The Core Belief of Separation: Uncovering the Source of Human Suffering - Solopisode

The Core Belief of Separation: Uncovering the Source of Human Suffering - Solopisode
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The Core Belief of Separation: Uncovering the Source of Human Suffering - Solopisode

Dec 19 2023 | 00:39:40

Episode 44 December 19, 2023 00:39:40

Hosted By

Alara Sage

Show Notes

"The core belief that causes all suffering in humanity, the core belief that causes all human suffering is the belief of separation." - Alara Sage

To feel separate from Divinity is deeply painful.  In fact, it is the most painful experience possible.  Thus pain causes humans a great deal of suffering.

But do we have to suffer?   Can we change our beliefs and realize our unity with Divinity?

Join Alara Sage for a powerful and deep conversation on this topic.

  1. The core belief that causes all human suffering is the belief of separation from divinity.
  2. Disconnection from ourselves and others is a common struggle, but it can be transformed into deep connection and intimacy.
  3. Authenticity and self-love are essential for deep connection and intimacy with oneself and others.
  4. Deep connection and intimacy with oneself and others can lead to transformation, healing, and a sense of unity with divinity.
  5. The journey towards deep connection and intimacy is a courageous and vulnerable process that requires self-awareness and self-acceptance.

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Episode Transcript

<p><!--block-->Alara Sage (00:06.326)<br>where we activate and inspire women in their power, in their authenticity, in their ecstasy, really deeper into who you, my love, truly are. I'm your host, Alara Sage. I am the Ecstatic Life Mentor. I'm a womb shaman. I am an activator and facilitator of Shakti, of the creative life force energy that moves through us. I'm really here to help women<br><br>to themselves and ultimately reconnect to divinity and really my overall<br><br>is for unity consciousness. The place of unity consciousness is where we meet our ecstatic selves. It is my belief that we are naturally ecstatic beings and it is in sixth density consciousness, unity consciousness, where we experience that true ecstatic self. And it is through disconnection that humanity has<br><br>Alara Sage (01:14.913)<br>depth of pleasure and sensuality and joy and love. And that's what we're here to talk about today. Disconnection.<br><br>You know, always in these SIL episodes, I do my best to really bring my story and my personal experiences through for you in hopes that it will perhaps shine light on something that you aren't seeing in your life or maybe inspire you or perhaps make you laugh. Any and all of the above and anything else is totally great. Whatever works for you and however you receive it.<br><br>Disconnection has been my quote unquote, primary battle. I speak a lot here of my belief of inadequacy. And I would say that's my core belief structure. But the disconnection has been like my struggle in life, so to speak, my challenge, I prefer to say. But I haven't always seen it as a challenge. I have sometimes in my earlier years seen it absolutely as a struggle.<br><br>Alara Sage (02:25.166)<br>It's so obvious to me how much humans deeply desire connection. And I was no different. You know, since I was a young girl, I desired love. Right? Don't we all desire love? I desired a partnership. And it has always been very much a part of who I am.<br><br>There have even been times in my life where I've kind of chastised myself for that. You know, when I moved through my spiritual journey, I kind of thought, oh, it's wrong to desire another person or desire, you know, to desire to want to have a relationship with another person. I should just be able to find God in myself. And while that's not wrong,<br><br>I definitely have a more evolved outlook on it where I just greatly, deeply value.<br><br>Alara Sage (03:25.678)<br>respect, intimate, particularly relationships, but all relationships and the human connection. Let's just take a moment to breathe into our bodies right here. Okay, just take a moment to breathe all the way down to your pussy and exhale. Let's do that again. All the way down to your pussy and exhale. One more time.<br><br>Alara Sage (03:55.314)<br>down to your pussy.<br><br>Alara Sage (04:01.038)<br>human connection.<br><br>I think in and of itself that word can be very triggering. But what's more triggering is the actual experience of human connection. And so what that creates is this push-pull, right? This push-pull between the desire for connection, desire for intimacy, the desire to be seen and accepted, which only happens in connection, in authentic connection.<br><br>And yet this push away from all of it, right? And again, I was very good at this because I've always been very, very independent. I'm a highly independent person and yet desired so deeply to have partner and intimacy.