is very much about the mirror effect of your physical reality. There's always a reflection.<br><br>Alara Sage (31:28.444)<br>reflection.<br><br>Sometimes you don't like that conversation because they don't like the reflection and I'm here to say Soon as you get the quicker you can get over that the better and the reflections will become your best friend Reflections will become your best friend in the awakening ascension process Okay, because the reflections show you very clearly What you're choosing to believe and that's what you're choosing to<br><br>8.<br><br>Alara Sage (32:05.762)<br>So before I went on this embodiment journey, like I said, I was having very powerful, very, very beautiful meditations, but I wouldn't say that I was actualizing my higher self into my physical reality. I was very connected to my higher self. I was clear intuition, clear guidance, but the reflection of my life,<br><br>was not higher self quality, it was getting there, and I would say still is.<br><br>Alara Sage (32:43.17)<br>but it wasn't yet. And so my process of embodiment was a lot of the releasing of the shame, as I've mentioned before. So in embodiment, there are four keys to embodiment. There are four different keys, just like unlocking a door, four different things that can help you unlock embodiment. These four keys, you can use them simultaneously, or you can use them separately.<br><br>The first one is presence, being aware of your body, being aware of the present moment, be here now. Be here now. The second one is your breath. The breath connects us very powerfully, subconscious and conscious minds. It connects the subtle bodies with the grosser, denser bodies.<br><br>And it is the, the breath contains both the stillness and the movement of consciousness. So you can think of duality as the movement and singularity as the stillness. So in the pausing between breaths is the same as the pausing between thoughts where God is revealed, where duality meets and God is revealed.<br><br>Alara Sage (34:10.814)<br>breath also stimulates your nervous system and allows you to move into parasympathetic nervous system if you were in a sympathetic nervous system state and it increases the vagal tone if you're breathing properly with a complete breath which has three parts. If you're breathing properly regularly all the time then you are<br><br>like massaging your vagus nerve and you're keeping a healthy vagal tone, which vagal tones means that you can move in and out of parasympathetic and sympathetic very, very easily.<br><br>Alara Sage (34:59.554)<br>And the third one, I lost my train of thought there for a second. The third one is expression using our voice to express and also the nonverbal waves that we express, you can use your voice to connect to your body. You can use your voice to decree command and declare.<br><br>your energy. This is very, very powerful. Maybe one day I'll do just an episode on the voice because it is so powerful. Your voice is most powerful to you. Okay. My voice is less powerful to you than your own voice. However, you have to learn to activate your voice and you have to learn<br><br>in your own voice. And that's a process of using your voice to decree command and declare your energy. And the more that you do that, the more that you put spells onto yourself and onto your reality, the more validation and<br><br>belief you will have in your voice so that when you start to speak, you start to command and that is magical in and of itself. And the last key is movement. When we move, we automatically are connected to our body, particularly when we're moving in what's called the feminine way. The feminine way is just...<br><br>Chaotic it's in whatever way your body wants to move. Okay So this is a very powerful practice You can just put on some sound or some music and instead of trying to quote-unquote dance You want to just like put your hands. I love to put my Right hand over my heart and my left hand over my womb And I just start by kind of swaying right just to get into a rhythm<br><br>Alara Sage (37:10.546)<br>and breathing into my body. And then I just wait, I wait for my body to really say, oh, let's move this way or let's move that way or however it wants to move. And really letting your body tell you how to move rather than like dancing to the music. Dancing is very enjoyable. It's very playful. It does really connect us to our sacral chakra and to our heart.<br><br>And we can even take it a step further into more of an ecstatic dance that is just really surrendered movement, right? So those are the four keys of embodiment. Like I said, you can use them by themselves and you can also use them in collaboration with each other. And they're very, very powerful when you use them in that way. And just like anything, embodiment is a practice,<br><br>practiced regularly and you know truthfully you're not going to be able to embody your higher mind until your nervous system is regulated as well as quote-unquote upgraded okay think of the nervous system as a wiring system in your house that can you know that's set for so many volts or whatever<br><br>I don't know what the measurement is of electricity, but it's set to be able to hold so much, right? If you put more electricity through it, you will short circuit it. So that's the same with your body. If you want to increase your capacity to your creative life force energy, increase your capacity to love, to abundance, to connection.