Lack of Vision - Primary Distortion of Creator Center - 3rd Eye - Solopisode

Lack of Vision - Primary Distortion of Creator Center - 3rd Eye - Solopisode
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Lack of Vision - Primary Distortion of Creator Center - 3rd Eye - Solopisode

Jun 04 2024 | 00:42:41

Episode 89 June 04, 2024 00:42:41

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

In this episode, Alara Sage discusses the concept of creator consciousness, focusing on the third eye chakra and its role in imagination, vision, and the creative process. She explores the distortions associated with the third eye and the impact of religious programming on disconnection from God. 


  • Understanding the role of the third eye chakra in creator consciousness
  • Exploring the impact of religious programming on disconnection from God and psychic abilities
  • Embracing the importance of holding a vision and the pleasure of desire in the creative process

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Episode Transcript

<p><!--block--><br>Hello and welcome to another episode of the ecstatic woman podcast where we activate and inspire women in their power in their authenticity and in their bliss. I'm your host Alara Sage. I am a womb shaman and I am an activator of Kundalini Shakti. I help.<br><br>most men and women actually to create exactly what they desire no matter the obstacle. So it is about understanding ourselves as the creatrix as the creator and really learning how to powerfully utilize our creative life force energy in our life. So we our we're on part three here part three of.<br><br>A three -part series. And this is about creator consciousness. So we've already gone over the first part, which was the sacral and the primary distortion there of inadequacy. The second part was the heart and the primary distortion there of non -acceptance. And today we are on the third part, which is the pineal, the third eye. And this is really about the three creator centers.<br><br>and understanding them on a deeper level so that, again, you can create exactly what you desire, no matter the obstacles. OK, so let's dive into it. Today is the third eye, the pineal. And the primary distortion here is of.<br><br>vision or a lack of vision. And.<br><br>Alara (01:57.117)<br>I don't just mean to actually have vision. What I mean by that is I work with a variety of different people. And some people are what's called clairvoyant. They can see in their mind's eye imagery. They can receive information that way. And some people are not as clairvoyant, because in all honesty,<br><br>We have all of the clairs, but we have the ones that we are stronger in. So even if you're not clairvoyant, you can absolutely become clairvoyant. But I find that a lot of people are claircognates and clairsentience, which is the clair knowing, the knowing or the feeling of something. But what I'm referring to is vision, the ability to have.<br><br>vision in your life the ability to have a vision for your life and This of course because it's a creator center it correlates very strongly to the center Which is the heart which holds our hearts desires, right the things that are our soul wants to create an experience in<br><br>this life. So the pineal, the third eye is really about having a vision for that, having a vision for your life. Okay, let's get into it a little bit more. In understanding that the third eye chakra governs the pineal gland, but you know, it's also, you know, the pineal gland is truly a third eye. It has a structure.<br><br>biological anatomical structure of an eye. And what it does is it sees light that our physical eyes do not see. Okay, so it is seeing light that is outside of our visible spectrum. It's important to understand that light is information. Our entire reality,<br><br>Alara (04:23.485)<br>including all that is physical, is truly created of photons. Everything is light. Everything is information. So when we are reading, quote unquote, the subtle spectrum of light, we are reading the information that that light carries.<br><br>in any given moment like this moment right now, there is both the visible light spectrum that which you see with your physical eyes. Then there are a bunch of other light spectrums that you cannot see with your third eye. You can tune into and quote unquote see read sense that information. So this is known as psychic abilities and<br><br>That's the reception that happens in the third eye. So the third eye receives the information just as your physical eyes do. The other side of this chakra, the third eye chakra, is that it also projects light into our holographic reality. So it's almost as if you have a projector.<br><br>Right there, smack dab in your forehead. And if you really consider that our reality is holographic, you are constantly projecting imagery into your reality. OK. So the third eye both receives information via light as well as it projects information via light.<br><br>Alara (06:22.749)<br>It's also important to understand that this chakra, the third eye chakra, also governs the ears. And the ears are kind of shared between the throat and the third eye, because the ears also receive information. But it sounds just like your throat emits information via sound. But I do find that the third eye has some level of translation.<br><br>of information received through the ears as well. And of course, you know, this is our frontal lobe and this is attached to our brain, our mind. And a lot of the power of this particular creator center has to do with your mind, your thoughts, and your ability to master your mind.