<br><br>And so talk about a push and pull in and of myself, right? So I feel like I've, through my own experience, really grown quite intimate with this push-pull and how I see that in other relationships, how I see that in people, and really the pain it causes us. It's important to understand that the core belief that causes all suffering in humanity,<br><br>The core belief that causes all human suffering is the belief of separation, that we are separate from divinity. Now, this isn't necessarily a conscious belief, it's a subconscious belief. And it's deeply ingrained in our bodies and in our DNA. Because if we believed that we were connected...<br><br>Alara Sage (05:56.718)<br>to divinity, we would understand that we're connected to each other. We wouldn't be harming each other anymore because we harm the other, we harm the self. And we wouldn't be... There's so many things we wouldn't be doing. We would be...<br><br>deeply grounded and connected to love and the movement of the Shakti, the movement of the creative life force energy through us. And as I said at the beginning of this episode, we would be in ecstasy, we would be in our ecstatic selves.<br><br>Alara Sage (06:38.83)<br>I say that it's such a vague concept that people are like sweet ecstatic self. Sounds great. And all I can say is I've experienced that sometimes I've dipped my toe into the sensation of the ecstatic self. I can't claim to be living my ecstatic self completely because I'm not.<br><br>but I've dipped my toe into it and it's like this constant of orgasm. It's not the wave of orgasm that moves through the body because it's kind of beyond that. It's kind of like post-orgasm, particularly post full body orgasm and then increase that by a lot. That's how the ecstatic self feels.<br><br>And there are moments where I've been in that energy in it, just in it where I am my ecstatic self. And then I have a lot of ecstatic bliss hits and moments of ecstatic bliss. And what I've really learned from all of it is this just deep pain of disconnection.<br><br>Alara Sage (07:56.578)<br>And you gotta be fucking joking me.<br><br>Alara Sage (08:13.398)<br>Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the Ecstatic Woman podcast, where we activate and inspire women in their power, in their authenticity, in their ecstatic bliss, in who you, my love, truly are.<br><br>I'm your host, Alara Sage. I am the Ecstatic Life Mentor. I am a Wulm Shaman and I'm an activator and facilitator of Shakti, the creative life force energy that moves through our body, ultimately to our crown, when we reach liberation. Shakti is our liberating power. It is the power that liberates us. What does she liberate us from?<br><br>She liberates us from the core belief that we are separate from God.<br><br>And that's what we're here to talk about today. We're here to talk about disconnection. We're here to talk about this core belief, the core belief that causes all human suffering. And that core belief is that we are separate from God.<br><br>Alara Sage (09:33.334)<br>You can see how this causes us pain, maybe. And maybe you can see how that pain causes us to fight each other.<br><br>and create all this force in our society, right? Because if we actually understood that we are connected to divinity at all times, we would stop hurting each other because it's all one. And when we hurt other, we hurt self. And we would be able to relax into the fact that we are deeply supported and loved unconditionally, regardless, no matter what.<br><br>But because we don't believe that we fight and struggle and create a lot of pain for ourselves. And, you know, that's like the big picture, right? And this is my mission in life is to help people to reconnect women and men, but I really focus on women to reconnect to their wombs and their pussies and their womanhood.<br><br>because, well, that's been really the lost energy on our planet for over 5,000 years. But ultimately to reconnect themselves, the self, to God. It is the path of tantra. And it is sixth density consciousness. Sixth density consciousness is the consciousness of unity.<br><br>Alara Sage (11:06.962)<br>Unity Consciousness.<br><br>Alara Sage (11:11.338)<br>In and of itself, we have quite a lot of fear around that. And maybe you're getting triggered right now. If you feel any level of discomfort or kind of like, whoa, what is that? Fantastic. Congratulations. You're just aware of that fear, because it's a fear that humans hold. And that fear is a loss of our autonomy, a loss of our individuality. And<br><br>just not something, in all honesty, that we're going to experience as humans. But the fear is valid.<br><br>Alara Sage (11:51.594)<br>And regardless of whether you can connect to what I mean or even the concept of unity consciousness, let's bring it back to like the human experience, right? Because this limiting belief that we are separate from divinity, separate from God, is what creates this disconnection.