<br><br>to pleasure any of these things, then you have to be able to regulate the nervous system and then work with your nervous system in your body through self-awareness to up level, to upgrade your nervous system so that it can handle more higher vibration and more concentration of what?<br><br>Alara Sage (39:32.554)<br>awareness, love, light, right? And ultimately, ecstatic energy, because pure ecstatic energy is very, very high vibration. And it is very intense for the body when the body is not used to it. So we want to experience these higher states of consciousness. We want to experience these higher states of what we're capable of.<br><br>of humans, we must learn to embody so that our bodies can actually up level with us and those energies can be experienced in our body because that is what we are here to do as human. Remember as a human, you are the child between the mother and the father. You as a human are the bridge between heaven and earth. You are the bridge between the ethereal.<br><br>and the physical. So bringing in that divinity into physical form. It's really incredibly beautiful when we understand this. So I hope this episode was, I mean, for one, it was jam-packed to the brim with information. I recommend that you listen to it more than once.<br><br>And two, really listen to the benefits of embodiment. Okay, and start to become curious about embodiment, even if you have already started embodiment. Okay, because remember the entire spiritual process is ever evolving. We are constantly spiraling.<br><br>upward and outward. We're constantly returning to something that we were at before so that we can deepen into it so that we can expand more through it. So there's always more availability. So regardless whether you have gone through embodiment practices or if this is a completely new term for you.<br><br>Alara Sage (41:51.99)<br>Really go back to the points of the benefits. Really breathe as you listen to those benefits because all of this is a transmission. And as I'm speaking these words, I am activating and inviting your body to begin to activate. All right.<br><br>So as you take your awareness to those benefits, one at a time, you are giving it your attention and where attention goes, energy flows.<br><br>Alara Sage (42:38.33)<br>And I had planned on doing a little bit of an embodiment practice, but perhaps we will do that next time. I'm going to start to intermingle the activations and the practices through the conversations here on the solo episodes, taking them out of the guest.<br><br>episodes that those can be really focused on the guest and their brilliance and bringing them more into these episodes however I keep forgetting so I'm sure it'll happen eventually<br><br>As always, I'm super grateful that you are here today listening to this. I'm deeply honored that you have gifted me your time and your focus. And I hope that you gained a lot from this conversation.<br><br>And make sure that you are subscribed and be sure to share this episode with as many people as you can. Sharing it on social media is always very valuable for me and it's one of the ways that you can really give back to me as I give to you.<br><br>Also, I am launching an academy this year. I haven't come up with the name just yet, but I'm just for now calling it the Unity Academy. And it is going to be very transformational. It's going to take students through all three aspects of the Trinity, helping them to embody more of their higher self, helping them to create more magic.<br><br>Alara Sage (44:21.246)<br>and actualize their dreams, their desires into the physical reality. It's very precise, simple processes that I will guide you through. So make sure you're going to check that out. I'm launching that, um, the first week of January. So if you're listening to this after that, that means it's already ready. The beta version is already ready. You can go to my website, laurusage.com.<br><br>and go to the tab that says Unity or Unity Academy. Click there. I'm making it very affordable. It's only $222 a month, or if you pay in full, you get one month free and that'll be $2,442. For the entire year, you wanna be able to invest a whole year into this process, because that is where you will see the most transformation is with a one-year investment. There will be several programs involved<br><br>as well as many new launches coming in 2024 that you as a student of the beta version will have access to all of those new launches. We will be doing at least bi-weekly live sessions. You'll have a lot of time with me.<br><br>doing embodiment and doing the live sessions with accordance to the new launches. I'm going to be launching programs on the higher mind. I'm going to be launching programs on the eight gates of sexual magic as well as we have programs on embodiment and self-awareness, etc. So it's really about having a complete program for your<br><br>Process and my intention is to make it as easy as possible for you to understand how to walk yourself through this journey of self realization into unity consciousness into your ecstatic self I Love you all so very much until next time<br><br><br></p>

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