Everything Always Works Out - Solopisode

Everything Always Works Out - Solopisode
Wealth Embodied
Everything Always Works Out - Solopisode

Aug 06 2024 | 00:13:06

Episode 105 August 06, 2024 00:13:06

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

In this solo episode, Alara Sage discusses the concept that everything always works out. She shares personal stories and insights to illustrate how shifting our perspective can change our experience of challenges.


  • Shifting our perspective can change our experience of challenges
  • Focusing on the present moment and taking one step at a time can make challenges more manageable
  • Challenges are opportunities for growth and learning
  • We have the power to choose how we perceive our reality

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Episode Transcript

<p><!--block-->Alara Sage (00:02.302)<br>Hello, hello and welcome to another episode of the ecstatic woman. We activate and inspire women in their power and their authenticity and in their bliss. I'm your host Laura Sage. I am a womb shaman and I help women to activate their creative life force energy to really embody their wealth, their creative genius and create exactly what they desire. No matter the obstacles.<br><br>So today is a solo episode where we are here just you and I, and we're going to just dive into a little topic here together, just the two of<br><br>And this morning, the topic that came to me is everything always works<br><br>Maybe you have heard that phrase when you've been going through a challenge and you seek support, seek advice from somebody. And sometimes it's not really what you want to hear. But it's true, is it not?<br><br>Alara Sage (01:17.502)<br>The beauty of the phrase is that when we think of it, immediately look back on other challenging times in our life. And our mind goes, yeah, that did work out. well, I mean, that one worked out, but geez, right? geez. But it worked out. And then all of a sudden, the mind has this validation that, hey, everything does always work out.<br><br>Alara Sage (01:50.098)<br>It's so easy for us to get caught up in what is going wrong. It is so easy for us to focus on the challenge itself.<br><br>It reminds me of a time when I was in Guatemala and we were climbing this mountain, this volcano actually, hiking up it. It was really steep. And there was a, I think he was Danish, a Danish man.<br><br>He was walking with myself and my partner at the time and he was egging us on. He had been in the military. So he was kind of like bringing this military energy in and just, you know, one more step, one more step, you know, step, step, step, one more<br><br>Alara Sage (02:44.692)<br>which really has you focus on the one more step rather than perhaps looking up at how much further you have to go, perhaps thinking about how much your legs are burning, how tired you are, all of these other things. You simply focus on the one next<br><br>Alara Sage (03:11.23)<br>And that, course, allows us to be fully present in the moment.<br><br>really take in the experience.<br><br>Alara Sage (03:27.188)<br>With the one next step, I was focused on my body and I was focused on the next step. I was focused on his words and his voice.<br><br>Alara Sage (03:39.748)<br>And I really enjoyed the process instead of wanting to stop. In fact, it inspired me to make this next step even stronger, this next step even more powerful, more potent, this next<br><br>Alara Sage (04:03.294)<br>I put all my attention, all of my intention, all of my focus on this next step. And then you do it again. Now all of your attention is on this next<br><br>Alara Sage (04:18.482)<br>How beautiful is<br><br>I remember getting to the top just thinking, well, that was really fun.<br><br>instead of, I'm so happy to be the top. so glad that's over any of that kind of<br><br>Alara Sage (04:39.806)<br>things do always work<br><br>the time that it takes it to quote unquote workout.<br><br>is really relative to how much we're fighting it, how much we're pushing it away, how much we're saying we don't want this, how much we're looking up at the mountain going, ugh, I don't want to climb the mountain. I want to just go around. I just want to be there already. The huffing, the puffing, the complaining actually just makes the whole experience much more challenging.<br><br>Alara Sage (05:20.552)<br>It's rather psychosomatic, actually, because the mind and the body obviously are not separate. And the mind loves to.<br><br>Play the victim. He loves to just, let's just stop already. We don't need to be doing this. And yet the body still has a long ways it can<br><br>And the body can continue to go through kind of its own cycles where it will kind of seemingly hit a wall and then move through that and gain a new found energy. But if we left it up to the mind, we would just be not really doing anything. So it's psychosomatic because<br><br>The mind tells us, I don't want to be doing this. We don't need to be doing this. This is a waste of my time. Whatever the mind is saying. And the body hears that. And if we allow that voice to continue, then the body is kind of like, yeah, you're right. Why are we doing this? Let's just sit down. And all of a sudden, the body is tired. All of sudden, the body is fatigued. Now I'm using<br><br>as physical example, but this is through challenge as well. We become, quote unquote, tired, fatigued of the challenge.<br><br>Alara Sage (06:49.876)<br>was if we're able to shift our mindset and say, nope, this is perfect, right? This is for me. This is working for me.<br><br>What do need to see here? What do I need to learn? What is this next step? What is this next step? We put all of my attention focus on this next step. What does that want to be? It's amazing how our bodies and even the universe, right? Even our physical reality steps up to and says, yeah, next<br><br>Let's make this<br><br>Alara Sage (07:34.1)<br>So there's a lot of power in understanding that not only does everything work out, but that it's working for you, not against you. And I totally have gone through moments in my life where I just wanted to say, screw that. I don't want to believe that. I don't want to hear that, right? Because this is really, really hard. And even though I could see the<br><br>Alara Sage (08:02.43)<br>Doesn't mean we want to learn the lesson. Doesn't mean we want to study that particular mode of information.<br><br>Alara Sage (08:17.244)<br>And we can see that when we are in that point of.<br><br>Not wanting to hear it all works out, not wanting to believe that, right? Not wanting to sink into the experience, sink into that one next<br><br>then we're really playing the victim.<br><br>And we're cutting off the wisdom. Cutting<br><br>Alara Sage (08:48.542)<br>The availability to what we are truly on a soul level attempting to accomplish here, attempting to learn. I often equate our human self to kind of like the child version, your child if you've ever been a parent. You have a child, a young child, and your goal is to go through the supermarket and get what you need to do or get. And they have other agendas.<br><br>And they make the whole experience so much more challenging. not always, obviously. But they can make the whole experience so much more challenging than it really needs to be. That's kind of like the soul in the human form. The soul is just like, let's go in, experience this, learn. And the human goes, but I don't want to, and throws tantrums, and grabs things off the shelf, and drops stuff, and runs in the opposite direction.<br><br>And all of sudden, you know, what would have been a 20 minute supermarket run has now turned into 45 minutes and a lot of discomfort.<br><br>Alara Sage (10:01.364)<br>So how we perceive our reality, how we choose to perceive our reality is literally how we experience it. Period. Full stop. So do you want to experience the challenge as things always work out? This is for me. This is happening for me.<br><br>I am supported, I'm loved. Or do you want to experience it as<br><br>I just want to run the other way. I want to throw a tantrum on the floor.<br><br>I want<br><br>scream and shout. And not that there's anything wrong with that because you know, I think at times we all need to scream and shout. We all need to throw tantrum. We all need to get out our frustrations and our energy.<br><br>Alara Sage (10:52.926)<br>But this is a reminder that if you're going through a challenging time, it always works<br><br>And a reminder of just that simple shift in perspective, how powerful that is to change that very moment, just like I did on that mountain. Looking up at how much more I had to go. My legs were burning and tired. And instead, simply focusing on that one more step, that one more step, putting all of your attention, your focus into<br><br>that one more step, make it matter. And then make the next one matter. And then make the next one matter. And before you know it, you're at the top of the mountain.<br><br>Alara Sage (11:47.338)<br>I hope this has brought you some insight and perhaps exactly what you needed in this moment. As always, I love you so very much. Thank you for being a part of the Ecstatic Woman.<br><br><br></p>

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