<br><br>And it's very paradoxical because part of us seek, humans seek more than anything, yearn for, long for, seek deep connection, intimacy, the availability to be fully authentic and accepted and seen. That's what we want above everything else.<br><br>to be loved.<br><br>And yet we push it away. So why is that? Why the push-pull? And perhaps you can relate to this in yourself. Perhaps you can relate to desiring connection and intimacy, and yet finding yourself disconnecting. Perhaps into social media, into your phone, into the mind, into the mind fuckery, where you're just constantly<br><br>mind fucking yourself with ideas and thoughts over and over and over. Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts.<br><br>Alara Sage (13:24.49)<br>Wait, what about the moment? What about my body? What about my pleasure? Right?<br><br>And this is something that I have a really close relationship with. And you know, it's why I teach it. It's why I'm very passionate about it because it's part of my journey. It's been absolutely 100% part of my journey, which makes sense, right? Because we're here to teach what we move through ourselves. And boy, haven't I moved through disconnection. You know, I.<br><br>Alara Sage (14:04.434)<br>I felt very unseen as a child and, um, and then was deeply betrayed by very close friends and then by boyfriends. And as I've said on here before, it just made me say, you know, screw this, right? Screw humanity. I will protect myself with armor and all of these things and disconnect myself because I'm clearly the only one I can rely on.<br><br>And that's disconnection.<br><br>Alara Sage (14:36.994)<br>And the interesting thing about disconnection is we think that it empowers us when it actually deeply disempowers us.<br><br>Alara Sage (14:48.886)<br>But I wouldn't have heard that had you told me that 10 years ago. We're probably going more towards 15 years at this time. If you would have told me that 15 years ago, maybe even 10 years ago. I wouldn't have fully believed it. I might have nodded my head and gone, sure, great. But I was not ready to drop that armor. I didn't believe that it was safe.<br><br>Alara Sage (15:20.222)<br>And that's really what it's about, right? It's about safety. It's about the feeling of being safe in our bodies and the belief that we are safe in our bodies and safe in our life, in humanity. And like, let's be really honest, right? Like that's not necessarily what the reflection has always been. Right? Like our, our actual experience has not always been of safety.<br><br>So why is that? Right? Why, if we're so safe, why don't we experience safety? Why do we experience the opposite of that? And, you know, that's really because of the core belief of humanity that we are separate. And this has been past, I mean, this has been the energy of humanity. So it's deeply ingrained in our bodies and in our DNA. It's something that is deeply subconscious.<br><br>So we are going around believing that we're separate and therefore we have to protect ourselves and we have to fight for our lives and for our power and for our success. And a lot of people do that in the way of harming others.<br><br>because we don't understand that we're all one. Because again, if we did, we would stop harming each other.<br><br>Alara Sage (16:48.338)<br>And so at the core of it is this paradox. And I always say that in paradox is where God is found because paradox is where duality meets, right? Paradox is like, there's this and there's that, and they're seemingly totally opposite. And when they come together, it creates the Trinity, the divine Trinity, the Trinity of source.<br><br>The 369, the key of the universe.<br><br>Alara Sage (17:22.574)<br>Because when duality meets, God is revealed. When duality meets, the divinity is revealed. The mother, the father meeting the child is revealed, is born. And so that's the beauty of paradox.<br><br>So we have this on one side, we have this deep desire for intimacy and connection. And then on the other side, we have this fear.<br><br>that it's not safe to be intimate and connected, that we will lose control, we will lose our autonomy, we will lose our identity, we will lose our individuality.<br><br>Alara Sage (18:04.158)<br>and where those two meet.<br><br>is where God is revealed.<br><br>And so what do I mean by that, right? Cause like, what?<br><br>Alara Sage (18:19.89)<br>It's when we have the courage to move towards, like if we're in this belief, even subconsciously, that we're separate and that it's unsafe to be open to people. And remember all those times I was betrayed? C, validation, right? But again, that was already in your DNA, my love. You created that. We all created it.<br><br>So when we move from this belief structure of I'm not safe towards I desire intimacy, I desire connection and I'm courageous enough to take action towards it, to move towards it, that's where we have that duality meet and God has revealed. So it's in our own personal process of connecting with our bodies.