<br><br>the ability to not have control over, but utilize the tool that is your mind.<br><br>Many people simply have a monkey mind. They are just spewing thoughts at a radical amount, whatever that is, per minute. It's a very high amount. And they don't really stop those thoughts, slow those thoughts down. Many people don't even consider the thoughts. Their thoughts just spew all the time.<br><br>It's important to understand what this is doing if you are in this space, because those thoughts are those projections happening. It's like the disco light that flickers rapidly. And your energy, your creative life force energy is going into those thoughts. So I like to say that it's like taking a paintbrush and just splattering paint all over.<br><br>Alara (08:33.821)<br>a canvas all over a room. There's no definition. There's no vision. There's no intention to what is being created. It's just a random placement of paint onto the canvas.<br><br>Alara (08:57.565)<br>And I don't think that's what you want. I don't think you want to randomly create your reality because not only are you randomly creating your reality when you don't have mastery over your mind, you are actually creating it primarily from your subconscious mind, which is rooted in trauma until you have really come to terms with your trauma. So,<br><br>Not only are you randomly spewing paint all over the canvas of your life, you are randomly spewing traumatic paint all over the canvas of your life.<br><br>And I want that to be a little heavy. I want that to be a weight, a bullet, an arrow, perhaps, that hits you right now.<br><br>Because the truth is that most people don't want to put the effort into learning how to slow their mind down, to meditate, to be in states of stillness. And maybe I get it. I definitely found it very challenging when I first meditated to, well, basically do anything but have these like,<br><br>immense amount of number of thoughts running through my head. Like you become hyper aware of how active your mind is. So do you just give up because Hey, your mind is so active.<br><br>Alara (10:40.157)<br>But that's the point. The point is, your mind is so active. Why don't you learn to master it? So yeah, it might be calling you out a little bit right now that if you haven't spent time learning how to come into presence, come into your body, sacral chakra,<br><br>So you can relax, create space between those thoughts. Your creative process is always going to be hit and miss.<br><br>Now, you know your way of meditating your way of slowing your brainwaves down is is up to you There's lots of different ways to learn how to do that<br><br>It's not really important how you do it. It's important that you practice it, that you do it so that your mind and your subconscious mind aren't running your life, that your heart is fundamentally running, creating your reality.<br><br>Alara (11:55.069)<br>On top of a very overactive mind, the primary distortion actually of the third eye is not an active mind. It actually has to do with God and religious programming.<br><br>Alara (12:21.245)<br>If you have been listening to me, you will know that I'm not against religion. And I also, just like anything, there are those who are truly bringing through the message in an aligned way. And there are those who are using the message to manipulate. That's the same in spirituality. Like it doesn't matter. There's always people who are trying to utilize tools, even good tools for negative.<br><br>benefits, right? So I'm not dogging on spirituality, or excuse me, on religion.<br><br>And simultaneously, religion was really created and, well, I should say emphasized during moments where humanity was very unconscious. Humanity was not self -aware is what I mean by unconscious. Not that they were actually unconscious, but not conscious, not self -aware.<br><br>And in those periods, there was more of a need for a level of.<br><br>you have to do this or else. Because when people aren't self -aware, they're not aware of the fact that they're creating their reality. They're not aware of their trauma, their own internal workings. They're solely focused on the external reality. And when people aren't self -aware to that level that people were when we were so deep, deep down in consciousness of humanity,<br><br>Alara (14:06.109)<br>It doesn't work to speak to them from a space of, hey, yeah, feel your body, feel your emotions, heal your trauma. They're not, they're nowhere connected to that. They're nowhere near connected to it. So largely what was used was external forces to help people regulate their integrity and values. Meaning, hey, if you do this, you're a sinner and you go to hell.<br><br>Ironically enough, there was a place in humanity where we needed that. We had no north, we had no sense of integrity, and we needed some sort of outside force to be like basically a mother or father. You have to do this or else.<br><br>Now, along with that came a lot of teachings that, you know, you're not connected to God directly. You have to go to a priest, a pastor, you know, a minister, all the different ways to hear the word of God, to connect to God. And again, a lot of these systems were used to manipulate and to control humanity.<br><br>And so what happened in that process is that humans began to really believe that they were not connected to God, that they weren't worthy of such a connection. And thus closing down to the father, because there wasn't even a conversation of the mother in those times, right? It was just the male white man with a beard in the sky.