<br><br>Connecting in with a moment. Connecting, connecting, connecting. First and foremost, always with the self.<br><br>Because there's a lot that you'll find there that just isn't true and is distorted and is karmic and is traumatic and all these things that are just sitting in our body making it uncomfortable that make us not want to connect to our bodies.<br><br>Alara Sage (19:48.658)<br>that when we do connect to them and release them, we're much more available to actually connect to other people authentically.<br><br>And there's something that really beautiful happens when you're authentic. It's, it's like this superpower that when you're authentic, you give permission to other people to be authentic with you. When you're authentic, people feel safe to be authentic. Even if they can't fully access it, they'll feel safe to even try even just a little bit. Now that's really beautiful. That's quite the gift. If you think about it.<br><br>Alara Sage (20:33.622)<br>But you know, this disconnection, this inauthenticity is so deeply painful because what it creates is it creates a lack of connection, a lack of intimacy, even with our intimate partners, even with our friends and our beloveds. And most importantly, with our selves.<br><br>That's what inauthenticity is. It's a lack of connection with your true essence.<br><br>Alara Sage (21:09.746)<br>So why, you know, why do we keep doing this? Right? Why do we insist on this disconnection, this inauthenticity when we so deeply desire it, right? That push-pull again, right? And it is the fear of safety. And we also hold a great deal of shame in our bodies.<br><br>And it's not shame that we're, again, necessarily conscious of. I was not conscious of my shame. It's shame that you've acquired for yourself, perhaps around your physical body, perhaps around things that you've done in your life that you're not quote unquote, proud of. Um, and then it goes back to your childhood when, you know, we were taught to be a good girl or a good boy or a good person.<br><br>and we did something that wasn't in that box and we got shamed for it. I mean, I was literally told, shame on you.<br><br>That is a curse.<br><br>To say shame on you is actually a curse. And doesn't all religion, or I shouldn't say all religion, that's just not really fair. Don't some religion say shame on you? They literally use that word. And the reason it's a curse is because shame is the lowest vibration next to death. It is diabolic. It leads you towards death. It does not lead you towards aliveness.<br><br>Alara Sage (22:50.498)<br>And I'm not even talking about death of the body. I'm talking about the death within yourself, the dullness, the numbing, the, the imploding, the, the dullness, the numbness, the diabolicalness of your pleasure of your ecstatic self. So you can think of your ecstatic self as dying, whether you actually physically die or not. That's what shame does. It kills your ecstatic self. Whoa.<br><br>That's a big statement. I've never actually said that. And didn't it resonate so strongly?<br><br>Alara Sage (23:31.21)<br>So we hold the shame of our bodies, shame of ourselves and...<br><br>Alara Sage (23:38.082)<br>that causes us to not want to show ourselves to anybody because we don't really believe that who we are is okay. And as I say that, my heart just.<br><br>Alara Sage (23:53.774)<br>feels so much for humanity. My heart feels so much for anybody and everybody who truly believes that who they are in their essence is somehow wrong or bad or not enough, because that is so incredibly painful. Because then all we do is try to be somebody else, which never fits.<br><br>It's like putting on a mask and a costume that doesn't fit right. It either restricts your movement or it chafes and rubs, creates sores everywhere. You might be able to wear it, but it does not feel good. Your authentic self, excuse me, your authentic self feels free. You feel liberated as you connect to your authentic self. And that's what connection is.<br><br>Connection is connecting to that authentic version of yourself, first and foremost. And then absolutely bringing that to other people.<br><br>Because when you connect into yourself, you connect into divinity, remember? And you connect into that power and you connect into that source and you connect into that love, that love. And it creates self-love and self-love is impossible to break. A self-love is, makes you invincible, makes you indestructible. Because<br><br>You will do whatever it takes to maintain your own integrity. And you will. And by the way, your own integrity will never harm another person. OK, that's not what integrity is. Integrity is self-love and self-love is love of all. But it will absolutely hold boundaries. It will absolutely say no. It'll absolutely say yes. It will absolutely hold. Protection and support of self.