<br><br>which really represented a father figure. So there wasn't even a conversation of the mother. And so what that did is it really closed down the crown and the third eye quite radically. On top of that chord distortion saying you're not connected to God, you have to go through, you know,<br><br>Alara (16:21.885)<br>a minister, a saint, a pastor, or somebody else that is connected to God to hear that word. That's the primary distortion, that disconnection.<br><br>On top of that, you know, psychics and psychic powers were deemed demonic. And so a lot of people really shut those powers down, became very fearful of those powers. So to clarify, when I say psychic powers, I do mean.<br><br>to be able to read subtle energies, right? This is like somebody who actually works as a psychic. Those are psychic powers. We're also speaking to telepathy. We're also speaking to oracle capacity. We're also speaking to seeing and reading energy and information. Being like a psychic, what do I want to say?<br><br>Somebody who reads the health of another person. OK. Shamanic powers, right? The ability to communicate with the other worlds to those who have passed mediumship. All of these kinds of powers. Sorcery, which is a lot of using the third eye and the mind to manipulate energy, was deemed demonic.<br><br>Okay? So, you know, hey, you're not connected to God and any of these powers that you have are demonic and you'll be, you know, you'll go to hell if you use them.<br><br>Alara (18:12.957)<br>That's a very powerful teaching. And, you know, when you teach something like hell and Satan, it creates a great deal of fear. And people don't want that. They don't want to live their life, you know, quote unquote, their afterlife for eternity and in hell. And they believe that they only have one life.<br><br>So this is it, and then there's eternity afterlife. And that's where you have the opportunity for ecstasy and bliss and all these beautiful things, once you just got to basically get through this nastiness. But you got to behave, or else you won't even get that. Those are the teachings, which from my perspective are totally.<br><br>Alara (19:08.765)<br>obscene. But again, we were in a place in humanity where there wasn't any self -awareness. So the distortion of disconnection from God, that you are not directly connected to the Father,<br><br>and the information that you can get from the father, which is intellect and intelligence.<br><br>Alara (19:39.197)<br>And you're not allowed to have any psychic abilities. So these distortions closed down the third eye and also closed down the crown quite substantially. And that was passed down generation after generation.<br><br>And what also another higher self is reminding me right now, another form in which, ironically, this chakra was distorted is through the power of imagination. And that's really what the power of this chakra is, is imagination. But if you think about,<br><br>how our society views imagination. Up until recently, it has deemed it a waste of time.<br><br>You know, La La Land, Dreamland, you've always got your head up in the clouds, right? Wasting your time with imagination.<br><br>make believe, fairy tell, all these subtle ways which we have programmed and been programmed to believe that imagination is childish and that it's like a complete waste of time. You're wasting your time if you're spending any of your energy and imagination. And so.<br><br>Alara (21:13.566)<br>Yeah, we really shut down.<br><br>Our imagination. We shut down our third eye.<br><br>In the realm of creator consciousness, this chakra really serves in imagination. So we have the sacral, which is our magnetic energy. We have the heart, which is our heart's desires coming from our soul. And then we have the third eye, which is using our imagination.<br><br>to project into the holographic reality. It's like using your projector to play the story that you want to play.<br><br>And they've proven that imagination, the brain experiences imagination exactly like it does with reality. So when you are in an imaginative space, your brain is perceiving it to be real, as is your body. So you are activating the sensations and the feelings of that imagination. This is very powerful in creative consciousness because.<br><br>Alara (22:38.237)<br>You are literally activating the vibration of that vision into physical form through the body. Remember, your body is always in the present moment. So we want it to be in the vibration that we are trying to create. And we can do that.<br><br>Cough cough<br><br>Alara (23:07.261)<br>And we can do that through our imagination.<br><br>Alara (23:13.117)<br>As I mentioned at the beginning, this is also about vision.<br><br>Alara (23:20.157)<br>Because people are disconnected from their heart's desires, most people don't have a vision for their life. And some people who that do have a vision, it's very programmed. It's what society says that they should want and desire.<br><br>This shows up as, you know, desiring some sort of success. External. It's, you know, even the family and, you know, the white picket fence. And I mean, just the fact that we have a term for the white picket fence and the American dream. That is a very basic vision that supposedly everybody should have the same vision says so much.<br><br>Like your vision is to have a house with a white picket fence and a family. And that's it. That's your vision.