<br><br>Alara Sage (26:01.046)<br>And it will align you to life and align you to others. And you can't be manipulated and you can't be coerced and you can't be scammed and you can't be taken and you can't be betrayed.<br><br>Alara Sage (26:19.638)<br>You cannot be betrayed when you are in self-love.<br><br>Alara Sage (26:27.562)<br>And that's a really interesting thing to understand. Doesn't mean that you wouldn't experience the external process of betrayal. You just won't feel betrayed. That's the difference. You won't receive the betrayal because you don't betray yourself anymore. That's what betrayal is. It's betrayal of self.<br><br>Alara Sage (26:53.246)<br>So for me, you know, in my process.<br><br>Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted intimacy. I wanted a partner. I wanted love. And then going through the betrayal that I went through just closed me off. Right. And man, if I ever felt that push pull, right. I'd like desiring intimacy union with an other, and then being like,<br><br>Well, it's just not safe. So I will engage in these relationships in a level of control. I will engage in this relationship as much as I feel safe. And I will hold it at arm's length and I will leave whenever I feel like it's not safe anymore or whatever it is.<br><br>Alara Sage (27:52.466)<br>And so my process of connecting to myself and then connecting to my partner has been transformational. And...<br><br>Realizing how powerful that really is. Realizing the power of deep connection with the self, wow. And then power of deep connection with an other, whatever that looks like for you, whatever your kind of intimacy looks like for you, it is otherworldly because you are seeing yourself through another.<br><br>And it takes a great deal of courage to do that, truly. And it takes a great deal of courage for both individuals to show up authentically and allow themselves to see their divinity through the other.<br><br>Alara Sage (28:52.286)<br>So just take a breath into the body right now. Let's breathe all the way down to the pussy.<br><br>Alara Sage (28:59.714)<br>Breathe again all the way down to the pussy.<br><br>Alara Sage (29:06.333)<br>And one more time.<br><br>Alara Sage (29:12.03)<br>I just want you to become aware of.<br><br>either an active longing to be in unity, in partnership, in intimate connection with another or not. And if you don't feel that, I just ask for you to be curious of, is it just because it's not relevant for you right now? Or is it an actual resistance to? Okay. Because we're very good at convincing ourselves that we don't need it.<br><br>And there are times in our life that it's not relevant. So I'm not at all poo-pooing that or dismissing that, but it's very important to be really clear, right? Because if you're deeply desiring it and then telling yourself that you don't need it, you're creating self betrayal. We need to own what we desire. We need to own what we long for. We don't always have to understand it.<br><br>But we have to be able to own it. We have to be able to accept the fact that we long for it.<br><br>There was a part in my spiritual journey where I started to just say, I don't need a partner. And in fact, I'm better off without one because it'll just be me and God. Right. And ironically, that was the point that Danny, my partner, entered stage left. That's how it works. Right. I was like, no universe. I do not want anything to do with that. I'm just going to.<br><br>Alara Sage (30:52.47)<br>Unify with self and unify with God within. And he entered and I had to face. My rejection, right? I had to face where I was saying, I want it and I don't want it. And my betrayal and all of those really uncomfortable emotions.<br><br>Alara Sage (31:21.967)<br>And I would never trade it for anything.<br><br>Alara Sage (31:28.478)<br>Again, the transformation that happens in that closeness of another person. I would say the only replication of that is, is entrepreneurship, particularly when it's, you know, you are the brand. When it's a personal brand, because your, your business becomes a reflection, just as our intimate partners are a reflection.<br><br>And it is very challenging sometimes to see that reflection, both in your partnership and your business.<br><br>Alara Sage (32:09.89)<br>So I invite you to become curious. First off, do you have a desire for connection, for intimacy? And whether you're with somebody or not, because I've been with people and not had intimacy. This isn't about whether you're with a partner or not. Okay, I wanna make that really, really clear. My ex-husband and I did not have intimacy. Okay, we had sex, we did not have intimacy. We were really great.<br><br>team members. We were a great team. We worked really well together. We did not have deep intimate connection.<br><br>Alara Sage (32:53.334)<br>And so I ask, you know, deep intimate connection is, is unity. It's, it's divine union. And let me tell you, this is scary because in divine union with another, like I've had with my partner, you don't want to lose them.