<br><br>Alara (24:26.429)<br>That's really intriguing to me because each of us is completely unique and for all of us to have the same vision is not true. But if we are told enough times that that is our vision, then we will believe it. And this isn't so much for my generation, but it's definitely happened for the baby boomers and some of the generations before them.<br><br>This is your vision. This is what you want to create in your life. Now go create it.<br><br>Meanwhile, most people are radically disconnected from their actual desires and feeling really unfulfilled in life and not understanding why, particularly those who are very successful quote unquote, right? Because they're doing all the things that they thought were their desires and their vision. And every time they do it and fulfill it and create it, it is completely lack luster.<br><br>or it has a temporary high, like a localized orgasm, that is very sharp to peak and very sharp to fall. The full body orgasm, the ecstatic state of self, the orgasm is much longer and it sustains and leaves you with a much more palatable ecstatic energy than a localized orgasm.<br><br>Alara (26:04.829)<br>You know, life is sexual. Everything. Everything in your life is sexual.<br><br>So the more you see it that way, the more you can actually harness the power of your sexual energy.<br><br>Alara (26:20.541)<br>So all of these things that people are creating are peaked to give them a high like a localized genital orgasm. And then all of a sudden, wow, on to the next thing because that's now gone. Whereas a heart's desires and truly having a vision that is aligned with those desires. Every single moment has not necessarily that high, but that pleasure.<br><br>the pleasure of the pleasure body every single moment is pleasurable as the pleasure body continues to be filled and expand until there is, you know, ecstatic full body orgasm for minutes, potentially even hours.<br><br>Alara (27:15.997)<br>So vision, not having vision.<br><br>Do you have vision?<br><br>Do you have a vision for your life that lights you up and seems so incredibly true to who you are? Like when you think about it, you get lit in your body. Literally, you get lit in your sexual energy. And it's like, of course.<br><br>that's what I'd be creating even though maybe you weren't connected to that your whole life. Like I will say that my life has taken very different twists and turns than I would have imagined in my early 20s. However, that being said, the visions and the desires have remained the same.<br><br>Alara (28:17.821)<br>So the ability to hold that vision, to have the vision first, right? Which again is cultivated through your heart's desires, your heart chakra. And then through those desires, creating that vision in your mind that triggers, lights up your sexual energy.<br><br>because we want the vision to impregnate our sexual energy, want the vision to impregnate our reality. If you think about the third eye is the masculine.<br><br>The vision is the masculine. And so he is penetrating your physical reality with thought, with intentional thought, with intentional vision, and impregnating the sexual energy as he envisions that, right? Because it lights the body up. It lights the sexual energy up. It lights up the feminine.<br><br>And then he impregnates her with that vision. And then the child is revealed. Your genius, your desires.<br><br>Alara (29:44.605)<br>quite beautiful.<br><br>Alara (29:50.173)<br>So for this chakra, it is about releasing any programming that you have that says that you're not directly connected to God, that you were never separate, that there is no such thing as separation, that you are allowed to be psychic, you are allowed to be imaginative, you are allowed to be creative and out of the box thinking, right? Because even that is kind of like,<br><br>what you can't think outside the box you can't bring in new ideas you have to fit your mind into the box right and then also<br><br>You know, do you have the capacity to drop your brainwaves down? Do you have the capacity to move into a state of no thought where you can actually hear?<br><br>Alara (30:45.885)<br>consciousness where you can hear your higher self where you can see and read the subtle information fields because those are all best found in stillness not in action.<br><br>Alara (31:12.669)<br>And really.<br><br>Alara (31:17.917)<br>you know, giving yourself permission to hold the vision.<br><br>This is probably one of the hardest aspects of consciously creating your reality, is holding the vision.<br><br>Alara (31:38.333)<br>The truth is that it's not about the end result.<br><br>It's never about the thing we're trying to create. It's literally about the journey of creating it. And sometimes we don't want to hear that. We want the thing.<br><br>But if we're just going after the thing, then we are not allowing ourselves the pleasure of desire.<br><br>And it's in the pleasure of desire that the sacral really becomes magnetic.<br><br>And it's in the pleasure of desire that we get lit sexually, that we get lit with life, that we feel alive because there is something that we yearn for. And if it is a heart's desire, that thing that we yearn for means a lot to us.<br><br>Alara (32:43.325)<br>Largely in humanity, we have not allowed ourselves to acknowledge desires, let alone actually feel the energy of desire in our body, in our sexual energy.<br><br>And then if you've allowed yourself to feel it, now you have to hold the vision of it without expectation of how and when it will be created because creation.