<br><br>Alara Sage (33:14.238)<br>It scares the bejesus out of you to lose them. And that was not my previous relationships. I was like, I would be sad, right? But I could do it. I got this. Like I left every single one of my boyfriends in my entire life. Every single one of them. That's my level of detachment. They could be there. They could not be there. I'm good. I'm independent. I'm solid. I got this. Right.<br><br>Bring in divine union? Wait, what? This desire to be with this person is so incredibly strong.<br><br>that it is scary to think of what will happen when I don't have that person. And that's beautiful.<br><br>Alara Sage (34:03.51)<br>Wow, I can really feel that in my body. So if you're feeling that, breathe down to your pussy.<br><br>Alara Sage (34:13.026)<br>Because it's this incredible divine union with another person is this incredible surrender into what you are together. And<br><br>Alara Sage (34:33.495)<br>There is a level of...<br><br>losing your autonomy. Not completely. No way, shape or form should you lose your autonomy because of another person? Like I want to be really clear. But there is a part. So you think of the two circles and the two circles come together. This is called a visca pisces. And where those two circles come together, that is the child. That is where God is revealed. That is the third piece. That is divinity. And that's where the autonomy is lost.<br><br>but the other part of the circle is still remaining its autonomy. Maybe this is kind of hard to understand, and it's kind of hard for me to explain. But there's a part of you that becomes one with the other person. And then there's a part of you that maintains your individuality and your autonomy. And that part of you that merges with the other person and becomes one with the other person, that's that part that says, I don't know what I'll do if I never have this person.<br><br>Alara Sage (35:38.546)<br>And it's so vulnerable that it is breathtaking.<br><br>Alara Sage (35:52.144)<br>and<br><br>Every single human being desires that.<br><br>Alara Sage (36:05.558)<br>They may not desire it very strongly, but it's just human. It's our natural state of humanity. And it doesn't have to be sexual. It can be asexual. You can have an intimate space like this with somebody and not be sexual. It's a little bit harder, but it is possible.<br><br>Alara Sage (36:32.414)<br>And even as I say that, I'm honestly questioning saying that right here right now. I'll be really, I'll be really truthful with you. I'm like, is it, is it really every single human being's deepest desire?<br><br>Alara Sage (36:48.006)<br>And what I can say is it's definitely every single human's being, every single human being's desire to be unified, right? And whether that's with another human or with God, that's truth.<br><br>Alara Sage (37:05.178)<br>And I feel like the majority of humanity deeply desires it with another human. Because it is that tantric experience of unifying with another to experience God. There's a reason that there's a teaching around it. There's a reason that tantra is one of the primary teachings that has been destroyed. Destroyed.<br><br>because of its power, because there is something very, very powerful.<br><br>And what happens when two individuals merge? Again, overlapping circles, not completely losing their autonomy, but overlapping circles merging into divine union is very, very powerful. Healing, transformative, all the things, all the things.<br><br>So coming back to, you know, kind of some homework for you is to consider what, how this conversation made you feel, right? What do you feel in your body? What my, what thoughts come up, perhaps even memories. When you think of unifying with another human of deep, intimate connection of<br><br>being so connected that you're scared to lose them. And perhaps you already have this, right? But you can still play the game. And if you don't have it, play the game.<br><br>Alara Sage (38:49.718)<br>What comes up for you? And you know, this is always done from a state of awareness and love, right? Like nothing that you could ever think or feel my love is not okay. Because the fact that it exists means that it's already accepted by God. It's already held by unconditional love. Otherwise it would not exist. That's really, really important to understand. There is nothing that you could think or feel or experience or be or do.<br><br>that is not already accepted by source itself. That's why it exists. That's why you have the capacity to think, feel, experience those things. You're the only one that's judging it, okay? So you don't need to judge these things. Allow yourself to see them. Allow yourself to feel them.<br><br>Alara Sage (39:41.834)<br>and not need them to change because that's what unconditional love is. And when we don't need something to change is when it actually is given the opportunity to transform, to alchemize, to shift, to change. It's the irony of life.<br><br>Alara Sage (40:00.49)<br>But feel into your body, recognize how this conversation made you feel. And if you're conscious of that longing, feed it, feed the longing to be intimately connected with another, because it is a true longing, my love. It is a longing that comes from your heart. And when we feed those longings, we transform our reality. Not always easefully.<br><br>sometimes challengingly, but absolutely. And isn't that what we all want? Don't we all want transformation? Most likely you wouldn't be listening to this podcast if you didn't.<br><br>Alara Sage (40:50.143)<br>Belonging is there.<br><br>Alara Sage (40:54.454)<br>because it's a beautiful way to experience divinity within.<br><br>Alara Sage (41:02.082)<br>The longing is there because in the journey of creating that experience for yourself, you will face your shame and your fear.<br><br>of annihilation, your fear of loss of autonomy, your fear of loss of control, your fear of loss of your individuality, your fear of the ego. Because kind of to throw in some higher concepts here, sixth density consciousness, unity consciousness is the density, the first density where we absolutely have no body.<br><br>Fifth density, we can often enter in with a light body, an individuated body, and then we start to lose that body. Sixth density is where individual beings actually merge together and act as one. They still have individuated thought and expression, but they start to really act as one as we move back to source in oneness complete completed.<br><br>And that's really scary because we don't want to merge with humanity, right? We don't want to merge with our society. We don't want to merge with the.<br><br>Alara Sage (42:25.254)<br>the heaviness, the pain, the suffering, all of the stuff of humanity, right? So we don't want to merge with that. And it's really not about merging with that. And in the paradox, it is about merging with that. You don't have to understand that concept. But that's the paradox.<br><br>Alara Sage (42:48.918)<br>And you most definitely don't have to think of it as merging with humanity because that's really hard on the nervous system and really hard on the sense of safety. If you just focus on merging with yourself and merging with one other person, you'll be golden.<br><br>And my whole point to that was as you feed the longing for that merging or that intimate connection or that intimate relationship with an other, you will go on the journey of facing your own betrayal. You'll face your shame. You'll face the feeling of unsafety.<br><br>Alara Sage (43:30.706)<br>And those are all the things that stop you from that intimacy, stop you from intimacy with another and the intimacy with yourself and the intimacy with life. My love life is deeply sensual and experiential. It's ecstatic.<br><br>Alara Sage (43:54.722)<br>but we have to be willing to open up and relax and let go into life.<br><br>And we do that by releasing all of those things that I said. So when you feed the longing, you begin the journey.<br><br>See, my longing was for unification with God, and it led me to my partner. It doesn't matter, right? It doesn't matter if you're feeling the longing to unify with God, with source, with pure unconditional love, with divinity, with whatever you wanna call it, or whether you're feeling the longing to merge with another human, it'll reach the same thing.<br><br>Alara Sage (44:47.03)<br>That's beautiful. That is so beautiful. And if I could say anything to you, I will say that I deeply, deeply desire that for you.<br><br>from my heart, from my womb, from my pussy, my love, I desire. I desire that intimacy for you. I desire it to you to know yourself at that level, you to know an other at that level, you to experience the beauty of what happens when we remember.<br><br>Alara Sage (45:25.058)<br>that connection, that oneness.<br><br>Alara Sage (45:32.414)<br>As always, I hope that you've enjoyed these solo episodes. And they come truly from my heart and from my womb, from my desire to bring you my experience and my journeys and my stories in hopes that it'll inspire you. It'll perhaps make you aware of something within yourself. Maybe it'll just make you laugh.<br><br>Right? Whatever, whatever it makes you do, as long as you enjoy it and you receive something from it. I am just ecstatic. So thank you so much for being here with me. It's honestly such a deep honor that you are a listener and that you partake in these moments with me.<br><br>And just a reminder, every Tuesday is these solo episodes, every Thursday is my guest episodes, and please share these episodes. Please share this podcast with others. It helps me. It's your way to say thank you to me is by sharing this with others.<br><br>Also, if you haven't subscribed to the channel, if you haven't reviewed the channel, please do so. Again, these are all ways that you can honor me and the time and energy that I spend to create this for you. I love you all so very much.<br><br><br></p>

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