<br><br>It takes time and it takes space.<br><br>Alara (33:27.197)<br>And again, it's not about the end result. So, you know, humans are so set on quick fixes and instant gratification. And those kinds of teachings are further separating humans from understanding the creatrix within themselves, the creator within themselves.<br><br>because those quick fixes are surface level. They are the genital orgasm.<br><br>And if you've only ever had a genital orgasm, then you don't know what I'm speaking about. And all I can do is tell you that there is a lot more than that. And when you start having full body orgasms and as a woman, cervical orgasms and just these massive, massive, powerful places of ecstasy.<br><br>Alara (34:35.997)<br>You definitely don't want the quick fix of the localized orgasm. But not only do you not want it, it actually takes from you.<br><br>Alara (34:51.197)<br>I hope that you can comprehend what I'm saying because I'm speaking sexually, but I'm referring also to life. The quick fixes, the...<br><br>you know, get it now. Instant gratification actually steals from the overall experience.<br><br>of your pleasure body of your ecstatic self. Because when you do that, you don't foster the relationship with desire.<br><br>and with pleasure, you just give yourself something really fast. This goes for drugs, alcohol. This goes for shopping online. This goes for literally anything that's just like, do this and get it now.<br><br>The creative process is not that. So I invite you to acknowledge where you're expecting it to be that way and perhaps where you're addicted to that. And if you've never had a full body orgasm or as a woman a cervical orgasm, then just simply invite yourself into the understanding or the concept that there is so much more.<br><br>Alara (36:21.597)<br>than you have experienced. And your instant gratification and your addiction to that is stealing from it.<br><br>I could do a whole episode just on that. Maybe I will. Maybe that'll be the next one.<br><br>because I just had some deeper understanding in myself, which is so profound and beautiful. I would love to share it with you all, but I want you to really consider the localized, the genital orgasm, because this is a symbol to life. Sex is a symbol of life. The act of sex in the bedroom is a symbol of life. Your sexual energy and your ability...<br><br>to be with it and move it and enjoy it and experience it is a symbol of life. Life is sexual. So the genital, the localized orgasm is a hit, but it is shallow. And like I said, peaks hard and fast and doesn't allow you to build your pleasure body to build.<br><br>through the experience and the sensations of desire to ultimately experience satiation that is deep within the self and only happens through vulnerability.<br><br>Alara (37:56.605)<br>So be aware also of what you feed your eyes quick fixes, quick information, quick, quick, quick that you are giving contact to your eyes to your third eye because a vision isn't quick content. A vision has to be held and continuously granted energy and love.<br><br>And if you do this, you will create it.<br><br>I'm not saying it will be easy and it most likely won't be instantaneous, but you will create it and you will feel satiated, ecstatic, fulfilled, joyous along the way.<br><br>Alara (38:58.717)<br>I hope this has made you more aware of the three creator centers. There's so much more information about each one of them, about how we really embody them, and how we ultimately use all three together in what I call sexual magic, because it is using our sexual energy to create what we desire. But sexual magic doesn't have to be with a partner. It's just the power of your.<br><br>sexual energy. And I don't see other people teaching this. I'm not trying to say that that means anything. I just have researched a lot of sexual magic and it all has to do with sex. And sex is a part of it, but it's not the whole story. It's not the whole story. So I hope this has brought you some inspiration, some insight, some wisdom to your experience. And I hope you have.<br><br>been able to see maybe these distortions in yourself that you can begin to shift them and bring yourself back into activate yourself within your creative power. As always, I'm so grateful for you. So grateful that you listen to me and.<br><br>Every Tuesday remember is a solo episode like this one and then every Thursday is the guest episode and I'm always open to receive feedback. You can always email me info at Alara sage .com. If there's anything that inspired you or triggered you even and or if there's any topic that you would love for me to cover. I can't guarantee that I will cover it. It will depend on if it desires to arise through me.<br><br>But I can absolutely invite it in and see if it desires to play. And I would love to hear that from you. If you desire any support with creator consciousness, I have a variety of different modalities and opportunities. So various different levels of investment of time and money, group programs, one on ones, self -study.<br><br>Alara (41:22.877)<br>So if any of this intrigues you, you can absolutely reach out to me. You can email me and we can have a conversation about how I can support you. Because if this is resonating with you, then most likely you're ready, my love. You're ready to take on more of your creator power. I love you all so very much. Until next time.<br><br><br></p>

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